Interesting Facts About United States 

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Interesting Facts About United States

#1: National Facts

· The National bird of the United States is The Bald Eagle.

· Rose is the national flower.


· #2: Cartoons & Movies

· Hollywood, America is considered to be the movie capital of the world. Cinema has grown multi fold from its early days.

· Walt Disney was a ruthless business man, and was rumored to be anti Semitic and otherwise racist.

· Mickey Mouse’s original name, Mortimer mouse was thought pompous by Walt Disney’s wife. She had suggested the name Mickey as she thought it was cuter.


· #3: Food Habits

· There are some very interesting facts about America related to the food habits of Americans, here they are:

· Cars in America have witnessed almost 20% of the meals eaten.

· 31% of the people consume packaged food than fresh food.

· One fourth of the population eats some kind of fast food every day.

· Americans spend 10% of their disposable income on food every year.




















2. Answer the questions below:

1) What is stereotype?

2) Are stereotypes usually accurate?

3) Do you think there are any stereotypes that are good?

4) Do movies show different nationalities as stereotypes?

5) What stereotypes do Hollywood, Bollywood and Hong Kong create?

6) What are the stereotypes of men and women?

7) Do gender stereotypes annoy you?


Read some stereotypes below and 5 stereotypes of your own. Comment on each stereotype if you agree or disagree with it


Americans are obsessed with celebrities. In the United States, celebrities are on just about every cover of every magazine, every tabloid, and are hired by big companies to advertise their products. There is a certain level of infatuation among Americans when it comes to celebrities. While some Americans may have unhealthy obsessions with their favorite pop star or actress, there are plenty of Americans who could care less about celebrity gossip, etc.


Americans are addicted to plastic surgery. In 2010, there were 9,336,814 plastic surgery many individuals who have plastic surgery once, are likely to have other things on their body “fixed” as well. On the other hand, there are plenty of Americans who are just as original as the day they were born.procedures performed in the United States. That’s a lot of plastic surgery! But the truth is,

Ukrainians drink horilka, eat borsch and salo.A lot of nationalities think that Ukrainians drink almost every day, and they always have borsch and salo on their table.


Let’s travel throughout the US!

Look at the photos below. Which places do you recognize? Try to give the names of the places, their location and history




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