Letter of Confirmation of Booking 

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Letter of Confirmation of Booking

M/H Metro Hotel 15 Peace St Liverpool W13 Mr. N.Grygorenko L.Ukrainka St 5, apt.25 Kyiv Ukraine 13th May, 2003 Dear Mr. N. Grygorenko, Thank you for your letter asking for hotel accommodation in June. We were pleased to hear that you wish to stay at the Metro Hotel again during your forthcoming business-trip to Liverpool. Our terms are: Bed & Breakfast Room & Full Board one night per person de luxe room - £50 - £70 one night per person single room - £10 - £15 Accommodation is still available for June. Would you let us know your wishes as soon as possible, so that we can reserve the room you want. We look forward to the pleasure of seeing you here again soon. Yours sincerely, Reception Desk.

№8.Write a letter of inquiry to an institution or business asking for information or materials.

Your name Your address Date Miss Mary Henderson Street address City and State or country   Dear Miss Henderson: I am studying …. I need …. Your publications have appeared in …. I am particularly interested in your …. I would greatly appreciate … Sincerely, Your name

№9.Write a letter of accommodation to the Metro Hotel asking for accommodation as if you were N.Grygorenko.

№10.Tell your friend how to write:

v Letters of Inquiry

v Letters of Reply to Inquiry

v Letters of Accommodation

v Letters of Conformation of Booking

№11.What other business letters do you know?



Modal Verbs Meaning Examples
can / could 1)physical, mental ability; 2)doubt, astonishment, incredulity (interrogative and negative sentences) They can swim well. Can she have changed so much?
may / might 1)permission; 2)supposition implying uncertainty You may go. He may be still working.
must 1)obligation, duty, necessity; 2)supposition implying assurance You must know this rule. He must be there.
should ought to moral obligation, advisability, desirability He shouldn’t smoke so much. You ought to be more careful.
to be to 1)obligation resulting from a previous agreement, plan, schedule, time-table; 2)order, instruction The train is to arrive at 7 o’clock. You are to go to sleep.


! can = to be able to

may = to be allowed to

must = to have to

№10. Translate into Ukrainian.

1.Can you answer this business letter as soon as possible.

2.Your brother could apply for this post, but he doesn’t do that.

3.Due to your accomplishments you will be able to master the business.

4.No doubt, Mr. Lee was able to master skills required for his post.

5.Charles may also get medical and life insurance.

6.May I have your attention?

7.I was allowed to attend all the lectures on this theme.

8.This student will not be allowed to take books from our library from now on.

9.To live people, first of all, must work and have food, clothing, shelter and other means of life.

10.Tom was looking for a job. He had to go to Labour Exchange.

11.It was clear for him that the council of Stock Exchange was to be elected by the members.

12.You should be more hardworking.

№11. Match the two parts of the sentences.

1. Don’t worry; … 2. What is done … 3. How dare you … 4. The books must be … 5. You might have offered your help … 6. I can play tennis well … 7. I must have seen you somewhere; … 8. You needn’t hurry; … 9. I can hardly go away … 10. Bill was to have started work last week, … a. … a great success with the readers. b. … and leave you alone. c. … they might be going here and will be here in a moment. d. … the train is leaving at 11;00. e. … cannot be undone. f. … but he changes his mind. g. … when he got into trouble. h. … your face is familiar to me. i. … say such things. j. … but I’m unable to play now, I’m not well.




№1. Read and translate.



Nowadays most of the decisions in business activities are taken by conducting negotiations. Successful negotiation is where you get what you want, and the other party is happy with what he gets, where the result is “I win; you win”. This is certainly true of the variety of negotiations, big or small, that you carry on every day with your colleagues, your boss, your subordinates. A better deal is always possible for both parties if both move towards an outcome which is to mutual benefit.

Here are some tactics which can help conduct negotiations.

Plan your strategy carefully. Decide first of all what you want to get from the negotiations. What is the best result you could hope for? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are theirs? What information do you need?

There are number of factors that affect the negotiating process. Your attitude is one. The higher your aspirations, the better your results. The attitude of the other party is important too. It’s up to you to alter his expectations, to encourage him to be satisfied with less than he originally hoped for.

Take into account the personal needs of the party. Most people want to have a good image of themselves; they want to be liked; they want to impress their boss. Give attention to such needs and you’ll find that people are more willing to go along with you. At the centre of all negotiating is the question of power – and it comes from a variety of sources. It comes from knowledge – the more you know about the other party, the more power you have. But most of all power is the mind. All these factors – attitudes, personal needs, sources of power – should be considered before you sit down at the negotiating table.

It’s no use immediately discussing business matters when you start negotiating. The topic should be neutral, non-business. It can be immediate experiences, the sort of journey the visitor has had; football, ice hockey, the morning’s newspaper headlines, common interests, etc.

Five per cent of the negotiating time is devoted to breaking the ice. The two parties adjust their thinking and behaviour to one another.

