Conditions for Pure Competition 

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Conditions for Pure Competition

The first condition is that a large number of buyers and sellers exist. No single buyer or seller is large enough or powerful enough to affect the price of the product.

The second condition is that buyers and sellers deal in identical products. Buyers do not prefer one seller's - merchandise over another's. No difference in quality, no brand names, and no need to advertise exist.

The third condition is that each buyer and seller acts independently. As long as everyone acts indepen­dently, sellers compete against one another for the consumer's dollar. Buyers also compete against each other and against the seller to obtain the best price. The competition between buyers and sellers is one of the forces that keeps prices low.

The fourth condition is that buyers and sellers be reasonably well - informed about items for sale. If a store offered an item for sale at a low price, customers would know about it. Because all products are exactly the same, customers would have little reason to remain loyal to one seller. If sellers were reasonably well - informed of other sellers' prices, they would have to keep their own prices low to attract customers.

The fifth condition of a purely competitive market is that buyers and sellers be free to enter into, con­duct, or get out of business. This freedom makes itdifficult for a single producer in any industry to keep the market just to itself. Producers have to keep prices competitive, or new firms will enter the industry and take away some of their business.

Profit Maximization

Under pure competition, each individual firm is too small to influence price. Therefore, the firm views demand differently than the industry does. In a purely competitive market, supply and demand in the entire industry establishes the equilibrium price. After that price is set, each competitive firm selects a level of output that will maximize its profits at the market price.

II. Выберите английский эквивалент для следующих русских слов:

1. существовать a) existent b) exist
c) existence d) exit
2. конкурентный a) compete b) competition
c) competitive d) competitor
3. выбирать a) select b) selection
c) selective d) seldom
4. продавец a) sell b) selling
c) selector d) seller
5. условие a) conditional b) condition
c) continue d) conduction
6. предпочитать a) prefer b) preferable
c) preference d) preferment
7. различие a) differ b) different
c) difference d) differently
8. торговля a) commence b) commerce
c) commercial d) comment


III. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие предлоги:

a) between b) of c) according to d) over e) in f) against

1. Economists classify markets... conditions that prevail in them.

2. The firms have a lot of influence... price.

3. Buyers compete... each other and... the seller to obtain the best price.

4. Sellers and buyers must be well informed... items for sale.

5. The competition... buyers and sellers is one of the forces that keeps prices low.

6. Pure competition includes independent and well – informed buyers and sellers... exactly the same product.


IV. Найдите в правой колонке русский эквивалент для английских словосочетаний:

1. to affect the price a) рыночная цена
2. equilibrium price b) большое количество
3. pure competition c) вести дело
4. to attract customers d) товары для продажи
5. to enter the market e) равновесная цена
6. to set the price f) влиять на цену
7. to conduct business g) привлекать покупателей
8. a large number h) устанавливать цену
9. market price i) вступать в рынок
10. items for sale j) чистая конкуренция


V. Укажите, на какие вопросы в тексте есть ответ yes (Y), а на какие – no (N):

1. When did Adam Smith publish his book «The Wealth of Nations»?

2. What is laissez – faire?

3. What is economics?

4. What are the conditions of creating pure competition?

5. How are markets classified?

6. What is the definition of private property?

7. What is marketing?



Text A


I. Прочтите текст и укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту Т (True), а какие нет – F (False):

1. There is only professional sport in Russia.

2. Most of games were born in Russia.

3. Englishmen are interested in horse-racing, but they don’t want to risk money on horse-races.

4. Cricket is one of the most popular games in Russia.

5. Sport is divided into professional and amateur in Russia.


The British are known to be great sport lovers. When they are neither playing, nor watching games, they like to talk about them. Many of games we play now have come from Britain. One of the most British games is cricket. Summer isn’t summer without cricket. But the game, which attracted the greatest attention, is football, or soccer. There are plenty of professional or amateur clubs all over Britain. Next to football, the chief spectator in British life is horseracing. A lot of people are interested in racing and risk money on the horse races. A great number of people play and watch tennis, basketball, volleyball, boxing, figure skating, swimming, judo and shooting. The Russians are not only sport fans. They take an active part in all sports activities. It’s been a tradition in this country to divide sport into professional and amateur. There are different sporting societies and clubs in Russia. There is no need to speak about the importance of sports and games. They must become a part of daily life. Sport helps people to stay in good shape, helps them to be fit, healthy. Some people go in for sport for pleasure, for relaxation.


II. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие предлоги:

a) in (2) b) on c) about d) for:

1. I prefer to swim … relaxation.

2. I’m interested … sport life in Russia.

3. You are overweight. You should go … for sport.

4. I don’t risk money … horses.

5. I like to talk … famous people.


III. Составьте возможные словосочетания из данных слов:

1. attract a) for sport
2. daily b) fit
3. to be c) attention
4. go in d) an active part
5. take e) life

IV. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:

a) attracts b) prefer c) supported d) divide e) essential:

1. Thank you very much, you … me a lot.

2. It’s a very ancient game and it … a lot of people.

3. Sports is an … part of my life.

4. I don’t like volleyball, I … basketball.

5. Let’s… into two teams and let’s start a game.


V. Укажите, на какие вопросы есть ответы в тексте (Y), а на какие нет (N):

1. What are the most popular sports in Great Britain?

2. What are the most famous sportsmen in Russia?

3. How often should we do sport?

4. Do the British like sport?

5. Why should people do sport?


Text B

Sport in our life

I. Прочтите текст и укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту Т (True), а какие нет – F (False):

1. Few people are fond of sport.

2. In winter we can play only indoor games.

3. Hockey is more popular than football.

4. Sport helps people to become strong and healthy.

5. Only professionals can do sport.


People all over the world are fond of sports and games. The most popular outdoor winter sports are shooting, hockey and in the countries where the weather is frosty and there is much snow – skating, skiing and tobogganing. Some people like figure skating and ski jumping.

In summer people have excellent opportunities for swimming, boating, motor racing and many other sports. Among outdoor games football takes the first place; this game is played in all the countries of the world. The other games that are very popular in different countries are golf, volleyball, basketball, tennis, cricket and so on.

All the year round many people go in for boxing, gymnastics and track and field events. Among indoor games the most popular are billiards, table tennis, draughts and some others.

Sport is very popular in our country. Sport doesn’t only help people to become strong and healthy. It also helps them in their daily work. There are many stadiums, swimming pools, gym-halls and sports grounds in our country. Every year sportsmen set new records in gymnastics, skiing, ski jumping, skating, swimming and so on.


II.Составьте возможные словосочетания из данных слов:

1. ski a) skating
2. volley b) tennis
3. figure c) jumping
4. swimming d) ball
5. table e) pool


III. Укажите слово не подходящее остальным по смыслу в каждой строчке:

1. a) tobogganing b) figure skating c) draughts d) hunting

2. a) boating b) surf riding c) swimming d) golf

3. a) table tennis b) volleyball c) boxing d) ski jumping

4. a) swimming pool b) figure skating c) gym hall d) sport ground

5. a) strong b) frosty c) healthy d) fast


IV. Подберите определение для каждого термина:

1. figure skating a) it is one of the most famous games among men
2. motor races b) it’s very important to hit the ball
3. hockey c) you throw a ball into a net with an open bottom
4. tennis d) this kind of sport is very noisy and dangerous
5. basketball e) people dance on the ice


V. Закончите предложения, выбрав верный вариант:

1. All the year round a) shooting, hockey.
2. Among indoor games the most popular are b) many people go in for boxing.
3. The most popular outdoor winter sports are c) set new records in gymnastics, skiing, ski-jumping, skating, swimming and so on.
4. Every year sportsmen d) to play indoor game.
5. In winter you have an excellent opportunity e) billiards, table tennis, draughts.


Text C

Sport and games

I. Прочтите текст и укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту Т (True), а какие нет – F (False):

1. Each sportsman aims to take part in Olympic games.

2. Aerobics is called the queen of sport.

3. You can meet people of all nationalities in the Olympic games.

4. You can participate in sport life even if you are not a sportsman.

5. Olympic Games are organized every year.


I am sure you are all interested in sport. Many of you certainly play such games as volleyball or football, basketball or tennis. People who play a game are players. Players form teams and play matches with other teams – their opponents. Two players playing with each other are partners. Each team can lose or win. In football match players try to score as many goals as they can. Most matches take place in large stadiums. Athletics is the most popular sport. People call it: “The queen of all sports”. It comprises such kinds of sports as: running (for different distances), jumping (long and high jumps) and others. From time to time international championships and races (horse-races, motor-races, cycle-races) take place. Representatives of various countries can win gold, silver or bronze medals. Such great championships in sport are organized every four years and we call them Olympic Games. Only the best can take part in them. There are so many kinds of sports, such as cycling, swimming, gymnastics, boxing, skating, skiing, rowing, yachting and many more in which you can take an active part or just be a devoted fan. Everybody may choose the sport he or she is fond of or interested in.


