If the cause is intraabdominal, Where will be localization of the pain . If the cause is intraabdominal ? 

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If the cause is intraabdominal, Where will be localization of the pain . If the cause is intraabdominal ?

What can you tell about the location of abdominal pain?

The pain of functional disturbances, on the other hand, often cannot be localized by the patient, can it?

What is Acute diffuse abdommal pain usually indicative of?

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1)) Чтение текста о

2) Выполнение заданий на усвоение лексико- грамматического материала.

2)Составление сообщения с опорой на таблицу.

Завершение занятия

1)Подведение итогов:

2)Задание на дом: Используя изученный материал, составьте рассказ Abdominal pain


8)Литература: Козырева Л. Г, Шадская Т. В. «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ»,Аванесьянц Э. М., Кахацкая Н. В, Мифтахова Т. В. «Английский язык для старших курсов», Тылкина С. А., Темчина Н. А. «Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских училищ»



Read the rhyme.Mind the pronunciation


A patient with gastrointestinal symptoms, to be thoroughly questioned.-, to have an increase or a decrease in appetite,-, nausea, -,.sour eructations,-,vomiting, belchfig,-, abdominal pain,-, jaundice.,. to know the character and color ofthe stool. 1 to obtaine a brief outline of the diet,. to be never satisfied,. to accept the vague term “indigestion”., a mere uncomfortable sensation in the abdomen after eating. under careful interrogation –, peptic ulcer,. gallbladder disease,


New words


The gastrointestinal tract –желудочно-кишечный тракт

Due to local spasm of the sphincters or of sections of the smooth muscle of the bowel wall—Возникать вследствие спазмы сфинктера(запирательной.мышцы) или отделов гладких мышц сенок кишечникалокализованное вздутие

Localized distention -локализованное вздутие

To produce discomfort, - вызывать дискомфорт

Lesions within the bowel or perforations. – повреждение внутри кишечника или перфорация (патологическое отверстие)

Intraabdominal, - внутри брюшной полости

Localization of the pain over the diseased area,- локализация боли над местом заболевания

Intrinsic gastrointestinal disease- свойственный желудочно-кишечному заболеванию

To be apt to be fairly well localized –быть возможным довольно хорошо локализоваться

To be fairly constant in its location- быть достаточно постоянным в своей локализации

The pain of functional disturbances, -боль из –за функциональных расстройств

Acute diffuse abdommal pain –острая диффузная боль в брюшной полости

To be indicative of diffuse visceral involvement, -быть показателем диффузного внутреннего поражения

Peritonitis,-воспаление брюшины, перитонит

Intestinal obstruction –нероходимость кишечника

Gastroenteritis-воспаление желудка и кишок.

The interpretation of abdominal pain -объяснение боли в брюшной полости


Abdominal pain

A great many disorders may give rise to the symptom of abdominal pain. Pain arising from within the gastrointestinal tract is usually due to local spasm of the sphincters or of sections of the smooth muscle of the bowel wall. Localized distention also may produce discomfort, as may lesions within the bowel or perforations. If the cause is intraabdominal, there will be localization of the pain over the diseased area, as is the case in appendicitis an gallbladder disease.

Abdominal pain due to intrinsic gastrointestinal disease is apt to be fairly well localized and, when recurrent, to be fairly constant in its location-The pain of functional disturbances, on the other hand, often cannot be localized by the patient and is apt to recur in various locations.

Acute diffuse abdommal pain which does not localize usually is indicative of diffuse visceral involvement, such as peritonitis, intestinal obstruction and gastroenteritis. Localization of the pain over the involved area occurs less frequently in children than adults. Thus, the interpretation of abdominal pain is often quite difficult iii children.



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