Read the texts 5 and 6 and tell about the methods of skin resurfacing. 

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Read the texts 5 and 6 and tell about the methods of skin resurfacing.

Text D. Superfluous Hair Removal

Read and translate the text.

Removal of superfluous hair may contribute to overall improved appearance, with or without concomitant facial skin rejuvenation. In women, especially, hair on the chin, over the upper lip, or on arms and legs can create an appearance of older age or masculinization. Traditional methods of dealing with superfluous hair include: (1) bleaching with hydrogen peroxide to make the hair less visible, (2) shaving to temporarily remove hair, (3) plucking hairs, (4) coating the skin with wax, then removing hair with the waxy coat, (5) using a chemical depilatory to "dissolve" unwanted hair, and (6) electrolysis or electrothermolysis to destroy hair follicles for relatively permanent hair removal.

Chemical depilation of facial skin may be irritating and should be performed under the guidance of a dermatologist with a depilating agent prescribed for individual needs.

The safety and effectiveness of electrolysis or electrothermolysis is dependent upon the training and skill of the operator and the equipment used. In these methods a fine electrode is inserted into each hair follicle to destroy the cells from which new hair could grow.

Laser hair removal has been proven effective in recent studies. Hair loss for two or more years has been documented, and may well prove to be long-term or permanent as patients are followed up for longer periods of time. Laser hair removal in most current use is accomplished by photothermolysis—using a laser to generate heat in hair follicles and render them incapable of growing new hair. Skin color and hair color are among factors that a dermatologist considers in determining the type of laser to use, duration of treatment, and number of treatments that may be necessary to accomplish desired results. Side effects of laser hair removal include post-treatment pain for a few hours to a few days, and skin redness. The treating dermatologist can prescribe medicines to alleviate the side effects. Laser hair removal is a procedure that should be performed only by a dermatologist experienced in the use of lasers.


сoncomitant сопутствующий

insert вставлять, помещать

duration продолжительность

2. Find Russian equivalents to the following expressions:

may contribute to overall improved appearance; can create an appearance of older age or masculinization; unwanted hair; has been proven effective; to accomplish desired results; side effects; experienced in the use of lasers.


3. Find English equivalents to the following expressions in the text:

удаление лишних волос; омоложение кожи лица; над верхней губой; мужеподобная внешность; обесцвечивание; выщипывание; нанесение на кожу воска; сбривание; временный; относительно постоянный; может повлечь раздражение; назначается индивидуально; делает их неспособными к воспроизводству новых волос; болезненные ощущения после обработки; процедура, которая должна проводится.


4. Answer the questions to the text:

1. Whatmay removal of superfluous hair contribute to?

2. What are traditional methods of dealing with superfluous hair?

3. Why should chemical depilation of facial skin be performed under the guidance of a dermatologist?

4. Explain the method of electrolysis,

5. What is the mechanism of laser hair removal?

6. What are side effects of laser hair removal?

Text E. Non-ablative Skin Treatments

Read and translate the text.


Wrinkles, crease lines and age spots are visible effects of aging, and unwanted fat deposits are another. Despite diet and exercise undertaken to keep looking young and trim, fatty deposits may remain on the face, chin, neck, breast, abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, knees and ankles. A dermatologist experienced in the procedure can use liposuction to remove these localized fat deposits. Liposuction is performed only after a full medical evaluation.

This dermatologic surgery is performed in an outpatient setting, usually under local anesthesia and anti-bleeding medication. In some cases, ultrasound is used to break down and liquefy fat cells in the area to be treated. Fat is removed from the targeted area with a vacuum inserted through an incision in the skin. Many patients do not require postoperative pain medication. It is usually possible for the patient to resume physical exercise 3 to 7 days after the procedure. Liposuction is not a substitute for diet, exercise or weight reduction. It complements other efforts to keep a young and trim look.

trim look ухоженная внешность

incision разрез, надрез

to substitute заменять, замещать

to complement зд. дополнять


2. Find Russian equivalents to the following expressions:

visible effects of aging; unwanted fat deposits; despite diet; a full medical evaluation; an outpatient setting; under local anesthesia; anti-bleeding medication; liquefy fat cells in the area to be treated; postoperative pain medication; weight reduction.


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