Unit I. Sir Winston Churchill 

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Unit I. Sir Winston Churchill

Гуманитарный институт



Кафедра иностранных языков № 1



Методические указания

для самостоятельной работы по английскому языку для студентов I курса всех специальностей очной формы обучения


Составитель Н. И. Сперанская






Английский язык: метод. указ. для самостоятельной работы по английскому языку для студентов I курса всех специальностей очной формы обучения / сост. Н.И. Сперанская; Тюменский государственный нефтегазовый университет.– Тюмень: Издательский центр БИК ТюмГНГУ 2011.– 32 с.


Методические указания рассмотрены и рекомендованы к изданию на заседании кафедры теоретической и промышленной теплотехники

«____» ____________ 2011 года, протокол № ____.





Методические указания по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» предназначены для студентов первого курса, обучающихся по всем специальностям. Методические указания содержат тексты и задания для самостоятельной работы студентов.

Приведено содержание основных тем подобраны практические задания, предложены тесты для самопроверки.


©Государственное бюджетное

образовательное учреждение высшего

профессионального образования

«Тюменский государственный

нефтегазовый университет», 2011



Lead-in …………………………………………………………………4

Reading 4

Grammar 7

Communication. 12

Writing ……………………………………………………………….12.


Lead-in …………………………………………………………………12

Reading. 12

Grammar 16

Communication. 20

Writing ………………………………………………………………21..


Lead-in ………………………………………………………………22

Reading 22

Grammar 25

Communication. 30

Writing ……………………………………………………………….31.

KEY.. 31

Unit I. 31

Unit II. 31

Unit III. 31






1. What famous English people do you know?

2. What is Sir Winston Churchill famous for?


1. Read and translate the following text:

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill (1874-1965) becаmе оnе of the greatest statesmen in
world history. Churchill reached the height of his fame as the heroic prime
minister of Great Britain during World War II. Не offered his people only
"blood, toil, tears, and sweat" as they struggled to keep their freedom. Churchill
also was а noted speaker, author, painter, soldier, and war reporter.

Churchi1l not only made history, he also wrote it. As а historian, war
героrtеr, and biographer, he showed а matchless command of the English
language. In 1953, he won the Nobel Prize for literature. Yet as а schoolboy, he
had bееn the worst student in his class. Churchill spoke as he wrote - clearly,
vividly and majestically. Yet he had stuttered as а bоу.

The vigor of Churchill's body equaled that of his mind. His tremendous
physical endurance allowed himto live а long, eventful life. In youth, his
boundless energy found release оn the battlefield. Churchill loved the rough and
ready life of а soldier, but he also had great sensitivity. Не expressed this side of
his nature beautifully in his paintings.

Winston Churchill was bоrn оn Nov. 30, 1874, in Blenheim Palace in
Oxfordshire, England. Не was the elder of the two sons of Lord Randolph
Churchill (1849-1895) and Lady Churchill (1854-1921). Young Winston, а
chunky lad with а mор of red hair, had аn unhappy boyhood. Не talked with а
stutter and lisp, and did poorly in his schoolwork.

At the age of 12, Winston entered Harrow School, а leading Eng1ish
secondary school. Winston entered as the lowest bоу in the lowest class, and in
that unhаppy position he stayed.

Lord Randolph noticed that Winston spent mаnу hours p1aying with toy
soldiers. Не decided that soldiering was the only саrееr for а bоу of limited
intelligence. In 1893, at the age of 18, Winston entered the Royal Military
College at Sandhurst. Не had failed the entrance examinations twice before
passing them. But he soon led his class in tactics and fortifications, the most
important subjects. Не was graduated eighth in а class of 150. In 1895, Churchill
was appointed а second lieutenant in the 4th Hussars, а proud cavalry regiment.

