To study environmental protection 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


To study environmental protection

to work with people


12. What is sociology based on?

- 2 -

  1. generalization
  2. cooperation
  3. imagination

♦ Choose the most suitable ending:

13. I have decided to enter the department of …

a)sociology b) psychology c) law

14. I think it is a very interesting …

a) occupation b) game c) method

15. Sociology is the way of …

a) understanding the world b) human social behaviour c) render people real help

16. It is a general approach to …

a) asking and answering the questions b) qualify as a sociologist c) to bring you satisfaction

17. Sociology uses the scientific methods in order to …

a) to study human social behaviour b) to study animals c) to study law

18. Sociology differs in certain ways …

a) from literature b) from social sciences c) from architecture

19. There are winners and …

a) disappointed b) unemployed c) losers

20. There are social workers who have to …

a) to work with children b) to understand scientific methods c) to relieve the burden of people

21. I understand the difficulties of …

a) this profession b) people’s problems c) future career

22. This speciality is really …

a) funny b) needed c) uninteresting



♦ Fill in the blanks with the correct words:

23. There are some questions we could not answer without using …

a) ways b) generalization c) sociology


- 3 -

24. Sociology uses the method of …

a) human b) systematic c) generalization

25. Sociology is a … approach to thinking about.

a) sociological b) systematic c) political

26. Science is one of several possible … of understanding reality.

a) ways b) qualifications c) observations

27. Sociology is concerned with … social behavior.

a) environmental b) human c) frivolous


♦ Fill in the gaps with correct words:

28. A human being always interacts with his … environment.

a) social b) society c) science

29. … studies men and groups in action.

a) basic science b) philology c) sociology

30. … study involves close analysis of the sources of change.

a) human experience b) basic structure c) sociological

31. The aim of sociology is to discover the basic structure of human …

a) identity b) experience c) social behaviour

32. The subject-matter of sociology is …

a) environmental protection b) behaviour of people c) sociological research

33. In order to understand how people behave it is always necessary to see it as a part of a broader … process.

a) scientific b) society c) social

34. Awareness of plurality is essential for …

a) economics b) sociology c) foreign languages

35. Human interaction is another focus of …

a) philosophy b) political science c) sociology


♦ Choose the appropriate word and complete each sentence:

- 4 –


36. Sociology is one of the … science.

a) precise b) social c) natural

37. There is no … being called man.

a) theoretical b) historical c) abstract

38. Sociological study … close analysis of the sources of change.

a) has b) become c) involves

39. The sociologist is respectful of the …

a) advice b) news c) common-sense knowledge

40. A human being always interacts with his social …

a) process b) environment c) action

♦ Put “+” if it is true and “-” if it is false:


41. The role of theoretical background for a sociological research is of tremendous importance.

42. Among special sociological theories there are such as: sociology of everyday life, sociology of education etc.

43. The one that has been developed quite recently is sociology of a family.

44. Before 1989 people had divided Asia into the East and the West.

45. The world has lost its bipolarity.

46. Now we speak of Eastern, Central and Western Europe.

47. The new division is not simplistic.

48. Polypolarity determines the complexity of transitions.

49. Scientific cooperation between sociologists of Europe is of great importance.

- 5 -

50. The social sciences are facing the need for a new infrastructure.

51. A close relationships between social science research and social science information are of strategic importance.

Grammar test:

♦ Choose the correct form of Complex Object or Complex Subject:

52. I like … to help people.

a. she

b. her

c. hers

53. Sociologists … to work with different layers of society.

a) were supposed

b) supposed

c) are supposed

54. People wanted … to be engaged in running the country.

a) they

b) their

c) them

55. The word “sociology” … to be coined only about 150 years ago.

a) considered

b) were considered

c) is considered

56. Society … to disintegrate into a civil war without some kind of mechanism for allocating authoritative values.

a) think

b) is thought

c) thought

♦ Put in the Infinitive and the Gerund:

