Lesson I. The Profession of a Lawyer 

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Lesson I. The Profession of a Lawyer


Е. Н. Пушкина


Английский для юристов

ББК 81.2 Англ.

П 91


Л.И. Новожилова - кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры английского языка для естественнонаучных специальностей ННГУ им. Н. И. Лобачевского


Пушкина Е. Н.


Учебно-методическое пособие содержит материалы, предназначенные для работы над текстами юридической тематики при изучении дисциплины "Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции" на этапе бакалавриата. Пособие состоит из двух частей, в которых представлены тексты и задания к ним, а также приложения в виде основных правил, схем и таблиц по грамматике и фонетике английского языка.

Пособие может быть использовано студентами очного и заочного отделений.


Технический редактор Алымова Е. А.

Корректор Белякова О.В.


Подписано в печать 8.12.2011.

Формат 60 84/16. Гарнитура Times New Roman

Усл. печ. л. 2,25 Заказ Тираж 200 экз.

Отпечатано ООП НОУ ВПО "Нижегородская правовая академия" (институт)

603134, г. Н. Новгород, ул. Костина, 2 "Б"



ББК 81.2 Англ.

Пушкина Е. Н., 2011

Нижегородская правовая академия, 2011


Предисловие. 4

Part I 6

Lesson I. The Profession of a Lawyer 6

Lesson 2. State Organisation of the UK and the USA.. 15

Lesson 3. Organisations Fighting Crime. 21

Lesson 4. Investigation. 27

Part II 32

Lesson 1. History of Law.. 32

Lesson 2. Types of Law.. 37

Lesson 3. Crime and Punishment. 41

Lesson 4. The Rights of an Accused Person. Trial 45

Lesson 5 The Study of Crime and Criminals. 49

Lesson 6. Law-Enforcement Bodies. Freedom of Speech. 51

Приложение. 54

Краткий грамматический справочник. 54

Краткий справочник по фонетике английского языка. 64


Предлагаемое учебно-методическое пособие содержит тексты по широкому кругу вопросов, традиционно рассматриваемых в учебниках английского языка для факультетов и вузов юридического профиля.

Пособие состоит из двух частей. В первую часть вошли материалы начального этапа обучения, во вторую включены тексты дополнительной тематики, изучаемой на более продвинутых этапах обучения. Тексты первой части пособия снабжены словарём, представленным в виде списка слов тематической лексики к каждому из текстов. При работе над текстами второй части пособия рекомендуется использовать специальные учебные англо-русские словари, составленные на материале текстов используемой тематики: English-Russian Learner’s Dictionary (англо-русский учебный словарь): учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов II курса очного обучения / составитель канд. филолог. наук, доцент Пушкина Е. Н. – Нижний Новгород: Нижегородская правовая академия, 2008. – 40 с.; English-Russian Learner’s Dictionary =Англо-русский учебный словарь: учебно-методическое пособие для студентов III курса / Е. Н. Пушкина. – Нижний Новгород: Нижегородская правовая академия, 2010. – 72 с. Данные словари имеются в библиотеке Академии на бумажных носителях и в электронном варианте. Это не исключает, однако, возможности использования других словарей общего и специального назначения.

Связующим звеном между текстами различной тематики в пособии являются письма двух студентов, один из которых изучает право в России, другой – в одном из ведущих вузов Великобритании. Электронная переписка студентов-юристов является не только элементом оформления пособия. Их письма рассматриваются также как учебные тексты. Задания к ним направлены на контроль понимания текстов повседневной тематики и запоминание разговорных клише и оборотов, характерных для устной и письменной форм общения. При работе над письмами следует обращать внимание на их оформление, что необходимо для успешного выполнения заключительного задания пособия – написания электронного письма от своего имени с освещением предложенных вопросов. Более подробно о правилах написания письма можно узнать из раздела «Деловая переписка» учебно-методического пособия Business Communication= Деловое общение: учебно-методическое пособие / Е. Н. Пушкина. – Нижний Новгород: Нижегородская правовая академия, 2011. – 76 с.

При выполнении заданий целесообразно соблюдать следующий режим работы над текстом:


1) при первом прочтении текста попытаться понять его основное содержание без словаря;

2) ознакомиться с прилагаемым списком слов для более детального понимания прочитанного;

3) проверить адекватность понимания извлечённой из текста информации при ответе на вопросы по содержанию текста;

4) выполнить остальные задания к тексту;

5) составить свой список тематической лексики текста по аналогии с первой частью пособия;

6) попытаться запомнить новые слова и выражения, попеременно закрывая то левую, то правую колонку слов (с английскими словами и их переводом на русский язык);

7) пересказать текст, используя выделенную активную лексику.


