Exercise 13. Match Mrs Davis’s symptoms (1-6) with the questions her doctor asked ( a-f). 

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Exercise 13. Match Mrs Davis’s symptoms (1-6) with the questions her doctor asked ( a-f).

1. diarrhea a) Do you prefer hot weather or cold?
2. eating more b) Is your weight steady?
3. heat intolerance c) What is your appetite like?
4. overactivity d) Are your bowels normal?
5. palpitations e) Are you able to sit and relax?
6. weight loss f) Have you ever felt your heart beating rapidly?


Exercise 14. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Найрозповсюдженішою причиною зобу є недостатня кількість йоду в харчуванні.

2. Доросла людина повинна вживати щонайменше 20 мікрограм йоду кожен день.

3. Відомо, що ознаками отруєння йодом є напухання слинних залоз та металічний присмак.

4. Зоб виникає, коли щитовидна залоза не здатна виробляти достатню кількість гормонів.

5. Доведено, що зоб виникає в таких регіонах, де грунт та вода не мають достатньої кількості йоду.

6. Іншими причинами, що викликають зоб можуть бути інфекції, деякі ліки та куріння.

7. Збільшення щитовидної залози – це перша ознака зобу.

8. Ускладненням зобу у вагітних може бути викидень або народження мертвого плоду.


Exercise 15. Describe the term “Goiter” according to the table:

1. General characteristics  
2. Symptoms  
3. Analyses  
4. Treatment  
5. Complications  


Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

1. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення: 1. виявляти недостатність йоду 2. знижувати продуктивність гормонів 3. лікувати гіпертиреоз 4. використовувати йодовану столову сіль 5. потребувати 20 мікрограм йоду щоденно 6. не канцерогенне збільшення щитовидної залози 7. спричиняти зоб 8. недостатньо йоду в харчуванні 9. отруєння йодом 10. опухлі слинні залози   2. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: 1. What types of enlargement of thyroid gland do you know? 2. What are the reasons that can cause goiter? 3. What can be the result of goiter if it is not treated? 4. What should a doctor do when a patient has an excess of hormones? 5. How much iodine does a person need daily?   3. Дайте визначення: Зоб



1. A goitre is … of the thyroid gland.

a) mental impairment b) inflammation c) noncancerous enlargement

d) calcium deficiency e) diminution


2. Iodism is a … condition.

a) frequent b) rare c) periodic d) chronic e) acute


3. The most common cause of goitre is ….

a) overweight b) lack of iron c) lack of calcium d) underweight

e) lack of iodine


4. Iodine is required for the production of ….

a) erythrocytes b) leucocytes c) thyroid hormones d) thrombocytes

e) proteins


5. Brain disorders have been reduced by using … fortified with iodine.

a) iron b) calcium c) vitamin D d) meat e) table salt


6. Adults require at least … micrograms of iodine daily.

a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 20 e) 30


7. Iodine deficiency affects mainly …

a) physical condition b) mental sphere c) movement

d) running e) diet habits


8. … is excellent source of iodine.

a) wet soil b) vegetables; c) fruit; d) seafood e) vitamins


9. A lack of sufficient iodine in the diet is a result of …

a) wet soil b) dry soil c) uncultivated soil

d) iodine-poor soil e) soil rich in fertilizers


10. Thyroid hormones regulate ….

a) respiratory functions b) body’s metabolism c) reproduction

d) excretory function e) mental activities




Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:

due due to to be due to burden, n succumb, v premature, adj obese, adj obesity, n curtail, v overindulgence, n injurious, adj secure, v hazard, n convince, v span, n [dju:]     [bə:dn] [sə'kʌm] ['premətòə] [əu'bi:s] [əu'bi:siti] [kɜ:'teɪl] [əuvərin 'dʌldʒəns] [ɪn'dʒuərɪəs] [sɪ'kjuə] ['hæzəd] [kən'vins] [spæn] належний внаслідок обумовлюватися тягар;вага;ноша вмерти (від чогось) передчасний гладкий, ожирілий гладкість; ожиріння скорочувати, урізувати надмірне зловживання шкідливий забезпечувати безпеку ризик переконувати тривалість життя


Exercise 2. Give Russian equivalents to the following English ones:

Heavy burden, shortening of the life span, premature death from, average or below average, obese individuals, retention of normal weight, preventive medicine, the energy requirement of the body, a daily caloric intake, a positive energy balance, dietary habits, excessive amounts of starchy food, compensative diminution, risk in overindulgence, normal gain of weight, consumption of food, to burn the excessive fat, to be due to the efforts.


