Make up a plan of the text 4C and report on it in brief. 

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Make up a plan of the text 4C and report on it in brief.


16. Read the information below to find out answers to the questions:


What is Green Building?

Why is Green Building important?


Green building, or sustainable design, is the practice of increasing the efficiency with which buildings and their sites use energy, water, and materials, and reducing building impacts on human health and the environment over the entire life cycle of the building. Green building concepts extend beyond the walls of buildings and can include site planning, community and land use planning issues as well.

The growth and development of our communities has a large impact on our natural environment. The manufacturing, design, construction, and operation of the buildings in which we live and work are responsible for the consumption of many of our natural resources.

In the United States, buildings account for:

  • 39% of total energy use
  • 68% of total electricity consumption
  • 30% of landfill waste
  • 38% of carbon dioxide emissions
  • 12% of total water consumption.

Environmental Benefits: enhance and protect biodiversity and ecosystems; improve air and water quality; reduce waste streams; conserve and restore natural resources; economic benefits; reduce operating costs; improve occupant productivity; enhance asset value and profits; optimize life-cycle economic performance.

Social Benefits: enhance occupant health and comfort; improve indoor air quality; minimize strain on local utility infrastructure; improve overall quality of life.


from: Western North Carolina Green Building Council



17. Translate the information below into English:


Биоклиматическая архитектура зависит от местного климата и основывается на следующих принципах:

· тепловая защита зданий зимой и летом с помощью надлежащей изоляции и уменьшения теплопроводных свойств ограждающих конструкций здания и проемов;

· использование солнечной энергии для отопления зданий в зимний период и естественного освещения в течение всего года. Это достигается правильной ориентацией пространства, грамотным размещением оконных проемов, и расположением помещений в зависимости от их потребностей в тепловой энергии и освещении;

· защита зданий от летнего солнца, главным образом, посредством затенения, но и другими доступными средствами;

· удаление тепла из здания в летнее время естественным образом во внешнюю среду пассивными методами охлаждения, такими как естественная ночная вентиляция;

· обеспечение достаточного естественного освещения и равномерное распределение света в пределах помещений;

· улучшение окружающей здание территории и в целом антропогенной среды.

Биоклиматическая архитектура включает в себя пассивные солнечные системы, которые являются неотъемлемой частью и структурными элементами здания. Они работают без изнашиваемых механических частей или дополнительного электропитания и естественным путем не только обогревают здание зимой, но и охлаждают летом.

Пассивные системы делятся на три категории:

· системы пассивного солнечного отопления;

· системы пассивного охлаждения;

· системы естественного освещения.

Биоклиматическая конструкция здания предполагает сосуществование и совместную работу всех систем, чтобы максимально эффективно обеспечить комфортные тепловые и оптические условия в течение всего года.


18. Read and translate the Texts 7, 8 from the "Supplementary Reading".



1. Remember the following word combinations:

to feed – подавать, питать

pipe - труба

pressure – давление

high – высокий

cistern – бак, резервуар

to be available – доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении

pump – насос, помпа, качать, накачивать

contamination – загрязнение

meter – измеритель, счетчик

supply - запас

distribution – распределение

tap – кран водопроводный

fixture – зажимное устройство, хомут, неподвижная деталь

appliance – прибор, приспособление

sink – раковина

lead – свинец

to eclipse – выйти из употребления

to attach – прикреплять, соединять

fitting – фитинг, арматура, соединительные части труб

interior – внутренняя сторона

combustibility – горючесть, воспламеняемость

durable – прочный, долговечный, длительная прочность

thin – тонкий

thick – толстый

pressure tank – бак для подачи под давлением

thread – резьбы, нарезать резьбу

to solder – паять, solder - припой

2. Read and translate the text below:


Text 5 A

Water Supply Systems


Most modern western water systems are directly fed from a municipal water system by a high-pressure pipe, usually located under the street. Many houses still use a cistern or a well where a convenient water system supply is not available; they usually use a pump and pressure tank to maintain system pressure. Older houses may also have a cold water tank. In such a case, drinking water (usually the kitchen tap) is usually fed directly from the main water supply due to the risk of contamination in the cold water tank. The supply may or may not be metered. Non-metered supplies are usually billed based on the size of the house. However, such accommodations are increasingly rare.