II.Подберите синонимы для следующих слов:

1. participate a) various
2. competitors b) to be interested in
3. different c) competition
4. championship d) take part
5. to be fond of e) opponents

III. Составьте возможные словосочетания из данных слов:

1. from time a) of sport
2. score b) medals
3. take c) to time
4. kinds d) goals
5. win e) part


IV. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:

a) partner b) a devoted fan c) representative d) won e) stadium:

1. I’m very happy, our team has ….

2. He is the best … of our team.

3. My … broke his leg, that’s why we couldn’t take part in the competitions.

4. They are going to build a new… in our city.

5. I don’t play tennis, I’m just ….

V. Укажите, на какие вопросы в тексте есть ответы (Y), а на какие нет (N):

1. Where do matches take place?

2. What is the prize of champions?

3. Who are players?

4. Who are opponents?

5. Who are fans?


Text D

Different kinds of sport

I. Прочтите текст и укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту Т (True), а какие нет – F (False):

1. Basketball team is bigger than baseball team.

2. Football players and golf players must run well.

3. Cricket and rugby are similar.

4. Hockey can be played only on the ice.

5. In football the goalkeeper can handle the ball.


Basketball – a game played by two teams of five or six players. Goals are scored by throwing a large ball into a net with an open bottom which is fixed high on metal ring. Golf – an outdoor game in which each player tries to hit a small hard ball into a series of 9 or 18 holes using as few strokes as possible. It was organized in the 15 th century.
Baseball – a game played with a bat and ball by two teams of nine players. Each player tries to hit the ball and then run round each of the four bases on the field before the ball is returned. Hockey – a game played on a field by two teams of 11 players each with curved sticks and a small hard ball (puck).
Cricket – a national game, which started in the 17 th century. It is played on grass field with bats and a small ball by two teams of 11 players each. A cricket match may last two or three days. Archery – sport of shooting with a bow and arrows Darts – a game in which darts are thrown at a target marked with numbers for scoring.
Football – a game played by two teams of eleven players using a round ball that must not be handled during the game except by the goalkeeper. Football is the most popular sport in Britain. In its present form football dates from 1863.   Rugby – is a form of football played with an oval ball, which may be kicked or carried. The game was organized in 1823. In the town of Rugby, when during a football match a pupil of a local school picked up the ball and ran to score a goal.


II. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие предлоги:

a) into b) with c) at d) in e) up:

1. to throw darts …the target

2. to throw a ball … a net

3. …its present form

4. a game played … a bat

5. to pick … a ball


III. Какое снаряжение используется в следующих видах спорта:

1. basketball a) bow, arrow
2. baseball b) holes
3. golf c) stick
4. hockey d) ring
5. archery e) bases

IV.Подберите определение для каждого термина:

1. basketball a) your equipment is bow and arrows
2. football b) your equipment is a target with numbers and darts
3. archery c) you throw a ball into a net with an open bottom
4. hockey d) you can only kick the ball
5. darts e) practically all boys play it in winter


V. Укажите, в каких предложениях есть ошибки (Y), а в каких нет (N):

1. Baseball – is a game played with an oval ball. Each player tries to kick the ball.

2. Archery – is a sport of shooting darts.

3. Football – players hit the ball to each other, except to the goalkeeper. He can’t handle the ball.

4. Hockey – is a game played on a field with a hard ball.

5. Rugby – is a game with an oval ball

Text E

National Sports of Great Britain

I. Прочтите текст и укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту Т (True), а какие нет – F (False):

1. There are many proverbs connected with sport in Great Britain.

2. Snooker and darts are very famous with men and women.

3. The Chinese are the best squash players.

4. You can see different kinds of races in Great Britain.

5. Many kinds of sport originated from Great Britain that’s why the British win most of international competitions.


Many kinds of sport originated from England. The English have a proverb, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". They do not think that play is more important than work; they think that Jack will do his work better if he plays as well. So he is encouraged to do both. Association football or soccer is one of the most popular games in the British Isles played from late August until the beginning of May. In summer the English national sport is cricket. When the English say: "that's not cricket" it means "that's not fair", "to play the game" means "to be fair".

Walking and swimming are the two most popular sporting activities, being almost equally undertaken by men and women. Snooker (billiards), pool and darts are the next most popular sports among men. Aerobics (keep-fit exercises), yoga, squash and cycling are among the sports where participation has been increasing in recent years.

There are several places in Britain associated with a particular kind of sport. One of them is Wimbledon where the All-England Lawn Tennis Championship are held in July (since 1877). The other one is Wembly - a stadium in north London where international football matches, the Cup Finals and other events have taken place since 1923.

Table Tennis

Table tennis was first invented in England in about 1880. At first the game had several strange names: Gossima. Whiff Whaff and Ping Pong. It wasn't until 1926 that the International Table Tennis Association was formed with international championships and rules.

Although the game was invented in England British players don't have much chance in international championships. It's the Chinese with their fantastic speed and power who win almost every title. Table tennis looks more like gymnastics when the Chinese start playing, with the ball flying over the net at speeds of over 150 kilometres per hour.


There are all kinds of racing in England - horse-racing, motor-car racing, boat-racing, dog-racing, and even races for donkeys. On sports days at school boys and girls run races, and even train for them. There is usually a mile race for older boys, and one who wins it is certainly a good runner.

