Ex. 28. Find in the dictionary the meaning of the following words. 

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Ex. 28. Find in the dictionary the meaning of the following words.

1. hunt down, v

2. adhere, v

3. charter, n

4. treaty, n

5. disseminate, v

6. subject to, v

7. empower, v


Ex. 29. Write down a list of crimes Interpol deals with.

Ex. 30. Complete the following table.


The General Secretariat




controls is made-up of contains is empowered

Ex. 31. Answer the questions.

1. When was Interpol founded?

2. What are its clients?

3. What is its task?

4. What are Interpol members?

5. Are there any restrictions in Interpol activity?

6. What is the structure of Interpol?

Text 4

Ex. 32. Read the text and give it a title.

The governing body of Interpol is the General Assembly which meets once a year. Each member state has one vote in the Assembly although the delegations to the General Assembly are usually somewhat larger. The General Assembly takes all the major policy decisions and approves finances, working methods, instruments of cooperation and programs of activities.

The Executive Committee, which normally meets three times a year, prepares the agenda for the General Assembly, approves the programme of activities, etc. The day-to-day administration is the responsibility of the General Secretariat which is based at Lyon in France. It is staffed by some 283 personnel, including police officers representing 37 separate countries.

The National Central Bureau are the vital cogs upon which the organization turns. It is through these bureaus that Interpol's enquiries are channeled. And it is these bureaus which process the requests received via Interpol in the form of 'international notices'. These notices usually give particulars of the people concerned, including where possible physical description, photographs and fingerprints.

The areas of crime dealt with by Interpol are drugs, counterfeit currency, theft and other property crimes, fraud, and violent crime, including murder, wounding, and armed robbery.



1. although, adv. – хотя

2. agenda, n – повестка дня

on the ~ – в повестке дня

3. cog, n – зд.: элемент, деталь

4. channel, v – направлять

5. notice, n – предупреждение, извещение

6. particular, n – подробность, частность, деталь

7. concerned – имеющий отношение, заинтересованный

people ~ – заинтересованные люди

countries ~ – заинтересованные страны, участвующие страны

parties ~ – заинтересованные стороны

8. counterfeit, v – подделывать

9. currency, n – валюта, деньги

counterfeit ~ – фальшивые деньги

10. armed, adj. – вооруженный


Ex. 33. Listen to the text «Profile of Interpol» and do the tasks.

Task 1. Learn the following words and word combinations.

1. outskirts – окраина

2. operate – работать, действовать

3. is run by – им управляет (руководит)


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