Classification of Alcoholic Beverages. 

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Classification of Alcoholic Beverages.


In restaurants where alcoholic beverages are part of themeal service, they can be classified into three categories: before-dinner, with-dinner, and after-dinner drinks.

The most common before-dinner drink is the cocktail. The based alcoholic beverages can be liqueur(such as gin, rye, and rum which are 80 to 100 proof) and ingredients such as bitters, fruit juices, ice, and fruit. Some before-dinner drinks are unmixed, such as vermouth and sherry; these are usually called aperitifs after the French term meaning to stimulate the appetite.

Drinks served with the meal are usually wine and beer. The customer makes a choice from a wine list, a menu of wines offered by the restaurant, listing the types and vintages. Some restaurants that are particularly luxurious employ a wine steward or sommelierwho has information about wines, takes orders, and serves them.

Liqueurs are served after dinner. They are usually strong and sweet such as Cointreau, Chartreuse, and Drambuie. They are sometimes called digestives after the French word meaning an aid to digestion.


Vocabulary on the text.


Ø bitter, n – настойка

digestive, n - пищеварение; средство, способствующее пищеварению

liqueur, n - ликер

proof, n - крепость

rye, n – хлебная водка

vintage, n – год урожая

wine, n - вино

wine list - винный перечень

wine steward – стюард; официант, подающий спиртные напитки


Ø after-dinner drinks – напитки, которые подают после обеда

before-dinner drinks - напитки, которые подают перед обедом

with-dinner drinks - напитки, которые подают во время обеда


Vocabulary Exercises.

Give English equivalents.


Напитки, которые подают до обеда; напитки, которые подают во время обеда; послеобеденные напитки; их называют аперитивы; стимулировать аппетит; вино и пиво; делать выбор; винное меню; официант, подающий спиртные напитки; информация о винах; принимать заказы; помощь пищеварению.


Give Russian equivalents.


Part of themeal service; before-dinner drinks; after-dinner drinks; with-dinner drinks;

a choice from a wine list; a menu of wines, listing the types and vintages; a wine steward or sommelier; an aid to digestion.


Complete the sentences according to the text.


1. Alcoholic beverages served in a restaurant can be classified into …

2. The most common before-dinner drink is…

3. Some before-dinner drinks are unmixed …

4. Drinks served with the meal are …

5. The customer makes a choice from …

6. Some particularly luxurious restaurants employ …

7. Liqueurs are …


Find in the text the words which describe or mean the following.


1. The most common before-dinner drink.

2. Unmixed before-dinner drinks.

3. This employee has information about wines, takes orders, and serves them.

4. A menu of wines offered by the restaurant, listing the types and vintages.

5. These drinks are served after dinner; they are usually strong and sweet.


Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises.

Insert prepositions.


1. Аlcoholic beverages can be grouped … three categories: …-dinner, …-dinner, and …-dinner drinks.

2. Before-dinner drinks are usually called aperitifs … the French term meaning to stimulate the appetite.

3. Drinks served … the meal are usually wine and beer.

4. The customer makes a choice … a wine list, a menu … wines offered … the restaurant.

5. A wine steward or sommelierusually has information … wines.

6. Liqueurs are served … dinner.


Translate the sentences paying attention to the Passive Voice.


1. Alcoholic beverages can be grouped into three categories.

2. Some before-dinner drinks are unmixed.

3. Wine and beer are usually served with the meal.

4. In some luxurious restaurants drink orders are taken by a wine steward who has information about wines.


Translate into English.


1. В ресторане напитки делятся на три категории – те, которые подают до еды, те, которые подают во время еды, и те, которые подают после еды.

2. До еды посетителям обычно предлагают коктейль.

3. Вино и пиво обычно подаётся вместе с едой.

4. После еды подают ликёр, крепкий и сладкий напиток, способствующий пищеварению.


Speech Exercises.


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