Exercise 3. Choose the proper definitions for the terms:

1. fat 2. food 3. habit 4. retention 5. overweight 6. obesity   a). Substance taken in to maintain life and growth. b). A substance that contains one or more fatty acids and is the principal form in which energy is stored by the body. c). The condition in which excess fat has accumulated in the body, mostly in the subcutaneous tissue. d). Inability to pass urine, which is retained in the bladder. e). Above the weight allowed or desirable. f). A sequence of learned behavior occurring in a particular context or as a response to particular events.


Exercise 4. Find the stem in the following words. Point out prefixes and suffices:

Physically, hopefully, necessity, extremity, shortening, blindness, sleeplessness, unnecessary, unfortunately, discomfort, in-patient, overweight, unalterable, treatment, punishment, decreased, inferiority, fatty, instigation, overindulgence, injurious, unknown, disinfection, irreversible, possibly.



Exercise 5. Form words with the help of negative prefixes. Translate into English:

Dis- like, function, connect, agree

Un- fortune, necessary, forgettable, reliable

In- different, human, visible, dissolution, effective

Im- possible, practical, mobile, moral

Ir- regular, responsible, relevant, resistible

Mis- understand, translate, place, pronounce, carriage

Mal- nutrition, formation, position, treatment


Exercise 6. Read the following words according to the rules of reading:

[òn] - sta tion, resolution, institution, dissolution, introduction, session, discussion;

[tòә] - na ture, picture, future, lecture, creature, rupture, puncture, fracture, mixture;

[әs] - danger ous, viscous, numerous, obvious, nervous, infectious, previous, serious.


Exercise 7. Revise grammar material. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the sentences with Complex Subject:

1. The patient is supposed to have been discharged from the hospital.

2. He is thought to suffer from pneumonia.

3. Leucocytosis is known to develop in inflammation.

4. They seem to study Biochemistry.

5. He appears to suffer from tuberculosis.

6. The pain proved to be sharp on physical exertion.

7. The doctor is likely to discharge this patient.

8. Acute appendix is sure to be removed immediately to prevent its rupture which may result in peritonitis.


Exercise 8. Read and translate the text:


Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health. Overweight, particularly in individuals past middle life, is a burden which many persons carry about quite without necessity. In many instances, this heavy burden will result in a definite shortening of the normal life span; they are more likely to succumb to premature death from coronary thrombosis, from diabetes, or from infections, such as pneumonia or cholecystitis, as well as many other diseases, than persons in the same age group whose weight is average or below average. Furthermore, the obese individual suffers from unnecessary fatigue, from heat intolerance, and from arthritis, as well as from other serious discomforts, much more commonly than do persons of normal weight. Thus, the prevention of obesity and the retention of normal weight is a matter of importance in the field of preventive medicine.

The important factor in production of overweight is a daily caloric intake which exceeds the energy requirement of the body — in brief; the fat person eats too much rich food.

A positive energy balance may be due to a variety of causes: one of the important factors is dietary habits. Some people tend to eat excessive amounts of starchy or fatty foods. The overweight of persons past middle life is almost always the result of the decreased energy output of the individual, as the years advance, with no compensative diminution in diet intake. People over 50 eat as much as they did at 20, although their activities are greatly curtailed. Probably the most common cause of overweight is the fact that individuals overeat because they enjoy food, and do not realize that there is any risk in overindulgence.

Prevention of overweight centers is teaching each individual that overweight, particularly with increasing age, is an unnecessary hazard to a normal life. The person must be convinced that the "normal" gain of weight with increasing age is injurious, in a direct ratio to the degree of increase of weight to increasing age.

The other essential educational feature that must be emphasized is that weight reduction can best be secured by maintaining a slow and gradually progressive negative energy balance. In other words, the daily consumption of food should be slightly less than the energy demands of the body. Thus, the body will burn the excess fat in place of food.

The branch of medicine that deals with the causes, prevention and treatment of obesity is known as bariatrics, the field of medicine that encompasses dietary, physical and behavioral therapy approaches to weight loss as well as pharmacotherapy and surgery.


