XII. Give English equivalents 

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XII. Give English equivalents

совершить преступление, проникнуть в систему, законодательный акт, изложены в Акте о преступлениях, защитить информацию, уголовное право, хранить в безопасном месте, искажать сведения, несанкционированный доступ, обвиняемый, обман или кража, получить собственность обманным путем, изменить данные, удаление программы, добавление или стирание сведений, повредить работу компьютера






The level of security of information processed in systems and at the objects of information infrastructure is determined by a block of its features including three following:

- confidentiality - property of information to be protected from unauthorized access;

- integrity - property of information to be protected from unauthorized alteration, deletion or deterioration;

- availability - property of information to be protected from unauthorized suppression.

In 2011, 94% of British companies reported security incidents related to computer security. 91% of these cases were intentional. As for the last four years a three-fold growth of total number of incidents was noted in this field. Rapid development of the Internet that has brought Britain to the second place by density of the Internet users, has also brought significant risks alongside. The average size of damage caused by serious computer security incidents amounted to GBP 10,000. This sum reached GBP 120,000 for huge corporations. One firm reportedly incurred a GBP 250,000 loss due to confidential information theft.

Thefts and counterfeits of credit cards turned into a real disaster. Companies, especially banks, try to conceal incidents of computer theft as they fear that consumers, partners, depositors, shareholders would lose faith in their brand names if they were exposed as compromised. That’s why scales of losses reported in the official statistics are negligibly registered. Experts believe that sizes of computer thefts are four-fold bigger as compared to losses caused by armed robberies in the USA. During the last 10 years annual losses have increased for more than 20 times and now make up to tens of billions of dollars.

Counterespionage and industrial espionage also develop at a quick pace. Special services were formed to cooperate in this field with governmental intelligence; American Society for Industrial Security was even created.

Computer science that maintains this activity exists and evolves. New legal, illegal methods and means of obtaining information on competitors’ secrets are being developed. Computer struggle became a usual thing in the world of market relationship, including foreign trade. Since information networks of advanced nations are united, possibilities of introduction of logic bombs grow. They are programmed in software during development as the means of fighting against illegal copying. Computer fight completed electronic espionage, made it active.

One of the points of information leakage is tightly bound with deletion of electronically stored information.

At the moment there are several ways to remove electronically stored information completely. Methods of information destruction divide into three main groups:

1. Software methods based on deletion of information recorded on magnetic carrier with the help of standard means of recording of information on magnetic carriers. If information was deleted by standard means, magnetic carriers can be repeatedly used.

2. Mechanical method is related to mechanical damage of the basis where magnetic layer was plotted - physical carrier of information.

3. Physical method is related to physical principles of recording on magnetic carrier, based on rebuilding of structure of carrier working surface magnetic material.

The last two methods of deletion usually lead to destruction of the carrier with no possibility to use it in future.

One of the simplest ways to delete information from the hard drive is the method when one edits the boot record of a hard disk and puts in zeros instead.

In conclusion, it’s worth to note that deletion of information is not an easy task. It demands significant funds. Confidentiality of information is regarded priceless in these cases. Therefore it is necessary to pick up a method where recovery of information would be more expensive than the very information.



level – уровень

process – обрабатывать

determine – определять

feature – свойство, особенность, признак

property – 1.свойство 2.собственность

integrity – целостность

delete – стирать, удалять

deterioration – порча

availability – наличие, возможность использо-

вания, доступность, пригодность

suppression – поражение, подавление

case – случай

intentional – преднамеренный

as for – что касается

three-fold – трёхкратный

growth – рост

field – область

rapid – быстрый

density – плотность

significant – значительный

alongside – вместе с тем

average – средний

amount – составлять

GBP = Great Britain Pound – английский фунт

reach – достигать

huge – громадный

reportedly – по сообщениям

incur – понести (потери)

loss – потеря

due to – из-за

counterfeit – подделка

turn into – превратиться

disaster – бедствие

conceal – скрывать

fear – опасаться

consumer – потребитель, клиент

depositor – вкладчик

shareholder – акционер

lose – терять

faith – доверие, вера

brand – марка, товарный знак

expose – подвергать, выставлять, раскрывать

compromise – компрометировать

that’s why – вот почему

scale – масштаб

loss – потеря

negligibly – незначительно, небрежно

compare – сравнивать

robbery – ограбление

annual – ежегодный

billion – (am.) миллиард

espionage – шпионаж

pace – темп, шаг

intelligence – разведка

create – создавать

science – наука

maintain – поддерживать

activity – деятельность

exist – существовать

evolve – развиваться

competitor – конкурент

struggle – борьба

relationship – отношения

since – поскольку

advanced – передовой, развитый

unite – объединять

possibility – возможность

introduction – введение, внесение

grow – расти

software – программное обеспечение

means – средства

completed – доведённый до совершенства

leakage – утечка

tightly – тесно

bound – связан

several – несколько

completely – полностью

destruction – уничтожение, разрушение

record – записывать

carrier – носитель

layer – слой

plot – наносить

surface – поверхность

hard drive – 1.дисковод жёсткого диска,

2.жёсткий дисковод; накопитель

на жестком диске

edit – редактировать

boot record – загрузочная запись

hard disk – винчестер; жёсткий диск

conclusion – заключение

it’s worth to note – стоит отметить

demand – требовать

is regarded – считается

priceless – бесценный

therefore – поэтому

pick up – выбирать

recovery – восстановление

very – собственно, сам



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