Exercise 2. Correct the mistakes 

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Exercise 2. Correct the mistakes

In the following pairs of sentences, one is correct, and in the other there is a mistake. Tick (√) the correct one.

Example: I have watched TV last night.

I watched TV last night.√


a. I have lived in Cheesewood for five years.

I live in Cheesewood for five years.


b. We moved here after my daughter was born.

We have moved here after my daughter was born.


c. Before that we have lived in London.

Before that we lived in London.

d. I am a teacher since I left university.

I have been a teacher since I left university


e. I went to Bristol University in 1984.

I have been to Bristol University in 1984.


f. We have studied English since three years.

We have studied English for three years.


g. I never went to Russia, but I'd like to..

I have never been to Russia, but I'd like to.


Exercise 3 Tenses

Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense. The tenses used are the Present Simple, the Past Simple, and the Present Perfect.

Example: I got (get) up at 7.00 this morning.

Carla Brown has a job in advertising. It's a good job, and she (a) ______ (earn) over £20,000 a year. She (b) ___________ (study) marketing at college, and then (c) ___________ (find) a job with a small advertising agency in Manchester. Since then she (d) __________ (change) her job several times. Now she (e) __________ (work) for Jerome and Jerome, which is a big company with offices all over the world. She (f) _______ (be) with the company for three year.

The company hasclients in America, and she (g) ___________ (be) there several times on business. Last year she (h) ___________ (spend) six months there.


Exercise 4 Have to or should?

Complete the sentences with a form of have to, don't have to, should or shouldn't.


Example: If you feel ill, you should go to bed.


a. When you catch a plane, you _____________ check in before you board the plane.

b. You __________________ have too much hand luggage.

c. You ____________________ wear comfortable clothing.

d. A pilot _________________ train for many years.

e. People who want to smoke _________________ sit in certain seats.

f. You _________________.wear your seat belt all the time. You can take it off.

g. But you ________________ wear it at take-off and landing.

h. You ________________ drink too much alcohol because you might be ill.

i. There is often a film on a-long flight, but you _______________ watch it. You can go to sleep.

j. When you've got your luggage, you _______________ go through Customs.

Exercise 5 Time clauses

Put the words in the right order.

Example: bath I when home will get have a I

I will have a bath when I get home


a. hear if I news any you I phone will


b. pay as you I back soon can I as will


с you feel stop better if will you smoking


d. car Peter enough when he buy a has will money


e. problem help I you have you a will if


Exercise 6 Tenses

Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense. The tenses used are the Present Simple and the will future.

a. I__________ (call) you when lunch ___________(be) ready.

b. If you ____________(be) late, I __________ (go) without you.

с If she ________________ (pass) her driving test, she ________________ (buy) a car.

d. I _______________ (go) home as soon as I _________________ (finish) work..

e. If my neighbours ________________ (not stop) making a noise, I ________________ (go) round and complain.


Exercise 7 Used to or the Past Simple?

Look at the profile of the singer, Andy Goodchild Complete the sentences, using used to where possible or the Past Simple.


He used to live with his parents in Leeds.

He had his first guitar when he was six.


Andy’s highly successful solo career began in 1984. He now lives in London with his wife Suzy, and their daughter, Trixie. Andy tells us about his background

1959-80 Lived in Leeds with my parents
  My first guitar!
1970-80 Bradford School
1971-75 Wrote songs with a friend called Keith
1976-83 Played with a band called the Forwards
1979-82 Played in pubs and clubs
  Started going out with a girl called Mandy
June 1981 Number one record, She's mine
  Toured the United States
  Broke up with Mandy
  Went solo
August 1985 Pop festival in Los Angeles

a. He _______________________ Bradford School.

b. He __________________________ football for the school.

с. Не__________________________ songs with a friend called Keith.

d. He _______________________ with The Forwards.

e. The Forwards ___________________ in pubs and clubs.

f. In 1981 he __________________________ a number one record.

g. He __________________________ with a girl called Mandy.

h. The Forwards _________________________ the United States in 1982.

i. Andy________________________ in 1984.

j. He ________________________ a pop festival in Los Angeles the following year.

Exercise 8 Questions

Write questions about the words in Italics.

Example: Somebody broke the window.

Who broke the window?'

a. They are talking about somebody.


b. Peter works for somebody.


с Somebody hit Lilly.


d. Something smells awful!


e. Jeremy lives with someone.


f. Mike and Polly are arguing about something.


g. Sh! I'm listening to something.


h. Someone gave me £100!


i. Someone told me Ann was getting married!


j. Something just crept across the carpet!




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