Usually those who run a race go as fast as possible, but there are some races in which everybody has to go very carefully in order to avoid falling.

The most famous boat-race in England is between Oxford and Cambridge. It is rowed over a course on the River Thames, and thousands of people go to watch it. The eight rowers in each boat have great struggle, and at the end there is usually only a short distance between the winners and the losers.

The University boat-race started in 1820 and has been rowed on the Thames almost every spring since 1836.


Squash began at Harrow School in the mid-nineteenth century, but has since worked its way Into almost every city and district in Britain and throughout Europe.

Squash is one of the fastest games in the world. Two people play in a small confined space surrounded by high walls with no net to keep them apart. The aim is to get to the point at the centre of the court and to stay there.

Squash players hope that the game will make them stronger and fitter, but like many sports, squash can be very dangerous. The most obvious danger is the small ball that shoots through the air extremely fast.


Windsurfing was invented in the mid-sixties by two southern Californian surfers, Hoyle Schweitzer and Jim Drake. Surfers need strong rolling waves, and hate days of calm sea. Schweitzer noticed that on days when waves were not high enough to surf, there was often a strong wind and he set about finding a way to use it.

His first experiments involved standing on his surfboard holding out a piece of sail cloth in his hands. Gradually he and Drake refined this idea into a basic design for a sailboard, similar to a surfboard, but holding a mast and a triangular sail which could be tilted and turned in any direction. The windsurfer operates a boom which controls the amount of wind in the sail, for speed and change of direction. Schweitzer immediately went into business designing and making the new sailboards and taking the idea abroad. By mid-seventies, the sport had spread to Holland, Germany and France.


II. Подберите определение для каждого термина:

1. boom a) a long period of time in which you try to deal with a difficult problem
2. district b) something that happens, especially something interesting, unusual or important
3. to row c) an area of a town or a countryside
4. struggle d) to make a boat move across water
5. event e) a long pole on a boat that is attached to the bottom of a sail, and that you move to change the position of the sail

III. Подберите синонимы для следующих слов:

1. particular a) escape
2. avoid b) impartially
3. obvious c) specific
4. equally d) growth
5. increase e) evident

IV. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие предлоги:

a) for b) on c) at d) since e) in:

1. She likes to watch boat races … the river Volga.

2. He has won four competitions … 1992.

3. He was driving … speed of 100 km/h when the accident happened.

4. We have been training … this competition since August.

5. This stadium is … south London.


V. Составьте возможные словосочетания из следующих слов:

1. go into a) waves
2. take the b) the point
3. rolling c) business
4. get to d) apart
5. keep e) idea abroad



Text A

Law Enforcement Institutes in Russia

I. Прочтите текст и укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту Т (True), а какие нет – F (False):

1. If you want to be a student of the Law Enforcement Institute you have to pay for your education.

2. Many of the Law Enforcement Institutes have good living facilities.

3. You have to study six years at the Institute.

4. After graduating the Institute you have an opportunity for further education.

5. The main attention is paid to the physical education.


There are more than two dozen Law Enforcement Institutes in Russia. They train highly qualified law Enforcement officers.

In order to enter the Law Enforcement Institute the applicants should pass a physical examination, a background investigation, a psychological test, an oral interview and entrance exams. If they pass grades, proper moral and physical standards, they will become students of the law. The tuition here is free.

Upon graduation the students will get a diploma of a lawyer and become lieutenants of militia. Their future profession is law, crime detection, crime investigation and crime prevention.

Knowledge of special means, methods and forms of crime detection and crime investigation is necessary for the graduates of Law Enforcement Institutes. That is why the students have lectures, seminars and practical exercises in many special education subjects: Law Enforcement Tactics, Firing Drill, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Civil Law, Criminal Procedure, Criminalistics, Crime Detection, Crime Psychology, Criminology and some others. In addition to special education subjects there are general education subjects such as Political Science, Sociology, Philosophy, History of Russia, Foreign languages and some others. All these subjects develop students’ intellectual capacities, their reasoning power and their ability to communicate.

The lecturing and instructional staffs of Law Enforcement Institutes are experienced lectures; well known scientists and law enforcement experts of great practical experience.

Many of the Law Enforcement Institutes in Russia have good living and instruction facilities: specially equipped classrooms, laboratories, lecture-halls, libraries, shooting ranges, dining halls and dormitories. The term of training is four or five years, but there is always an opportunity for further education at postgraduate courses at the Academy or some other Law Enforcement Institutes.


