Что особого в географическом положении России. Заполни пробелы географическими названиями из рамки. Добавь, где необходимо артикли. Прослушай и проверь. 

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Что особого в географическом положении России. Заполни пробелы географическими названиями из рамки. Добавь, где необходимо артикли. Прослушай и проверь.

Russia is washed in the north by the Arctic Ocean and its seas: the Barents, Chuckchee, East Siberian, Kara, Laptev and White seas, in the south by the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas; in the east by the Bering Sea, the Sea of Japan, and Okhotsk Sea, in the west by the Baltic Sea. The size of Russia is hard to imagine. A flight from Moscow to Magadan takes eight hours. Russia is a land of long rivers and large lakes. Among the world’s longest rivers rank the North Dvina, the three mighty Sibe­rian rivers: the Ob, Lena and the Yenisei, and the Amu r. The largest of all Russia’s rivers is the Volga. The three largest lakes in Russia are the Baikal in South-Eastern Siberia and the Ladoga and the Onega in North­ern Russia. The relief of Russia is mostly flat. It’s located on two plains: the Great Russian Plain and the Western Siberian Plain. There are three main mountain ranges in Russia. The Caucasus stretches from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea. The highest mountain is Mount Elbrus. The Urals extend from the Arctic Ocean to the steppes. They divide the Euro­pean and Asian parts of Russia.


Как география России влияет на жизнь людей?

Объедини предложения, используя because (потому что), thanks to (the fact that) (благодаря тому, что), due to (the fact that) (согласно тому, что), so (таким образом), that’s why (поэтому).

A) Russia is a varied land of forests, mountains, high flat lands and fertile plains, so almost every kind of climate may be found in Russia. (True)

B) Russia is situated in the north and far from the warming ef­fect of the oceans, that’s why Russia has long and cold winters. (True)

C) Millions of tourists visit the South every summer, because in Southern Russia there are the seas, beaches and the mountains. (True)

D) Most of Russia has more or less four-season climate, so the rhythms of everyday life tend to follow the seasons. (True)

E) Central Russia has a mild climate and rich soil, that’s why the re­
gion has some very rich agricultural land. (True)

F) Russia is rich in forests and mineral resources, so they help Russia
to be a world leader in manufacturing. (False)

G) Such items as tomatoes, cucumbers, apples and various berries are
not imported thanks to the fact that there are many fruit and vegetable
growing regions in Russia. (False)

H) Airplane is the major factor in mass transportation due to the fact that Russia covers an area of 17 million square kilometres. (False)

6. В телеигре каждый вопрос принадлежит к определенной ка­тегории и имеет определенную стоимость. Какие вопросы ты бы написал к каждой категории?

10 $ Where are the Great Lakes situated?

20 $ Which is the biggest state in the USA?

30 $ Where is the first National Park situated?

40 $ Where is Disney World?

50 $ Do you know which state is the highest mountain in?

10 $ Do you know why people in Britain are so fond of gardening?

20 $ Where do the British usually spend their holidays?

30 $ Is the life in Australia easy?

40 $Why are Americans so hospitable?

50 $ Do you know why there are so excellent roads in Britain?

9. Вот так турист заполнил таможенную декларацию. Какие вопролсы он задаст сопровождающему в полете?

Could you tell me what does «given name’ and ‘middle name» mean, please?

I wonder if you could tell me how is the address written? I should be interested to know if I need to declare these goods


Чем США, Соединенное Королевство, Австралия и Россия по­хожи и чем отличаются? Заполни таблицу, используя факты из Unit 1.

Geographical positionPeople and their lifestyles.

The USA . ¾ of the territory of the USA is washed by the ocean, almost every type of landscape is pre-sented,southern parts have warm temperatures year round and northern have very cold winters (¾ территории США омывает­ся океаном, присутствуют почти все типы ландшафта, в южных частях теплая темпе­ратура держится круглый год, а в северных очень холодные зимы) Millions of Americans participate in water sports, such as swimming, surfing, fishing, sailing and water skiing because ¾ of the country are washed by the ocean Americans are hospitable. They are always on the move. Ameri­cans are willing to experiment and invent new things. (Миллионы американцев занимаются вод­ным спортом: плаванием, сер­фингом, рыболовством и вод­ными лыжами. Американцы гос­теприимны. Они постоянно пе­реезжают. Они любят экспери­ментировать и изобретать но­вое.)
The UK washed by the ocean. The cli­mate is mild and there is a steady rainfall throughout most of the year, consists for the most part of plains and hills; in the north and west mountainous ar­eas are found (Омывается океаном, климат мягкий, состоит по большей части из равнин и холмов. На севере и западе — горная местность) Love gardening, go to the seaside for holidays, love compromise (Любят садоводство, ездят на побережье на выходные, любят компромисс)
Australia washed by the ocean Much of the land is a desert, it’s sunny most of the year. Severe draughts happen (Омывается океаном, большую часть страны занимает пустыня, большую часть года там солнечно, случаются суровые засухи)  
Russia Russia is washed by the ocean. People live within four time zones. It’s a land of physical contrasts. Practically every climate in the world is represented. The southern parts of the country have warm temperatures year round, but the northern parts of the country have very cold winters. Russians are impressed with size and numbers because Russia is a vast country. Russians think and act big because Russia is a vast country. Russians think of themselves as members of the community rather than as individuals. This lies in the vastness of the Great Plain.

Geographical positionPeople and their lifestyles.


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