Зачет (лексико-грамматический тест) (ч.1) 

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Зачет (лексико-грамматический тест) (ч.1)

1. His name … Peter.

a) is b) am c) are

2. She … from Russia.

a) hasn’t b) isn’t c) doesn’t

3. … you live in this beautiful house?

a) are b) does c) do

4. Jack and Jane … friends.

a) are b) is c) am

5. They usually … football on Sunday.

a) plays b) play c) playing

6. Where … you yesterday?

a) were b) was c) will be

7. There is … milk in the fridge.

a) any b) some c) every

8. … she have any sisters or brothers?

a) do b) is c) does

9. Is your father busy now? – Yes, he … to the postman.

a) talks b) is talking c) talk

10. Yesterday he … a new car.

a) bought b) buyed c) buys

11. I … you back on Monday, I promise.

a) paying b) will pay c) pay

12. You … show your identity card before you come in.

a) must b) can c) have

13. … you swim?

a) must b) have to c) can

14. Is that your car? – Yes, it’s ….

a) my b) mine c) your

15. My house is bigger than ….

a) yours b) your c) mine

16. Do you have … plans for the weekend?

a) no b) any c) some

17. This lady is very rich. … dress costs a lot.

a) her b) his c) hers

18. Winter is … season of the year.

a) cold b) the most coldest c) the coldest

19. Your English is … now.

a) better b) best c) gooder

20. Peter … away 5 minutes ago.

a) go b) goes c) went

21. They day before yesterday they (to return) from Spain.

22. After he (to finish) breakfast, he usually (to read) the morning newspaper.

23. Pass me … sugar, please.

a) – b) the c) a

24. … Manila is the capital of … Philippines.

a) The, the b) -, the c) -, -

25. It wasn’t … umbrella, … was light blue.

a) hers, her b) her, hers c) hers, she

26. I don’t know why Ted hasn’t invited … to … birthday party.

a) She, him b) she, his c) her, his

27. I want to buy a cat because my wife is afraid of … that live in our summer-cottage.

a) mouse b) mices c) mice

28. Dentists recommend to clean … every time after eating.

a) teeth b) teeths c) tooth

29. Mr. Black was happy to see a man with so … money in his restaurant.

a) many b) much c) few

30. He made … friends when he was in France.

a) few b) much c) little

Зачет (ч.2)

Лексико-грамматический тест

1. I … Mary today.

a) haven’t seen b) hadn’t seen c) didn’t see

2. When we came into the hall they … this problem.

a) were discussing b) discussed c) have discussed

3. She … the report by 6 o’clock yesterday.

a) wrote b) was writing c) had written

4. Anna usually … to bed early.

a) going b) goes c) has gone

5. Did he … the weekend in Paris?

a) spend b) spent c) spends

6. We … never been to London.

a) had b) were c) have

7. Next Monday from 9 AM till 10 AM they … a test.

a) will pass b) will be passing c) pass

8. The meeting (началась) at 5 o’clock.

a) has begun b) began c) was beginning

9. At 5 o’clock yesterday I (ехал) to the station to catch the 5.15 train.

a) was going b) was gone c) went

10. I (неперевел) this article yet.

a) was not translating b) have not translated c) did not translate

11. Management can be defined as controlling and … a business or part of business.

a) supervises

b) running

c) techniques

d) perform

12. A manager is a person who directly … people.

a) supervises

b) running

c) techniques

d) perform

13. I am very... in this job.

a) supervises

b) techniques

c) perform

d) interested

14. His Personnel Department is... into three small teams.

a) divided

b) responsible

c) expenses

d) ability

15. Our company needs experienced personnel with... English and good computer skills.

a) employee


c) products

d) relationships


Критерии формирования оценок

Оценка Требования к знаниям
зачтено Ответ полный и аргументированный по содержанию задания; обнаруживается понимание материала; суждения обоснованы; способность применения знаний на практике; возможность приведения необходимых примеров не только по учебнику, но и самостоятельно составленных; изложение материала последовательно и правильно
Не зачтено Обнаруживается незнание ответа на соответствующее задание, допускаются ошибки в формулировке определений и правил, искажающие их смысл, беспорядочно и неуверенно излагается материал; при ответе обнаруживаются такие недостатки в подготовке студента, которые являются серьезным препятствием к успешному овладению последующим материалом.


Методические материалы, определяющие процедуры оценивания знаний, умений и навыков и (или) опыта деятельности, характеризующих этапы формирования компетенций



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