II. Составьте возможные словосочетания из данных слов:

1. highly a) examinations
2. enter b) to communicate
3. pass c) a diploma
4. ability d) qualified
5. get e) the University


III. Укажите слово не подходящее остальным по смыслу в каждой строчке:

1. a) Physical examination b) information of the family c) oral interview

d) psychological test

2. a)Firing Drill b) Civil Law c) Biology d) Criminology

3. a) crime detection b) law c) investigation d) judges

4. a) swimming pools b) shooting ranges c) dormitories d)laboratories

5. a) experienced lectures b) well known scientists c) law enforcement experts d) educational experience


IV. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:

a) foreign languages b) crime c) subject d) library e) an oral interview:

1. I don’t understand this …It’s very difficult.

2. There is a good … in our University.

3. She is always very nervous when she has ….

4. The level of … in our country is very high.

5. I don’t know any of ….


V. Укажите на какие вопросы в тексте есть ответы (Y), а на какие нет (N):

1. What exams should you pass to enter the Law Enforcement Institute?

2. Will students have possibility to work abroad after graduating the Institute?

3. What subjects will you have to study at the Institute?

4. What are your opportunities after graduating the Institute?

5. How many students are there in one group?


Text B


I. Прочтите текст и укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту Т (True), а какие нет – F (False):

1. A lawyer is a person who conducts the trial.

2. A lawyer may draft wills and contracts.

3. Litigation work includes giving opinions.

4. In the United Kingdom there is only one branch of the legal profession.

5. The United States has more attorneys than any other country.


A lawyer is a person who knows the law and advises others on legal problems. A lawyer prepares legal documents, such as wills and contracts and papers, which are used in court, he or she also represents clients or the state in a legal action.

Most lawyers specialize in a particular type of work, they appear in court (litigation), and advise clients on a variety of matters. Litigation lawyers are sometimes known as the bar after the barrier that existed, in England, between the judge and the rest of the court.

Litigation lawyers give their opinions, advise on calling witnesses and other evidence. Lawyers who do not deal with litigation may advise clients on a great variety of matters or they specialize in only one branch of the law, such as tax law, family law, or buying and selling property. They also draft contracts, wills, deeds, and other documents.

In the United Kingdom these two branches of the legal profession are separate. ''Litigation lawyers are called barristers (advocates in Scotland) and those who deal with out-of-court work are called solicitors. In the early 1990s plans existed to merge the two branches into one profession.

The divided system still exists in some Australian states, although in other parts of Australia and in Canada and New Zealand, where it was originally used, the two parts of the profession have now come together.

In the United States there is a single profession. Lawyers are usually known as attorneys (which is an old name for solicitors in Great Britain). People who want to be lawyers go to law school after graduating from college. When they complete their studies they pass the examinations of the bar association in the state in which they wish to work before they can practice law. The United States has more lawyers than any other country.

Many lawyers do not practice privately but work in the legal department of a large company or other association, or are in government service.


II. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие предлоги:

a) on b) in (2) c) from d) to:

1. Martin French goes … the Law school.

2. I graduated … the University two years ago.

3. Give me the papers, which are used … court.

4. I am … government service.

5. I usually advise with my mother …different problems.

III. Составьте возможные словосочетания из данных слов:

1. draft a) law
2. practice b) studies
3. graduate c) from college
4. complete d) opinions
5. give e) contracts


IV. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:

a) in government service b) have right to c) great variety d) represents our clients e) practicing privately:

1. You don’t … to interfere in our business.

2. There is … of different affairs.

3. Mrs. Adams … in America.

4. He has been … for three years.

5. He works three days a week in court, and all the rest of the week he is ….

V. Закончите предложения, выбрав верный вариант:

1. People who want to be lawyers a) advise on calling witnesses and other evidence.
2. A lawyer is a person who b) but work in the legal department of a large company
3. Litigation lawyers c) more lawyers than any other country.
4. Many lawyers do not practice privately d) go to law school after graduating from college.
5. The United States has e) knows the law and advises others on legal problems


Text C

Law Enforcement Code of Ethics

I. Прочтите текст и укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту Т (True), а какие нет – F (False):

1. What is the fundamental duty of a law enforcement officer?

2. What does he have to protect?

3. How long does he have to study?


4. Who are his heroes?

5. What does he have to develop?


As a Law Enforcement Officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against the violence and disorder; to respect the Constitutional rights of all men to liberty, equality and justice.

I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule, develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.

I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities.

I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and of the public service. I will constantly strive to achieve objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession … law enforcement.