Приложение к пособию содержит справочный материал грамматического и фонетического характера, необходимый для работы над юридическими текстами на начальном этапе обучения. Сюда входят глагольные времена, залог, спряжение глаголов по лицам и числам в разных временах и различных коммуникативных типах высказываний, части речи и их категории (падеж, число, род, или местоименное замещение, степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий). В таблице неправильных глаголов для лучшего запоминания весь массив глагольных форм, обычно приводимых в алфавитном порядке, поделён на группы в зависимости от способа образования. С этой же целью включены шуточные рифмовки, облегчающие заучивание неправильных глаголов благодаря стихотворной форме. Быстрое узнавание неправильных глаголов в тексте позволяет лучше понять содержание предложения, не теряя при этом времени на ненужные поиски второй и третьей формы глагола в словаре.

Для преодоления трудностей, возникающих при переводе слов и грамматических конструкций, в качестве дополнительного справочного материала может быть использовано учебно-методическое пособие Translation Difficulties = Трудности перевода: учебно-методическое пособие по переводу / Е. Н. Пушкина. – Нижний Новгород: Нижегородская правовая академия, 2009. – 80 с.

Краткий справочник по фонетике включает алфавит, таблицы знаков транскрипции, основных типов чтения гласных, буквосочетаний с непроизносимыми согласными. Безупречное знание алфавита требуется для эффективной работы со словарём, причём не только для нахождения слов на нужную букву, но и для определения очерёдности расположения слов в пределах лексического состава одной буквы. Владение основами фонетической стороны речи поможет правильно прочитать текст, оформить устное высказывание и адекватно воспринять иноязычную речь на слух.

Схемы и таблицы Приложения, например, «Спряжение глаголов to be и to do, таблицы времён в действительном и страдательном залоге, представляют собой не только справочный материал. Они обеспечивают возможность самостоятельной тренировки в употреблении базовых структур, к примеру, заимствованных из текстов пособия фраз и предложений, по принципу подстановочных таблиц, что является важной предпосылкой последовательного и эффективного движения вперёд в практическом освоении английского языка.

Регулярная и тщательная работа над пособием окажет помощь в подготовке к рубежному контролю, письменным работам итогового контроля и к устной части экзамена по английскому языку.


Part I

Text 1. A letter from Alex

I. Read the letter and do the tasks following it.

Нi, Steve,

It was a pleasure to read your letter, where you wrote about your student's life and interests. Thanks for the nice photos, too.

Indeed, Oxford is a great place to study. I mean the facilities for studying, the hostels and the after class activities. It was interesting to read about your clubs and your group mates. I think you are lucky to have friends who are really interested in studying law. It helps a lot in studies. I mean it’s nice to have people around who could give you some useful advice and answer catchy questions. For me, such people are my family. By the way, you asked me to write a few words about my nearest and dearest.

Well, to begin with, all my family are lawyers. My father is a judge, and my mother is a notary. They are fond of their profession, so they are always busy and have very little spare time. I have known about the work of courts and notary offices since my childhood years, and it helped me to make the right choice of a profession. My brother, who is seven years my senior, is a legal advisor. He works for a large trade firm and travels a lot on business. He knows several languages, and he doesn’t need an interpreter when he goes on business trips abroad.

As you can see, I have very good examples to follow.

I haven’t decided yet where I’m going to work upon graduation. I would like to do research and teach law to university students. I’m working on my course paper project now, and I like it. My scientific advisor is satisfied with my progress, and he encourages me to go on with research work and take a post graduate course in the future.

Thanks a lot for the information about the legal profession in GB and the USA. I made a short text of it and used it in my English class at the Academy. My teacher and group mates liked it. Now they know I have an electronic pen -friend, or e-pal, abroad.

I’ m sending you the photos of my family and the views of our city, the places I like best and the sights of interest traditionally admired by foreign tourists and guests of the city.

Write back.

Best wishes,


II. Say if it is true or false.

Определите правильность высказывания.

1. Alex’s father is a legal advisor.

2. Steve is studying history at the University of Oxford.

3. Alex’s brother is a bailiff.

4. Alex wants to be a judge rather than a scientist.

5. Alex is doing research now.

6. Alex is working on his diploma paper project now.

7. Alex is impressed by the facilities for studying at Oxford.

8. Alex’s brother goes on business trips abroad.

9. Alex’s family never discuss legal problems with him.

10. Alex encloses some photos in his letter to Steve.

III. Find proofs in the text to the following statements.

Найдите в тексте письма подтверждение следующим высказываниям.

1. Alex enjoyed reading Steve's letter.

2. His brother knows foreign languages well.

3. Alex is interested in studying law.

4. Alex has an inclination for doing research work.

5. In his last letter Steve sent Alex a text about the profession of a lawyer.

IV. Match the following.

Сопоставьте слова и выражения с их переводом.