57. I like … sociological articles.

a) to read b) reading c) read

- 6 –

58. My friend enjoys …

a) traveling b) to travel c) travel

59. Go on …

a) to read b) read c) reading

60. The students stopped …

a) studying b) to study c) study

61. Sociologists are interested in … English.

a) learning b) learn c) to learn

62. The course paper is worth of …

a) to read b) reading c) read

63. I don’t like … these students, they are busy.

a) to interrupt b) interrupting c) interrupt

64. My friends don’t like … adults.

a) to interrupt b)interrupting c) interrupt

65. It is no use … about sociological research.

a) to talk b) talk c) talking

66. This is a good book about sociology …

a) reading b) to read c) read

67. I am glad … my teachers.

a) meeting b) to meet c) meet


♦ Choose the right form of the Participle:


68. The girl … on the blackboard is our best student

a) writing b) written

69. Everything … here is quite right.

a) writing b) written

70. The house … by tall trees is very beautiful.

a) surrounding b) surrounded

- 7 –

71. The wall …the house was very high.

a) surrounding b) surrounded

72. Who is that student … his homework at the table?

a) doing b) done

73. The exercises … by the students were easy.

a) done b) doing

74. We listened to the students … Ukrainian songs.

a) singing b) sung

75. We listened to the Ukrainian folk songs … by the students.

a) singing b) sung

76. The article … by this sociologist is very interesting.

a) writing b) written

77. Translate the words … in this scientific article.

a) writing b) written

78. The … book was founded at last.

a) losing b) lost

79. … along the street I met my fellow students.

a) going b) gone

80. Read the … sentences once more.

a) translating b) translated

81. I picked up the book … on the floor.

a) lying b) lain

82. The student was reading the book … the day before.

a) buying b) bought

83. Yesterday we were at a conference … by the students of sociology.

a) organizing b) organized

84. It was not easy to find the … sociological questionnaire.

a) losing b) lost

85. I think that the students … there are from our faculty.

- 8 –


a) standing b) stood

86. “How do you like this scientific conference?” he asked, … towards me.

a) turning b) turned

87. The student … me is my friend.

a) is calling b) called c) calling

88. The text … by the student is easy.

a) translating b) translated c) is translated

89. … to the Institute, I met my Dean.

a) going b) gone c) is going

90. … the course paper, he went to the Institute.

a) having written b) written c) writing

91. The man … at the window is our Rector.

a) standed b) standing c) is standing

92. … the control paper, the student went home.

a) finishing b) finished c) having finished

93. This is an article … the recent sociological research.

a) to describe b) describing c) described

94. The student …. to the music is his fellow student.

a) listening b) listened c) listen

95. … for the Institute, he forgot to take his bag.

a) leaving b) having left c) left



Ключі до 3 семестру

1.true 2. false 3. true 4. true 5. true 6. true 7. false 8. false 9. true 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. a 14. a 15. a 16. a 17. a 18. b 19. c 20. c 21. a 22. b 23. c 24. c 25. b 26. a 27. b 28. a 29. c 30. c 31. c 32. b 33. c 34. b 35. c 36. b 37. c 38. c 39. c 40. b 41. + 42. + 43. - 44. - 45. + 46. + 47. + 47. + 49. + 50. + 51. + 52. b 53. c 54. c 55. c 56. b 57. a 58. a 59. c 60. a 61. a 62. b 63. a 64. b 65. c 66. b 67. b 68. a 69. b 70. b 71. a 72. a 73. a 74. a 75. b 76. b 77. b 78. b 79. a 80. b 81. a 82. b 83. b 84. b 85. a 86. a 87. c 88. b 89. a 90. a 91. b 92. c 93. b 94. a 95. a



Шумських І.А., каф. ”Іноземні мови”, “Англійська мова професійного спілкування” для напряму підготовки 6.030101 “Соціологія”, 2 курс, 4 семестр.

Lexical test:

♦ Choose the most suitable ending:

1. The sociological role includes …

a) poverty b) ideal role c) practical application

2. The ideal role prescribes the rights and duties …

a) social position b) conventional image

3. An adequate analysis of any social role must take into account of all …

a) three elements b) sociology c) science

4. Sociology has practical application in …

a) our lives b) law c) new era

5. A greater proportion of the population lives …

a) in riches b) in poverty c) in fun

6. We understand why poverty remains:

a) widespread b) narrow spread c) everywhere

7. Sociology aids in practical …

a) policy-making b) interpretation c) explanation

8. Changing has become so rapid, that most people …

a) are amazed b) are pleased c) disturbed

9. The changes in our country cause …

a) changes in other countries b) destructions c) construction

♦ Put “true” if you agree and “false” if you disagree:


10. The ideal role prescribes the rights and duties belonging to a social position.

11. An adequate analysis of any social role must not take into account of all three elements: prescription, perception and performance.

