Употребите нужную форму сослагательного наклонентя в придаточном предложении. 

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Употребите нужную форму сослагательного наклонентя в придаточном предложении.


1. I shouldn't have believed a) didn't see

it if I... it with my own eyes. 6) haven't seen

в) hadn't seen

2. He might have understood a) have spoken

it if you... slowly 6) had spoken

в) would speak

3. He would take me with a) were

him if I... ready. 6) had been

в) should be

4. The newspaper would a) were

print the story if it... true. 6) had been

в) was


7. Употребите нужную форму сослагательного на­клонения в главном предложении.


1. If I had known that you a) shall visit

were in hospital I... you. 6) should visit

в) should have visited

2. If I knew that the traffic a) would have stopped

lights were red I.... 6) would not stop

в) should stop

3. If you had obeyed my a) wouldn't get

instructions you... into trouble. 6) wouldn't have got

в) couldn't get

4. If I hadn't been wearing a) should catch

tight shoes I... the bus 6) should have caught

quite easily. в)caught



8. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму сос­лагательного наклонения.

а) 1. If you (bring) me the book, I should have read it. 2. If he didn't ring me up, I (not to come). 3. If he (not to write) to me, I shouldn't have answered him. 4. I wish I (have) a tie to match my suit. 5. The doctor suggested that she (have) a long rest in the Crimea. 6. If I (be) you, I should have appologised to her. 7. You wouldn't have so many acci­dents if you (drive) slowly. 8. If he were in, he answer) the phone. 9. If you (pass) your examination, we should have a celebration. 10. What might happen if I (press) the button? 11. I should not have taken your umbrella if I (know) that it was the only one you had. 12. If he knew it was dangerous he (not, come). 13. I shouldn't have gone there if I (be) you. 14. He would have been the best pupil in the class if he (work) harder. 15. We (stay) at home if we had known he was coming. 16. He might (understand) everything if you had spoken not so fast.

6) 1. You work much, I suggest that you (take) a leave. 2. The teacher demands that we (revise) all the grammar rules before the English exam. 3. The manager insists that they (sign) the contract. 4. My mother recommends that I (not to sit) up late doing my homework. 5. It is important that you (pass) your entrance examinations successfully to be admitted to a higher school. 6. It is desirable that you (do) sports regularly. 7. It is necessary that the pupils (not to miss) lessons.

в) 1.I wish I (can) speak English better. 2. We wish week­ends (come) more often. 3. I wish I never (meet) him. 4. I wish I (spend) my money on something else instead of buying that bicycle. 5. I wish I (can help) you yesterday. 6. I wish they (be) on time tomorrow. 7. He wished he (know) about your arrival.

9. Закончите предложения, употребив соответству­ющую форму сослагательного наклонения.

1. If he had eaten less...

2. If he had taken my advice...

3. If she practised more...

4. If we had left before breakfast...

5. If he were not so lazy...

6. If he saw my father...

7. We should send for the doctor if...

8. Her life might have been saved if...

9. You would look better if... 10.1 should have bought the dress if...

11. He would bring the book if...

12. You would be angry if...

10. Подумайте и скажите, что бы вы делали в сле­дующих ситуациях.

1. What would you do if you saw your first teacher walking along the street?

2. What would you do if you knew that you would be sent to study abroad?

3. What three wishes would you choose for yourself if you knew that they would come true?



Заключение и задание на дом

1)Подведение итогов. Summing up

2) задание на дом: Setting homework: go over your grammar rules and examples relating to the use of the Mood very carefully. Write Exercises.

-изучить новую грамматическую конструкцию,правило;

-выполнить грамматические упражнения по соответствующей теме из учебника «Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ» и других дополнительных источников (Английский язык:2770 упражнений и тестов для школьников и поступающих в вузы/ Н.Г.Брюсова, И.М.Васильева, И.Ю.Истомина и др./) ХведченяЛ. В. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы.



Министерство Здравоохранения

Российской Федерации

Ливенское медицинское училище

Методическая разработка


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