The most unusual bridges in the world 

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The most unusual bridges in the world

Since ancient times people have tried to grasp the immensity: to bypass mountains, cross the seas and the oceans. And for this purpose special structures were created, which impressed with their uniqueness and outstanding architecture. In this paper we consider the most unusual bridges in the world. Bridge is a permanent structure erected across a river, a lake, a swamp, a ravine, a strait or any other physical obstacle.

The fountain-bridge

The Korean architects decided to surprise the residents of the city Seoul with an unusual bridge, which in addition to its main function to cross the Han River, also performs the function of the fountain. Amazing architectural masterpiece is called Bango. It looks just like an ordinary bridge, but on its sides there are water shutters. Especially beautiful it looks at night when it is lit with colored lights and illuminated with water streams inside. There are nearly ten thousand small fountains, through which in total one hundred and ninety tons of water passes per day [1]

Langkawi Sky

This bridge is one of the highest bridges in the world. It is situated in Malaysia at the height of seven hundred metres above sea level. Its length is one hundred twenty-five meters through the mountains. It is amazing that the bridge stands on only one pillar, and it is stabilized by a system of cables fixed to nearby rocks. The bridge offers beautiful views of the mountainous part of the island and the coast. Since the bridge is curved, then there is a point where the illusion of an absolutely free hovering over the abyss below is created. At this altitude you can really feel like flying high.

The island-bridge

In the middle of the Mur River in the Austrian city Graz there is a pedestrian island-bridge in the form of a giant sea shell. On the bridge there is an amphitheatre, fifty meters long, twenty meters wide, as well as a cafe and a children's Playground. This bridge can simultaneously accommodate three hundred and fifty people.

Live bridges

These bridges are built from the roots of ficus elastica. This is an evergreen tree growing to the size of 30-40 meters. The roots of this ficus have one feature - secondary root system. Its roots grow outward. Having reached the other bank, the roots of the ficus grow into the ground. It usually takes 10-15 years to create such a bridge and it requires constant care and attention. Such a bridge can withstand up to fifty people. The older the bridge, the stronger is it, because the roots become strong like steel cables. This bridge is just like one from a fairy tale.

The Nanpu bridge in Shanghai.

This bridge was created with the purpose of saving space. It was designed in 1991. On average about a hundred and twenty thousand cars pass through this bridge daily. The central supports in the form of the letter N rise on a hundred and fifty meters. The distance between the two central abutments of the bridge reaches 423 meters.

Henderson Waves

This is the highest (36 m) pedestrian bridge in Singapore, constructively quite traditional, but with a very unusual design. Seven ribbed steel bulges above and below the deck of the bridge form a system of lateral niches in which there are places for recreation, with benches and tables inside. The interior decoration of the bridge is made of yellow wood balau, the outside decoration is made of the rib lamellar metal constructions, which hide lighting for nightly illumination. It is a favorite walking place of citizens, and more recently, the bridge has become especially attractive for wedding photographers.

Bridge Shahar.

This bridge was built to fight Turkish invaders. The legend says that the locals can destroy it in a matter of minutes in case of imminent danger. The bridge was built in the seventeenth century to connect the towns located on the top of the mountains of Yemen. The bridge stretches three hundred meters above the gorge.

Moses's bridge

Fort Rovere, where this newest of the most unusual bridges in the world is situated, was built in the XVII century as part of the Brabant line facilities, protecting the Netherlands from the invasion of France and Spain. During large-scale reconstruction of the fort the designers had to solve more than a nontrivial task: to throw the bridge for tourists over the moat, making it virtually invisible. Architects brilliantly coped with the task, having taken as the base of the design story about the sea waters dispersing before the prophet Moses. The bridge is almost completely submerged in water so that the pedestrian deck is below the water level. From a distance it is invisible and emerges when approaching as a narrow gap in the water. Practically completely made of specially treated and waterproof wood, “Moses’s Bridge" was among the finalists of the prestigious competition of Dutch Design Awards.

Slauerhoffbrug Bridge

This extremely strange bridge in the Netherlands, from a far distantly resembling a giant excavator, was named in memory of the Dutch poet and novelist of the XX century Ian Slauerhof, who was born in Leeuwarden. It is also called a "flying" bridge, although, strictly speaking, it is automatic leaf bridge on a mobile farm with pylon-counterweight (a kind of giant spool of thread lurking on the side of the road on the bank of the river). In terms of architecture, the bridge is a distant descendant of lifting bridges in medieval castles, assuming the guise of an industrial robot. The square bridge platform rises 10 times a day above the river almost vertically. In this position it is clear that the lower part of the platform is painted with the colors of Leeuwarden - blue and yellow.

The longest bridge.

In China construction of the longest bridge in the world has been completed recently. The total length of this giant is forty-two and a half kilometers. The construction of the bridge took four years. Two teams, with five thousand workers, worked on its construction.

