Classification of Restaurant Personnel. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Classification of Restaurant Personnel.

Ranging from dishwashers in a kitchen to executives in international chains, there is a wide variety of work to be done in the restaurant and catering business. The same categories used in a manufacturing industry are applicable here: management, produc­tion, and merchandising. Management staff includes personnel who set and carry out policies for the business. Production people are responsible for the product—in this case, the food that comes out of the kitchen. Merchandising personnel must sell the product; in a restaurant this in­cludes creating an atmosphere pleasing enough so that customers want to return.

The management jobs in a restaurant are essentially ad­ministrative. They include the owner or manager, the cashier, bookkeeper, accountant, purchasing agent, and storekeeper. The owner or manager establishes the overall policies and sees that they are carried out. Most restaurants are small enough so that the owner or manager plays a direct part in the daily operations in such matters as menu planning, purchasing, merchandising, financial record-keeping, and supervising the personnel. Many owners or managers act as hostesses in their own restaurants; this gives them more direct contact with customers than managers in other businesses generally have. The other management personnel in a restaurant have jobs directly or indirectly connected with the financial aspects of the business. Large restaurants may also employ secretarial workers.

Production jobs in a restaurant are those in the kitchen. The head of production is the chef, whose principal assistants are the assistant and specialty chefs, dietitians, kitchen helpers, and dish­washers. Chefs in most restaurants are responsible not only for food production but also have management responsibilities. They play an important part in menu planning, purchasing, receiving, and storage; they also supervise the entire kitchen staff. An executive chef is one whose duties are primarily managerial. He coordinates the work of the kitchen staff and directs the preparation of meals.

Merchandising jobs in a restaurant are those in the dining room, including employees who come into contact with the public. The headwaiters and hostesses, the waiters and waitresses, the bar­tenders, and the bussers are all responsible for providing the kind of service and atmosphere that will make the customer want to return.

Direct merchandising in the form of advertising or public rela­tions is a management responsibility. In an independently owned restaurant, the owner or manager ordinarily makes the decisions about advertising space and money. In larger organizations a sales manager handles ad­vertising as an aspect of merchandising.


Vocabulary on the text.


Ø accountant, n – главный бухгалтер

bartender, n - бармен

bookkeeper, n - бухгалтер

busser, n - младший официант

cashier, n - кассир

chef, n - шеф-повар

specialty chef - повар по отдельным блюдам

assistant chef – помощник шеф-повара

dietitian, n – диетолог

headwaiter, n – старший официант

hostess, n – метрдотель

owner, n - владелец

purchasing agent - закупщик

sales manager - менеджер по продажам

storekeeper, n – кладовщик

waiter, n - официант


Ø financial record-keeping - ведение финансового учета

management personnel - управленческий персонал

merchandising personnel - персонал по продаже продукции

production personnel - персонал по производству продукции


Ø carry out, v - выполнять

conduct, v – вести, руководить

employ, v - нанимать на работу

employer, n - работодатель

employee, n – работник

supervise, v - наблюдать; руководить


Ø applicable, a – подходящий, пригодный

elaborate, a – изысканный

responsible, a – ответственный

responsibility, n – ответственность

be responsible for – быть ответственным за

Vocabulary Exercises.

Give English equivalents.


Начиная от... до …; широкое разнообразие; работа, которую предстоит сделать; ресторанный бизнес; обрабатывающая промышленность; управленческий персонал; персонал по производству продукции; персонал по продаже продукции; устанавливать генеральную политику; повседневная работа; наблюдать за работой персонала; более личный контакт; быть ответственным за приготовление пищи; общаться с посетителями; атмосфера, которая заставит посетителей вернуться; принимать решения; место для рекламы.


Give Russian equivalents.


Ranging from … to; a wide variety of; restaurant and catering business; to be applicable; to carry out policies; to be responsible for; creating an atmosphere pleasing enough; to establish the overall policies; to play a direct part; daily operations; menu planning; financial record-keeping; to supervise the personnel; to act as hostesses; directly or indirectly connected; management responsibilities; primarily managerial; to come into contact with the public; direct merchandising; advertising or public rela­tions; to make the decisions; advertising space and money.



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