12. Sociology has practical applications in our lives.


- 2 -

13. We can see that a greater proportion of the population lives in poverty.

14. The more we understand why poverty remains widespread, the more we can change the situation.

15. Sociology aids in theoretical policy-making.

16. Changing in our social life has become so slow, that most people are not amazed by recent events.

17. The world turns to sociologists for interpretation, explanation, making prognosis for future.

♦ Fill in the gaps with correct words:

18. … has to deal with practical life.

a) psychology b) economics c) sociology

19. A greater proportion of the population lives in …

a) happiness b) poverty c) fun

20. An adequate analysis of any … must take into account of all three elements.

a) social position b) social role c) social environment

21. … say that this science can provide clearer and more adequate understanding of what is going on in the society.

a) economists b) sociologists c) lawyers

22. The energy crisis has transformed …

a) social identity b) social position c) global economy

23. The world turns to sociologists for …

a) policy making b) adequate analysis c) making prognosis for future

♦ Put “+” next to the true sentences and “-” next to the false ones:

24.The Asiatic continent is the cradle of the social science.

25.Language barriers do not prevent important social science findings from circulating.

- 3 -

26. There has been little discussion on the matter of international access to national social science information.

27. English may serve as the main documentation language.

28. English can not form the link between numbers of national documentation system.

29. English is to be taught to young scientists within the university sociological education programmers.


♦. Fill in the correct letters to complete the words:

30. sc … nce 31. soс … l 32. internat … nal

a. ee a. ia a. ea

b. ei b. ea b. ai

c. ie c. ai c. io

d. ai d. ee d. eo



33. req … res 34. effic … ncy 35. widespr … d

a. iu a. ee a. ee

b. ui b. ae b. ae

c. ae c. ei c. ea

d. ur d. ie d. ai


36. lang … ge 37. foreier 38. tow…ds

a)wi a) sh a) or

b) wa b) ng b) ar

c)ud c) gn c) ou

d) ua d) ss d) aw


- 4 -


39. ach … vement 40. s … entific

a) ie a) ce

b) ei b) ci

d)ee c) ai

e) ea d) ae

♦ Match the words and their definitions: a. any form of marriage that involves more than two partners.
42.marriage b. a form of marriage in which a man has more than one wife.
43.monogamy c. marriage between people from different racial (religious) groups.
44.polygamy d. a socially approved arrangement between a male and female that involves an economic and a sexual relationship.
45.polygyny e. a form of marriage in which a woman has more than one husband.
46.polyandry f. marriage between people from the same racial, religious and ethnic groups.
47.exogamy g. a group of people related by marriage and live together, form an economic unit.
48.endogamy h. the marriage of one husband to one wife.


♦ Match English and Ukrainian equivalents:

49. structure of the family a.батьківська увага

50. sociological analysis b.персональні знання

- 5 -

51. courtship, marriage c. стабільна родина

52. stable family unit d. приреченість родини

53. parental attention e. соціологічне дослідження

54. fulfill basic needs f. обмежені знання про родину

55. first-hand experience g. структура родини

56. limited knowledge of a family h. залицяння, шлюб

57. personal background i. особистий досвід

58. wide diversity of families j. відповідати головним вимогам

59. violence in the family k. кількість зведених родин

60. number of stepfamilies l. вирішальна роль у сучасному суспільстві

61. crucial role in modern societies m. високий відсоток повторних шлюбів

62. high rate of remarriage n. насильство в родині

63. demise of the family o. високе розмаїття родин

♦ Fill in the blanks with the topical vocabulary:

64. The students of … pay much attention to discovering person¢s relationship.

a) sociology b) economy c) psychology

65. … organization is the pattern of individual and group relations.

a) social b) human c) economic

66. An interpersonal relation is the most elementary … bond.

a) individual b) impersonal c) social

67. These relations are the building blocks of … structure.

a) sociological b) social c) community

68. Forces that may determine the future character of … or community.

a) organization b) society c) social bond

69. … order is a type of society.