1. hostel 2. judge 3. facilities for studying 4. to study law 5. lawyer 6. notary 7. legal advisor 8. to travel on business abroad 9. choice of a profession 10. research work a) изучать право b) нотариус c) выбор профессии d) ездить в заграничные командировки e) юрисконсульт f) исследовательская работа g) условия для учёбы h) судья i) общежитие j) юрист


the legal profession barrister   solicitor   to give initial legal advice   to make a will to rent out to rent a home to set up a business advocacy tribunal counselor advocate attorney formerly door-to-door salesman     to discourage career law enforcement private detective criminal detective FBI agent customs officer a Criminal Justice degree профессия юриста барристер, адвокат высшего ранга, имеющий право выступать в суде солиситор, адвокат, дающий советы клиенту и подготавливающий дела для барристера давать юридическую консультацию на начальном этапе составить завещание сдавать в аренду брать в аренду жильё начать дело защита суд специальной юрисдикции консультант адвокат, защитник амер. адвокат ранее коммивояжёр; представитель торговой фирмы, обходящий квартиры или офисы с предложением товара не поощрять профессия система охраны правопорядка частный детектив детектив уголовной полиции агент ФБР таможенник диплом специалиста в области уголовной юстиции

II. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the 2 branches of the legal profession in Great Britain?

2. What are the functions of solicitors?

3. What do barristers specialise in?

4. Is there a division into solicitors and barristers in the American legal profession?

5. What is a lawyer often called in the United States?

6. What degree is necessary for law enforcement careers in the USA?

7. Do the words denoting a lawyer have the same or different meanings in different countries?

8. What is the general meaning of the word " lawyer " throughout the world?

III. Choose the correct variant.

1. The functions of solicitors and barristers are
a) alike b) different

2. Initial legal advice is given by
a) solicitors b) barristers

3. Solicitors specialise in
a) a particular sphere of law b) in different areas of law

4. Barristers are like
a) family doctors b) specialist consultants in medicine

5. The legal profession in the United States

a) is similar to that in the UK b) has no division of lawyers into solicitors

and barristers

6. The word " attorney " in the US means
a) a lawyer b) a solicitor

7. The word "solicitor " in the US is
a) a legal title b) related to the commercial sphere

Text 3. A letter from Steve

I. Read the letter and do the tasks following it.

Hi, Alex,

Thanks for the letter with all your news. I enjoyed the photos of your family, your country house and the views of your city.

By the way, you are the very picture of your father, who really looks young for his age. And the views of the Kremlin with its ancient walls and towers are simply superb. How beautiful they are! I wish I could see them with my own eyes. In return, I’m sending you the photos of our farm and the countryside around.

Alex, could you write a few lines about your Academy? When my friends and our teacher of Russian learnt about you, they wanted to hear more about your place and the academy you are studying at now. You know, Russian is my third foreign language, the first two being German and French.

I’m looking forward to your answer.

Yours ever,


II. Find the word combinations in the text that have the same meaning:

Найдите в тексте письма выражения, синонимичные следующим:

1. Alex’s father is youthful in appearance.

2. Alex looks like his father.

3. Steve is learning Russian, apart from German and French.

4. It will be pleasant for Steve to get an answer to his letter.

5. Steve liked the photos Alex had sent him.

III. Match the following.

1. views of the city 2. tower 3. in return 4. countryside 5. to write a few lines 6. foreign language 7. by the way 8. to be looking forward to 9. ancient 10. great a) черкнуть несколько строк b) между прочим c) древний d) ждать (ответа) e) великолепно (здорово) f) башня g) виды города h) в ответ i) иностранный язык j) сельская местность

Text 5. A letter from Alex

I. Read the letter and do the tasks following it.

Hi, Steve,

Thanks for your letter. I love hearing your news and I was really impressed by the views of the countryside with its green fields, groves, streams, gardens and hills covered with bright flowers. It was a pleasure looking at the photos! I can imagine how enjoyable it is to cycle or have a walk there on a nice summer day.

Well, I am going to send you a text of my own making about the place in Russia which is dearest to my heart, and that is Nizhny Novgorod, the city I live in. I hope it won’t be less interesting for you than any information about Nizhny Novgorod that can be found in the Net.

And Steve, could you look through the 2 texts I have enclosed in the letter about the state organisation of the UK and the USA and see if I’ve made any mistakes? If possible, make some additions, but the texts shouldn’t be long and they should not take up too much of your time.

All the best,


II. Say if it is true or false.

1. Alex wants Steve to make up 2 texts for him.

2. Alex is going to send Steve some postcard views of his city.

3. Steve is asked to greatly enlarge the texts.

4. Alex was impressed by the sights of London.

5. Alex asks Steve not to hurry and check his texts thoroughly.

III. Find proofs in the text that the following statements are correct.

Найдите в тексте письма подтверждение правильности следующих

1. Alex was pleased with the contents of Steve's letter.

2. He wants to write his own text about the city he lives in.

3. Alex is going to include in his text some information about Nizhny Novgorod that can hardly be found in the Internet.

4. Alex is not quite sure of his grammar.

5. He doesn’t want Steve to spend too much time on his request.

Text 6 Nizhny Novgorod

I. Read the letter and do the tasks following it.

Hi, Steve,

Here is the text about Nizhny Novgorod, my native place.

Nizhny Novgorod was founded in 1221. It is beautifully located on a number of hills, called the Dyatlov Hills in the name of the brigand, nicknamed Dyatel, who dominated the place in those days. The location offers a marvelous view from the river, which was noted in the past by high-ranking Russian and foreign guests, tsars, emperors, and also writers, historians and travellers. Actually, it is situated on 2 rivers – the Volga and the Oka. Its location is unique in that you can’t find anywhere else in Europe or in the world another city so highly placed at the confluence of two large rivers. It’s a pleasure to walk along the ancient Kremlin walls or along the embankments. In fact, these are my favourite walking routes. People with extrasensory abilities say that a walk along the Upper Volga embankment has a healing effect on the mind as well as on the body.

