Amerigo Bonasera followed Hagen into the corner room of the house and 

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Amerigo Bonasera followed Hagen into the corner room of the house and

Found Don Corleone sitting behind a huge desk. Sonny Corleone was standing by

The window, looking out into the garden. For the first time that afternoon the Don

Behaved coolly. He did not embrace the visitor or shake hands. The sallow-faced


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Undertaker owed his invitation to the fact that his wife and the wife of the Don

Were the closest of friends. Amerigo Bonasera himself was in severe disfavor

With Don Corleone.

2 Bonasera began his request obliquely and cleverly. "You must excuse my

Daughter, your wife's goddaughter, for not doing your family the respect of

coming today. She is in the hospital still." He glanced at Sonny Corleone and

Tom Hagen to indicate that he did not wish to speak before them. But the Don

Was merciless.

3 "We all know of your daughter's misfortune," Don Corleone said. "If I can help

Her in any way, you have only to speak. My wife is her godmother after all. I have

never forgotten that honor." This was a rebuke. The undertaker never called Don

Corleone "Godfather" as custom dictated.

4 Bonasera, ashen-faced, asked, directly now, "May I speak to you alone?"

5 Don Corleone shook his head. "I trust these two men with my life. They are my

two right arms. I cannot insult them by sending them away."

The undertaker closed his eyes for a moment and then began to speak. His

voice was quiet, the voice he used to console the bereaved. "I raised my daughter

In the American fashion. I believe in America. America has made my fortune. I

Gave my daughter her freedom and yet taught her never to dishonor her family.

She found a 'boy friend,' not an Italian. She went to the movies with him. She

Stayed out late. But he never came to meet her parents. I accepted all this without

A protest, the fault is mine. Two months ago he took her for a drive. He had a

Masculine friend with him. They made her drink whiskey and then they tried to

Take advantage of her. She resisted. She kept her honor. They beat her. Like an

Animal. When I went to the hospital she had two black eyes. Her nose was broken.

Her jaw was shattered. They had to wire it together. She wept through her pain.

'Father, Father, why did they do it? Why did they do this to me?' And I wept."

Bonasera could not speak further, he was weeping now though his voice had not

Betrayed his emotion.

Don Corleone, as if against his will, made a gesture of sympathy and Bonasera

went on, his voice human with suffering. "Why did I weep? She was the light of

My life, an affectionate daughter. A beautiful girl. She trusted people and now she

will never trust them again. She will never be beautiful again." He was trembling,

His sallow face flushed an ugly dark red.


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8 "I went to the police like a good American. The two boys were arrested. They

Were brought to trial. The evidence was overwhelming and they pleaded guilty.

The judge sentenced them to three years in prison and suspended the sentence.

They went free that very day. I stood in the courtroom like a fool and those

Bastards smiled at me. And then I said to my wife: 'We must go to Don Corleone

for justice.' "

The Don had bowed his head to show respect for the man's grief. But when he

spoke, the words were cold with offended dignity. "Why did you go to the police?

Why didn't you come to me at the beginning of this affair?"

10 Bonasera muttered almost inaudibly, "What do you want of me? Tell me what

you wish. But do what I beg you to do." There was something almost insolent in

His words.

11 Don Corleone said gravely, "And what is that?"

Bonasera glanced at Hagen and Sonny Corleone and shook his head. The

Don, still sitting at Hagen's desk, inclined his body toward the undertaker.


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