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Параметры Россия Германия
  Деятельность российской таможни 2,69 4,12
  Развитие инфраструктуры 2,2 4,1
  Организация международных перевозок 2,59 4,32
  Правовое обеспечение и регулирование логистической деятельности 2,64 3,74
  Осуществление транспортировки 2,85 4,12
  Бесперебойность поставок 3,14 4,17


При изучении особенностей развития логистики в РФ в целом было выявлено множество препятствий, которые негативно сказывались на ее развитии:

1. Несовершенное развитие логистической инфраструктуры (транспортные, коммуникационные, складские и обслуживающие элементы)

2. Дефицит хороших автомобильных, железных дорог, аэропортов, современных складов.

3. Нехватка разумного взаимодействия государственных организаций с частным бизнесом.

4. Неэффективная таможня

5. Нехватка квалифицированного персонала и выпускаемых специалистов в области логистики.

6. Недостаток инвестиций в складские комплексы и разработку автоматизированных систем управления.

7. Неудовлетворительное логистическое обеспечение.

8. Дефицит надежных, работающих с современными информационными технологиями складских услуг.

Важно, что в последние годы в этом направлении наметился прогресс. Разработана и принята ФЦП «Развитие транспортной системы России (2010–2015 гг.)», предусматривающая, в частности, и строительство мультимодальных транспортно-логистических центров, в том числе за счет государственно-частного партнерства. Но основным мотором активного развития российского рынка логистики пока остается частный отечественный и иностранный бизнес, чей интерес вполне объясним. У отечественного рынка транспортно-логистических услуг высокая потенциальная емкость. [5]

Зарубежный и передовой отечественный опыт свидетельствуют, что наибольшую экономическую эффективность обеспечивает интегрированное логистическое обслуживание, при котором логистическая компания оказывает в комплексе разнообразные логистические услуги по продвижению и сервисному обслуживанию товароматериальных потоков. При прочих равных условиях логистические компании, независимо от видов оказываемых ими услуг и их комплексности, стремятся к сокращению затрат, связанных с их деятельностью, что в свою очередь позволяет им снижать цены на предоставляемые услуги и способствует повышению их конкурентоспособности на рынке транспортно-логистической деятельности[1].

Первые логистические фирмы из Германии пришли на российский рынок еще в конце ХХ века, следуя за своими клиентами, нуждавшимися в качественных услугах, как правило, отсутствовавших или дефицитных в тот период в большинстве регионов России.

Немецкие транспортно-логистические компании обладают рядом бесспорных конкурентных преимуществ:

Во-первых, традиционные связи со своими «домашними» клиентами – знание особенностей их деятельности и пр.

Во-вторых, управленческое ноу-хау, особенно в области контрактной логистики, накопленное за последние десятилетия и включающее в себя знание специфических особенностей бизнеса в странах Центральной и Восточной Европы, СНГ, России.

В-третьих, финансовая стабильность.

В-четвертых, профессиональный немецкий и российский персонал, имеющий хорошие возможности для постоянного повышения своей квалификации в рамках внутрифирменной системы обучения. Пока основной источник дохода немецких логистов – обслуживание российско-германского импортно-экспортного грузопотока.

В целом немецкие операторы в качестве активных игроков на российском рынке транспортно-логистических услуг объективно содействуют его структурной перестройке, проводимым реформам, развитию конкурентной среды, расширению спектра услуг и повышению профессионализма наших специалистов. Очень важна роль немецких логистов в совершенствовании таможенной деятельности. Значим их вклад и во внедрение эффективной модели взаимодействия с таможенными органами на базе единого электронного документооборота[5].

Дальнейшее развитие кооперации в этой сфере должно существенно увеличить рост объема взаимных транспортно-логистических услуг. Частные немецкие логистические операторы на российском рынке в первую очередь представлены структурами компаний, входящих в десятку крупнейших логистов Германии: KuehnundNagel, Dachser, Rhenus, DPD, Panalpina, Fiege и Hermes. Эти, как правило, многофункциональные компании предоставляют своим немецким и российским клиентам комплексные транспортно-логистические услуги. В российско-германской кооперации активно участвует малый и средний логистический бизнес, нередко специализирующийся на определенном направлении деятельности[5].

Российско-германское межгосударственное сотрудничество имеет развитую институциональную инфраструктуру. Это прежде всего Подгруппа по проблемам транспортной логистики Рабочей группы по государственно-частному партнерству, инфраструктуре и инвестициям в рамках транспортного диалога Российская Федерация–ЕС, а также Межведомственная российско-германская рабочая группа по сопровождению и реализации совместных инфраструктурных проектов. Частная кооперация опирается на сотрудничество между ведущими немецкими транспортно-логистическими компаниями, их немецкими клиентами в России и российскими фирмами. Речь идет об обслуживании российско-германских товаропотоков и логистических цепей между немецкими фирмами в российских регионах и структурами их материнских компаний в Германии и других странах[5].