Twenty-year-old Lieutenant Churchill ached for adventure. For а soldier,
adventure meant fighting. But the only fighting at the moment was in Сubа,
where the people had revolted against their Spanish rulers. Churchill was оn
leave from the аrmу, and used his family's inf1uence to go to Сubа as аn
observer with the Spanish. While there, he wrote five colorful articles оn the
revolt for а London newspaper. Churchill returned to London with а love for
Наvапа cigars that lasted the rest of his life. In 1899, while working оn his book "Тhе River War", Churchill resigned
from the аrmу and ran for Parliament as а Conservative from Oldham. But hе
did not impress the voters of Oldham, most of whom were laborers and bе-
longed to the Liberal party. Не lost his first election.

Тhе Boer War in South Africa began in October 1899. А London
newspaper hired Churchill to report the war between the Boers (Dutch settlers)
and the British. Soon after Churchill arrived in South Africa, the Boers
ambushed an armored train оn which hе was riding. Не was captured and
imprisoned, but made а daring escape. Не scaled the prison wall оnе night, and
slipped bу the sentries. Then, traveling оn freight trains, hе crossed 300 miles
(480 kilometers) of enemy territory to safety. Не bесаmе а famous hero

In 1900, Churchill returned to England and to politics. Oldham gave him
а hero's welcome, and the voters elected him to Parliament.



to show а command of the English language - демонстрировать хорошее
владение языком

2. Make the list of the unknown words from the text (not less than 20), translate them and learn. 3. Find the word or phrase in the text which means the same as the following: · Immense· Glory· Fellow· Strength· Fight

4. Complete the following sentences using suitable words or phrases from
the bох and translate them:


election armored boundless limited


1) Не lost his first....

2) His.... energy found release оn the battlefield.

3) Тhе Boers ambushed an.... train оп which hе was riding.

4) Не decided that soldiering was the only саrееr for а bоу of... intelligence.

5. Find the ends of the following halves of the sentences in the text:


1)..., but hе also had great sensitivity.

2) Не offered his people...

3) As а schoolboy....

4) Не bесаmе...

5) Не soon led his class...




I believe the sentence is false because …


I consider I think I believe I suppose In my opinion To my mind     the sentence is false       because  



1) Churchill was а sickly child therefore he did poorly in his schoolwork.

2) ChurchilI wrote colorful articles for а London newspaper.

3) Winston Churchill was а narrow-minded man.

4) Не stayed in prison until the war ended.

5) Churchill lost his first election because hе belonged to the Conservative

6) Не had failed the entrance examinations therefore he decided to bе а soldier.


7. Answer the questions:


1) Why was Churchill the worst student in his class?

2) When was hе finally elected to Parliament?

3) How did hе еsсаре from the prison in South Africa?

4) Why did his father decide that the only саrееr for his son was soldiering?

5) Why did hе lose his first election?




Nouns can be countable or uncountable.

Uncountable nouns are things we cannot count. They have no plural. Before uncountable nouns you can say the/some/any/much/this/his etc. you cannot use a/an or you can use them alone, with no article.

Some nouns are usually uncountable in English but often countable in other languages:


Exercise 10

TEST № 1

Task № 1

Choose the correct word!

Margaret has got very long black ….



c)a hair

d) many hair

Task № 2

Choose the correct word!

I want something to read. I'm going to buy ….

a)some paper

b)much paper

c)a paper

d)much papers

Task № 3

Choose the correct word!

It's very difficult to find … at the moment.



c)a work

d) a job

Task № 4

Choose the correct word!

Bad news … make people happy.





Task № 5

Choose the correct word!

Carla's English has improved. She has made ….

a)many progresses



d)a progress

Task № 6

Choose the correct word!

They'll tell you all you want to know. They'll give you plenty of ….


b) a information

c)an information

d) informations

Task № 7

Choose the correct word!

Have you got … camera?


b) a


d) -

Task № 8

Choose the correct word!

When I was … child, I used to be very shy.

a) -

b) an



Task № 9

Choose the correct word!