II. Найдите в правой колонке английский эквивалент для русских словосочетаний:

1. выполнение обязанностей a) obey laws
2. применять силу b) performance of duties
3. влиять на решение c) honest in thought and deed
4. достигать цели d) to employ force
5. защищать невиновных от обмана e) to dedicate oneself to the profession
6. развивать сдержанность f) courageous calm
7. подчиняться законам g) to influence decisions
8. быть честным как в мыслях, так и в поступках h) to achieve objectives
9. бесстрашное спокойствие i) to protect the innocent against deception
10. посвятить себя профессии j) to develop self-restraint

III. Cоставьте возможные словосочетания из данных слов:

1. to maintain a) self-restraint
2. to serve b) lives
3. to develop c) calm
4. to safeguard d) the law
5. to enforce e) mankind

IV. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:

a) violence b) public faith c) duty d) objective e) influence upon my decisions:

1. It’s a … of a doctor to try to keep people alive and healthy.

2. Our … is a world without poverty.

3. Terrorists are ready to employ…to anyone who stands in their way.

4. He is a symbol of ….

5. Despite all your efforts you won’t be able to ….

V. Укажите, какие из перечисленных слов являются положительными (P), а какие отрицательными (N):

1. scorn

2. equality

3. malice

4. intimidation

5. trust


Text D

The criminal process: How it works

I. Прочтите текст и укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту Т (True), а какие нет – F (False):

1. Policemen may stop you to ask you some questions.

2. A stop is the same as an arrest.

3. You can’t remain silent. You must answer all questions.

4. You may only call your attorney.

5. You may be released only after a court hearing.


The criminal process typically begins with a stop or an arrest. It could end at any time of sentencing, depending on the facts and circumstances of any particular case. You have certain rights at every stage of the criminal process. The following is a brief explanation of each step from a stop through sentencing. You may be stopped for questioning by the police. A stop is not the same as an arrest. A stop occurs when a police officer detains you to ask you questions, but doesn’t move you to different locations. The police may also ask to search you your vehicle. In general, an officer can arrest you, if he has probable cause to believe that you committed a felony or if there is a warrant for your arrest. When you are arrested you will be taken into police custody. When you are placed under arrest, the police must inform you of your constitutional rights. This includes your right to remain silent and your right to obtain the advice of an attorney. When you are arrested you should be given an opportunity to contact a lawyer or anyone else you want to let know what has happened to you. You are not limited to a single call. Once you are arrested there is a limited amount of time before you must either be charged with a crime or released. If you have been held for an unreasonable amount of time without being charged, your attorney can ask a judge to order your release. After you are arrested and charged with a crime you will be booked, your name and the crime that you have been charged with will be entered into the official police record. Your personal belongings will be taken from you for safe keeping while you are in custody. They will be inventoried and you will be asked to sign the inventory. Depending on the charge and the circumstances of your case, you may be released and ordered to appear for your hearing in court. You may be released on your own recognizance or you may have to put up a certain amount of bail to secure your release. In other instances, you may remain in police custody until there is a court hearing on your release.


II. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие предлоги:

a) at b) for (2) c) on d) to:

1. Children depend … their parents.

2. Freeze, Bill. I have a warrant … your arrest.

3. You are so upset. What has happened … you?

4. I’m very busy now. I’m preparing … questioning on Monday.

5. You must inform me about our problem … every stage of its solving.


III. Расположите указанные события в хронологической последовательности:

1. a) call
2. b) court hearing
3. c) arrest
4. d) bail
5. e) questioning


IV. Cоставьте возможные словосочетания:

1. commit a) call
2. remain b) under arrest
3. give c) felony
4. single d) an opportunity
5. place e) silent


V. Укажите на какие вопросы в тексте есть ответы (Y), а на какие нет (N):

1. What’s the difference between a stop and an arrest?

2. What can you do to be released?

3. How long can you be arrested before being charged with a crime or released?

4. What do policemen do with your belongings?

5. What must policemen do after arresting you?


Unit V Automobile

Text A

History of an Automobile

I. Прочтите текст и укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту Т (True), а какие нет – F (False):

1. Only electric automobiles are equipped with the electrical system.

2. The movement of the car is controlled only by two systems: the braking and the steering ones.

3. The first cars were operated by the simplest types of internal combustion engines.

4. Karl Benz was the first in Germany to introduce a car with a steam-engine.

5. Ford contributed much to automation in car manufacturing.


Automobile is a four-wheeled automotive vehicle designed for passenger transportation, commonly propelled by an internal combustion engine using a volatile fuel.

The modern automobile consists of about 14,000 parts, divided into several structural and mechanical systems. These include the steel body, containing the passenger and storage space, which sits on the chassis or steel frame; the internal combustion gasoline engine, which powers the car by means of a transmission; the steering and braking systems, which control the car's motion; and the electrical system, which includes a battery, alternator, and other devices. Subsystems involve fuel, exhaust, lubrication, cooling, suspension, and tires.

Though experimental vehicles were built in the 18th and mid-19th century, not until the 1880s did Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz in Germany begin separately to manufacture cars commercially. In the U.S., James and William Packard (1863-1928, 1861-1923) and Ransom Olds (1864-1950) were among the first auto manufacturers, and by 1898 there were 50 U.S. manufacturers. Some early cars operated by steam engine, such as those made from 1902 by Francis E. and Freelan O. Stanley. The internal combustion engine was used by Henry Ford when he introduced the Model T in 1908; Ford would soon revolutionize the industry with his use of the assembly line.

