Module 1. Applying for a Job 

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Module 1. Applying for a Job

Task 1. Study the information below and complete the sentences with the appropriate forms.

To apply /ə’plai/

-ication – application /æpli’kei∫n/

-icant – applicant /’æplikənt/

-icable – applicable / ə’plikəbl/

-iance – appliance / ə’plaiəns/

written application form – написанное заявление о приеме на работу

application for the position – заявление на должность

application to somebody – заявление для кого-то

to apply for a job – подать заявление о приеме на работу


  1. When people ___________, they become _______.
  2. Curriculum Vitae (CV) and resume are different _________ forms.
  3. An applicant usually writes ___________ a director.

Task 2. Read and learn the new words/phrases and their equivalents by heart.

career /kə’riə/ job карьера
colleague /’koli:g/ people you work with коллега
salary /’sæleri/ money paid for the work зарплата
opportunity /opə’tju:niti/ possibility возможность
ability /ə’biliti/ skills способности
achievement /ə’t∫i:vment/ success достижение
to achieve /ə’t∫i:v/ to attain достигать
profession /prə’fe∫ən/ speciality профессия
company /’kampəni/ organization компания
to manage /’mænidz/ to cope справляться, управлять
management /’mænidzment/   управление
qualification /’kwəlifi’kei∫n/ position квалификация
to employ /im’ploi/ to engage нанимать на работу
to sack (coll.) /sæk/ to fire увольнять
employee /’imploi’i:/ worker работник
employer /’imploiə/ a person who employs people работодатель  

Task 3. Translate the words from Russian into English without looking at the table.


Достижение –

Коллега –

Заработная плата –

Служащий –

Управление –

Способность –

Нанимать –

Увольнять –

Возможность –

Квалификация –

Компания –


Task 4. Complete the sentences with the words from the previous task.


1. People who are _______ in different organizations are called employees.

2. When a student graduates from the University he/she gets a diploma with _________.

3. Our government has increased doctors’ _________.

4. People who work together in one ________ are called ________.

5. Applying for a job one should show all his _________.

Task 5. Match the words with their synonyms.


  1. Employer
  2. Achievement
  3. Colleague
  4. Career
  5. Professional
  6. Ability
  7. To employ
  8. Salary
  9. Employee
  10. Company
A. Organization B. Job C. Specialist D. People one works with E. A person who engages people F. Money paid for a job G. A worker H. To engage I. Skills J. Success


Task 6. Replace the underlined words/phrases with their equivalents.


  1. Many people treat their jobs seriously especially when they are paid good money.
  2. Your skills and success are very important when applying for a job.
  3. The owners of organizations engage different workers.
  4. It’s important to be friendly with people you work with.
  5. Career gives everyone possibility to earn money.


Task 7. Read the text and underline the Modal Verbs.


Most people work because they need to earn salary, but money is not the only motivation or reason why people work. People get job satisfaction from different factors, such as social interaction with colleagues. Your professional position and achievement, doing something well can be important. Some companies really value their employees and see them as the company’s main asset. Managing people well can lead to better results and higher productivity for the company, but this can be difficult to do. People respond differently to different styles of management. Some organizations give their workers freedom to develop their roles and others don’t.


Task 8. Decide whether the sentences are true or false.

  1. Most people work because they like it. True/False
  2. Not all companies give freedom to their workers. True/False
  3. Job satisfaction depends on different reasons. True/False
  4. Employers are the main company’s asset. True/False
  5. Managing people can lead to high productivity for the company. True/False


Task 9. Match the English sentences with their Russian equivalents.


  1. People need to earn money for their living.
  2. Your achievements may help you in applying for a job.
  3. High-grade specialists can promote a company.
  4. When you are looking for a job you should identify your achievements and skills.
  5. You mustn’t be late for the interview with an employer.

a. Высококвалифицированные специалисты способствуют продвижению компании.

b. Людям необходимо зарабатывать на жизнь.

c. Вы не должны опаздывать на собеседование со своим работодателем.

d. Ваши достижения могут помочь Вам при устройстве на работу.

e. В поисках работы Вам следует определить свои достижения и умения.

Task10. Read and learn the new words/phrases by heart.

Curriculum vitae(CV) /kə’rikju’ləm ‘vi:tai/ жизнеописание
Resume /’rezju’mei/ резюме
Tool /tu:l/ инструмент, средство
Brochure /’brou ∫ə/ брошюра
Essential /i’sen∫əl/ необходимый
Objective /ob’dzektiv/ цель
Experience /iks’piəriəns/ опыт
Credentials /kri’den∫əlz/ верительные грамоты
To highlight /’hailait/ осветить
Reference letter /’referens ‘lete/ Рекомендательное письмо


Task11. Read the text and answer the questions.


  1. What are the parts of the CV/resume?
  2. What should each part of the CV/resume contain?


A CV or curriculum vitae is a marketing tool. With your CV you will be able to promote yourself. Imagine that the CV as being a brochure that will list the benefits of a particular service. When writing a CV look at it from your employers point of view. A CV is an essential tool in your job search. When applying for a vacancy you generally first have to send your CV to present yourself to the prospective employer.