Exercise 9. Answer the following questions:

1. At what age may overweight frequently occur?

2. What diseases does obesity usually result in?

3. What serious conditions does an obese individual suffer from?

4. What is a matter of importance in the field of preventive medicine?

5. Why is a daily caloric intake important factor in production of overweight?

6. What causes may a positive energy balance be due to?

7. What is the most common cause of overweight?

8. Why do the persons over 50 more frequently suffer from this heavy burden?

9. What do the prevention of overweigh centers teach obese individuals?

10. What can weight reduction best be secured by?


Exercise 10. Join the parts of the sentence in the column A with the correct ones in the column B:

1. Overweight will result in … 2. The obese individuals are more likely to succumb to premature death from … 3. Furthermore, they suffer from … 4. The prevention of obesity and the retention of normal weight is … 5. A daily caloric intake exceeds the … 6. A positive energy balance may be due to … 7. The overweight of persons past middle life is almost always the result of … 8. The person must be convinced that… 9. The daily consumption of food should be … 10. The body will …   1. …the "normal" gain of weight with increasing age is injurious. 2. …the energy requirement of the body. 3. …unnecessary fatigue, heat intolerance, and arthritis, as well as other serious discomforts. 4. …a matter of importance in the field of preventive medicine. 5. …burn the excess fat in place of food. 6. …slightly less than the energy demands of the body. 7. …a definite shortening of the normal life span. 8. …coronary thrombosis, diabetes, or infections, such as pneumonia or cholecystitis, as well as many other diseases. 9…. dietary habits. 10. …the decreased energy output of the individual.


Exercise 11. Put questions to the underlined members of sentences:

1. In many instances, overweight will result in a definite shortening of the normal life span.

2. The obese individual suffers from unnecessary fatigue, from heat intolerance, and from arthritis, as well as from other serious discomforts.

3. The prevention of obesity and the retention of normal weight is a matter of importance in the field of preventive medicine.

4. The important factor in production of overweight is a daily caloric intake which exceeds the energy requirement of the body.

5. A positive energy balance may be due to a variety of causes.

6. The overweight of persons past middle life is almost always the result of the decreased energy output of the individual.

7. Probably the most common cause of overweight is the fact that individuals overeat because they enjoy food, and do not realize that there is any risk in overindulgence.

8. The body will burn the excess fat in place of food.


Exercise 12. Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense. Translate them into Russian:

1. Overweight, particularly in individuals past middle life, is a burden which a person (to carry) about quite without necessity.

2. Positive energy balances (to be due to) a variety of causes.

3. Obese individuals are more likely (to succumb) to premature death from coronary thrombosis, from diabetes, or from infections, such as pneumonia or cholecystitis.

4. The obese individuals (to suffer) from unnecessary fatigue, from heat intolerance, and from arthritis.

5. It’s known that a daily caloric intake (to exceed) the energy requirement of the body.

6. They knew, that some people (to tend) to eat excessive amounts of starchy or fatty foods.

7. People over 50 eat as much as they did at 20, although their activity (to be greatly curtailed).

8. Preventions of overweight centers (to teach) each individual that overweight, particularly with increasing age, is an unnecessary hazard to a normal life.

Exercise 13. Match Russian word combinations in column A with English ones in the column B:


надлишкова вага caloric food

тяжкий тягар (ноща) excessive amount

тривалість життя premature death

передчасна смерть overweight

нетерпимість тепла heavy burden

профілактика ожиріння dietary habits

калорійна їжа life span

дієтичні звички prevention of obesity

надмірна кількість heat intolerance


Exercise 14. Arrange the following sentences in a correct order to describe the following term «ожиріння»:

1. It may be associated with increased risk of illness, disability and death. The obese people may suffer from fatigue, heat intolerance and from arthritis, as well as from other serious discomforts.

2. The branch of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of obesity is known as bariatrics.

3. The important factor in production of overweight is a daily caloric intake which exceeds the energy requirement of the body.

4. In obesity weight reduction can best be provided by maintaining a slow and gradually progressive negative energy balance. In other words, the daily consumption of food should be slightly less than the energy demands of the body. Thus, the body will burn the excess fat in place of food.

5. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health the past middle life persons.

Exercise 15. Translate into English:

1. Відомо, що тучність зустрічається у людей після 40 років.

2. Напевне, що ожиріння зможе вплинути, в большій ступені, на скорочення тривалості життя.

3. Виявилось, що причиною раптової смерті цього гладкого пацієнта був коронарний тромбоз.

4. Навряд чи, людина з нормальною вагою, буде страждати від ожиріння.

5. Стверджують, що підтримка нормальної ваги та профілактика ожиріння є головним завданням превентивной медицини.

6. Безсумнівно, що у людини, котра споживає велику кількість жирной їжі, порушиться енергетичний баланс.

7. Вважають, что люди переїдають, тому, що вони насолоджуються їжею, при цьому, вони не усвідомлюють, що це може призвести до зловживання.