a) interpersonal b) social c) elementary

70. Large organizations are characteristic of our present … world.

a) personal b) entire c) institutional

- 6 –

♦ Complete the sentences with the most suitable ending:

71. Work with a questionnaire is central in …

a) practice b) life c) study

72. The main demands for a questionnaire are …

a) to be attractive b) to be long c) to be uninteresting

73. The questionnaire should be attractive to …

a) look at b) to hear c) to sing

74. Piloting for checking the clarity is:

a) necessary b) essential c) required

75. Sociologists should be confident that respondents …

a) have access b) have opinion c) have target

76. For sociologists the main things to take into account before beginning to draft questions are: …

a) brevity b) layout c) piloting


Grammar test:


♦ Choose the correct variant of the Gerund:

77. He was clever enough ___ in this delicate situation.

a) avoiding, speaking b) to avoid, to speak

c) avoiding, to speak d) to avoid, speaking


78. I wonder if there is any use ___ him.

a) trying, improving b) trying, to improve

c) to try, to improve d) to try, improving

79. Please let it ___ clearly. I am not used ___ something twice.

a) understand, to saying b) to understand, to say

c) be understood, to saying d) be understood, to say

80. He had some difficulty ___ his temper. This scene was worth ___. After that he avoided ___ by his friend.

- 7 -

a) to control, to watch, to see b) controlling, watching, seeing

c) controlling, watching, being seen d) being controlled, being watched, to be seen


♦ Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions:

81. What did she mean ___ boasting like this?

a) without b) on c) by

82. His knowledge has improved ___ taking a training course.

a) out of b) in c) after

83. He could tell the funniest story ___ smiling.

a) for b) after c) without

84. ___ entering the house she rushed to the telephone ___ greeting anybody

a) on b) without c) after

85. You can keep healthy and fit ___ jogging in the morning.

a) between b) on c) by

86. Where did he go ___ finishing his work?

a) for b) of c) after

87. ___ writing an article about the events he must go to the place where they are taking place.

a) at b) by c) before

88. ___ hearing a woman’s cry he jumped up from his seat.

a) into b) out of c) on

89. ___ going through the customs office he went abroad the plane.

a) near b) across c) after

90. She was upset ___ not getting an answer from him.

a) behind b) without c) after



Ключі до 4 семестру

1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. a 9. a 10. true 11. false 12. true 13. true 14. true 15. false 16. false 17. true 18. c 19. b 20. b 21. b 22. c 23. c 24. “-” 25. “-” 26. “-” 27. “+” 28. “-” 29. “+” 30. c 31. a 32. c 33. b 34. d 35. c 36. d 37. c 38. b 39. a 40. b 41. g 42. d 43. h 44. a 45. b 46. e 47. e 48. f 49. g 50. e 51. h 52. c 53. a 54. j 55. i 56. f 57. b 58. o 59. n 60. k 61. e 62. m 63. d 64. a 65. a 66. c 67. b 68. b 69. b 70. a 71. a 72. a 73. a 74. a 75. a 76. a 77. d 78. b 79. c 80. c 81. c 82. c 83. c 84. a, b 85. c 86. c 87. c 88. c 89. c 90. c


Шумських І.А., каф “Іноземні мови”, Ділова англійська мова для напряму підготовки 6.030101 “Соціологія “, 4 курс Тест 1 Fill in the blanks with the correct:

a) Indefinite Tenses:

- A student … to the Institute tomorrow.

a. go b. goes c. went d. will go

- We … books every day.

a. read b. reads c. are reading d. would read

- Yesterday I … to visit my friend.

a. want b. wants c. wanted d. will want

- This young man … a good student.

a. will be b. are c. would be d. were

- A cat … four legs.

a. have b. will have c. has d. would have

- They … their homework yesterday.

a. do b. did c. does d. will do

- Mary … to the Institute every morning.

a. do not go b. does not go c. go d. is not going

- We … English tomorrow.

a. will not speak b. do not speak c. did not speak d. would not speak

- Yesterday I … her.

a. do not see b. will not see c. did not see d. would not see

- They … students.

a. was not b. did not c. will not d. are not

- He … this book.

