Настоящее завершенное время (Present Perfect) 

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Настоящее завершенное время (Present Perfect)

Настоящее завершенное время обозначает следующее.

1. Действие, завершившееся к настоящему времени и связанное с настоящим.

Примеры: Tom is looking for his key. He can’t find it. He has lost his key. – Том ищет ключ. Он не может его найти. Он потерял свой ключ.

Jim has gone to Canada. – Джим уехал в Канаду (=здесь его нет).

Have you done this exercise? – Ты сделал это упражнение (= оно сделано?)?

Have you been to the USA? – Ты был в США?

Примечание. A. Исторически данная форма глагола переводится буквально как «иметь сделанным».

Б. Часто используется наречие “already” (уже), “just” (только что).

2. Действие, начавшееся в прошлом и продолжающееся в настоящее время. Употребляются предлоги “ for ” (в течение …), “ since ” (с какого-либо времени).

Примеры: I have lived here for 20 years. – Я живу здесь двадцать лет.

I have lived here since 1980 (since I entered the Academy, since my childhood).


Образование настоящего завершенного времени have (has) + V3

I / we / they / you have (=I’ve etc.) done

He / she / it (= he’s etc.)

I (etc.) haven’t done Have you (etc.) done?

He / she / it hasn’t Has he / she



I. Назовите форму причастия прошедшего времени (V3) следующих глаголов.

Improve, arrive, study, graduate, be, carry, interview, accuse, charge, go, take, do, give, hit, hurt, break, mean, meet, pay, read, buy, sell, become, win, write.


II. Ответьте на вопросы по модели.

Model: The children have seen him. And Ann (also)? –

She has also seen him.

1. They have been to London. And Tom (also)?

2. Max has given him money. And you (also)?

3. The boys have enjoyed the concert. And Allan (not)?

4. I have spoken to the Dean about it. And you (also)?

5. We have forgotten to phone her. And Vivie (also)?

6. Pete has won the contest. And Paul (also)?

7. Alice and Ann have failed at the exam. And Max (not)?


III. Выразите сомнение или недоверие, используя модель.

Model: Ed had passed the exam. – Has he really passed the exam?

1. They have closed the shop.

2. We have promised to go there.

3. I have bought a new house.

4. He has enjoyed the lecture.

5. She has spoken on Tort Law.

6. Sid had agreed to take part in the conference.

7. I have decided to specialize in Criminal Law.


IV. Ответьте на вопросы.

Model: Pete is going to do his exercises. And Sam (already)? – Sam has already done his exercises.

1. Sid is going to clean his car. And George (just)?

2. Elsa is going to show me her new dress. And Tess (already)?

3. Derek was in Paris three years ago. And Em (never)?

4. I am going to take my dog for a walk. And Ruth (just)?

5. My father is going to apply for this job. And yours (already)?

6. We are going to discuss the route. And they (just)?

7. I am going to arrange a party. And your sister (already)?


V. Используйте приведенные слова, чтобы сообщить новости о друзьях.

Model: Phil (find) a new job. – Phil has found a new job.

1. Charles (go) Brazil.

2. Jack and Gill (decide) to get married.

3. Suzanne (have) a baby.

4. Monica (give up) smoking.

5. George (pass) his driving test.

6. Maria (enter) the University.


VI. Скажите, что вы уже совершили эти действия.

Model: Don’t forget to phone Tom! – I’ve already phoned him.

1. Why don’t you read the paper? – I …

2. Shall I pay the waiter? – No, I …

3. Will you go shopping? – No need, I …

4. Why don’t you prepare the report? – I …

5. Shall I tell your tutor about it? – No, I …

6. Are you going to the picnic on Sunday? – I …


VII. Составьте вопросительные предложения из приведенных слов по образцу. Ответьте на эти вопросы.

Model: You ever (be) to Italy? – Have you ever been to Italy?

- you ever (be) to the USA;

- you (read) any English books;

- you (live) in this town all your life;

- how many times you (be) in love;

- what’s the most beautiful place (you ever) visit;

- you ever (speak) to a famous person;

- you ever (take part) in a trial.


VIII. Ответьте на вопросы по модели.

Model: When did you last smoke (for two years)? –

I haven’t smoked for two years.

1. When did it last rain (for ages)?

2. When did they last visit you (since June)?

3. When did you last play tennis (for a long time)?

4. When did you last go to Spain (never)?

5. When did she last write to you (since last summer)?

6. When did you last eat caviar (since December)?

7. When did you last drive (for months)?


IX. Поставьте наречия в скобках на соответствующее место.

Запомните! Наречия неопределенного времени (just, already, never, yet) находятся после вспомогательного глагола have. Already и yet могут также находиться в конце предложения.

1. I have seen him (just).

2. Have you spoken to her about it (ever)?

3. I have been to the laboratory (already).

4. We have been there before (never).

5. Mary and Edward have left (just).

6. She hasn’t finished doing the room (yet).

7. She has seen the sea (never) and wants to go to the Crimea this summer.

8. The bell has gone (just).

9. If you have seen the film (ever) you must remember this scene.


X. Cпишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык, подготовьтесь к обратному переводу с русского языка на английский.

1. Glad to see you! Haven’t seen you for ages.

2. I have lived in Khabarovsk since childhood.

3. I have studied English for six years already.

4. Has anyone brought chalk?

5. Something has gone wrong with the tape-recorder.

6. Have you heard the news?

7. The bell has gone, let’s begin our lesson.

8. It’s 12 o’clock, so I have been here for two hours.


XI. Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в нужное время (the Present Simple, the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect?).

1. Will you, please, lend me your pen for a moment? I (to leave) mine at home and now (to have) nothing to write with. Ann (not to write), she can give you her pen.

2. You (to read) “The Gadfly” by Voynich? – I (to read) it now, I (not to finish) it yet. It (to be) a very good book. I (to like) it very much.

3. We (to go) to the cafe “Cosmos” tonight. You ever (to be) there?

4. (to be) there anything the matter with you? You (to be) so pale. – Nothing the matter. I just (to finish) my work and I (to be) a little tired.

5. Who (to play) the piano? Mary still (to have) her music lesson? – No. The lesson (to be) over and the teacher already (to go), Mother (to play) for little Kitty.

6. You (to understand) what they (to talk) about?

7. What you (to look) for? – I (to look) for my dictionary. I just (to see) it somewhere. I (to think) it (to lie) on the bookshelf.




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