Образуйте от данных слов антонимы при помощи от- 

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Образуйте от данных слов антонимы при помощи от-

рицательных префиксов:

In -: significance, separable, official, subordinate, sufferable, urban(e), appropriate, supportable, dependence, dependant;

Un -: limited, steady, suitable, known, reasonable, thinking, trained, suspected.

6. Переведите следующие сочетания слов с русского на английский язык:

Основная схожесть; несмотря на организационные рамки; правительственные структуры (агентства); картирование остается основой; оценка имущества (недвижимости); электронная бизнес-стратегия; уникальный цифровой определить (идентификатор); инициатива модернизации правительства; полевые заметки; в соответствии с количеством участков; "объединенное правительство"; бывшие колонии; степень безопасности и надёжности; он должен обратиться к регистратору.

7. Переведите следующие предложения с русского на английский язык:

1. Важной характерной чертой разработки является связь между кадастром и регистрацией земли. 2. Франция – колыбель (родоначальник) кадастра. 3. Французский кадастр был определен Наполеоном в начале XIX века. 4. В Соединенном Королевстве нет кадастра. 5. В Англии 2 агентства, которые несут ответственность за запись прав на землю. 6. Англия имеет полную цифровую государственную топографическую базу данных. 7. Уникальный топографический определить используется для всех площадей. 8. Дания имеет всестороннюю кадастровую карту, охватывающую всю страну.

8. Заполните пропуски соответствующими модальными глаголами:

1. You... go to the Agency by bus. 2. This is an easy text on land cadastre. You... translate it without a dictionary. 3. The students... work hard. 4. Information... be organized in integrative form. 5. Works … be based on sound cadastral survey. 6. The computerization... have much place in land use planning.

9.Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. The basic principles should consist of two parts. 2. This program must provide interesting results. 3. Researches must have basis for further development. 4. The Spanish cadastral system must provide national coverage. 5. The cadastre is developing gradually.




Прочитайте та запишіть слова у словник

soil — ґрунт

entire — весь, цілий

loam — суглинок

loamy — суглинистий

lime — вапно

fertile — родючий

light sandy soil — легкий піщаний


black soil — чорнозем

stunted — низькорослий

germination — проростання

tillage — обробіток ґрунту з допомогою с/г знарядь

particle — частка

clay — глина

sandy loam — супіщаний ґрунт

to till — обробляти

tilled crop — пропашна культура

fertility — родючість

stunt — затримка в рості

to germinate — проростати

germinating power — схожість

Прочитайте та перекладіть текст


Good farming means proper use of many factors such as natural conditions, land, crops, livestock, machinery, fertilizers and some others.

All these factors have to be put together to make the farming system work successfully. One of the most important points to be taken into consideration in farming is the soil which is known to be a natural resource that supports plant life. It is a mixture of particles of rock, organic materials, living forms, air and water.

During his entire existence upon the earth man has depended on the soil, either directly or indirectly. Grain, fruits and vegetables are food products obtained by man directly from the soil. Domestic animals consume grain and forage produced by the soil and in turn supply people with meat, milk, eggs and other products used for human food. These are the products obtained from the soil indirectly.

Some good clay and loamy soils are naturally highly fertile, some light sandy soils are naturally poor. Various factors that make up soil fertility are moisture conditions, plant food and soil structure. All these components may be regulated by proper management of the soil.

Soil management is the science of tillage operations, cropping practices using fertilizers, lime and other treatments conducted on, or applied to. Plant growth and yields can be increasing by applying certain recommended soil management practices, liming, fertilization and irrigation producing, as a rule, immediate yield increases. Good soil management results in better yields and lower cost per unit of production. Fertile soils produce plants that are less affected by diseases and less likely to be attacked by insects. In this case small losses of crops result.

The feed that livestock eat is reflected in their health. The healthiest animals are found on farms that have productive soils producing high-quality feed for livestock. Certain nutrient elements are essential in the animal’s diet for proper growth, reproduction and production. The lack of one or more elements can cause stunted animals, less milk, smaller litters and certain animal diseases.

So, a good chemical composition of soils provides better conditions for seed germination and plant growth.


3. Дайте відповіді на питання до тексту:

1. What means good farming? 2. What are the main components of a fertile soil? 3. What particles does the soil consist of? 4. What soils are naturally highly fertile? 5. What does the soil management deal with? 6. What influences upon the livestock?

4.Перекладіть на українську:

1. I don’t know whether good farming can ensure a proper use of natural resources, land, livestock, machinery and fertilizers. 2. If the crops are yielded from a good loam, the harvest may be rather sufficient. 3. If we sow grain crops on the fertile soils, the harvest will be very good. 4. Our main task is to determine whether lime should be applied to the soil. 5. We don’t know whether sandy soils are good for flax.

5. Згрупуйте слова у відповідності до значення дієслова TO MAKE:

1) робити; 2) примушувати:

1.Sunlight makes the temperature of water raise, which leads to its evaporation. 2. Different methods are used by farmers to make high quality hay. 3. The students were made to pass the examination earlier. 4.The use of greenhouses makes the heat balance of the area change.5.Physical and biological factors act to make a wide variety of environments in the world.

6. Перекладіть на українську:

1. A mixture of organical matter and the soil that is subjected to biological decomposition. 2. The protection of natural resources according to principles that will assure their highest economic efficiency. 3. The practice of crop production in low rainfall areas is impossible without irrigation. 4. All the external conditions that may act upon an organism to influence its development or existence.




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