a. do not have b. does not have c. is not having d. will be

-These men … everything well yesterday.

a. wouldn’t do b. won’t do c. do not do d. did not do

- He … from Ireland two years ago.

a. come b. came c. was coming

- She … across the English Channel last summer.

a. swim b. swam c. was swimming

- You … sorry not to learn swimming in your childhood.

a. will be b. are c. were

- 2 -

b) Prepositions:

- I arrived … the station at six.

a. in b. on c. into d. at


- The car smashed … a tree.

a. to b. on c. in d. into


- I usually go to the University … bus.

a. on b. by c. in d. at


- The English are famous … their conservatism.

a. for b. to c. in d. through


- Nobody entered … the hall.

a. in b. – c. into d. of


- … Sunday night I went to the party.

a. In b. On c. At d. By


- The television is … the corner of the room.

a. in b. at c. on d. by


- A new bridge … the river will be built next year.

a. by b. over c. for d. at


- … he is busy, he can not go with us.

a. until b. unless c. since d. under


- 3 –

I. Make up your own CV according to the plan:


• Personal details


Date of birth




Marital status

Native language

• Education

• Working Experience

• Interests/Activities

• Other Information


• Put the items in the right order by matching the headings (1-11) with the information (a-k):

1.Name 2.Date of birth 3.Nationality 4. Marital status 5. Education 6. Qualifications 7. Experience 8. Current position 9. Responsibilities 10. Language spoken 11. Leisure interests a) English, French, German b) British c) Theatre, military history d) Chartered Accountants, 1988-94 e) Assistant General Manager, Petrol Communications f) Archibald Wong g) 8 September 1967 h) British Institute of Charted Accountants 1991 i) General management of the company j) Single k) Oundle School, UK, 1980-84; Keble College, Oxford, 1985-88; INSEAD (European Institute of Business Administration), 1994-95

Fill in the missing words or phrases in the sentences below. Choose from the following:

Appointment Badge Deal Floor   Identity card Lift Main building Main gate Office Receptionist Reception desk Secretary   Security guard Sign  


1. You arrive at the _________________________________.

2. You show your __________________________________.

3. The __________________________ lets you to go through.

4. You enter the ____________________________________.

5. You walk to the __________________________________.

6. You give your name to the __________________________.

7. You have an ___________________ with Mr. Jackson at 11.

8. You ____________________ your name in the visitors’ book.

9. You pin your _____________________________ to your coat.

10. You find the _______________________________________.

11. You go to the top ____________________________________.

12. Mr. Jackson’s ______________________________ meets you.

13. She takes you to Mr. Jackson’s __________________________.

14. Mr. Jackson says: “ Hi, we have an ________________________”.


II. Are these sentences about business travel and entertainment true or false:

  1. The dessert comes before the main course. True False □ □


- 2 –

  1. The delicious menu is usually more expensive than the set menu. 2. Supper is a light meal which you eat late at night. 3. Brunch is a meal which you eat in the late afternoon. 4. You drink an aperitif at the end of a meal. 5. Heathrow and Charles de Gaulle are all famous railway stations. 6. When you arrive in another country, you usually have to show your passport at immigration control. 7. At a hotel you usually receive the bill when you arrive. 8. When you make a full board reservation at a hotel, you want a bed but no meals. 9. You can buy alcohol and perfume at lower prices in the duty free shop at an airport. 10. Taxi drivers always refuse tips. 11. A twin bedroom is the same as a double bedroom in a hotel. 12. The porter is the person who carries your bag to your bedroom in a hotel. 13. The receptionist is the person who makes your bed and cleans your room every morning. 14. Your check-in-time at the airport is usually 30-60 minutes before the plane leaves. True False □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □



- 3 -

III. Look at the following pairs of sentences. For each pair fill one blank with a or an, and the other – with the:

1. I wrote ____ long letter to Jenny this morning.

Did I show you ____ letter I got from my friend this morning?



2. My uncle used to be _____ sociologist before he retired.

Arthur Brown is ______ sociologist who lives next door to my parents.



3. Is there _____ bookshop on the High Street?

I bought this at ____ bookshop in the High Street.



4. Has anyone seen _____ newspaper I left in this room?

I usually buy _____ newspaper on my way to work.