In the past, Nizhny Novgorod was famous for its world-known Fair which attracted Russians from all over the country, as well as foreigners from many parts of the world. It is Russia’s third largest city, formerly called “the pocket” and “the arsenal” of Russia. It played a crucial role in the salvation of the country from Polish invaders in the distant past and contributed greatly to the rout of the fascist Germany in World War II. A lot of tanks, airplanes, submarines and other armaments were manufactured at Gorky’s plants (after the October revolution Nizhny Novgorod was renamed in honour of the great proletarian writer Aleksey Peshkov, whose pen name was Maxim Gorky). It is known that Gorky was among the first Russian cities to be ruined completely by Hitler’s order in case Germany won a victory over Russia.

Nizhny Novgorod is a place of pilgrimage for lots of believers. It is known as the land of the great Russian saint, Serafim of Sarov, who is believed to be protecting the city and the whole of the country from disaster and ruin.

For me, Nizhny Novgorod is not just a great industrial, scientific and cultural centre neighbouring with the capital of the country. By modern standards, it is probably not the best place to live. Yet, I wouldn’t like to change it for any other place in the world.

I would be glad if you read my letter with interest.

I am looking forward to your answer.

With best wishes,


II. Say if it is true or false.

1. Alex’s favourite walking route is the central street of the city.

2. At the time it was founded, Nizhny Novgorod was called Gorky.

3. Nizhny Novgorod is one of the largest cities of Russia.

4. Alex likes his city because it is a great scientific centre.

5. Nizhny Novgorod contributed greatly to the victory over fascism.

6. It played a decisive role in the rout of Polish and German invaders.

7. The city was earlier called “the pocket” and “the arsenal” of Russia.

III. Change the sentences using the words from the text.

Измените предложения, используя слова и выражения из текста.

1. After the revolution, Nizhny Novgorod was given the name of a famous Soviet writer.

2. Nizhny Novgorod is located on 2 large rivers.

3. A lot of armaments were produced at Gorky’s plants.

4. The monastery of Serafim of Sarov in Diveevo is often visited by believers.

5. In the past, Nizhny Novgorod was well-known for its popular Fair.

6. Nizhny Novgorod is not far from the capital of the country.

7. Alex wouldn’t like to live in any other city.


politically chamber the House of Commons the House of Lords bill a majority vote to legislate с точки зрения государственного устройства палата Палата общин Палата лордов законопроект решение большинством голосов издавать законы

II. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the United Kingdom politically?

2. Is the monarch's power absolute or limited?

3. What chambers does the British parliament consist of?

4. How are laws adopted in Parliament?

5. What are the main functions of Parliament?


legislative executive judicial chamber the House of Representatives the Senate the Supreme Court to nominate judicial review to violate minor offences civil cases criminal cases appeal to elect hierarchy District Court of Appeals законодательный исполнительный судебный палата Палата представителей Сенат Верховный Суд назначать судебный контроль нарушать незначительные правонарушения гражданские дела уголовные дела апелляция избирать иерархия окружной апелляционный суд

II. Answer the following questions.

1. What 3 branches is the government of the USA composed of?

2. Who does the legislative power belong to?

3. What 2 chambers does the Congress consist of?

4. When does a bill become a law?

5. Who is the executive branch of the government headed by?

6. What judicial body is the head of the judicial branch of power?

7. Who are the Supreme Court judges nominated by?

8. What does the power of judicial review mean?

9. What is the hierarchy of courts in the USA?

III. Choose the correct variant.

1. The highest judicial body of the US is
a) the Senate b) the Supreme Court

2. The legislative branch of the government is headed by
a) the President b) Congress

3. The higher chamber of Congress is
a) the Senate b) the House of Representatives

4. The number of Senators is
a) fixed b) depends on the population of the state

5. In order to become a law, a bill is to pass
a) the House of Representatives b) the House of Representatives and the Senate

6. The executive branch is headed by
a) the Senate b) the President

7. Federal judges are appointed by
a) the Supreme Court b) the President

8. Supreme Court judges are
a) elected b) appointed

9. In nominating Supreme Court judges, the President needs the approval of
a) the House of Representatives b) the Senate

10. The lowest courts are
a) the magistrate courts b) the county courts

Text 3. A letter from Steve

I. Read the letter and do the task following it.

Hi, Alex,

Thank you for your letter with the information about Nizhny Novgorod. You are lucky to live in such a city. I didn’t know you live in such a remarkable place. By the way, I am going to use the material in my report. Our teacher asked us to make a presentation of an essay about one of the cities of Russia, and I knew at once I would tell my class about your beautiful city and show them the photos of your favourite places and your Law Academy.