A CV consists of heading, skills, objective, education, professional experience, activities or interests.

In CV Heading you can write your general information: name, surname, local address, e-mail address, phone number. The Skills Summary section of your CV includes your main skills. You should only include keywords in this section. The CV Objective states “What is my next step in my career?” this should be a short statement that informs the employer what kind of position you are looking for. List all your qualifications in the Education section. Include all of your education including certifications from non-academic institutions especially that are related to this job vacancy. If you have more work experience than qualifications, put your work experience before your qualifications. The section Professional Experience includes any work experience that you have in the field you are applying for. Even if the post is unpaid, voluntary, summer job, internship, co-op experience or extracurricular activity. Each job detail should include the following basic information: title of position, length you held the post, responsibilities, name of organization. Any activities that you do in your free time, can be related to your job. If you worked in the school paper it shows initiative and you are willing to take sacrifices in order to further your career.


Regardless of your experience, qualifications and intelligence, you’ll need to apply for jobs and pass through that all important selection procedure. To apply for a job you must write a resume. The resume is made up of: an accurate summary of credentials, education, achievements, job experience and goals. It show flow naturally and be easily read.

A resume should contain accurate information. For this reason, it’s a good idea to keep the resume updated after each major task or qualification’s received.

All resumes typically contain sections that highlight education and work experience. Often a summary of qualifications section is used to provide the reader with an overview of the competences. Also many people find it helpful to begin a resume with an objective so that the reader has a reference point by which to understand the strengths and experience.

Typical resume sections are contact information, summary of qualifications, education, skills, and work experience. Optional sections are objectives, technical skills, awards, publications and so on.


Task 12. Look through the Reference Letter and choose the points mentioned in it.

  1. Address of the one who writes the letter.
  2. Education
  3. Date
  4. Recommendation
  5. Subject
  6. Signature and position
  7. A person’s previous duties
  8. Computer Literacy
  9. His/Her personal characteristics
  10. Saying goodbye
  11. Information about the family


Hart Publications, Inc.
1400 Fifth Avenue,
New York, NY 10012
(212) 555-6239

April 10, 1998

Subject: Reference Letter for Mr. James Miller

To Whom It May Concern:

James worked under my supervision as an editorial assistant from September 10, 1997, until April 5, 1998. His responsibilities included conducting research and interviews, fact checking, and writing brief front-of-the-book pieces, in addition to some clerical duties. During the course of his employment, James proved himself to be an able employee, a hard worker, and a talented writer.

I was quite impressed by James' ability to complete all work assigned to him on time, if not before it was due. His research was always thorough and comprehensive, and his fact checking always accurate. We sometimes allow our editorial assistants to do some writing, but James' talents prompted us to assign him more pieces than the norm. His writing is clear, concise, and evocative.

Overall, James is a very conscientious and able employee. I certainly believe he has what it takes to make a wonderful editor someday, and I am sad to see him leave. I strongly recommend James for any mid-level editorial position in publishing.


Edward P. Larkin
Executive Editor


Task 13. Read the Reference Letter carefully and point out the phrases expressing the following ideas.


A person’s previous duties    
His/Her personal characteristics    
Signature and position    


Task 14. Get ready to speak on the topic “Applying for a job” (about 15 sentences) according to the suggested plan.


  1. Historical facts about professions (see previous module)
  2. Career
  3. Necessary documents when applying for a job

a) CV

b) Resume

c) Reference Letter





Task 1. Complete the sentences with the appropriate modal verb.


1.You will …… speak Spanish in another few months.

a. can

b. have

c. be able to

d. ought

2.I’d like …… skate.

a. to can

b. to be able to

c. to have to

d. could

3.I’m sorry, I…. have phoned to tell you I was coming.

a. should to

b. ought to

c. had to

d. could

4.In my opinion, the government ….. take care of old people.

a. ought

b. need to

c. must

d. may

5.I…. get up early on Mondays.

a. am able

b. have to

c. must

d. may

6.Little children like books with large print. They …. read them more easily.

a. should

b. must

c. can

d. have to

7.My dentist says I …. eat so many sweets.

a. needn’t

b. mustn’t

c. ought to

d. shouldn’t


Task 2. Match the headings with the texts.









IT Office 2000 and Windows NT, Excel, Internet, Powerpoint

Languages Fluent German and proficient in French

Additional Driving license (car and motorcycle)



Geoffrey Williams Brenda Denholm

Professor of journalism Sports Editor

University of London The Glasgow tribune



1995-present Public Relation Officer, Scottish Nature Trust

Responsible for researching and writing articles on all aspects of Trust’s

activities and ensuring their distribution to the press

1992-1995 Press Officer, Highlands Tourist Board

Preparation of promotional materials and brochures

1990-1992 The Glasgow Tribune newspaper

Two three-month training periods as assistant to the Sports Editor

Arranging and conducting interviews

4. _________________________

Fiona Scott

52 Hanover Street

Edinburgh EH2 5LM


Phone: 0131 449 0237


5. _________________________

1991-1992 London Chamber of Commerce an Industry

Diploma in Public Relations

1988-1991 University of London

BA (honours) in Journalism and Media Studies



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