Put the sentences in the correct order. 

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Put the sentences in the correct order.

A. and go to meet the first-footers.

B. Scottish people celebrate New Year’s Eve in every family.

C. Before 12 o’clock at night many people in the towns go out.

D. When the first-footer comes into the house, he wishes a Happy New Year.

E. Then people wish a Happy New Year to others

F. People don’t work on that day and children don’t go to school. Friends usually come on that day.


Write 5 sentences about the celebration of New Year’s Day in Ukraine.



Unit 5.

On the Move.


The Smiths have decided to visit their Uncle Tom. They have not seen for ages. This year Uncle Tom is celebrating his fifties anniversary. He lives in Brighton. The Smiths have their summer holidays so they have a good opportunity to go to Brighton all together. Now they are discussing how they can get there.

``I think we can go there by train``, says Mr. Smith. `` It’s not expensive; we can spend some good time in the dining car. `` But his wife Mary doesn’t like to travel by train because it is hot in a carriage in summer. `` I prefer to travel by plane. It is the quickest way of traveling. We can read or sleep during the journey. `` `But it is very expensive to travel by plane``, says their daughter Alice. ``Besides I am afraid to fly by planes. Some people say that it is very dangerously. Let’s go to Brighton by ship. It’s so romantically. `` But her grandfather doesn’t like this idea. `` We’ll go to Brighton by car. We’ll never miss our train and we can stop wherever we want. It’ll be a cheap and comfortable journey. ``, he said.


Post- listening activity.

I. Choose the right variant.

1. The Smiths have decided to visit their

a. Aunt Tammy

b. uncle Tom

c. uncle don

2. He lives

a. in Brighton

b. in Richmond

c. in London

3. Mr. Smith says that they can go there

a. by plane

b. by train

c. by ship

4. When they go by train they’ll have

a. a terrible journey

b. a very comfortable journey

c. a very comfortable voyage

5. Who doesn’t like to travel by plane

a. his wife Mary

b. his daughter Alice

c. his aunt Emily

6. What can they do on plane?

a. read and eat during the journey

b. read or sleep during the journey

c. sleep or eat during the journey

7. Alice doesn’t want to go by plane because

a. it is expensive

b. it is dangerous

c. it is very fast

8. Who doesn’t want to go by ship?

a. the mother

b. Alice

c. the grandfather

9. The journey by car is

a. cheap and comfortable

b. cheap and fast

c. not expensive and comfortable


II. Write who of the Smiths likes the certain means of transport and why.

III. Imagine that you and your friend are going to the seaside on holidays.

Write a conversation of ten phrases in which you discuss how to get to the seaside.


Unit 6.

Around the World.

Pre-listening activity.

Brain storm.


Why do people travel?




Vocabulary: beforehand – заздалегідь


Many people like to travel a lot. Some of them have even made a trip all over the world. Traveling let’s people get to know a lot of knew and exciting things, meet new friends. They say that sometimes you should plan your journey beforehand. You can have a look at the leaflets in the tourist agencies. They give us information about size, climate, population, national languages and sights of this country.

The United Kingdom is a popular place for traveling. Tourists often order the sightseeing tour around London. It covers a lot of interesting places. London is an old city. It has got a lot of places of interest. A red double-decker will take you to Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace or the Tower of London. London is famous for its beautiful parks. Hyde Park is the most democratic park in the world. Anyone can say anything he likes there.

London is a city of immigrants. People of different nationalities live there. You should meet the people and learn about their culture. Don’t forget to take some photos.


Post-listening activity.


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