Sorry, I didn’t answer at once, I’ve been busy of late taking part in tennis and volleyball competitions. It takes a lot of time, but it does me a lot of good, you know. I am physically fit and I seldom call the doctor. Besides, it improves my character. By the way, do you do any sports, and if so, what exactly do you do?

I am glad to say your texts are all right and, by way of addition, I am sending you two more texts which are related thematically. Could you send me, in return, some material about hate crime in Russia? I am going to use it in my next essay, which I am to submit to my scientific advisor next month.

I will be glad to hear from you soon.

Yours ever,


II. Find equivalents to the following Russian words and expressions.

Найдите в тексте письма эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений.

1. в последнее время

2. занимает много времени

3. в хорошей физической форме

4. вызывать на дом врача

5. улучшать характер

6. заниматься спортом

7. в ответ

8. представить, сдать

9. преступления на почве ненависти

10. научный руководитель

Text 4. Constitutions

I. Read the text and do the tasks following it.

It is often said that the US has a written constitution, while the British constitution is unwritten. In reality, it means that the US has a formal document called the "Constitution", but Great Britain has no such document. Yet, all parts of the British constitution exist in written form. They are set out in different documents. The most important historical documents are the Magna Carta, the Petition of Rights, the Habeas Corpus Act, the Bill of Rights, and the Act of Settlement. The American constitution is short, but many of its important aspects are unwritten.

In fact, the American constitution is the shortest. It contains about 7,000 words. The constitutions of Western countries are a little longer, while the constitution of India contains hundreds of pages.

The British constitution is flexible. It can be changed, amended or abolished just like any other law.

The United States has a rigid constitution. Amendments to the Constitution are a complex procedure that requires a majority vote in each house of Congress.

The constitutions of Great Britain and the US are normative constitutions. Their principles are observed in life. If the principles set out in constitutions are not observed in real life, such constitutions are called "nominal" constitutions. Nominal constitutions exist on paper only because their principles are disregarded by the real functioning of the system. Such constitutions are characteristic of developing countries and authoritarian regimes.


to set out the Magna Carta the Petition of Rights the Habeas Corpus Act the Bill of Rights the Act of Settlemеnt flexible rigid constitution to amend to abolish house normative nominal authoritarian излагать Великая Хартия Вольностей (1215) Петиция о правах (1628) Закон о неприкосновенности личности (1679) Билль о правах (1689) Закон о престолонаследии (1700-1701) гибкий конституция жёсткого типа дополнять отменять палата (Конгресса) нормативный номинальный, символический авторитарный

II. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the main point of difference between the US and the British constitutions?

2. Is the British constitution based on one or several historical documents?

3. Which of the constitutions in the world is the shortest?

4. What is the difference between a flexible and a rigid constitution?

5. What is the difference between normative and nominal constitutions?

III. Choose the correct variant.

1. All parts of the British constitution
a) are unwritten b) exist in written form

2. The longest constitution is
a) the constitution of one b) the constitution of India
of Western countries

3. Flexibility is characteristic of
a) the American constitution b) the British constitution

4. Amendments to the American constitution
a) are a simple procedure b) are not easily adopted

5. Nominal constitutions are characteristic of
a) democratic countries b) countries with totalitarian regimes


judicial body life peers Appellate Committee prosecutions to be granted bail   law magistrate jury guilt innocence common a fine probation a suspended sentence a sentence of community service long-term imprisonment life imprisonment capital punishment to suspend the death penalty to reintroduce судебный орган пожизненные пэры апелляционный комитет уголовное преследование, иски получить временное освобождение под залог, денежное обязательство мировой судья суд присяжных вина невиновность распространённый штраф условное освобождение на поруки условный приговор приговор к определённому сроку принудительных общественных работ долгосрочное тюремное заключение пожизненное тюремное заключение смертная казнь отменить смертная казнь, смертный приговор возвратить, ввести вновь

II. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the highest judicial body of the British judicial system?

2. Where are appeals heard?

3. Who are members of the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords?

4. Who are prosecutions most often initiated by?

5. In what cases is an arrested person granted bail?

6. Who are the most serious cases tried by?

7. What are the most common punishments?

8. What are the penalties for the most serious crimes?

III. Choose the correct variant.

1. The Law Lords are
a) hereditary peers b) life peers

2. Bail is granted in
a) serious cases b) less serious cases

3. Judges are appointed from
a) ex-barristers b) solicitors

4. Law magistrates try
a) serious cases b) less serious cases

5. The jury are chosen from
a) people with a legal education b) rank-and-file people

6. The accused person

a) is considered guilty until his b) is considered innocent until his guilt innocence is proved is proved

7. One of the most common punishments is
a) a fine b) life imprisonment

8. One of the penalties for the most serious crimes is
a) long-term imprisonment b) a sentence of community service

9. People's views on capital punishment

a) have always been the same b) are undergoing changes at present


Text 1. A letter from Alex

I. Read the letter and do the task following it.


Hello, Steve,

Thank you for the texts you sent me with your last letter. I’ll certainly make use of them in my work. In my turn, I am sending you a text about teenage hate crimes in Russia nowadays.