During the research we were convinced that the construction of the bridge is an extremely demanding and expensive job. Dimensions of some modern bridges often go beyond the usual proportions. And it does not come in anyone’s mind that with such a giant building something might happen, because our faith in science and technology is limitless. The ability to build bridges since the times of the ancient Romans was considered to be the pinnacle of engineering.

Научный руководитель - Г.Н.Мусагитова, конд. Филологич. наук, доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки», СибАДИ, Омск

Библиографический список

1. (дата обращения:



УДК 796. 966 (571.):811.111

студент Котюргина А.С.

Сибирская государственная автомобильно-дорожная академия (СибАДИ), Омск

Abstract. The article delivers information about Eishockey as a contact team sport, examines in particular youth hockey team work of “Omsk Hawks”. Conclusion about team spirit will to win and be helpful for the victory in each game are drawn.


Аннотация: В статье рассказывается о юношеской хоккейной команде «Омские ястребы», об истории ее возникновения, известных игроках и перспективах данной команды в большом спорте.


Key words: “Omsk Hawks”, international competitions, popularity, productive play, training, defender, career.


Ключевые слова: «Омские ястребы», международные соревнования, популярность, продуктивная игра, тренировки, защитник, карьера.


Hockey is a contact team sport played on ice, usually in a rink, in which two teams of skaters use their sticks to shoot a vulcanized rubber puck into their opponent's net to score points. Ice hockey teams usually consist of 6 players each, 1 goaltender and five players who skate up and down the ice trying to take the puck and score a goal against the opposing team. In international competitions, the national teams of six countries (The "Big Six") predominate: Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, Russia, Sweden and the United States [5].

My city Omsk can be called a sports city, because every third person goes in for sports. We have a lot of sports schools and clubs, where you can find yourself and develop new abilities. A sport like ice - hockey enjoys especial popularity in Omsk. The ‘Vanguard’ - hockey club, which was founded in 1950, appeared under the name "Spartacus" (1950-1962), "Aeroflot" (1962-1967), "Rubber" (1967-1972), "Chemist" (1972-1974), "Shinnik" (1974-1981). Since 1981 it called "Vanguard". Since 2008 it acts as the KHL [2]. "Omsk Hawks" – a youth team of ice - hockey from Omsk is a two times winner of the Kharlamov Cup, champions of the international tournament «Hockey night in Boston» and winners of the World Cup among youth club teams in 2013.

Each of these guys puts his heart and soul in hockey. When they were brought by their fathers into the ice palace they were quite little. Their parents tried to instill in them love for sports from the early childhood but not all boys will become hockey stars. At the moment, the ‘Hawks’ team consists of the best players of Omsk, which achieved great success at their young years. For them it is not just a sport or entertainment, it is a huge daily work. From childhood they are accustomed to rigid discipline, they every training they selflessly lay full strength in each game to show the productive play. Few people know how much strength and health are needed on ice. Each game is the opportunity to help the team win.

Omsk Hawks’ is a team of champions. Currently, the team consists of the rising generation. Each game is an opportunity for them to lead their team to victory that is the decisive goal of each game.

But surely only the tenacity and strength of character of these guys helps them win. Their coach is their second father. He plays the role of a mentor. His task is to make beginning players hockey stars. Igor Stepanovich Zemlaynoy is currently the head coach. In his star past he participated in the world championships and in the Olympics. He was a player of the national team of Kazakhstan. Now he shares his experience with young generation. Thanks to his efforts, our team won the first place in the division "Ural-Siberia" in the general table of the East Conference. Many ‘Hawks’ are already invited to the games and trainings with the «Vanguard " team. And some players of ‘Omsk Hawks’ already play in VHL and KHL such as Egor Yakovlev, Ivan Mishchenko, and Ilya Mikheev but this is not a complete list [3].

In our team there are leaders among forwards, goalkeepers and defenders. The best defender in January 2016 according to the Youth Hockey League became Daniel Shchegolev. Daniel is a very useful player; he has a very strong character. Despite the fact that he is the defender, at any moment he is always ready to fight and tries with all his strength to help the team.

Every hockey player has a dream and each of them knows what he wants. Their goal is to achieve a certain level and get the title of a champion. But not all come to the finish of a star career. There are many examples of how stellar disease ruined young hockey players, luckily not all get affected by this disease. If this is your dream you will strive to fulfill the dreams.

What role does sport play in a person's life? Everyone sees it differently. Some people believe sport only a waste of time, and the others can not live without it a single day. For some people sport becomes the meaning of life. Once Vissarion Belinsky said: "Work ennobles a man" and sport is a special physical labor, which improves people’s health, appearance$ temper their spirit and form the character’ resistance.

But sometimes the victory is very expensive for players, who in a fierce of struggle get numerous injuries; they do not give up, gritting their teeth, ignoring the pain. The team has to attack scoring the winning goal.

What heights have they achieved in such a way? Coming to the hockey team, they automatically found a new home for themselves. Hockey is a house where everyone cares of each other and the trainer plays the role of a father. Currently the head coach of the ‘Omsk Hawks’ is Igor Zemlaynoy. He was Soviet Kazakhstan ice hockey defenseman, Kazakhstan national team player, took part in the Olympic Games and five World Championships [1].

