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1. preference – предпочтение

2. convenience – удобство, пригодность

3. to recycle – повторять цикл развития; рециркулировать


Although food marketplace is undergoing dramatic changes, the same types of products that were with us 20 years ago are still here today. In reality, fundamental shifts in consumer lifestyle and attitudes are slow to influence eating and food purchasing behaviours.

This is not to say that there won’t be dramatic changes in food offerings between now and the year 2020. There will be. Significant shifts in demographics, psychographics, and consumer food preferences1 – taste, price, nutrition, convenience2, health and technological innovation – will continue to drive the food business.

Emerging trends are truly new items, such as phytochemicals and ethnic-fusion (слияние) foods. Only recently has science been able to confirm and identify important phytochemical compounds. Likewise, with continued ethnic mixing and interest in foreign foods, hybrid cousines and dishes unlike anything we have ever tasted before are appearing on menus every day. By 2020, years of ethnic mixing will have created a tremendous demand for more flavourful and unique foods.

Recycled3 trends are usually based on things considered “fringe” (зд. вне поля зрения) 20 years ago. Just think back. Twenty years ago, the health food movement was just beginning. Whole grains, sprouts (ростки), yougurt, and herbs (зелень, кулинарные травы) were coming into popularity. Weight-loss centers and protein diets were coming into being. Today natural and organic foods are widely in sales. Between now and 2020 the natural organic trends will enjoy enormous popularity. The days of artificial ingredients will be gone; the emphasis will be on natural alternatives.

There is no doubt, that health will remain a topical problem. Twenty years from now, marketing products for disease prevention and treatment will be common place. At the same time, however, science will continue to find the health-promoting and curative (лечебный, целебный) powers of food components and natural substances. Clearly, fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains and their inherent nutrients and phytochemical components will continue to lead as consumers main strategy for approaching health through food. At the same time, the functional foods market will mature offering foods and beverages not only for improved life-style and performance, but for those with risk factors for the major diseases and those affected with chronic conditions.

By 2020, consumers will welcome the role of technology in extending product shelf life and controlling foodborne hazardous (опасный) microorganisms. The importance of microbial technology will steadily increase.

In the year 2020 manufacturers and marketers should focus on emerging trends in the food, health, and supplement industries. Don’t be surprised if some of opportunities are old trends recycled with a new twist (поворот). For in a way, “the more things change, the more they stay the same”




Active Vocabulary

1. waste (v., n.) – (n) потеря, ущерб, убыток, порча, трата, отходы, отбросы;

(v) расточать, терять, тратить, портить, опустошать, истощать

2. hazard (n., v.) – риск, опасность, помеха; рисковать, осмеливаться

hazardous (adj) ['hæzədəs] – рискованный, опасный

3. to valorize – поддерживать ч.–л. с помощью государственных мероприятий, (ре)валоризировать

4. discharge (n., v.) – разгрузка, освобождение, спуск, слив, выделение; выбрасывать, спускать, сливать, выгружать

5. to embed – вставлять, укреплять, внедрять, включать, встраивать

6. utility – сооружение, предприятие, установка, приспособление

7. effluent – сточные воды, жидкие промышленные отходы, сток

8. to screen – сортировать, просеивать, отбирать

9. pyrolysis [pai'rolisis] – пиролиз, терморазложение при исключении кислорода

10. incineration – сжигание, сгорание, прокаливание

11. tertiary ['tə:∫əri] treatment – эффективная переработка отходов производства (третья стадия обработки)

12. to pollute [pə'lu:t] – загрязнять, осквернять

13. pollution – загрязнение, запыление, загазованность

14. pollutant – поллютант, загрязнитель, загрязняющий агент

15. to dump – разгружать, сбрасывать отходы (в море), сваливать

16. to strip – снимать, сдирать, счищать, опустошать, отгонять





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