8. Певно, що цьому гладкому пацієту назначать низькокалорійну дієту, котра не буде вміщувати великої кількості жиру і крохмалю.

9. Навряд чи, організм зможе спалити таку велику кількість жиру самостійно.

10. Відомо що, для того, щоб дієта була сбалансованою людям, схильним до ожиріння, не рекомендують вживати висококалорійну їжу кожного дня.


Завдання для самостійної роботи студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть наступні словосполучення: 1. щоденне вживааня їжі 2. тяжкий тягар (ноща) 3. скорочення тривалості життя 4. спричиняти передчасну смерть 5. середня вага тіла 6. профілактика ожиріння 7. стримування нормальної ваги 8. надлишкова вага 9. звички харчування 10.надмірна кількість жирної їжі   II. Дайте відповідь на наступні питання: 1. At what age may overweight in obesity frequently occur? 2. What is the important factor in production of overweight? 3. What serious conditions does an obese individual usually suffer from? 4. What can weight reduction in obesity best be provided by? 5. What branch of medicine studies the causes, prevention and treatment of obesity?   III. Розкрийте поняття:ожиріння



1. Overweight, particularly …individuals past middle life, is a burden which many persons carry about quite without necessity.

a) at b) on c) from d) by e)in


2. In many instances, this heavy burden will result in a definite shortening of the normal life span; they … to premature death from coronary thrombosis, from diabetes, or from infections.

a) are more likely to succumb b) are more likely to be succumb

c) are more likely to be being succumb d) is more likely to succumb

e)am more likely to succumb


3. …, the obese individual suffers from unnecessary fatigue, from heat intolerance, and from arthritis, as well as from other serious discomforts, much more commonly than do persons of normal weight.

a) Further b) Furthermost c) Furtherance d) Furthermore e) Furthest


4. Thus, the prevention of obesity and the retention of normal weight is a matter of importance in the field of….

a) prenatal medicine b) preventive medicine c) physical medicine

d) postclinical medicine e) preserving medicine

5. The important factor in production of overweight is a daily caloric intake which exceeds the energy requirement of the body — in brief; the fat person eats … rich food.

a) too many b) too little c) too small d) too big e) too much


6. A positive energy balance … a variety of causes: one of the important factors is dietary habits.

a) might be due to b) may be due to c) may due to

d) may to be due to e) may be due


7. People … eat as much as they did at 20, although their activities are greatly curtailed. Probably the most common cause of overweight is the fact that individuals overeat because they enjoy food, and do not realize that there is any risk in overindulgence.

a) over 20 b) over 30 c) over 40 d) over 50 e) over 60


8. Prevention of overweight centers … each individual that overweight, particularly with increasing age, is an unnecessary hazard to a normal life.

a) teaching b) is teaching c) be teaching

d) to be teaching e) is being teaching


9. The person must be convinced that the … with increasing age is injurious, in a direct ratio to the degree of increase of weight to increasing age.

a) "increased" gain of weight b) "permanent" gain of weight

c) "normal" gain of weight d) "gradual" gain of weight

e)"decreased" gain of weight


10. The other essential educational feature that must be emphasized is that weight reduction … by maintaining a slow and gradually progressive negative energy balance.

a) can best be secured b) could best be secured c) can best is secured

d) can worst be secured e) can best to be secured



Exercise 1. Learn the following words:

allergy, n ['ælədʒɪ] алергія
exposure, n [ik'spəʊʒə] піддавання зовнішньому впливу
histamine, n ['histəmin] гістамін
invade, v [in'veid] вражати
pollen, n ['pɔlən] квітковий пилок
hives, n [haivz] кропивниця
wheeze, v [wi:z] сопіти, хрипіти
itch, n [iʧ] чесатися, свербіти
clogging, n [klɔgiŋ] засмічення
rash, n [ræʃ] висип, висипання
mold, n [məʊld] пліснява
mite, n [mait] кліщ
swelling, n ['sweliŋ] пухлина, припухлість

Exercise 2. Choose the proper definitions to the terms:

1. Sneezing a. is an irritating sensation that makes you want to scratch to relieve the feeling
2. Sensitization b. is an outbreak of swollen, pale red bumps or plaques on the skin that appear suddenly
3. Allergen c. a semi-autonomous, convulsive expulsion of air from the lungs through the nose and mouth, usually caused by foreign particles irritating the nasal mucosa
4. Pollen d. a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death a serious allergic reaction that is rapid in onset and may cause death
5. Anaphylaxis e. is a continuous, coarse, whistling sound produced in the respiratory airways during breathing
6. Wheezing f. exposure to allergen that results in the development of hypersensitivity
7. Hives g. is a fine to coarse powder containing the microgametophytes of seed plants
8. Itching h. a type of antigen that produces an abnormally vigorous immune response in which the immune system fights off a perceived threat that would otherwise be harmless to the body

