Ex. 28. Say if it is right or wrong. Make use of the following words and phrases. 

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Ex. 28. Say if it is right or wrong. Make use of the following words and phrases.

– That’s right. It’s true.

– I quite agree.

– I don’t think so.\ Not quite so.

– I can’t agree here.

– You are mistaken.

– On the contrary.

1. The basic responsibility of the police is racketeering.

2. Criminal investigation is the most glamourous aspect of policing.

3. Detective work has no specific missions.

4. There are three major stages of the investigation process.

5. The patrol officer is the first to arrive at the scene of the crime.

6. Once the responding officer has completed the preliminary investigation, the case is assigned to the court.

7. The smallest departments have a separate detective unit.

8. Technical specialists in investigation are normally located in a separate administrative unit.

9. All police departments are able to maintain their own criminalistics specialists.

10. The follow-up investigation includes 6 steps.

11. To obtain information about suspected criminal activity, the police make use of radio and TV.


Ex. 29. Answer the questions.

1. What do miscellaneous services of the police include?

2. What is the basic manner in which police services are delivered to the public?

3. What is the specific mission of the detective work?

4. How can the quality of detective work be measured?

5. Why should detectives solve most crimes?

6. What do the major responsibilities of the preliminary investigation include?

7. Where is the case after the preliminary investigation assigned to?

8. Where are technical specialists in investigation located?

9. What are the steps of the follow-up investigation?

10. How can the police obtain information about suspected criminal activity?

11. What are informants?

12. What do police officers seek to do?


Ex. 30. Give all possible word combinations.

responsibility (основная обязанность; обязанность патруля; обязанность включает)

crime (бороться с преступностью; раскрывать преступление; не раскрывать преступление; расследовать преступление; место преступления; все виды преступлений; преступление против отдельных лиц; преступление против собственности; преступления, совершенные подозреваемыми).

evidence (предотвратить потерю улик; относящиеся к делу улики; вещественные доказательства)

investigation (уголовное расследование; процесс расследования; основные этапы расследования; предварительное расследование; дальнейшее расследование).


Ex. 31. Ask American policeman about the most glamourous aspect of police work.

1. What is (обязанность полиции)? 2. What is the mission of (работы сыщика)? 3. Who takes part in (расследовании преступления)? 4. What are (основные этапы процесса расследования)? 5. What are the major responsibilities of (патруля в предварительном расследовании)? 6. Who carries out (проводит дальнейшее расследование)? 7. What are the stages of (дальнейшего расследования)? 8. How can police obtain (информацию о предполагаемой преступной деятельности)? 1. to fight crime, maintain order, provide miscellaneous services to the public, patrol. 2. apprehend the offender 3. patrol officers, detectives, criminalistics technicians. 4. preliminary investigation, follow-up investigation. 5. arresting, providing, securing, collecting, preparing 6. detective bureau. 7. interrogation, interview, search, modus operandi review, development, preparation. 8. informants.

Text 4


Ex. 32. Do you know how many (%) women serve in the police in Russia? What police departments do they work at? What are their functions? Read the Text 3 and compare the activity of women police in the USA and Russia.

Vocabulary for reading the text:

intelligence agent – агент службы разведки

personal security guard – телохранитель

military secret service – военная спецслужба

receive a commission – получить офицерское звание

hire, v – нанимать

juveniles, n – подростки

be assigned, v – быть назначенным


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