Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными, используя правильные формы глагола to be. 

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Сделайте данные предложения отрицательными, используя правильные формы глагола to be.


1. You _____ not Dutch.

2. Gemma _____ at home.

3. Agust and I _____ pleased about it.

4. I _____ not cruel.

5. It _____ good


Употребите правильную форму глагола to be так, чтобы получилось вопросительное предложение.


1._________ Jenny at home?

2._________ you happy?

3._________ your brother married?

4._________ your parents on holidays?

5._________ I tired? I think it is a silly question.


Дополните предложения, используя there is/there are.


1. _____ thirty students in my class.

2. _____ some books in my bag.

3. _____ some computers in the library.

4. _____ a blackboard in the classroom.

5. _____ a CD player on our teacher´s desk.

6. _____ some posters.

7. _____ some dictionaries in the classroom.

8. ________ an Italian boy in my class.

9. ________ an internet café opposite our school.

10. ________ five supermarkets in my town.


Напишите форму множественного числа данных существительных.


1. thief __________

2. fish ___________

3. child____________

4. scarf ____________

5. turkey __________

6. computer ________

7. farmer __________

8. half ____________

9. deer ____________


Раздел 3. Устная речь

Задание 1. Ответьте на вопросы (на английском языке).


1. What are the main directions of education and research in SSTU?

2. When was SSTU founded?

3. How many students study here?

4. What is the “Digital Wind Competition”?

5. What countries does the University have agreements with?

Задание 2. Подготовьте сообщение на тему “SSTU is one of the main technical Universities” (15-20 предложений).






Yu. Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov is one of the largest technical universities in Russia. It was founded in 1930. Today SSTU is a unique educational and research complex including 89 chairs, 8 faculties, 12 educational-research centers and 3 institutes. More than 26 thousand students study here including international ones.

Information Technologies, Software Engineering and Electronics, Mechanical Engineering and Cultural Studies, Industrial and Civil Engineering, Architecture and Design, Power Engineering and Social Science, Chemical Engineering and Machines for Food Industry, Transport Engineering and Instrument-Making, Sewing Technology and Fashion Design are main direction of education and research in our university. SSTU is among leaders in innovation activities.

From the beginning of 1990 SSTU has been successfully participating in international activities. Many students and academic staff are involved in international training and mobility programs. SSTU participates in many international programs. SSTU has agreements with universities and companies of Great Britain, USA, Canada, France, Belgium, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Sweden, India, Taiwan and others.

Cooperation with International computer training institutions allows combining higher educational standards of Russian Federation with professional IT standards. Graduates of International Educational Centre of SSTU could get double diplomas: diploma of higher education of Russian Federation and Higher APTECH Diploma in Software Engineering and Higher Diploma in Computer Graphics and Multi-Media.

Together with foreign partners our university organizes annual International Competition in Computer Graphics and Internet Technologies for Kids and Youth. It is called "Digital Wind".


Раздел 1. Чтение

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст письменно.

Задание 2. Найдите эквиваленты для данных слов.


1. unique 2. chair 3. Power Engineering 4. international 5. research 6. direction 7. successfully 8. architecture 9. to be founded 10. agreement a.успешно b.кафедра c.направление d.международный e.исследование f. архитектура g. энергетика h. уникальный i.соглашение j. быть основанным


Задание 3. Заполните пропуски подходящими словами.


founded, participates, unique, study, agreements, includes, annual


1. SSTU … 89 chairs, 8 faculties, 12 educational-research centers and 3 institutes.

2. SSTU organizes … International Competition in Computer Graphics and Internet Technologies for Kids and Youth.

3. SSTU … in many international programs.

4. Today SSTU is a … educational and research complex

5. SSTU was … in 1930.

6. More than 26 thousand students … here including international ones.

7. Our University has … with universities and companies in many countries.


Задание 4. Заполните пропуски словами из второй колонки, преобразовав их лексически и грамматически.


ПРИМЕР: Yu. Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov is one of the largest technical universities in Russia. large
1) It was … in 1930. foundation
2) It … 89 chairs, 8 faculties, 12 educational-research centers and 3 institutes. include
3) SSTU … in many international programs. participation
4) There are a lot of … resources in our library. inform
5) … with International computer training institutions allows combining higher educational standards of Russian Federation with professional IT standards. cooperate


Задание 5. Составьте пять вопросов разных типов ко всему тексту.


Раздел 2. Грамматика


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