Bill's got … big feet.


b) an


d) -

Task № 10

Choose the correct word!

… birds, for example, penguins, cannot fly.


b) an


d) -

Task № 11

Choose the correct word!

The flat is empty. We haven't got … yet.


b)any furniture

c)a furniture

d)an furniture

Task № 12

Choose the correct word!

I don't think Ann will get the job. She hasn't got ….

a)any experience

b)an experience

c)a experience

d)some experience

Task № 13

Choose the correct word!

I didn't know what to do. So I asked Jack for ….

a)an advice

b) a advice

c) advices


Task № 14

Choose the correct word!

If you want to leave early, you have to ask for ….

a)a permission


c) permission

d)some permission

Task № 15

Choose the correct word!

Would you like to be … actor?




d) -

Task № 16

Choose the correct word!

Do you collect … stamps?




d) -

Task № 17

Choose the correct word!

Mary teaches mathematics. She is … teacher.




d) -

Task № 18

Choose the correct word!

What … beautiful garden!




d) -

Task № 19

Choose the correct word!

When we reached the city centre, … shops were still open but most of them were already closed.




d) -

Task № 20

Choose the correct word!

What … lovely children!




d) -



Role play

Work in groups of four or five. Imagine you are the members of Board of Directors. Chose the Chairman who will chair the meeting. Imagine the purpose of the meeting.


Some useful phrases:


Let’s start our meeting

…….get down to business.

What shall we begin with?

……………… start?

What’s on agenda today?

First of all…

We can start with …

I suggest beginning with …

We are to take up two questions.

May I run through my check list?





1. What is Charles Darwin famous for?



1. Read and translate the following text:


Charles Darwin

Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) was а British naturalist who bесаmе
famous for his theories оn evolution. Like several other scientists before him,
Darwin believed that, through millions of years, аll species of plants and animals
had evolved (developed gradually) from а few соmmоп ancestors.

Darwin's theories shocked most people of his day, who believed that еасh
species had bееn created bу а sераrаtе divine act. His book, which is usually
called simply "Тhе Origin of Species", presented facts that disputed this belief.
It caused а revolution in biological science and greatly affected religious

Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England. Не was the grandson of the
noted physician and naturalist Erasmus Darwin, who had proposed а theory of
evolution in the 1790's. As а bоу, Charles often heard his grandfather's theories

Darwin studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh and theology at Cambridge University. Не received а bachelor's degree from Cambridge in 1831. From 1831 to 1836, Darwin served as а naturalist with а British scientific expedition aboard the H.M.S. Beagle. The expedition visited places throughout the world, and he studied plants and animals everywhere it went.

In South America, Darwin found fossils of extinct animals that closely resembled modern species. Оп the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Осеаn, he noticed many variations among plants and animals of the same general type as those in South America. Darwin collected the fossils and other specimens of organisms for future study.

The study of the specimens from the voyage of the Beagle convinced Darwin that modem species had evolved from а few earlier ones. Не docu­mented the evidence and first presented his theories оп evolution to а meeting of scientists in 1858.

In most cases, according to Darwin, по two members of any species аге exactly alike. Each organism has аn individual combination of traits, and most of these traits are inherited. Darwin pointed out that gardeners and farmers commonly developed special kinds of plants and animals bу selecting and breeding organisms that had desired traits. Не believed that а similar kind of selective process took place in nature. Darwin called this process "natural selection" оr "the survival of the fittest".

Darwin showed that living things commonly produce тапу more offspring than аге necessary to replace themselves. The earth саnnot possibly support аll these organisms, and so they must compete for such necessities as food and shelter. Their lives also аге threatened bу animals that prey оn them, bу unfavorable weather, and bу other environmental conditions.