His most famous activity was his play for Magnitogorsk "Metallurg", which twice won the Euro league. He finished his career in the "Vanguard", and remained in Omsk as a coach.

The trainer in this sport plays a very important role. ‘Omsk Hawks’ team coach is very emotional and expressive, who supports each of the boys. Before the game the team coach finds the right words for the children to set them up for the victory.

"Omsk Hawks" consist of 11 defenders, 16 forwards and 3 goalkeepers. Each player of this team is different. Because of their youth, they have big ambitions, but not equal abilities. Currently, the team consists of very experienced players and beginners, but that fact does not stop them to be the strongest team in the Eastern Conference.

Before the season 2015-2016 the team was at the training camp in Shchuchinsk, where every minute was used for training. Two weeks of hard work in Shchuchinsk helped "Omsk Hawks" in the course of the new season of the MHL. And now we can say that one of the main tasks creations of a strong team is successfully fulfilled.

During the season the team showed excellent results. The most devastating was a game of the season with the "Olympia" of Kirovo-Chipetsk. September 19 "Omsk Hawks' in the first home game of the new season defeated the Kirovo-Chepetsk" Olympia "- 11: 0. In this game the most promising players of ‘Omsk hawks’ proved, who the winner on the ice is.

Throughout the season, the guys showed a decent hockey. They have no time argued that despite the hard training, many departures and strong rivals, the desire to win is the dominant hockey. Before the match of the 1/8 final of the playoffs between the MHL "Omsk Hawks" and "Siberian sniper", the managing director of the Youth Hockey League Alexei Morozov handed the hosts the award "Ural-Siberia" division winner and made a symbolic face-off.

"Omsk Hawks" scored 93 points in 44 regular season games and won the first place in the division "Ural-Siberia" in the general table of the East Conference. The first match of the series to three victories in Omsk was won by the hosts with a score of 2: 0. The goals scored Maxim Mineev and Stanislav Tretyakov. One of the prospective team players of the ‘Omsk Hawks’ is a defender Daniel Shchegolev [4].

He is a Bronze medalist of the Russian Championship among young men born in 1996. He is a leader of the team. The main thing for Daniel is performance coaching systems, complete commitment in every game and every training session. Besides hockey Danil studies at SibADI in the second cource at the Faculty of "Petroleum and construction equipment." A good hockey player must have not only sports skills but also be a brilliant wit and intelligence - this is what characterizes Daniel Shchegolev.


Nowadays a lot of people are fond of sports. Everyone wants a healthy lifestyle, more and more people go to gym. Hockey - a dynamic, entertaining game, where you have to be at a focus of events. In my city, and the ‘Vanguard’ and Omsk Hawks’ are representatives of the KHL and the MHL, they occupy a leading position in the division. If you come to a hockey game you will get a lot of emotions from what you see. Guide hockey club often arranges events for fans of the team, which has the ability to communicate with the players personally. One such activity is the "Territory of the Vanguard." This is a picnic in the open air, where the fans act as cooks of the team players. Also at this event, you can play hockey on a mini field with existing players. Youth team spent the summer in the morning exercises, which could attend everyone. ‘Omsk Hawks’ fans can experience how hard players train. Such events bring hockey stars and their fans together.

Omsk’ hockey is developing very rapidly. The MHL and the KHL teams have struggled this season to end in a full force, but it was a little not enough to win. The spirit of the competition, the excitement of competition - all of this can be felt only in the arena of being directly and believing in the team.

Научный руководитель – Т.П. Сидорова, ст. преподавател кафедры «Иностранные языки» СибАДИ, Омск.

Библиографический список 1. Information on the team head coach Information about the "Vanguard" team Official site team " Omsk Hawks» Statistics of the best players in January 5. Wikipadia. Sports games



УДК 316.647.5

Ст. преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки» А.В. Кузюкова, студент С.А. Шаповалов

Сибирская государственная автомобильно-дорожная академия (СибАДИ), Омск

Abstract. The question of important development of tolerant consciousness of modern youth in the process of cross-cultural communication is considered. Authors analyze the notions "tolerance", "cross-cultural communication", disclose the essence of effective cross-cultural communication. The special attention is paid to the research of tolerant component of SIBADI’s students in cross-cultural communication, including migrants, refugees.


Аннотация. В статье рассматривается вопрос о необходимости формирования толерантного сознания современной молодежи в процессе осуществления межкультурной коммуникации. Авторы рассматривают понятия «толерантность», «межкультурная коммуникация», раскрывают сущность эффективной межкультурной коммуникации. Особое внимание уделяется вопросу изучения толерантной составляющей студентов СибАДИ в процессе осуществления межкультурной коммуникации, в том числе с мигрантами, беженцами.

Keywords: tolerance, cross-cultural communication, multiculturalism, migrants, refugees, students of SIBADI.


Ключевые слова: толерантность, межкультурная коммуникация, мультикультурализм, мигранты, беженцы, студенты СибАДИ.




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