Сравните следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод союза «because» («так как», «потому что») и сложного предлога «because of» («вследствие», «из-за»). Переведите их на русский язык 

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Сравните следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод союза «because» («так как», «потому что») и сложного предлога «because of» («вследствие», «из-за»). Переведите их на русский язык


1) Because of the wide electrical uses copper is used more as pure metal than in the form of alloys.

2) Copper is widely used in electricity because it has the highest electrical conductivity.

3) Cast iron is brittle because of the high content of carbon in it.

4) Because of economy and ease of treatment cast iron is commonly used in automobile manufacture.

5) Because of their metallurgical nature some metals can only be cast to shape.

6) Iron parts can only be cast because they cannot be hot-worked into the required shape by other processes.

7) Metal casting has some advantages because a great number of a given castings and very large heavy metal objects may be produced very rapidly.

8) The quality of castings today is much better because of modern development of new technological methods, new machines and new materials.


Прочтите следующие пары слов. Обратите внимание, что приставки in-, un- придают слову отрицательное, противоположное значение. Переведите данные справа прилагательные и наречия, образованные с помощью приставок


usually – обычно necessary – необходимо complete – законченный, завершенный definite – определенный real – настоящий certain – определенный, известный expensive – дорогой un usually un necessary in complete in definite un real un certain in expensive


Скажите, какое слово является определением в каждом из следующих сочетаний. Переведите письменно на русский язык следующие определительные группы


sand mold, sand molding, molding sand, clay proportion, clay content, water content, sand castings, production method, sand mixture, casting quality, casting strength, sand porosity, sand molding process, molding sand mixture, sand castings production, molding sand content, molding sand porosity, metal casting production.


Обратите внимание на употребление слова «too» перед прилагательным или наречием. Запомните, что в таких случаях оно переводится словами «очень», «слишком». Переведите предложения


1) It is too difficult to produce large casting in metal molds.

2) The temperature of the molten metal is too high.

3) Too fine sand has less porosity.

4) Too much clay in the molding sand makes it less porous.


23. Укажите предложения, в которых «too» употребляется в значении: а) тоже, также; б) очень, слишком. Переведите предложения на русский язык

1) Metal molds are usually used for the production of small castings. Medium-size castings may be produced in these molds too.

2) Metal molds are not used for casting too large objects.

3) Refractory sand and clay are important molding materials. Water is used for making molding mixture too.

4) Too much water must not be used for molding mixture.

5) Too coarse sand makes the surface of the casting less smooth.


24. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание, что слова the … the перед прилагательным в сравнительной степени являются не артиклями, а союзом «чем…тем»


1) The better is the quality of the molding sand, the smoother is the surface of the casting.

2) The more clay the sand contains, the stronger is the molding mixture.

3) The higher is the cost of the pattern; the more expensive will be the casting.

4) The cheaper is the pattern; the lower will be the cost of castings.


25. Прочтите внимательно и переведите текст В и ответьте по-английски на следующие вопросы

1) In what molds are sand castings produced?

2) How many castings may be produced from one sand mold?

3) What it used for making the cavity of the sand mold?

4) What material gives the strength to the molding sand?

5) What does the porosity of the sand depend upon?

6) What sand must be used for producing the casting with smooth surface?


Text B


Most castings are produced in sand molds, since this method of production is relatively simple, inexpensive and is not limited to any type of metal or sizes and shapes of castings. Of course, sand molds are used only once, and each casting requires a new mold.

In the production of sand castings the important functions are making the pattern, melting and alloying the metal, pouring the alloy into the mold and cleaning the castings.

Sand molds are made of refractory molding sand. It is a mixture of sand and clay. The clay helps the sand to stick together, and the strength of the molding sand depends upon the clay content in it. Large proportion of clay makes the sand less porous, however. And the sand porosity is very important in medium and heavy work.

The molding sand is to be mixed with water in certain proportion. Too much water should not be poured into the molding sand. The quality of castings often depends upon the amount of water the sand contains.

It is necessary to make a casting with smooth surface; fine sand is to be used. The finer is the sand; the smoother will be the casting. Coarse sand is usually used for making large iron and steel castings.



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