It was a pleasant surprise to learn you are so athletic. As for me, I am not doing any particular sport in a big way, but I am really fond of football, which I play with my group mates all the year round. I also enjoy swimming in summer and skiing in winter. I am fond of bicycling, too, and I like lessons of physical education.

I quite agree with you that sport makes us better. I, for one, feel that I am getting more self-disciplined and organised. These are valuable qualities for me because I am often pressed for time. I was very busy last term, studying at the Academy and taking driving lessons several times a week. I’ve got a small car of my own, but, for the time being, I prefer travelling to the Academy by public transport because of the parking problem and traffic jams, especially in the rush hours. Now I have an opportunity to travel to the Academy by the metro. It’s very convenient and saves a lot of time. Besides, travelling by the metro, I can avoid traffic jams and come to the lessons on time. It takes me half an hour or so to get to the Academy in the morning. But I love driving, too, and I am planning to do a lot of travelling by car in summer.

By the way, if it’s not too much trouble for you, send me some material about world-known organisations fighting crime.

I know you are reading for the exams now, and I wish you all the luck.

Hope to hear from you soon.



II. Find in the text of the letter English equivalents to the following
Russian words and word combinations.

1.часы пик

2. весь год

3. ценные качества

4. брать уроки вождения

5. проблемы с парковкой

6. пробки на дорогах

7. удобно

8. экономит время

9. что касается меня

10. мне требуется полчаса



Text 2. Interpol

I. Read and translate the text.

Interpol is the shortened name of the world's largest international police organisation. It is the second largest (after the UNO) international organisation with 192 members, including the Russian Federation. It was formed in 1923, and the shortened variant of its name appeared in 1956. Its mission is to enable police around the world to work together in order to make the world a safer place to live. It protects the basic rights of every citizen.

Interpol is not under the control of any government.

It plays a great role in fighting such serious crimes as international terrorism, sky-jacking and drug-traffic. It also deals with murder, burglary, assault, larceny, car thefts, bank frauds, embezzlement, forgery and counterfeiting.

The function of Interpol is to disseminate information, primarily the information about dangerous criminals who are being searched for in different parts of the world. Interpol helps police to track offenders internationally. It has a large collection of fingerprints and other means of identification of international fugitives.

Interpol offers its member countries specialised tools to help identify victims from photos and films. It is especially useful in fighting crimes against children, which represent a huge challenge for police worldwide.

The main office of Interpol is in Lion, France. 80 per cent of the Interpol staff is French. It has offices all over the world.

Nowadays Interpol is helping its member countries in fighting organised crime, environmental and pharmaceutical crime (manufacturing and selling fake medicine), cybercrime (computer crimes), in providing support after terrorist attacks and natural disasters, in rescuing victims of human trafficking and in securing borders.


to enable sky-jacking drug-traffic to disseminate information office to track offenders internationally challenge murder burglary assault larceny car theft bank fraud embezzlement forgery counterfeiting fugitive environmental crimes pharmaceutical cybercrime natural disaster human traffic to secure borders давать возможность угон самолёта торговля наркотиками распространять информацию отделение выслеживать преступников в международном масштабе трудная задача убийство кража со взломом нападение хищение угон автомобиля банковские махинации растрата, присвоение имущества подлог фальшивомонетничество беглец экологические преступления фармацевтический кибернетическое преступление стихийное бедствие торговля людьми охранять границы

II. Answer the following questions.

1. What kind of organisation is Interpol?

2. What is the main mission of Interpol?

3. What is the function of Interpol?

4. How does it help to fight crimes against children?

5. Where is the main office of Interpol situated?

6. What crimes does Interpol deal with?

7. What crimes is Interpol helping its member countries to fight nowadays?

III. Choose the correct variant.

1. Interpol was formed in
a) 1956 b) 1923

2. It is the second largest international organisation after
a) the United Nations Organisation b) the European Council

3. Interpol helps other countries with
a) personnel b) information

4. It offers its member countries
a) specialised tools of investigation b) modern weapons

5. The majority of the Interpol staff is
a) international b) French

6. Interpol's offices are to be found in
a) France b) in many parts of the world

IV. Match the following.

1. to track 2. to disseminate 3. drug traffic 4. to embezzle 5. to provide support 6. on the staff 7. to forge 8. counterfeiter 9. fraud 10. to rescue 11. fake medicine 12. to burgle 13. to identify 14. hacker 15. a huge challenge a) подделывать b) растратить c) оказывать помощь d) мошенничество e) спасать f) фальшивомонетчик g) поддельные лекарственные средства h) опознать i) совершить кражу со взломом j) хакер k) сложная задача, проблема l) распространять m) выслеживать n) числиться в штате o) торговля наркотиками

Text 3. Scotland Yard

I. Read and translate the text.

Scotland Yard is the symbol of the British Police which was formed by Sir Robert Peel in 1829. It is the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service and the largest police agency in the country, having 27 000 people on its staff and being responsible for the territory of 787 square kilometers. It consists of 4 departments and is headed by the Commissioner.