5. London is _____ biggest city in Britain.

Manchester is _____ big city in the north of England.



6. It is not easy to learn _____ foreign language which is very different from your own language.

Japanese is certainly ____ most difficult language I have tried to learn.



7. Agatha Christie was ____ well known writer of detective stories.

Agatha Christie was _____ writer who invented Hercule Poirot.


8. The police are looking for ____ young man aged about 23.

_____ young man the police are looking for is about 23.



9. Last night I saw _______ interesting TV programme about Eastern Europe.

I really enjoyed ________ programme about Eastern Europe last night.



10. I learned to drive _____ car when I was eighteen.

Dad, can I borrow _____ car tonight?



- 4 -

IY. Fulfil the following task using the correct form of verbs in the Present, Past and Future Continuous Tenses:

1. They … to the Institute now. (go)

2. Jane … her homework. (do)

3. Ben …football with his friends. (play)

4. Mrs. Hill … the beds. (make)

5. Студенты разговаривали, когда вошел преподаватель.

6. Когда звонок прозвенел в 4 часа, большинство из них еще писали тест.

7. Я написала несколько писем, пока вы смотрели телевизор.

8. Пока преподаватель записывал вопросы, студенты приготовились к тестовому контролю.

9. Профессор читал книгу все время, пока его студенты отвечали на вопросы.

10. Bob is digging the garden. (when we get back)

11. They are having dinner. (at 6)

12. I am washing clothes. (all day on Monday)



Тест 3

I. Use the Passive Voice:

1. He broke his arm in an accident.

2. They fought a big battle here in the 15th century.

3. I left my bike in the garden.

4. Somebody left the lights on all night.

5. They sent letters to all their friends during the holidays.

6. People used the Tower as a prison in old times.

7. They painted the doors only last week.



II. Put the following sentences in the Present, Past and Future Perfect Tenses:

1. They bought the dictionary last week.

2. You finished this project in April.

3. Grandmother had dinner at 6 o’clock.

4. I arrived in New York. My brother left the city. (when)

5. The boss listened to them carefully. He made a decision. (before)

6. Nobody disturbed him. He finished his work. (until)

7. We (finish) this exercise by 8 o’clock.

8. The concert (start) by the time we come.

9. He (write) his new novel by the end of the spring.

10. She (have) lunch by the time we arrive.



Тест 4

I. Translate the following telephone conversations into English:


- Алло, секретарь господина Грина. Что Вы хотите?

- Не могу ли я поговорить с господином Грином?

- Я Вас соединяю. Говорите, пожалуйста.

- Господин Грин? Алло!



- Офис господина Грина. Чем могу быть полезна?

- Я бы хотел поговорить с господином Мак Грегором.

- Извините, Вы ошиблись номером. Я не знаю никого с таким именем.

- Извините.



- Фирма «Грин и Ко». Кто звонит?

- Говорит господин Петренко из Киева. Соедините меня, пожалуйста, с господином Грином.

- Боюсь, господина Грина нет сейчас на месте.

- Когда, по-вашему, он вернется?

- Боюсь, что до утра понедельника его не будет. Ему передать что-нибудь?

- Нет, спасибо. Я позвоню ему еще раз. До свидания.


II. Use the required forms of modal verbs in the following sentences:


1. … I wait here?

a. May b. Have to c. Am to


2. It was so dark, we … see nothing.

a. may b. can c. could


3.The doctor says I … not go out.

a. might b. could c. may


4. … I do anything for you?

a. may b. must c. can


5. … you lend me a dictionary?

a. should b. must c. can


- 2 -


6. It’s very late. You … phone them now.

a. shouldn’t b. don’t have to c. can’t


7. You … to visit your parents.

a. should b. ought c. have to


8. Must I come to the University on Sunday? No, you …

a. mustn’t b. can’t c. needn’t


9. You … work hard at your English if you want to know it.

a. must b. is to c. may


10. He … speak three foreign languages.

a. can b. may c. is to


III. Correlate the English sentences with the Ukrainian/Russian equivalents:


1. He may come. 2. He couldn’t come. 3. He must come. 4. He had to come. 5. He shouldn’t come. 6. He’ll be able to come. 7. He needn’t come. 8. He isn’t allowed to come. Ему можно не приходить. Он может прийти. Ему не следует приходить. Он должен прийти. Он не смог прийти. Он сможет прийти. Ему не разрешают прийти. Ему пришлось прийти.