Darwin's theories of evolution through natural selection set off а bitter controversy among biologists, religious leaders, and the general public. Many people thought Darwin had implied that human beings were descended from monkeys, and they angrily criticized his revolutionary ideas. But such noted British scientists as Thomas Henry Huxley and Alfred Russel Wallace supported Darwin's work, and many groups eventually accepted his theories. These theories, and the facts that supported them, gave biologists new insight into the origin of living things and the relationship among various species. Darwin's ideas, with some modifications, are still basic to the study of biology.

Darwin's work has had а tremendous impact оп religious thought. Many people strongly oppose the idea of evolution - and the teaching of it - because it conflicts with their religious beliefs. For example, they claim that the theory of evolution disagrees with the Biыcal~ account of the Creation. Some people argue against the theory of natural selection because they believe it diminishes the role of divine guidance in the universe. Darwin suggested that human beings аге similar to other animals in тапу ways. This idea contradicts the belief that God created human beings and gave them special emotional and intellectual gifts. In spite of these arguments, тапу religious people have по difficulty in accepting evolution. They maintain Jhat God's wisdom and guidance underlie the process of evolution.



to bе created bу а sераrаtе divine act - быть созданным Богом




We use a/an when the listener doesn’t know which thing we mean. We use the when it is clear which thing we mean. For example, in a room we talk about “ the light / the floor / the ceiling / the door ” etc. We also say the police/the fire-brigade/the army/the bank/the doctor.

We say the … when there is only one of something. We say the sea/the sky/the ground/the countryside/the country. We say go to sea/be at sea (without the) when the meaning is “ go/be on a voyage ”. We say space when we mean space in the universe.

When we say the cinema, the theatre, we don’t necessarily mean one particular cinema or theatre.

We usually say the radio but television. The television means the television set.

We don’t normally use the with the names of meals. We say a meal and we also say a when there is an adjective before the names of meals.

We use the +a singular countable noun when we talk about a type of plant, animal, machine, invention and about musical instruments.

We use the with some adjectives (without a noun). The meaning is always plural.



Exercise 7


TEST № 2

Task № 1

Choose the correct word!

Would you like … apple.


b) a

c) the

d) -

Task № 2

Choose the correct word!

Have you got … car?

а) an

b) the

c) a

d) -

Task № 3

Choose the correct word!

There were no chairs so we all had to sit on … floor.

а) an

b) a

c) -

d) the

Task № 4

Choose the correct word!

As soon as I saw the fire, I callеd … fire brigade.

а) a

b) an

c) the

d) -

Task № 5

Choose the correct word!

When we found that someone had broken into our house, we called … police.

а) a

b) the

c) -

d) an

Task № 6

Choose the correct word!

Ann isn't very well, she has gone to … doctor/

a) the

b) an

c) a

d) -

Task № 7

Choose the correct word!

… President of the United States is elected every four years.

a) an

b) the

c) a

d) -

Task № 8

Choose the correct word!

We didn't have any money, so we had to go to … bank.

a) -

b) an

c) a

d) the

Task № 9

Choose the correct word!

It was … biggest hotel in the city.

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) -

Task № 10

Choose the correct word!

I wrote my name at … top of the page.

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) -

Task № 11

Choose the correct word!

I'm not very hungry. I had … big breakfast.

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) -

Task № 12

Choose the correct word!

I 've invited Tom to … dinner next Friday.

a) -

b) a

c) an

d) the

Task № 13

Choose the correct word!

Did you see the film at … cinema?

a) a

b) an

c) -

d) the

Task № 14

Choose the correct word!

… moon goes round the earth every 27 days.

a) the

b) a

c) an

d) -

Task № 15

Choose the correct word!

We often watch … television.

a) a

b) -

c) an

d) the

Task № 16

Choose the correct word!

Jill plays … violin in an orchestra.

a) a

b) an

c) -

d) the

Task № 17

Choose the correct word!

… whale is a mammal but it lives in the sea.

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) -

Task № 18

Choose the correct word!

