Ex. 31 Read the text and do the tasks. 

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Ex. 31 Read the text and do the tasks.

In the 1790's the West India Company of Merchantmen decided to form their own river patrol to protect their cargoes against looting and pilfering which were rife at the time. From this small beginning the idea of a river police was developed.

The first Marine Police Office was opened in 1798 on the site of the present Divisional Headquarters of Thames Division at Wapping. This consisted of a. judicial department as well as a police department and was under the control of a resident Magistrate. In 1839 the Police Office was made part of the 10 year old Metropolitan Police and the judicial department became the Thames Police Court.

In the early days, the police officers carried out their work in rowing boats and sailing craft but in 1910 motor boats were introduced. Today duty boats constantly patrol the river 24 hours a day, together with launches used by senior officers both for ordinary duty and ceremonial occasions.

Thames Division covers 54 miles of river from Dartford Creek to Staines Bridge and is served by three police stations.

All the officers are volunteers drawn from every other Branch and Division in the Force. Numbers of them have served with the Royal or Merchant Navies. All officers can swim, have a high standard of first aid and are required to pass an examination in the management of boats and navigation.

The beat and patrol systems which operate on the river are similar to those on land and have the same broad function to perform. This is the protection of life and property of all those connected with the river, whether they work there in the wharfs, live there or spend their leisure time on pleasure craft. In addition, Thames Division also has responsibility for dealing with vessels in collision, fires on ships, barges or wharfs, the salvage of property which has come adrift and the securing of drifting barges.

For nearly 200 years now, the Thames has been constantly patrolled. Many of the docks and wharfs in the Pool of London have closed and the use of the river is now turning to water sports and leisure which have their own problems of crime and accidents. There is little doubt that Thames Division will continue to provide a valuable service for as long as people and craft are on the river.


Ex. 32. Fill in the blanks:

1.... was opened at Wapping.

2. The first Marine Police Office consisted of...

3. Thames Division is served by...

4. All the officers of Thames Division are... and can..., have....

5. The beat and patrol systems which operate on the river are responsible for...

6. Thames Division has... for dealing with fires on ships and....


Ex. 33. Read the sentences and say if they are true or false:

1. The idea of river police was developed in 1798 by the Thames Police Court.

2. The first Marine Police Office was opened in 1790 by the West India Company of Merchantment.

3. In 1839 the Police Office was made part of the 10 year old Metropolitan Police.

4. In the early days, the police officers carried out their work in motor boats.

5. Thames Division is served by 54 police stations.

6. All the officers are required to pass an examination in the management of boats and navigation.


Ex. 34. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions:

1. volunteers

2. merchantment

3. ordinary duty

4. beat and patrol system

5. leisure time

6. collision

7. senior officers


Ex. 35. Find in the text the sentences that you consider to be the most informative ones.

1. _________________________________

2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________

6. _________________________________

Text 11

Ex. 36. Read the text and summarise it in Russian.

Work of police in Russia

The Russian police was founded on November 10, 1917. Its tasks are to maintain public order; to combat, investigate and prevent crime; protect personal safety of citizens; to protect state, public, municipal, private and other forms of property; to regulate traffic, etc.

The organizational structure, methods and traditions of the police differ significantly from those of western police. Police consist of many functional departments, such as the GBDD (State Inspection for Road Traffic Safety) and others. Some units may have a distinctive name such as OMON (Special Purpose Militia Squad). One unique feature of police is the system of territorial patronage over citizens. The main duty of a divisional inspector is to maintain close relations with the residents of his area and gather information among them. He is also responsible for tackling minor offences like family violance, loud noise, residential area parking, etc.

To fulfill its functions properly the Internal Affairs bodies compose several departments. The task of the Criminal Investigation Department is to prevent, investigate and detect crimes; locate and arrest criminals; collect evidence to prove the guilt or innocence of a suspect; detect missing persons. The Economic Security Department is to reveal economic and tax offences. The Organized Crime and Terrorism Department is to combat extremism. The main function of the Public Order Department is to create a state programme of crime prevention, to improve police/public relations. The mission of the Traffic Safety Department is to regulate safety on the roads. The Department foe Ensuring Order at Transport Facilities maintains law and order on the railway, airlines and waterways of the country. The Juvenile Inspection is responsible for prevention of juvenile delinquency.

The profession of a policeman is interesting, difficult, important, honorable and necessary at the same time. So a policeman should possess intelligence, initiative, energy, persistance, patience and courage.



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