Exercise 3. Translate the following word combinations:

Over-reaction, foreign proteins, antibodies, immune response, affected person, to develop allergy, allergen, sneezing, shortness of breath, pain over the sinuses, skin rashes, swelling of lips and face, hives, abdominal cramps, cough, thick mucus secretions, weakness, difficulty in swallowing, life-threatening reaction, clogging up of airways, itching, unconsciousness.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text:


Allergies are over-reactions of the immune system in certain individuals to seemingly and generally harmless foreign proteins and substances.

Allergies usually do not occur at the first exposure. When a person is exposed to an allergen for the first time, the body develops molecules called antibodies against the invading proteins. This is called an immune response.

When exposed to the allergen again the immune system produces large amounts of antibodies that lead to break down of mast cells that contain chemicals like histamine. This leads to the features of allergies.

This process is known as sensitization. Sensitization may take days to years. Sometimes sensitization develops as the person affected shows symptoms but never fully develops the allergy to the allergen.

Symptoms of allergy include: sneezing, shortness of breath, wheezing, runny nose and eyes, pain over the sinuses (at the bridge of the nose, near the eyes, over cheeks and at the forehead), coughing, skin rashes (hives), swelling of the lips or face, itching eyes, ears, lips, throat and roof of the mouth, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea.

Common allergens include pollen, animal dander, fungal spores or molds, dust mites etc. There is severe wheezing, shortness of breath, cough and thick mucus secretions.

When allergic reaction is life-threatening or severe it is termed anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock. Anaphylaxis involves the whole body.

Anaphylaxis involves: swelling of the throat and mouth and clogging up of airways leading to difficulty breathing, difficulty in speaking or swallowing, rash and itching elsewhere in the body, weakness and collapse often with unconsciousness due to sudden fall in blood pressure. Anaphylaxis requires urgent emergency management.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions:

1. What is allergy?

2. When do allergies occur?

3. What is sensitization?

4. What may a person be allergic to?

5. What are the common symptoms of allergy?

6. How is severe allergic reaction called?

7. What does such a reaction involve?

8. Why does anaphylaxis require urgent emergency management?

Exercise 6. Give English equivalents to the word combinations:

загрозливі для життя алергічні реакції, висипання і свербіж, різке зниження кров’яного тиску, нудота і блювання, кропивниця, чхання й нежить, імунна реакція, бути під впливом алергену, важкість під час говоріння й ковтання, задишка й хрипіння, густий слизовий секрет, квітковий пилок, хімічні речовини, пліснява і кліщі.

Exercise 7. Put the questions to the underlined words:

1. Mosquito bite allergy symptoms include itching, hives, and swelling.

2. While environment plays a role in allergy development, there is a greater risk of developing allergic conditions if a person has a family history of allergy.

3. Testing of the skin or blood may be useful in certain cases.

4. In the developed world about 20% of people are affected by allergic rhinitis.

5. Allergic reactions can result from f oods, insect stings, and reactions to medications.

6. Rates of many allergic diseases appear to be increasing.

7. In severe reactions epinephrine is recommended.

8. Inhaled allergens can also lead to increased production of mucus in the lungs, shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing.

Exercise 8. Open the brackets, using the verbs in the correct tense and voice forms:

1. Food allergies or food intolerances (to affect) nearly everyone at some point.

2. People often have an unpleasant reaction to something they (to eat) and wonder if they (to have) a food allergy.

3. If you (to suffer) from a milk allergy, strictly avoiding milk and food containing milk and milk products (to be) the only way to prevent a reaction, which (to include) immediate wheezing, vomiting, and hives.

4. Egg allergies are more common in children than in adults and reaction (to range) from mild to severe.

5. If a person (to be) allergic to any wheat protein, he should strictly (to avoid) wheat and wheat products, which (to include) stomach upset, eczema, allergic rhinitis, bronchospasm and even anaphylaxis.

6. Peanut allergies (to affect) about 4 percent of adults and 6 percent of children.

7. A single ragweed plant (to create) up to a billion pollen particles in a year, affecting people with ragweed allergies, namely stuffy sinuses.

8. While all allergy symptoms (to cause) by a hypersensitive response to an otherwise harmless substance, not all allergies (to be) the same.


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