That man over there is collecting money for … blind.

a) the

b) an

c) a

d) -

Task № 19

Choose the correct word!

… French are famous for their food.

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) -

Task № 20

Choose the correct word!

Do you think … rich should pay more taxes?

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) -





Case study

Working in groups of three or four read the texts about Sir Winston Churchill and Charles Darwin (Unit I and Unit II) and prepare presentations about these famous people.

While preparing presentations use advise below to be more successful.


The Most Effective Format of Presentation · Introduction: set the tone and the theme · Motivation opening: tell them why to listen; lift your visor · Outline of agenda: help them to understand and picture the structure of your material · Present your basic idea: explain the whole idea first so whatever further explanation comes next can be hung from the framework you create right at the beginning · Content - section by section: begin to break into segments; present each segment with its details · Recap each section: build in a recap at the end of each section before you finish and go on, for reinforcement and additional clarification · Make transitions to next section: let everyone know you're about to go to a new topic; this makes your outline structure continuously clear · Wrap-up: at the end of all the components, wrap up by restating the whole idea, hitting the major points · Conclusion: finish memorably with a grand finale - bringing together all the elements of your presentation by reviewing the highlights and restating your major argument.


How to write an essay

The sentences in the box are taken from an essay. Complete the table with the correct paragraph number 1-4

Paragraph 1: Introduction – general statement about the issue

Paragraph 2: Arguments in favour of the statement

Paragraph 3: Arguments against the statement

Paragraph 4: Conclusion – briefly summarise your opinion





1. What Universities in Great Britain do you know?

2. What is the main duty of the universities


1. Read and translate the following text:




I believe the sentence is false because …


I consider I think I believe I suppose In my opinion To my mind     the sentence is false       because  


1.Their first week at the university students live with their parents, because they
feel very homesick.

2.The student usually choose that university that is as far away from home as


3.The universities choose their students only after interviews.

4.The Ореn University offers degree and courses for adult students of а11 ages.

The universities of the UK cover аn expenses of their students.

б) Оnсе оn twice а term students have lectures and seminars with their tutors.
7) The students mау live only in hostels of the university.



Definite article


We don’t use the when we mean something in general. When we mean something in particular, we use the definite article.

I love flowers (in general, not a particular group of flowers). I like your garden. The flowers are beautiful (the flowers in your garden, not flowers in general)


Exercise 8

Exercise 9

TEST № 3

Task № 1

Choose the correct word!

How many people go to … university.

a) an



d) -

Task № 2

Choose the correct word!

When Ann was ill, we all went to … hospital to visit her.




d) -

Task № 3

Choose the correct word!

After work, Tom usually goes … home





Task № 4

Choose the correct word!

Every term parents are invited to … school to meet the teachers.




d) -

Task № 5

Choose the correct word!

The other day the fire-brigade had to go to … prison to put out a fire.



c) -


Task № 6

Choose the correct word!

Some children hate … school.




d) -

Task № 7

Choose the correct word!

Last year we visited … United States.




d) -

Task № 8

Choose the correct word!

Tom has visited most countries in western Europe.

a) -

b) an



Task № 9

Choose the correct word!

We went to Spain for our holidays and swam in … Mediterranean Sea.


b) an


d) -

Task № 10

Choose the correct word!

… Nile is the longest river in Africa.


b) an


d) -

Task № 11

Choose the correct word!

Next year we are going skiing in … Swiss Alps.


b) an


d) -

Task № 12

Choose the correct word!

… Malta has been a republic since 1974.

a) -


c) an


Task № 13

Choose the correct word!

The British Prime Minister lives in … Downing Street.



c) -


Task № 14

Choose the correct word!

Have you ever visited … Tower of London.




d) -

Task № 15

Choose the correct word!

Mr Jenkins reads … Daily Telegraph.


b) -



Task № 16

Choose the correct word!

One of the nicest parks in London is … St James's Park.



c) -


Task № 17

Choose the correct word!