Таким образом, можно сделать вывод о том, что в нашей стране логистическая деятельность практически не развита и только начинает свое становление. Для достижения максимально успешного результата требуется еще немало времени и усилий, в то же время отмечается, что существует ряд препятствий для благоприятного функционирования логистической системы России[4].

Научный руководитель – Л.А Карпец, старший преп. кафедры «Иностранные языки» СибАДИ, Омск.


Библиграфический список


1. Концепция проекта «Маг - Логистика» // Международная ассамблея столиц и крупных городов. [Электронный ресурс] — Режим доступа. — URL: http://www.e-gorod.ru/documents/programs/ mag-logo/Koncep_proj.htm (дата обращения 28.02.2016)

2. Основы логистики. Общие вопросы логистического управления: Учебное пособие/ Алесинская Т.В. Таганрог: Изд-во ТРТУ, 2005. 121 с.

3. Logistics Performance Index. International LPI // World Bank official site. [Электронный ресурс] — Режим доступа. — URL: http://lpi.worldbank.org /international (дата обращения 28.02.2016)

4. Калентеев С.В. «Основные барьеры развития логистических центров в регионах России» // URL: http://cyberleninka.ru/ (дата обращения 01.03.2016)

5. Белов В.Б. «Германский опыт создания эффективного логистического рынка» // URL: http://www.vip-premier.ru/userfiles/ file/11-12-2011/36-39.pdf (дата обращения 03.03.2016)


УДК 72.01

студент Горбачева А.И.

Сибирская государственная автомобильно-дорожная академия (СибАДИ), Омск

Abstract. Some Omsk objects of architecture, sculpture and painting are described in the article. The results of architecture students’ interview concerning their cultural knowledge of the native city are presented.

Аннотация. В статье представлен обзор некоторых объектов архитектуры, скульптуры и живописи города Омска. Приведены результаты опроса студентов архитектурных направлений, связанного со знаниями культуры родного города.

Key words: objects of architecture, architecture students, art.

Ключевые слова: объекты архитектуры, студенты-архитекторы, искусство.



Omsk stands out among the other cities for its rich architecture. The city has a lot of historical and cultural monuments. Omsk streets, institutions are decorated with different pictures and graffiti. Many people even don't notice all this beauty.

Sometimes it is possible to say more by art than by words. We live by art. Everything around us is art. Art is the expression of human thought in the artistic image. Everybody follows any particular view, thereby expresses his inner world and shows its special qualities [4].

Every kind of art has its own special importance which provides a diversity of artistic relationship to reality. We tried to find and describe the most interesting and picturesque places in Omsk.


This is a kind of art which is connected with transmission of visual images, applying inks to solid and flexible surface. People show their imagination with a composition, colour, light and shadow games, memorializing it on the canvas [3]

We found a few places in Omsk where people express themselves through painting. These places are stairs in the park "Green Island" (Pic. 1), the picture in the coffee shop "Skuratov" (Pic. 2) and paintings on the walls of the Theatre for Young Spectators (Pic. 3).

People decided to transform simple stairs into piece of art to make them much brighter. While opening the coffee shop in the Sport and Concert Complex (SCC) named after Victor Blinov, the owner decided to do something creative and decorated his coffee shop. An amazing and talented girl was drawing a picture while the ceremony of opening the SCC and the end of day the creation was depicted.

As part of the festival, artists painted the canvas in front of the right-hand wall of the Theatre for Young Spectators. The participants of the festival were offered to come up with the characters that, in their opinion, would look organically on the walls of the theatre.

Street festival is a mini-project of laboratory "City by your hands". "Gazpromneft" allocated 65 thousand rubles to hold the event


Pic. 1


Pic. 2


Pic. 3


It is one of the most important parts of art. Architects have to be able to calculate to trifles, to design and build constructions.

History of Omsk begins with construction of the only fortress in 1716. Tarsky gate were constructed in 1792 on the northern serf line. It was the main entrance in the Steppe bastion of fortress. The road passing through Tarsky gate led to the prison in which the convicts served their punishment. Among of them there was the Russian writer Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky. In 1959 the historical city monument of Omsk was ruined. And only in 1991 it was accepted to begin restoration of Tarsky gate. Today Tarsky gates are located in the downtown of Omsk (Pic. 4) [7].