Water is distributed through a series of pipes to the point of use, which is generally either a tap, a fixture, or an appliance. A tap is simply a water outlet without an accompanying fixture. A fixture is a device that uses water without an additional source of power, such as a toilet/WC (water closet)/lavatory, kitchen sink, washbasin, shower, or bath/bathnub. An appliance is a device that uses water coupled with an additional source of power, such as a washing machine, dishwasher, or icemaker.

In old construction, lead plumbing was common. It was generally eclipsed toward the end of the 1800s by galvanized iron water supplies which were attached with threaded fittings. Copper with soldered fittings became popular around 1950, though it had been used as early as 1900.

Plastic supply pipes have become increasingly common since about 1970, with a variety of materials and fittings employed. Galvanized iron supply pipes are commonly found with interior diameters from 1/2" to 2", though most domestic systems won't require any supply pipes larger than 3/4". Pipes have NPT ("National Pipe Thread") standard threads, which mate with inside threads on elbows, couplers and other fittings.

Galvanized iron (often known simply as "galv" or "iron" in the plumbing trade) is relatively expensive, difficult to work with (due to weight and requirement of a pipe threader), and suffers from a tendency to obstruction due to mineral deposits forming on the inside of the pipe.

It remains common for repair of existing "galv" systems and to satisfy building code non-combustibility requirements typically found in hotels, apartment buildings and other commercial applications. It is also extremely durable.

Copper and brass pipes were introduced in about 1900, but didn't become popular until approximately 1950. Common classes of copper plumbing tube are "Type K", "Type L" and "Type M"; M is inexpensive and relatively thin-walled and suitable for residential use, L is thicker-walled and often used in commercial applications, K has the thickest walls and is used for underground burial.

Generally, copper pipes are soldered directly into copper or brass fittings, although compression fittings are commonly used by amateur plumbers who don't have the means or experience to use solder fittings. Building code requirements often require lead-free solder for copper and brass. They may also specify the use of non-combustible supply pipes, for which copper and brass are often ideal. Properly installed on non-acidic supply water, copper appears to have a nearly infinite lifespan, with many of the earliest installations surviving since about 1900 virtually untouched.

Plastic supply pipes come in several different forms. Plastic supply pipes are virtually never found in apartments, hotels, or any other setting requiring non-combustible drain pipes.

Many plumbers prefer to install plastic supply pipes because they tend to be quick and easy to install, but will use copper in their own homes because of copper's long track record. PVC/CPVC - rigid plastic pipes similar to PVC drain pipes but with thicker walls to deal with municipal water pressure, introduced around 1970.

PVC should be used for cold water only, CPVC for hot and cold. Connections are made with solvent cements. A unique advantage of PVC/CPVC is that when the pipes are accidentally frozen, the fittings will usually be forced off without splitting the pipe or fittings, making repair very easy. Polybutylene - flexible plastic pipe which is attached to barbed fittings and secured in place with a copper crimp ring. PEX - improved polybutylene system with different barbs and steel crimp rings. Aqua - made by Ipex, aluminum pipe sandwiched between layers of polybutylene and connected with brass compression fittings.


Notes on the text:


PVC is the common term for Polyvinyl Chloride. CPVC is Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride.

PEX - cross-linked polyethylene


3. Find Russian equivalents in the text

High-pressure pipe; convenient water system supply; cold water tank; point of use; water outlet; accompanying fixture; additional source of power; washing machine; solvent cements; non-combustible drain pipes; galvanized iron water supplies; commercial applications; non-combustibility requirements; underground burial; copper or brass fittings; barbed fittings; crimp ring; compression fittings

4. Match the beginnings from part A with the endings from part B:



1. Most modern western water systems are directly fed from...

2. Older houses may also have...

3. Water is distributed through a series of...

4. Plastic supply pipes have become increasingly common since about...

5. Galvanized iron is relatively expensive, difficult to work with, and suffers from a tendency to...

6. Copper and brass pipes were introduced in about...

7. Building code requirements often require...

8. Plastic supply pipes come in...

9. Many plumbers prefer to install plastic supply pipes because...

10. PVC should be used for...


Several different forms.


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