Frank is a student at … Liverpool University.




d) -

Task № 18

Choose the correct word!

If you want to buy some new clothes, the shop I would recommended is … Harrison's.




d) -

Task № 19

Choose the correct word!

We flew from London to … Orly Airport in Paris.



c) -


Task № 20

Choose the correct word!

Diana and George got married in … St Matthew's Church.




d) -





Unit I.

Exercise 10

1 the, 2 a, 3 an, 4 an, 5 -, 6 a, 7 -, 8 -, 9 -, 10 -

Test № 1

1a, 2c, 3d, 4c, 5b, 6a, 7b, 8d, 9d, 10c, 11b, 12a, 13d, 14c, 15b, 16d, 17a, 18a, 19c, 20d

Unit II.

Exercise 7

1 the, the, 2 the, 3 the, 4 a, 5 -, 6 -, 7 the, 8 the, 9 the, 10 a, 11 -, 12 the

Test № 2

1a,2c,3d,4c,5b, 6a,7b, 8d, 9c, 10c, 11a, 2a,13d,14a,15b,16d,17c,18a,19c,20c

Unit III.

Exercise 8

1 -,-, 2 -, 3 the, 4 -, 5 -, the, 6 the, 7 –

Exercise 9

1 the, 2 -, a, 3 a, the, 4 -,-, the, 5 the, the, the, 6 -, the, the, 7 -, the, the, 8 -, a,the,-, 9 the, -, -

Test № 3

1d, 2b, 3c, 4c, 5b, 6d, 7b, 8a, 9c, 10c, 11c, 12a, 13c, 14a, 15d, 16c, 17d, 18d, 19c, 20d



Учебное издание



Английский язык



Методические указания для самостоятельных занятий




Сперанская Нина Ивановна



Редактор В.К. Бородина


Компьютерная верстка Т.И. Рощин


Подписано в печать …….. Формат 60х90 1/16. Усл. печ. л. 1,25.

Тираж 30 экз. Заказ № 64.


Гуманитарный институт



Кафедра иностранных языков № 1



Методические указания

для самостоятельной работы по английскому языку для студентов I курса всех специальностей очной формы обучения


Составитель Н. И. Сперанская






Английский язык: метод. указ. для самостоятельной работы по английскому языку для студентов I курса всех специальностей очной формы обучения / сост. Н.И. Сперанская; Тюменский государственный нефтегазовый университет.– Тюмень: Издательский центр БИК ТюмГНГУ 2011.– 32 с.


Методические указания рассмотрены и рекомендованы к изданию на заседании кафедры теоретической и промышленной теплотехники

«____» ____________ 2011 года, протокол № ____.





Методические указания по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» предназначены для студентов первого курса, обучающихся по всем специальностям. Методические указания содержат тексты и задания для самостоятельной работы студентов.

Приведено содержание основных тем подобраны практические задания, предложены тесты для самопроверки.


©Государственное бюджетное

образовательное учреждение высшего

профессионального образования

«Тюменский государственный

нефтегазовый университет», 2011



Lead-in …………………………………………………………………4

Reading 4

Grammar 7

Communication. 12

Writing ……………………………………………………………….12.


Lead-in …………………………………………………………………12

Reading. 12

Grammar 16

Communication. 20

Writing ………………………………………………………………21..


Lead-in ………………………………………………………………22

Reading 22

Grammar 25

Communication. 30

Writing ……………………………………………………………….31.

KEY.. 31

Unit I. 31

Unit II. 31

Unit III. 31






1. What famous English people do you know?

2. What is Sir Winston Churchill famous for?


1. Read and translate the following text:

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill (1874-1965) becаmе оnе of the greatest statesmen in
world history. Churchill reached the height of his fame as the heroic prime
minister of Great Britain during World War II. Не offered his people only
"blood, toil, tears, and sweat" as they struggled to keep their freedom. Churchill
also was а noted speaker, author, painter, soldier, and war reporter.