Pic. 4

Omsk is allocated the considerable number of architectural buildings and constructions. The Drama Theater (Pic. 5) was built in the best traditions of the Russian theatrical construction. The building is a striking example of the eclectic plasticity dominating during that period. In ten years the building was topped by "the Winged Genius".



Pic. 5


On the bank of the river Irtysh the picturesque mansion which belonged to the famous Omsk merchant Batyushkov is located (Pic. 6). The building was built in 1901 by request of the merchant. During the Civil war there was a residence of the famous admiral Kolchak there. For this reason the second name of the monument is Kolchak’s House. After that, Kolchak proclaimed Omsk the capital of Russia. In spite of the fact that after a while Omsk was taken by the Red Army, it remained in the history as one of the Russian capitals. In the summer of 1919 Kolchak’s residence was strongly destroyed. The building was reconstructed later. Today the monument represents one of the most beautiful and refined buildings of the city [2, 5].


Pic. 6


The sculpture is a very delicate and laborious work. The sculptor has to have the gift and feeling of vision, to calculate everything to trifles and not to make mistakes.

Streets of Omsk are full of sculptural monuments that are so unusual and blowing the mind that it is possible to call this city storage of a modern Russian city sculpture. Along with non-standard monuments, there are a lot of traditional historical and modern monuments here.

The sculpture "A municipal crucian" (Pic. 7) is located on Chapayev Street. A metal fish, on the back which houses with antennas, ladders, the whole city.

Pic. 7

Another known city sculpture of Omsk - "Lyubasha" (Pic. 8). This is a sculptural image of an unfortunate young woman, a wife of one of Omsk governors of the 19th century who got sick with a consumption and died very young.


Pic. 8

An unusual sculpture of Don Kikhot is located before Omsk Theatre for Young Spectators (Pic. 9). The rushing horse and the equestrian. This metal sculpture is a business card of the city.


Pic. 9

On a fire lookout tower the sculpture of the fireman "watching" the city safety is located (Pic. 10).


Pic. 10


The most known monument of Omsk is the sculpture of "Stepanych" (Pic. 11) representing an image of a mechanic in a street manhole. In holidays citizens "treat" him with a vodka glass. Many superstitions and marry habits are connected with the sculpture. If to embrace Stepanych stronger, problems with bathroom equipment will avoid the house.


Pic. 11


The most mysterious and unusual sculpture of the city is called "The children feeding penguins" (Pic. 12) which is located in the central street of Omsk. It’s Nobody can explain its essence and relation to Omsk.


Pic. 12


The monument to the policeman in one of central city streets represents an image of the Guardians of the order (Pic. 13). Inhabitants don’t bypass this monument by side.




While reading about all these paintings and sculptures we decided to conduct a poll among the students of SibADI to know how well they know the places. The results are shown below (Pic. 14):

Pic. 14

As you can see, 60% of students know only the names of these places. 5% know nothing and only 15% know the names and history of some structures. So, the most part of the students we asked do (and all of them were the students of the Civil Engineering faculty) not know the history of these famous sculptures and structures. We think it can be explained by fast changes of preferences. So, we think that some measures can improve the situation and might be interesting for students. For example:

1) to include the material about the sights in the curriculum;

2) to carry out some excursions around the important Omsk places, organized by special organizations;

3) to organize various literary exhibitions connected with the sights.

To tell more, the students who are going to become architects seem to be creative and be able to draw and express their thoughts and make some sketches in any place. Therefore, we think they need to have a mini-album with them. Unfortunately, less than a half (33 persons) do have it but most part (47 people) do not. We believe there is something to think about. Some don’t want or can’t express thoughts on paper. This is not good.

In conclusion we would like to cite Rokuell Kent: “The prime target of art is to help people understand and love their life more deeply.” [1].


Библиографический список


1. Афоризмы и высказывания об искусстве [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://art-kontrast.com/iskusst.html.

2. Bulatov R. J. Soviet encyclopedic dictionary / CH. edited by A. M. Prokhorov. – 4th ed. – M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1988 – 1600 p.

3. Живопись [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Живопись.

4. Medvedskaya O. Great series of knowledge. Fine arts / M.: OOO "World of books". 2004. – 128 p.

5. Особняк купца Батюшкова (Дом Колчака) [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://www.arrivo.ru/rossiya/omsk/osobnyak-kuptsa-batyushkova-dom-kolchaka.html.

6. Румянцева А. Стену ТЮЗа загородили черным полотном с необычными персонажами (фото) [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://m.ngs55.ru/news/more/2280573/.

7. Тонкости туризма, Тарские ворота [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://tonkosti.ru/.

Научный руководитель – М.В.Цыгулева, ст. преподаватель кафедры «Иностранные языки» СибАДИ, Омск

УДК 811.111

студент Гришина В.И.