At the very beginning of the talks get agreement covering the purpose, plan, agenda of a meeting. Here are some advice to a negotiator:

v first discuss major items, then minor items;

v follow the headlines of the plan one by one;

v come over to the next point after you have resolved the previous one.

Negotiation usually involves making concessions as there are always differences of view between the parties. Here is some advice on problem-solving tactics:

v present a problem in general and obtain the other party’s view on it;

v look together at the possibilities of joint advantage;

v suggest practical actions to resolve a problem. If negotiations are difficult and you are in a deadlock, take time-out. It’ll help you build bridges between yourself and your partner.

№2. Find the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

Проведення переговорів, угода, взаємовигідний результат, сильні та слабкі сторони, прагнення, змінити його сподівання, брати до уваги, нещодавній випадок, ламати лід, пристосовувати, дійти згоди, порядок денний, більш важливі питання, поступатися, спільна вигода, безвихідне становище.

№3. Answer the following questions.

1.What negotiations can be considered successful?

2.What questions should you answer while planning the strategy of negotiations?

3.What factors affect the process of negotiating?

4.What should you start negotiating with?

5.What is good advice for those who conduct negotiations?

6.How should parties come out of deadlock situations?

№4. Read and translate the text.



The sales contract is the legally binding agreement reached by the seller and the buyer (the parties to the contract). It can be made orally or in writing, although it is usual for the contract to be drawn up in writing to prevent disputes.

Here are some of the items which are part and parcel of any contract: legal title of the contracting parties, subject of the contract, quality, price, delivery and payment terms.

After a sales contract has been concluded, the seller and buyer have to fulfil certain liabilities (that means there are certain things they have to do).

The seller’s liabilities are:

v to deliver the goods on time and in perfect condition;

v to make sure that the buyer becomes the owner of the goods. This is normally done by passing a special document, the document of title, to the buyer.

The buyer’s liabilities are:

v to accept delivery of the goods (this prevent him changing his mind after the goods have been sent);

v to pay for the goods within the time agreed.

If one party doesn’t fulfil its liabilities, the contract is broken (this is called breach of contract). In this case the other party (the injured party) can claim compensation.

sales contract договір купівлі-продажу

party to a contract сторона, що домовляється

to draw up a contract складати контракт

part and parcel невід’ємна частина

legal title юридична назва

to fulfil виконувати

liability зобов’язання

document of title документ, який дає право на власність

breach of contract порушення договору

injured party сторона, що постраждала

№5. Answer the questions.

1. What is sales contract?

2. Which is more usual form of concluding contracts: oral or written?

3. What are the essential items of a contract?

4. What liabilities should be fulfilled by the seller and buyer?


№6. Read and translate the dialogue.


Mr. Milton: Mr. Vetrov, have you any questions as regards the contract?

Mr. Vetrov: No, I think we have settled all the points under dispute.

Mr. Milton: Good. If some problems arise in the process of work we'll deal with them there and then. Some principle points can be included into a supplement to the contract upon mutual agreement.

Mr. Vetrov: Agreed.

Mr. Milton: Fine. In that case we'll tell our experts and lawyers to prepare the contract for signing. I don't think, this purely technical work will take much time and we can sign the contract in the evening.

Mr. Vetrov: I believe that time will be convenient for signing the contract. Mr. Milton we've worked hard and fruitfully, so I think we deserve a good rest. I'd like to invite you to have dinner in a restaurant.

Mr. Milton: I'm very happy to accept your invitation, Mr. Vetrov. Let me once more thank you for the constructive way you helped to settle all the problems that were in the way of signing the contract.


Mr. Vetrov: Let's look through the main clauses contract.

London, England

May 15,1998

Allgood Equipment London, England, hereinafter referred to as "the Seller", in the one part, and Compumite, Kiev, Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as "the Buyer", on the other part, have concluded the present Contract as follow:

(Лондон, Англія, 15, Травень, 1998 р.

Компанія Allgood Equipment, Лондон, Англія, в подальшому названа "Продавець", з одного боку, і компанія Комп’юмате Київ, Україна, в подальшому названа "Покупець", з іншого боку, заключили цей контракт про наступне…)

1. Subject of the Contract. / Предмет контракту

2. Prices and Total Value of the Contract. / Ціни і загальна вартість

3. Time of Delivery. / Терміни доставки

4. Terms of Payment. / Терміни оплати

5.Technical Documentation. / Технічна документація

6. Guarantee of the Quality of the Equipment. / Гарантії якості обладнання

7. Packing. / Упаковка

8. Marking. / Маркування

9. Shipping. Instructions and Notifications. / Відгрузка. Інструкції та сповіщення

10. Insurance. / Страхування

11. Sanction. / Санкції

12.Force Majeure. / Форс-мажор.

13. Arbitration. / Арбітраж

14.Other terms. / Інші умови

15. Legal Address of the Parties. / Юридична адреса сторін

Vetrov: That's very nice.

