JOHN: I will take the donkey. 

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JOHN: I will take the donkey.

JACK: There´s nothing else for me, so I will take the cat.

NARRATOR: But Jack thought.

JACK: My brothers will be able to earn an honest life, but as for me, though the cat may feed himself by catching mice, I don´t know what I will eat.

NARRATOR: The cat, who had overheard his young master, jumped upon his shoulder, and, rubbing himself gently against his cheek, began to speak.

CAT: Dear master, don´t be sad. I am not as useless as you think. I will make a fortune for you, if only you will buy me a pair of boots, and give me that old bag.

NARRATOR: Jack had very little money to spend, but, knowing that the cat was a faithful old friend, he made up his mind to trust him, and so spent all he possessed in a smart pair of boots made of buff-colored leather.

CAT: Thanks master, you will not be sorry for spending all your money in these pair of boots which fit me perfectly. Now I will take the old bag and will go into the woods where there are a number of rabbits.

JACK: Be careful my loyal friend.

CAT: I will. See you soon.

NARRATOR: The cat went into the woods. Then he put some bran and fresh parsley in the bag and he put it on the ground.

CAT: I will hide behind those bushes and wait for the rabbits to come.

NARRATOR: Soon two little rabbits approached the bag and smelled the food. When the cat saw them, he pulled the strings and caught them.

CAT: I got you!. I have to go to the palace now.

NARRATOR: When he arrived at the palace he told the guard.

CAT: I need to speak to the King. I have something important to tell him.

GUARD: Come this way.

NARRATOR: When he was taken to the king, he bowed and said.

CAT: Sir, my Lord the Marquis of Carabas, has commanded me to present these rabbits to your Majesty, with his respects.

KING: Please, give my thanks to the Marquis.

CAT: Yes, my King. Now I have to leave.

NARRATOR: The marquis was really the poor Jack. Then the king ordered his head cook to prepare the rabbits for dinner, and he and his daughter had supper with great enjoyment. When the cat went home he told Jack.

CAT: Master. We will always have food in our table.

JACK: Thank you for everything you do.

NARRATOR: The cat also did not fail to keep the King and his courtiers well supplied with game.

CAT: My king, this food that I bring you is from my Lord the Marquis of Carabas.

KING: I thank him very much, he is a very kind man. But tell me, who is this strange nobleman, whom no one has ever seen, but who sends such generous presents to me?.

CAT: You will meet it very soon. I promise.

NARRATOR: The cat decided that it t was time for his master to be introduced at Court. So one day he persuaded him to go and bathe in a river having heard that the King would soon pass that way.

CAT: Master, the water in that near river is so fresh. I encourage you to go and swim there, you will feel much better.

JACK: It´s a good idea. I will go right this instant.

NARRATOR: When Jack was inside the water, suddenly the King’s carriage appeared in sight.

CAT: Help, help!. My Lord the Marquis of Carabas is drowning!.

KING: Stop the carriage!.

NARRATOR: The King put his head out of the carriage window.

KING: It´s the cat!. Go quickly and help the Marquis.

NARRATOR: While Jack was being taken out of the water, the cat ran to the King and said.

CAT: Some robbers came and took my master’s clothes while he was bathing!.

NARRATOR: The truth was that the cat had hidden them under a stone.

KING: Groom!. Quickly, give me the purple and gold suit from the royal wardrobe, and give it to the Marquis.

JACK: Oh, thanks my King. I don´t desserve to wear these fine clothes.

KING: Nonsense!. You look very good in them. I invite you to come to the carriage.

JACK: I can´t accept that.

KING: Please do. My daughter and I will be pleased if you join us.

NARRATOR: Jack finally accepted and he sat nexto to the Princess. The Princess smiled at him so sweetly, that he fell in love with her there and then.


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