Сибирская государственная автомобильно-дорожная академия (СибАДИ), Омск

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of personal and professional responsibility. The author reveals some reasons of irresponsible behavior and suggests ways of its improving.

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается проблема личной и профессиональной ответственности. Выявляются причины безответственного поведения. Предлагаются способы повышения личной ответственности.

Key words: personal responsibility, professional responsibility, extreme situation, levels of responsibility.


Ключевые слова: личная ответственность, профессиональная ответственность, экстремальная ситуация, уровни ответственности.


Nowadays, the term "responsible person" is becoming more popular. For example, employers hire responsible people in the first place. We try to hold friendly relations with responsible people, because we think that these people are strong and it will be possible for us to shift a couple of problems on them because they never fail.

Once I was traveling by bus, and I saw an unknown man quietly stealing something from the bag of a woman, who didn’t notice that. I asked him to remove his hand from the bag. So I attracted the attention of other passengers and the offender was afraid and left the bus.

What would you do in this situation? Have you ever helped to catch the offender and call the police, or pretended not to notice him? When I asked these questions to 35 people, 90% of them gave the positive answer.

Your actions will be important and useful for the victim, but you personally can be harmed. It is a big responsibility to make quick decisions in an extreme situation.

Everyone has his own view of the concept of responsibility. This is a general definition: responsibility is a skill and desire of a person to spend his time, money or part of freedom to achieve particular purpose and the ability to carry punishment for their actions. Today this concept is associated with the ability of a person to hold a promise, make decisions and acts not only in his interests. [1]

Responsibility gives a person not only the confidence in his own strength, but also an ability to manage his life, set goals and achieve them.

You can’t immediately become a responsible person. There are several levels of personal and professional responsibility [2]. As soon as you overcome a one level, your responsibility is improved, and then you can hold more promises, make more decisions and be able to carry punishment for it.

· The zero level of responsibility. The person thinks someone should look after him, and this is someone’s duty. Such a person doesn’t think about how to become more responsible, because he feels comfortable in his current position.

· The first level of responsibility. Here, the person plays the role of «an artist». Such people will never do anything until they are told to do it.

· The second level of responsibility. The position of a person is «a specialist». Such people do their job properly but they do it as they have to. They consider their activity as a way of earning money and not more. Such people aren’t interested in helping and supporting. It should be understood that a specialist may leave you in any time if he finds a more profitable job.

· The third level of responsibility. There is «a responsible employee». Even if such a person performs his function not well enough at the moment, he seeks to develop and get the necessary skills. In the future, certainly, the responsible employee will be a professional in his field. Results of his work are important for him. He is open enough to initiatives and exchange of experience. Such a person relates to his occupation with interest.

· The fourth level of responsibility. There is «a local leader». Such a person is a manager who organizes the work of subordinates to achieving the set of goals. This person takes responsibility for himself and for others. He isn’t afraid to give orders and to make serious decisions. The local leader loves his work, therefore, employees entrust the job to him. The local leader is engaged in the organization working process in the entrusted area.

· The fifth level of responsibility. There is «a director». He manages chiefs of the lower level. This person is responsible for the business as a whole, at the same time he gives away tactical decision-making in the hands of his subordinates. He is a professional, who makes serious decisions. However, his level of responsibility is limited by only receiving a salary and prestigious position.

· The sixth level of responsibility. There is «a business owner». This man organizes a business in which he invests his money, time and heart. He is able to answer for the results of his actions not only finances, but also lives. The owner considers his own business as a child, whom he has been raising and looking after for more than a year. He chooses a director who will be able to effectively manage his business, but at any moment he can replace him with another one. Interestingly, the owner of a large company seldom appears in public. He is the neck of Director General (DG), which sends DG to the right direction.

This is a conventional division of responsibility levels. Of course a person can go from one level to another and level may increase or decrease. It depends on the person, how he is ready to change himself depending on the life situation.

Nowadays, most people are saying lots of nice words, they think that they will be able to answer for the facts that were said once, but when it is time to fulfill the promise, they escape the responsibility.

People make the forced actions that seem to be necessary for the society, but actually they are useless because people don’t understand that they bear more responsibility than they think. Why are people so irresponsible? Of course, the reasons have always. Let's give some of them!

The reasons of irresponsibility:

· lack of knowledge;

· not enough attention;

· laziness;

· own responsibility is put down to someone;

· the fear to make mistakes;

· the fear to be in the highlight;

· diffidence;

· bad attitude of people;

· the fear for own life or life of relative;

· lack of memory, etс.

How can you improve your responsibility? Let’s try to understand it.


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