IY. Write these sentences in the reported speech:

1. “Will the teacher return our exercise-books today?” asked Nick.

2. “My nephew is a very capable young man”, said the woman. “He has just graduated from college, but he is already a very skilful specialist”.

3. “I am very sorry, Kate”, said Mike, “I have forgotten to bring your dictionary”.

4. “Come to my house tomorrow, Jane”, said Lena.

5. “Will you play the piano today, Helen?” asked her aunt.

Тест 5

I. Open the brackets. Use the correct form of the gerund:

1. Excuse me for (to break) your beautiful vase.

2. You never mentioned (to be) to Greece.

3. She was proud of (to award) the cup of a champion.

4. I don’t remember ever (to meet) your sister.

5. I don’t remember (to ask) this question by anybody.

6. The machine needs (to clean).

7. I am quite serious in (to say) that I don’t want to go abroad.

8. She confessed to (to forget) to send the letter.

9. The old man could not stand (to tell) what he should do.

10. Going to the party was no use: he had no talent for (to dance).

11. After thoroughly (to examine) the student, the professor gave him a satisfactory mark.

12. After thoroughly (to examine by the examination commission), the student was given a satisfactory mark.

13. She reproached me for (not to write) to her.

14. After (to look) through and (to mark) the students’ papers, the teacher handed them back.

15. This job is not worth (to take).

16. After (to look) through and (to mark), the papers were handed back to the students.

II. Make up sentences using gerunds:

1. Forgive (I, take up) so much of your time.

2. I appreciate (you, encourage) him when he failed in his experiment.

3. Do you know the reason for (he, feel) disappointed?

4. Only the other day they had been talking about (something, happen).

5. He wishes he’d never told you the truth but it’s no use (he, deny) it.

6. Of course, I should insist on (you, accept) the proper professional fee.

- 2 –

7. Jane was feeling rather unwell, and was not really looking forward to (we, visit) her.

8. My father thinks I am not capable of (earn) my own living.

9. He warned us that there was no point in (we, arrive) half an hour earlier.

10. They were talking about (she, give up) the job and (go) to live in the country.

II. Write one word in each circle. Choose from the following:

1.Account 2. Bank 3. Cash 4. Check 5. Currency 6. Interest 7. Money 8. Pay


O German Euro O invest…

French Euro save …

Italian lira spend …

US dollar earn …


O …manager O bank notes

…card coins


…opening hours


O close an … O …for something

a current … …money into your

a deposit … account

a savings …



O cash a … O a high rate of …

write a … a low rate of …

sign a… earn … on your savings

a book …



Тест 6

I. Inset the correct form of prepositions or adverbs instead of the blanks:

1. He speaks English …

a. better b. well c. good

2. She is the … beautiful student in our group.

a. more b. most c. much

3. Have you heard the … news?

a. last b. latter c. latest

4. … I saw her, she was with her student fellows.

a. Last b. Last time c. The latest time

5. He is two years … than you.

a. older b. old c. oldest

6. She came to the Institute … than I.

a. late b. latest c. later

7. I can not swim as … as you.

a. good b. well c. better

8. Computers are becoming … complicated.

a. more and more b. most and most c. much and much

9. February has … days than March.

a. fewer b. few c. fewest

10. Children have … freedom than the adults.

a. little b. the least c. less

11. This student is … talented than his classmate.

a. the most b. more c. most

12. If you ask me …, I will give it to you.

a. nice b. nicely

13. You are always so …, come on!

a. slow b. slowly

14. You write so … Look at your mistakes.

a. careless b. carelessly

15. His kids are … students.

a. good b. well

- 2 –

II. Make up the following sentences with Conditional Mood:

1. Read this paragraph and you will see what I mean.

2. Drive down this street and you will see the shop to your left.

3. Listen to him carefully and you’ll understand the rule.

4. Follow the instructions and you’ll make it.

5. Buy the food and we’ll pack the suitcases.

6. Give me your pen and I’ll help you.

7. Take a taxi and we won’t be late.

8. Come to our place on Sunday and we’ll show you our garden.

9. You may get lost. Ask somebody for directions.

10. Jane may phone me. Ask her to leave a message.

11. You may not know some words. Look them up in the dictionary.

12. He may catch a cold. Let me know.

13. The take-away restaurants may be open. Go and get something for supper.

14. Mary may be at home. Invite her to our party.

15. You may see Phil today. Ask him to call me tomorrow.

16. Your mother may be angry with you. Apologize to her.




I a)

