Task 3. Complete the dialogue. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Task 3. Complete the dialogue.

Travel agent: Good afternoon. Can I help you?

You: (Поздоровайтесь и спросите, можно ли купить один билет первого класса до Дублина на вторник, 7 октября).

Travel agent: Let me see... I'm very sorry, sir. There are no seats left for Dublin on Tuesday.

You: (Спросите, остались ли билеты на этот рейс на среду).

Travel agent: Just a minute, sir... Yes. There are some seats left for Wednesday.

You: (Скажите, что среда Вас устраивает. Спросите, сколько стоит билет и включены ли в стоимость
билета сборы в аэропорту и страховка).

Travel agent: It's 198 pounds, sir, including airport taxes and insurance... Here you are.

You: (Узнайте у агента номер рейса, спросите, когда самолет отбывает из Лондона. И когда прибывает в Дублин. Поблагодарите агента).


Reserving a room at the hotel.


inclusive –включительно in style – с шиком in advance – заранее

deposit – задаток, депозит itinerary – маршрут facilities – удобства

to spell – произносить по буквам accommodation – жилье, проживание overnight – всю ночь


Task 1. Read and translate.

Receptionist: - Nevskaya Hotel. Can I help you?

Grindstone: - Yes. I’d like to reserve a single room with bathroom, for three nights, from Wednesday, the 2nd of August, to Friday, the 4th of August, inclusive.

R.: - Let me see...Yes, sir. A single room for three nights, is that right?

G.: - Yes, that’s right.

R.: - What is your name, please?

G.: - My last name is Grindstone.

R.: - Could you spell it, please?

G.: - Yes, of course. G-R-I-N-D-S-T-O-N-E.

R.: - Thank you, sir.

G.: - Shall I send a deposit?

R.: - No. It isn’t necessary, sir.

G.: - Thank you very much.

Task 2. Look through the travel advertisement and answer the questions.

Travel in style – from Cape to Victoria Falls. for only ₤2595 per person Itinerary: Day 1 Leave London and fly overnight to Cape Town. Day 2 – 4 Sightseeing in Cape Town. Day 5 – 7 join the train and travel overnight to Kimberley, and on to Pretoria. Day 8 Leave Pretoria by train. Day 9 Travel all day across Zimbabwe, and on to the Victoria Falls. Day 10 – 12 Leave the train. Sightseeing around the Victoria Falls. Day 13 Take the plane from Livingstone to Windhoek. Flight to London. Day 14 Arrive to London.   Accommodation in a double sleeping cabin on the train and in a double room in Cape Town. Single beds available in the hotels. Extra nights accommodation in Windhoek available.   Facilities in the hotels: swimming pool, restaurant, bar, tennis.   Price per person includes air travels, all meals on the train, bed and breakfast in the hotels, transfer to and from the airport. Not included: travel insurance, visa, airport taxes, tips.



1. How long will you spend on the train?

2. How long will you spend in Cape Town?

3. Will you have to pay extra for meals?

4. How will you get from Livingstone to Windhoek?

5. Will you be able to have a single room?

6. What facilities are there in the hotels?

7. Will there be anything extra to pay?



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