In the 1930s European manufacturers began to make small, affordable cars such as the Volkswagen. In the 1950s and '60s, U.S. automakers produced larger, more luxurious cars with more automatic features. In the 1970s and '80s Japanese manufacturers exported their small, reliable, fuel-efficient cars worldwide, and their increasing popularity spurred U.S. automakers to produce similar models.


II. Cоставьте возможные словосочетания:

1. four-wheeled a) engine
2. braking b) features
3. steam c) vehicle
4. automatic d) fuel
5. volatile e) system

III. Подберите определение для каждого термина:

1. engine a) device for supplying a spark-ignition engine with a mixture of fuel and air.
2. carburetor b) system in an engine that transmits power generated by the engine to the point where it is to be used.
3. wheel c) machine that can convert any of various forms of energy into mechanical power or motion.
4. brake d) circular frame of hard material capable of turning on an axle.
5. transmission e) elastic members designed to cushion the impact of road irregularities on a portion of an automotive vehicle.

IV. Расположите указанные события в хронологической последовательности:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a) Cars with internal combustion engine were launched. b) The earliest attempts to build cars were taken. c) The Eastern cars became more popular than the American ones. d) A car with a steam engine was introduced. e) An assembly line for producing cars was invented.



V. Укажите, на какие вопросы в тексте есть ответы (Y), а на какие нет (N):

1. Which inventors influenced the history of an automobile?

2. How did the assembly line improve car manufacturing?

3. What are the drawbacks of Japanese cars?

4. Which major systems are there in a car?

5. Why is an internal combustion engine better than a steam one?

Text B

Types of engines

I. Прочтите текст и укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту Т (True), а какие нет – F (False):

1. A steam engine was invented earlier than an internal combustion engine.

2. A diesel engine is one of the varieties of an internal combustion engine.

3. There is a piston and a cylinder in a diesel engine.

4. A gasoline engine is often called a compression-ignition engine.

5. Diesel engines do not harm the environment.


An engine is a machine that can convert any of various forms of energy into mechanical power or motion.

The steam engines developed during the Industrial Revolution to power stationary machinery were modified in the 19 th century to propel locomotives and ships, and were joined later by steam turbines. Internal-combustion engines were developed by Nikolaus Otto and Rudolf Diesel in the late 19 th century. Gas turbines and rocket engines came into use in the later 20 th century.

Internal combustion engine is an engine in which a fuel-air mixture is burned in the engine proper so that the hot gaseous products of combustion act directly on the surfaces of its moving parts, such as those of pistons or turbine rotor blades. Internal combustion engines include gasoline engines, diesel engines, gas turbine engines, pure jet engines, and rocket engines and motors, and are one class of heat engines.

Diesel engine is an internal-combustion engine in which air is compressed to a temperature sufficiently high to ignite fuel injected into the cylinder, where combustion and expansion activate a piston. It converts the chemical energy stored in the fuel into mechanical energy, which can be used to power large trucks, locomotives, ships, small electric-power generators, and some automobiles. The diesel engine differs from other internal-combustion engines (such as gasoline engines) in that it has no ignition system, and so is often called a compression-ignition engine. Diesel fuel is low-grade and comparatively unrefined. Compared to other internal-combustion engines, diesel engines are expensive and heavy and produce more air pollution, noise and vibration.


II. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие предлоги:

a) to (2) b) into c) by d) from:

1. The diesel engine differs … other internal-combustion engines.

2. The air in the internal-combustion engine is compressed … a very high temperature.

3. Engine converts various kinds of energy … mechanical power.

4. Internal-combustion engines were designed … Rudolf Diesel.

5. Compare your car … others, yours is best.


III. Выберите правильный перевод подчеркнутых слов:

1. Паровой двигатель was rather primitive.

a) internal combustion engine

b) gasoline engine

c) diesel engine

d) steam engine


2. Airplanes are equipped with реактивными двигателями.

a) rocket engines

b) gas turbines

c) jet engines

d) heat engines


3. Different engines use different types of топлива.

a) generator

b) combustion

c) fuel

d) piston


4. Зажигание of fuel takes place inside the engine.

a) ignition

b) expansion

c) compression

d) refinement


5. Your car makes a lot of шум.

a) noise

b) pollution

c) vibration

d) accidents


IV. Закончите предложения, выбрав верный вариант:

1. The internal combustion engines a) are rather heavy, noisy and dirty.
2. Diesel engines b) in a diesel engine.
3. Diesel fuel c) include gasoline engines, jet engines and other types of engines.
4. There is no ignition system d) is sufficient to power large vehicles.
5. The mechanical energy produced in a diesel engine e) is cheaper and its quality is poorer.