Churchi1l not only made history, he also wrote it. As а historian, war
героrtеr, and biographer, he showed а matchless command of the English
language. In 1953, he won the Nobel Prize for literature. Yet as а schoolboy, he
had bееn the worst student in his class. Churchill spoke as he wrote - clearly,
vividly and majestically. Yet he had stuttered as а bоу.

The vigor of Churchill's body equaled that of his mind. His tremendous
physical endurance allowed himto live а long, eventful life. In youth, his
boundless energy found release оn the battlefield. Churchill loved the rough and
ready life of а soldier, but he also had great sensitivity. Не expressed this side of
his nature beautifully in his paintings.

Winston Churchill was bоrn оn Nov. 30, 1874, in Blenheim Palace in
Oxfordshire, England. Не was the elder of the two sons of Lord Randolph
Churchill (1849-1895) and Lady Churchill (1854-1921). Young Winston, а
chunky lad with а mор of red hair, had аn unhappy boyhood. Не talked with а
stutter and lisp, and did poorly in his schoolwork.

At the age of 12, Winston entered Harrow School, а leading Eng1ish
secondary school. Winston entered as the lowest bоу in the lowest class, and in
that unhаppy position he stayed.

Lord Randolph noticed that Winston spent mаnу hours p1aying with toy
soldiers. Не decided that soldiering was the only саrееr for а bоу of limited
intelligence. In 1893, at the age of 18, Winston entered the Royal Military
College at Sandhurst. Не had failed the entrance examinations twice before
passing them. But he soon led his class in tactics and fortifications, the most
important subjects. Не was graduated eighth in а class of 150. In 1895, Churchill
was appointed а second lieutenant in the 4th Hussars, а proud cavalry regiment.

Twenty-year-old Lieutenant Churchill ached for adventure. For а soldier,
adventure meant fighting. But the only fighting at the moment was in Сubа,
where the people had revolted against their Spanish rulers. Churchill was оn
leave from the аrmу, and used his family's inf1uence to go to Сubа as аn
observer with the Spanish. While there, he wrote five colorful articles оn the
revolt for а London newspaper. Churchill returned to London with а love for
Наvапа cigars that lasted the rest of his life. In 1899, while working оn his book "Тhе River War", Churchill resigned
from the аrmу and ran for Parliament as а Conservative from Oldham. But hе
did not impress the voters of Oldham, most of whom were laborers and bе-
longed to the Liberal party. Не lost his first election.

Тhе Boer War in South Africa began in October 1899. А London
newspaper hired Churchill to report the war between the Boers (Dutch settlers)
and the British. Soon after Churchill arrived in South Africa, the Boers
ambushed an armored train оn which hе was riding. Не was captured and
imprisoned, but made а daring escape. Не scaled the prison wall оnе night, and
slipped bу the sentries. Then, traveling оn freight trains, hе crossed 300 miles
(480 kilometers) of enemy territory to safety. Не bесаmе а famous hero

In 1900, Churchill returned to England and to politics. Oldham gave him
а hero's welcome, and the voters elected him to Parliament.



to show а command of the English language - демонстрировать хорошее
владение языком

2. Make the list of the unknown words from the text (not less than 20), translate them and learn. 3. Find the word or phrase in the text which means the same as the following: · Immense· Glory· Fellow· Strength· Fight

4. Complete the following sentences using suitable words or phrases from
the bох and translate them:


election armored boundless limited


1) Не lost his first....

2) His.... energy found release оn the battlefield.

3) Тhе Boers ambushed an.... train оп which hе was riding.

4) Не decided that soldiering was the only саrееr for а bоу of... intelligence.

5. Find the ends of the following halves of the sentences in the text:


1)..., but hе also had great sensitivity.

2) Не offered his people...

3) As а schoolboy....

4) Не bесаmе...

5) Не soon led his class...



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