Read and translate the text “We Are Students Now”. 

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Read and translate the text “We Are Students Now”.

Read and translate the text “We Are Students Now”.


Прочитать и перевод текста We began to attend school at the age of 6 or 7. We learned a lot of subjects in school such as Russian, Mathematics, History, Chemistry, Foreign Languages, Computer Studies and even Psychology. We got interested in some of them, in methods of teaching and in children upbringing at schools and kindergartens. That’s why we made up our minds to enter the Perm Pedagogical University straight from school.

We had to take entrance examinations in two or three subjects and passed all of them successfully. Now we are first-year students of different faculties of the University. We are full-time students.

The course of studies for future teachers lasts four or five years. The academic year at the University begins in September. It lasts ten months and ends in July. Each academic year has two terms and at the end of each term students take credit-tests and terminal examinations. Full-time students usually have their examination sessions in January and in June.

There are a lot of subjects on the curriculum: the History of Russia, Philosophy, Pedagogy, Psychology, Anatomy, Computer Studies, Foreign languages, etc. Some of the subjects are rather difficult, so we work hard and do our best. Some subjects are very interesting.

We study six days a week: on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Sunday is our day off. Our classes usually begin at 8 o’clock in the morning. Every day we have got a lot of lectures, seminars, etc. As a rule we attend all of them and don’t miss classes. Some students work in the laboratories and carry out different experiments. The others have regular computer classes.

The University has a library and there are many thousands of books in it. There we can borrow any book we need and prepare for the next day’s classes, write a report or a project (a course paper).

Those who do well at their studies get a state grant. It isn’t big enough but due to it we don’t have to work to make our living. We devote our spare time to the University social activities and take part in cultural life of the University.

Some of us live in hostels. They are not far from the University and it takes us not much time to get there.

The students of our University are engaged in scientific work under the supervision of experienced teachers, take part in scientific expeditions. Students of the Biological faculty work at the experimental biological station in Kvazhva. During summer holidays some students work in summer camps for children. In the senior part of studies students have a student teaching practice in schools or in kindergartens.

At the end of the course of study we shall take our final examinations and submit a graduation paper. After graduating from the University we’ll be teachers in schools or kindergartens.


Answer the following questions:


1. At what age did you begin to attend school?

2. Why did you make up your mind to enter the Pedagogical University?

3. Did you enter the University straight from school?

4. How many entrance examinations did you have to take?

5. What do you do now?

6. How long does the course of your study last?

7. How many terms does the academic year have?

8. What do students take at the end of each term?

9. What subjects are there on the curriculum?

10. Do you attend all lectures and seminars at the University?

11. Do you live in a hostel?

12. How much time does it take you to get to the University?

13. What do you devote your spare time to?

14. Do you often go to the library? What do you do there?

15. Are you engaged in scientific work?

16. Do you get a state grant?

17. Where will you have your teaching practice?

18. What will you take at the end of the course of study?

19. What will you be after graduating from the University?





Learn the following words and expressions:


a higher educational institution – высшее учебное заведение

an establishment – учреждение

to train – обучать, подготавливать

to provide – обеспечивать, предоставлять

to found – основать

an instructor – преподаватель

a war – война

to house – размещать

to produce – производить

education – образование

free – 1) свободный, 2) бесплатный

equipment – оборудование

a hostel accommodation – место в общежитии

to contain – содержать

staff – штат

to include – включать

outstanding – выдающийся

to make a contribution – вносить вклад

various – разнообразный

a field of knowledge – область знаний

science – наука

to equip – оборудовать

apparatus of advanced design – приборы современной конструкции

research – исследование

to carry out – выполнять

to develop – развивать


Practise the pronunciation of the following words:


pedagogical [ " pedə ' gOGikəl], technical [ ' teknikəl], pharmaceutical [ " fRmə ' sjHtikəl], agricultural [ " ægri ' kAltSərəl], faculty [ ' fækəlti], mathematics [ " mæӨi ' mætiks], philology [fi ' lOləGi], culture [ ' kAltSə], biology [bai ' OləGi], chemistry [ ' kemistri], primary [ ' praiməri], pre-school [ ' prJ ' skHl], psychology [sai ' kOləGi], psychological [ " saikə ' lOGikəl], music [ ' mjHzik], lecture [ ' lektSə], lecturer [ ' lektSərə], laboratory [lə ' bOrətəri], science [saiəns], scientific [saiən ' tifik], integral individuality [in ' tegrəl " indi " vidju ' æliti], hydrodynamics [ ' haidroudai ' næmiks], ornithology [ " Lni ' ӨOləGi].



Read and translate the text “We Are Students Now”.


Прочитать и перевод текста We began to attend school at the age of 6 or 7. We learned a lot of subjects in school such as Russian, Mathematics, History, Chemistry, Foreign Languages, Computer Studies and even Psychology. We got interested in some of them, in methods of teaching and in children upbringing at schools and kindergartens. That’s why we made up our minds to enter the Perm Pedagogical University straight from school.

We had to take entrance examinations in two or three subjects and passed all of them successfully. Now we are first-year students of different faculties of the University. We are full-time students.

The course of studies for future teachers lasts four or five years. The academic year at the University begins in September. It lasts ten months and ends in July. Each academic year has two terms and at the end of each term students take credit-tests and terminal examinations. Full-time students usually have their examination sessions in January and in June.

There are a lot of subjects on the curriculum: the History of Russia, Philosophy, Pedagogy, Psychology, Anatomy, Computer Studies, Foreign languages, etc. Some of the subjects are rather difficult, so we work hard and do our best. Some subjects are very interesting.

We study six days a week: on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Sunday is our day off. Our classes usually begin at 8 o’clock in the morning. Every day we have got a lot of lectures, seminars, etc. As a rule we attend all of them and don’t miss classes. Some students work in the laboratories and carry out different experiments. The others have regular computer classes.

The University has a library and there are many thousands of books in it. There we can borrow any book we need and prepare for the next day’s classes, write a report or a project (a course paper).

Those who do well at their studies get a state grant. It isn’t big enough but due to it we don’t have to work to make our living. We devote our spare time to the University social activities and take part in cultural life of the University.

Some of us live in hostels. They are not far from the University and it takes us not much time to get there.

The students of our University are engaged in scientific work under the supervision of experienced teachers, take part in scientific expeditions. Students of the Biological faculty work at the experimental biological station in Kvazhva. During summer holidays some students work in summer camps for children. In the senior part of studies students have a student teaching practice in schools or in kindergartens.

At the end of the course of study we shall take our final examinations and submit a graduation paper. After graduating from the University we’ll be teachers in schools or kindergartens.


Answer the following questions:


1. At what age did you begin to attend school?

2. Why did you make up your mind to enter the Pedagogical University?

3. Did you enter the University straight from school?

4. How many entrance examinations did you have to take?

5. What do you do now?

6. How long does the course of your study last?

7. How many terms does the academic year have?

8. What do students take at the end of each term?

9. What subjects are there on the curriculum?

10. Do you attend all lectures and seminars at the University?

11. Do you live in a hostel?

12. How much time does it take you to get to the University?

13. What do you devote your spare time to?

14. Do you often go to the library? What do you do there?

15. Are you engaged in scientific work?

16. Do you get a state grant?

17. Where will you have your teaching practice?

18. What will you take at the end of the course of study?

19. What will you be after graduating from the University?




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