V. Укажите, на какие вопросы в тексте есть ответы (Y), а на какие нет (N):

1. Who invented the internal combustion engine?

2. What are the drawbacks of a gas turbine engine?

3. How does a diesel engine work?

4. What cars are equipped with internal combustion engines and what with diesel engines?

5. What are the advantages of a diesel engine?


Text C

Electric automobile

I. Прочтите текст и укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту Т (True), а какие нет – F (False):

1. First electric vehicles were rather noisy, but soon they became quieter.

2. It was more expensive to produce electric cars than common cars in the beginning of the 20 th century.

3. Electric cars were primarily used for transportation within city limits.

4. Americans faced an energy crisis at the end of the 19 th century.

5. The attempts to combine two types of engine (electric and gasoline) failed.


An electric automobile is a battery-powered motor vehicle. The history of an electric car dates back to the 1880s. Initially, electric cars were used for private passenger, truck, and bus transportation in cities, where their low speeds and limited battery range were not drawbacks, and the cars became popular for their quietness and low maintenance costs. Until 1920 they were competitive with gasoline-powered cars more attractive and mass production made them cheaper to produce. In Europe electric vehicles have been used as short-range delivery vans. Renewed interest in electric cars beginning in the 1970s, spurred especially by new consciousness of foreign oil dependency and environmental concern, led to improvements in speed and range. Recent laws, particularly in California, have mandated commercial production. “Hybrid” cars employing both electric and internal combustion engines and providing the best features of both technologies have recently become commercially available. Experimental vehicles have used solar fuel cells. Fuel cells are capable converting chemical energy of a fuel directly into electricity. Fuel cells are intrinsically more efficient than most other energy-conversation devices. They are especially being developed for use in electric automobiles, in the hope of achieving enormous reduction in pollution.


II. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:

a) cost b) features c) fuel cells d) pollution e) achieve:

1. I won’t buy this car because of its ….

2. What are the … of this car?

3. They … very good results.

4. … are more efficient than other energy-conversion devices.

5. A lot of people speak about the …, but do little.

III. Найдите в правой колонке русский эквивалент для английских лексических единиц:

1. range a) топливо
2. maintenance b) превращение
3. gasoline c) диапазон
4. combustion d) техническое обслуживание
5. conversion e) сгорание


IV. Расположите указанные события в хронологической последовательности:

1. a) Some attempts were made to combine the advantages of common and electric vehicles.
2. b) American legislation encouraged production of electric vehicles.
3. c) Gasoline-powered cars started to be produced in large amount.
4. d) Inventors tried to use the energy of the sun to drive the vehicles.
5. e) America again showed interest in nature-friendly sources of energy.


V. Укажите, какие из перечисленных характеристик являются преимуществами электромобилей (А), а какие недостатками (D):

1. low speed

2. low maintenance costs

3. environment-friendliness

4. limited battery range

5. quietness


Text D

How the car changed the country, town by town

I. Прочтите текст и укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют тексту Т (True), а какие нет – F (False):

1. First cars were small and light.

2. First roads were in a very bad condition.

3. First drivers didn’t go out in rainy weather.

4. It was easy to change tires.

5. Farm boys drove slower than boys living in the town.


In 1903 in Winfield, Kansas the first car was seen in town. Actually it was more like a truck and was used to haul customers out to the land. Steam power was widely used in the 1880s and 1890s on the farms of America. Cowley County had these behemoths and a large group of people with the ability to use, and the skill to fix and repair them. The smaller, less expensive automobile, with an internal combustion engine provided a new avenue of interest that was much more personal than the steam engine with its team of attendants. Mr. Martin Baden of Winfield, Kansas and his new eight-cylinder Cadillac roadster. This car was especially built for Mr. Baden, and was equipped with all modern appliances. Driving an automobile required a high degree of technical dexterity, mechanical skill, special clothing including hat, gloves, duster coat, goggles and boots. Tires were unreliable and changing one was an excruciating experience. Fuel was a problem, since gasoline was in short supply. Mr. Baden became interested enough to become a self-taught geologist and eventually discovered major oil deposits in Cowley County, Kansas, and surrounding area. The drivers of the day were adventurous a lot, going out in every kind of weather. Everyone in town knew who owned what car and the cars were soon to become each individuals token of identity. The dirty roads were a challenge in any weather. By 1910 Winfield paved the downtown streets with brick, horses were no longer welcome. By 1915 racing had become a passion all over the United States. A typical local racetrack was at the Cowley County in Winfield, Kansas. Local farm boys who were familiar with motors and equipment used their talents on cars and motorcycles to go faster than anyone in the county. The horse racing facilities were quickly converted to the new, faster, more dangerous, and thus more exciting motor racing.



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