By that time, by two o'clock, by Sunday, by the end of the year/month, a 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


By that time, by two o'clock, by Sunday, by the end of the year/month, a

также другим прошедшим действием, выраженным в Past Indefinite и

будущим действием в Present Indefi­nite.

The students had passed Студенты сдали экзамен к

the exam by 2 o'clock двум часам (вчера).


The students will have Студенты сдадут экзамен к

passed the exam by 2 2 часам (завтра).

o'clock (tomorrow).

Past Perfect употребляется, когда прерывается по­следовательность описываемых действий в прошлом упо­минанием о ранее совершившихся действиях.

Ann came home late. She Анна пришла домой позд-

had been to the theatre, но. Она была в театре. Она

She had supper and went поужинала и легла спать.

to bed.

Past Perfect употребляется в главном предложении при наличии наречий hardly, no sooner

(в последующем придаточном предложении употреблено Past Indefinite).


No sooner I had done my homework, He успел я сделать домашнее задание,

than my friends came как пришли друзья



Future Perfect-in-the Past употребляется в придаточ­ных дополнительных предложениях

для выражения будущего действия, которое совершится к определенно­му моменту, когда

глагол в главном предложении упо­треблен в прошедшем времени.

The teacher said that he Учитель сказал, что вер-
would have returned нется из Лондона к перво-
from London by the 1st му сентября,
of September.

Времена группы Perfect переводятся на русский язык соответственно настоящим,

прошедшим и буду­щим временем глагола совершенного вида.


Приложение № 4

Автоматизация речевого материала.




1. Проанализируйте времена сказуемого в следую­щих предложениях.

а)1. I haven't seen you for ages. 2. We have alreadydiscussed this problem. 3. He has never been to England.Have you seen this film yet? - No, I haven't seen it.Have you ever been abroad? - Yes, I have.\6. I have known them for three years. 7. Have you spoken with your teacher today? 8. After I have done my homework, I shall go for a walk. 9. I haven't decided yet where to continue
my studies. 10. We haven't met her since we left school.

б)1. We had got to the theatre by 6 o'clock. 2. When we arrived, the performance had just begun. 3. They had met long before they left school. 4. By the end of the year he had learnt a lot of new English words. 5. I saw the film after I had read the novel. 6. No sooner had we got home,
than it became dark.

в)1. I shall have translated the text by 5 o'clock.2. We shall have passed our final exams by the end of June. 3. He will have read this book by tomorrow. 4. It will have stopped raining before we leave the party. 5. The manager will have signed the documents after we dis­cuss the contract in detail. 6. He said that he had bought a present for his friend's birthday."


2.Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и воп­росительную форму.

1. They have received a new flat this year. 2. She has been to Italy. 3. They have already heard the news.

4. I have known his father. 5. He had worked at a plant before the army. 6. We had studied German

before we began to study English. 7. She had written the letter by 5 o'clock. 8. The children will have

done their homework before their parents come home. 9. It will have stopped raining by noon.

3.Ответьте на вопросы.

Have you ever read English books in the original?

Have you ever been abroad?

Has your sister ever been to England?

Have you ever played any musical instrument?

Who has just phoned you?

Which of you has never seen mountains?

What exams had you passed before your English?

Where had you studied before entering the University?

By what time will you have finished your work?


4.Скажите, что вы выполнили задание.

Образец: Do your homework. - I have already (just)done it.

1. Clean the room. 2. Do your hair. 3. Have a good rest. 4. Make coffee. 5. Pack your things.

6. Close the door. 7. Give up smoking. 8. Tell me the truth. 9. Buy a new coat. 10. Finish the work. 11. Have breakfast. 12. In­vite him to come.


5.Преобразуйте предложения, употребив the Past и the Future Perfect.

Образец; I was reading a book at 5 o'clock.

I had read a book by-5 o'clock yesterday.

I shall have read a book by 5 o'clock

1. She was making dinner at that time. 2. We were translating the text when you came.

3. They were writing a dictation when I entered the classroom. 4. The students were taking

their exams from 9 till 12 o'clock. 5. He was having a shower when the telephone rang. 6. The boys were playing foootball when it began to rain.

6. Раскройте скобки, употребив нужную видо-вре-менную форму глагола.

1. You (see) this film? 2. He (be) at the cinema with you? 3. You (taste) the cake? 4. The pupils (not, do) their exercises yet. 5. I (not, meet) my school friend for many years. 6. She told me everything about him after he (leave). 7. When we arrived the concert already (begin). 8. I asked him what countries he (visit). 9. I hope you (come) home from school by 2 o'clock. 10. I (finish) everything by the time you get back tomorrow. 11. If we don't hurry the sun (set) before we reach the top. 12. I saw Tom yesterday but I (not to see) him today. 13. You ever (drive) a car? -No, this is the first time I (drive) a car. 14. The tourists just (arrive) in London and everything (be) new for them. 15. He went back to his home town and was surprised that the town (change) a lot. 16. We are late. The performance already (start) by the time we get to the theatre.


Приложение № 5

Заключение и задание на дом


1)Подведение итогов. Summing up: Can somebody sum up what has been said? (Summarise what you have found out). In conclusion, I would say that …(I would go over some mistakes: there were some mistakes in your pronunciation, you mispronounced the ward “…”. Listen to the correct pronunciation. You’ve got the stress wrong. The stress is on the second syllable. Be careful with your intonation. Your intonation wasn’t quite write. Listen to the way my voice goes up. You try and do the same. Drop(Raise) your voice at the end of the sentence. You must read loudly enough for everyone to hear you.

2)Задание на дом. Setting homework:Before we finish, I’d like to ask you to do something at home for the next lesson. Please write down your homework. For your homework revise/ go over your grammar rules and examples сoncerning the use of the Perfect Tensesvery carefully. Write Exercises.

I’m afraid it’s time to stop. You can put your things away. It’s time for us to have a break. Goodbye, everyone.

8 )Литература: Козырева Л. Г, Шадская Т. В. «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ»,Аванесьянц Э. М., Кахацкая Н. В, Мифтахова Т. В. «Английский язык для старших курсов», Тылкина С. А., Темчина Н. А. «Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских училищ»

Хведченя Л. В. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы.



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