Originally, it was the courtyard of a residence owned by the Kings of Scotland and used as a police station. It was also the name of the place where Scottish royalty used to stay visiting the English Court.

Scotland Yard is responsible for crime detection and emergency service. It has the famous 999 system which provides immediate contact with police cars in any part of the city.

Another remarkable feature is the Central Crime Map in which all violent crimes are registered.

Scotland Yard has the Mounted Branch and the Branch of Police Dogs. The 200 horses of the Mounted Branch take part in ceremonial occasions, and the dogs are especially useful in the detection of drugs.

There is also the River Police which handles crimes on the Thames and on the territories within the river boundaries.

The Rogue Gallery is Scotland Yard's sight of interest. It contains the records of all known criminals in the United Kingdom.

There is also a museum of crime instruments in Scotland Yard.

The nickname "bobby" means a policeman and is related to Sir Robert Peel, the founder of the British Police (Bobby - Бобби isthe diminutive form of Robert).

Scotland Yard is known for its efficiency. It operates in contact with Interpol. The main duties of Scotland Yard are to prevent and detect crime, keep public order and supervise road traffic.


headquarters the Metropolitan Police royalty the English Court department the Commissioner crime detection emergency service violent crime the Mounted Branch detection of drugs to handle crimes rogue bobby efficiency founder главное управление городская полиция в Лондоне члены королевской семьи Королевский двор в Англии отдел комиссар раскрытие преступлений неотложная полицейская помощь насильственное преступление конная полиция обнаружение наркотиков расследовать преступления жулик, мошенник разг. полисмен эффективность, оперативность, результативность основатель

II. Answer the following questions.

1. What does the name of Scotland Yard symbolise?

2. Whose name is the formation of Scotland Yard associated with?

3. What is the structure of Scotland Yard?

4. How large is the organisation?

5. What is the history of its name?

6. What is Scotland Yard remarkable for?

7. Who is the nickname "bobby" related to?

8. What are the main duties of Scotland Yard?

III. Match the following.

1. to detect 2. to head 3. to provide 4. to handle (crimes) 5. records 6. efficiency 7. to supervise 8. related 9. to keep 10. emergency a) осуществлять надзор b) досье c) обнаружить d) возглавлять e) иметь дело с f) обеспечивать g) оперативность h) неотложность i) связанный j) поддерживать


agency to investigate violations of laws organised crime gambling drug-traffic racketeering to locate smb. to apprehend smb. fugitive fingerprints to identify smb. material evidence crime records ethnic crimes electoral fraud kidnapping holdup serial murders управление; отделение расследовать нарушение законов организованная преступность азартные игры, гэмблинг торговля наркотиками рэкет установить местонахождение кого-л. задержать кого-л. беглец отпечатки пальцев устанавливать личность кого-л. вещественные доказательства уголовный архив преступления на этнической почве мошенничество на выборах похищение людей ограбление серийные убийства

II. Answer the following questions.

1 An agency of what department is the FBI?

2. What was the original name of the organisation?

3. People of what professions are on the staff of the FBI?

4. What is the structure of the FBI?

5. What is the largest and most important department of the FBI?

6. What crimes does the FBI fight?

7. What facilities for effective work is the FBI provided with?

8. Who does the FBI train?

III. Match the following.

1. division 2. to fight crime 3. racketeer 4. gambler 5. a fraud 6. serial murderer 7. corruption 8. vital 9. highly qualified 10. apprehension a) важный b) игрок в азартные игры c) мошенник d) коррупция e) высококвалифицированный f) задержание g) рэкетир h) серийный убийца i) бороться с преступностью j) отдел

Lesson 4. Investigation

Text 1. A letter from Alex

I. Read the letter and do the task following it.

Hello, Steve,

Thanks a lot for your last letter. I hope you are doing well in your exams. I have already taken tests in criminology and criminal law, and next month I am to take exams in 5 more subjects. For my last lesson of English this term, I need some material on investigation, and I’ve borrowed some information from various sources, trying to make the texts as short as possible. Could you look them through, when you have a minute to spare, and say if you approve of my choice of the material or not?

Thank you in advance. Next term, I’ll have an optional course in English, and I’ll need texts about the history of law. I’ll surf the Net and, maybe, I’ll be able to collect some interesting and informative material.

I hope you’ll have an enjoyable rest in summer and write to me about your impressions when the summer vacations are over. Have a good time!



II. Find in the text of the letter equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations.

1. заранее

2. хорошо сдавать экзамены

3. источники

4. как можно короче

5. просмотреть

6. свободная минута

7. одобрить выбор материала

8. факультатив

9. содержательный

10. летние каникулы

Text 2. Physical Evidence

I. Read and translate the text.

Physical evidence is of great importance in criminal investigation. It can either clear a suspect or prove his guilt. The most important phases are the finding, the collecting and the preservation of physical evidence.

Physical evidence is something that can be measured, photographed, analysed and presented in court. Evidence that can't be duplicated is of particular importance, for example, a fingerprint.

Arriving at a crime scene, the investigating officer should do all in order to protect the crime scene and prevent anybody from touching any object. After a preliminary survey, he should show the photographer which photos to take. After that, imprints are cast. Then the fingerprint man removes the objects with fingerprints to a safe place.