№7.Find the Ukrainian equivalents to the following words, word combinations and phrases. Try to memorize them.


to sign a contract

to make a contract

to draw up a contract

to execute a contract

to break a contract

to cancel a contract


principle point



to accept constructive way

to settle problems

clauses of contract

Seller and Buyer

Have you received our enquiry for the delivery of...?

We have carefully studied your offer.

Let's discuss some points of your (our) offer now.

That's just what we would like to clear up

What would you think of our offer?

On the whole it's acceptable but we can't agree to your...


-delivery period

-terms of payment

We agree to the terms of your draft contract.

We have a few remarks to make on …

- some clauses of the General Conditions of the Contract

-the term of the contract

- the contractual obligations of both parties

We ask you...

- to make your comments

- to consider our request once again

We have successfully conducted our negotiations on the coordination of the parties under the contract. We are ready to accept the wording suggested by the... side

№8.Fill the gaps with necessary phrases from the unit.

1. -What do you think of our offer?


- We ask you to make your comments.


- We are ready to accept the wording suggested by your side.


2. -Let's discuss some points of your offer now.


- We'd like to clear up some points connected with the commercial part of the contract.



- We ask you to consider our request once again.


№9.Read the text and complete the sentences with the correct answers.

Terms of contract

The costs of transporting goods from one country to another are many. There are the costs of packing the goods, freight, duty (tax) and insurance to name but a few.

Before an importer and exporter sign a contract, they must decide who is going to pay what. Find out what the different terms of contract are.

If they are F.O.R. then the seller will only pay for the goods to be transported to a named railway station. The buyer must pay after that C I.F. usually means that the seller will pay until the goods have been delivered to a port in the buyer's country. And it is C.& F., the buyer must also pay the insurance for the whole journey.

1. When the exporter and importer arrange the terms of contract they …

a) sign a contract; b) add up the transport costs; c)decide who will pay which transport costs.

2. F.O.B. means the exporter will pay for transportation

a)until the goods reach a ship; b)until the goods are loaded on to a ship; c)but not for insurance.


PASSIVE VOICE Perfect + S + have/has+been+Ved (3) -S + have/has+not+been+Ved (3) ? Have/Has+ S +been+Ved (3)?   e.g. The letters have already been written. + S + had+been+Ved (3) -S + had+not+been+Ved (3) ? Had+ S +been+Ved (3)? e.g. The letters had been written by 5 o’clock yesterday.   + S + shall/will+have+been+Ved (3) -S + shall/will+have+not+been+Ved (3) ? Shall/Will+S+have+been+Ved (3)? e.g. The letters will have been written by 5 o’clock tomorrow.  
Continuous + S + am/is/are+being+ Ved (3) -S + am/is/are+not+being+Ved (3) ? Am/Is/Are+ S +being+ Ved (3)? e.g. The letters are being written now. + S + was/were+being+Ved (3) -S + was/were+not+being+Ved (3) ? Was/Were+ S +being+ Ved (3)? e.g. The letters were being written at 5 o’clock yesterday.
Indefinite + S + am/is/are Ved (3) -S + am/is/are+not+Ved (3) ? Am/Is/Are+ S + Ved (3)?   e.g. Letters are written every day. + S + was/were Ved (3) -S + was/were+not+Ved (3) ? Was/Were+ S + Ved (3)? e.g. The letters were written yesterday + S + shall/will+be+ Ved (3) -S + shall/will+not+be+Ved (3) ? Shall/Will+ S + be+Ved (3)? e.g. The letters will be written tomorrow.
  Present Past Future


№12. Choose the right form of the verb.

1.Football play/is played all over the world.

2.Walt Disney created/was created the cartoon character Mickey Mouse.

3.Millions of cars export/are exported from Japan every year.

4.This issue discussed/was discussed at the last meeting.

5.Several languages speak/are spoken in Switzerland.

6.President John Kennedy assassinated/was assassinated in Dallas in1963.

7.Tony Blair arrived/was arrived in Washington yesterday. Later he interviewed/was interviewed on American TV.

8.Millions of trees destroy/are destroyed by pollution every year.

9.The news announced/was announced earlier today.

10.A valuable picture stole/was stolen from our local art gallery yesterday.

11.The Nobel Prize invented/was invented by Alfred Nobel, a Swedish engineer and chemist.

12.Miners have given/have been given a new pay rise by the government.

№13. Change the sentences Passive Voice into the sentences in Active Voice.

1.The stones were thrown by a student who was led by the police.

2.Too little money is being spent by the government on social needs.

3.This collection of paintings was exhibited at the Tretyakov gallery by the British Council in 1997.

4.Vegetarians are known to eat no meat or fish, but only vegetables, grains, fruit either for moral reasons or because it is thought to be healthier.

5.These instructions can be understood by everyone with the smallest intelligence.

6.A special edition of this book will be issued by the publishing house in February.

7.My eyes were spoiled by reading in bed.

8.She was surrounded by photographers and pressmen.

9.By 2005 the entire railway network will have been modernised.

10.I was attracted by a bright advertisement in the newspaper.



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