All evidence should be marked, packaged and transported to a laboratory.


physical evidence to clear a suspect to prove smb's guilt to present in court to duplicate a fingerprint to protect the crime scene a preliminary survey to take photos to cast imprints the fingerprint man to mark evidence to package evidence вещественные доказательства снять подозрения с подозреваемого доказать чью-л. вину представить на суде сделать копию, дубликат отпечаток пальца оберегать место преступления предварительный осмотр места происшествия делать фотоснимки делать слепки дактилоскопист промаркировать улики упаковать улики

II. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the importance of physical evidence in criminal investigation?

2. What are the most important phases of criminal investigation?

3. What is physical evidence?

4. What kind of physical evidence is of particular importance?

5. What is the main aim of the investigating officer when he arrives at a crime scene?

6. What does the photographer do at the crime scene?

7. What is done by the fingerprint man?

8. What are the final operations?

III. Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russian words
and word combinations.

1. быть очень важным

2. сбор вещественных доказательств

3. представлять особую важность

4. сохранить вещественные доказательства

5. прибыть на место преступления

6. переправить в безопасное место

7. подозреваемый

8. вина

9. этап расследования

10. измерять

Text 3. Fingerprints

I. Read and translate the text.

Fingerprinting is the best means of identification. Fingerprints help in identifying a criminal, a victim, or a dead person. Fingerprinting is simple and reliable because the skin pattern is an individual and permanent characteristic that doesn't change with the time.

The method of fingerprinting is called dactyloscopy. This method appeared at the end of the XIX century and has been greatly improved since that time. The offender's fingerprints are often found at the scene of the crime. But the prints can be easily destroyed through careless handling. Fingerprints are often left on chairs, tables, telephones and other objects.

Theoretically, fingerprints can be forged. But a forgery can be detected with the help of a hand-lens or photographic enlargement.


fingerprinting to identify a criminal a victim the skin pattern to destroy the fingerprints careless handling to forge fingerprints to detect hand-lens photographic enlargement дактилоскопия установить личность преступника жертва преступления узор кожного рельефа уничтожить отпечатки пальцев неосторожное обращение подделать отпечатки пальцев обнаружить ручная лупа фотоувеличение

II. Answer the following questions.

1. Who do fingerprints help identify?

2. Why is fingerprinting considered to be the best means of identification?

3. What is another name for fingerprinting?

4. How old is dactyloscopy?

5. What objects are fingerprints most often left on?

6. Why is it important to handle fingerprints carefully?

7. Can fingerprints be forged?

8. How can forgery be detected?

III. Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations.

1. средство

2. надёжный

3. постоянный

4. со временем

5. усовершенствовать

6. подделка

7. с помощью

Identifying the Criminal

The criminal may be identified through confession, the testimony of a witness or conclusive evidence.

Very often, in order to locate a criminal, it is enough to identify him. In many cases, however, it is necessary to trace a fugitive who is hiding.


to trace a criminal confession to try a case in court testimony of a witness to prove the guilt the accused a missing person a wanted person tracing a charge confidential informants выслеживать преступника признание рассматривать дело в суде свидетельские показания доказать вину обвиняемый без вести пропавший разыскиваемый полицией для ареста выслеживание преступника обвинение тайные осведомители

II. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the 3 phases of investigation?

2. How can a criminal be identified?

3. What is the second phase of investigation?

4. Is locating the criminal always an easy matter?

5. What unofficial sources of information are often used by investigating

6. What is the most difficult phase of investigation?

7. What are the tasks of the investigator at this stage?

8. Where is the case tried after the investigation is completed?

9. Is every crime soluble?

10. Are there any criteria of success?

11. Is obtaining evidence as easy as identifying and locating the criminal?

III. Match the following.

1. witness 2. conclusive evidence 3. a search 4. investigator 5. to obtain evidence 6. phase 7. investigation 8. convincingly 9. to leave traces 10. the charge 11. records 12. the defendant a) обвинение b) убедительно c) оставлять следы d) расследование e) следователь f) неопровержимые доказательства g) поиск h) обвиняемый i) письменный след j) свидетель k) собрать доказательства l) этап

Part II

Lesson 1. History of Law

Text 1. A letter from Steve

I. Read the letter and do the task following it.

Hello, Alex,

Thanks for your last letter. I hope you received the texts about physical evidence, fingerprints, and the nature of investigation. It seems as if a lot of time has passed since the summer examination period was over. Yet, it was only a month and a half ago!

Well, my holidays were a combination of work and rest. I lived with an Italian family in Naples and my duty was to teach 2 school-age children conversational English. At the same time, I was learning spoken Italian from them.

We spent a lot of time together, swimming in the sea, sunbathing, playing with a ball and moving a lot. We also went to museums, to the Zoo, watched cartoons, sang children’s songs and read easy-reading stories. By the end, my pupils’ knowledge of English had greatly improved, and so also my Italian speaking skills. There were no problems with behaviour, the children were lovable and the parents were nice to dea


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