1. - d 2. – a 3. – c 4. – a 5. – c 6. – b 7. – b 8. - a 9. – c 10. – d 11. – b 12. – d 13. – b 14. – b 15. - a  


1. – d 2. – d 3. – b 4. – a 5. - b 6. – b 7. – a 8. – b 9. - c

II b)

1. – f) 2. – g) 3. – b) 4. – j) 5. – k) 6. – h) 7. – d) 8. – e) 9. – i) 10. – a) 11. – c)


Nikolay S. Fomin

June 17, 1987

137, Pushkinskaya Str., Apt. 45, Donetsk

() 223-49-57




September 1993 - 2003 – Secondary School N80, Donetsk (Honour Degree)

August 2003 – Present – Department of Sociology of Makyivka Institute of Economics and Humanities

2002, summer – worked as an assistant in an international students’ camp

Computer technology and the Internet; swimming and running; modern foreign music; historical novels and poetry.

2000 – completed 2-year Computer courses.




1. main gates 8. sign

2. identity card 9. badge

3. security guard 10. lift

4. main building 11. floor

5. reception desk 12. secretary

6. receptionist 13. office

7. appointment 14. deal



1. False. The dessert comes after the main course.

2. True.

3. True.

4. False. Brunch (breakfast and lunch) is a meal which you eat in the morning.

5. False. You drink an aperitif before a meal.

6. False. They are airports.

7. True.

8. False. You receive the bill when you leave.

9. False. You want a bed and all meals.

10. True.

11. False. Taxi drivers always accept tips.

12. False. A twin bedroom has two beds, a double has one large bed.

13. True.

14. False. The chambermaid makes your bed and cleans your room; the receptionist is the person behind the desk who welcomes you when you enter a hotel.

15. True.


1. a the 2. a the 3. a the 4. the a 5. the a 6. a the 7. a the 8. a the 9. an the 10. a the


1. They are going to the Institute now. 2. Jane is doing her homework. 3. Ben is playing football with his friends. 4. Mrs. Hill is making the beds. 5. The students were talking when the teacher came in. 6. When the bell rang at 4 o’clock, most of them were writing the test still. 7. I wrote a few letters while you were watching TV. 8. While a teacher was writing the questions, the students prepared themselves for the test. 9. The professor was reading the book the whole time while his students were answering the questions. 10. Bob will be digging the garden when we get back. 11. They will be having dinner at 6. 12. I will be washing clothes all day on Monday.  




1. His arm was broken in an accident.

2. A big battle was fought here in the 15th century.

3. My bike was left in the garden.

4. The lights were left on all night.

5. Letters were sent to all their friends during the holidays.

6. The Tower was used as a prison in old times.

7. The doors were painted only last week.



1. They have already bought the dictionary.

2. You have already finished this project.

3. Grandmother has already had dinner.

4. When I arrived in New York, my brother had left the city.

5. The boss had listened to them carefully before he made a decision.

6. Nobody had disturbed him until he finished his work.

7. We shall have finished this exercise by 8 o’clock.

8. The concert will have started by the time we come.

9. He will have written his new novel by the end of the spring.

10. She will have had lunch by the time we arrive.





- Hello, this is Mr. Green’s secretary. What can I do for you?

- Could I speak to Mr. Green, please?

- I’m putting you through. Go ahead, please.

- Mr. Green? Hello.


- Mr. Green’s office. Can I help you?

- I’d like to speak to Mr. McGregor.

- Sorry. Wrong number. I don’t know anyone by that name here.

- I am very sorry.


- “Green & Co”. Who is calling?

- This is Pavlenko calling from Kyiv. Could you put me through to Mr. Green, please?

- I’m afraid, Mr. Green is not in the office at the moment.

- When do you think he will be back?

- Not until Monday morning, I am afraid. Can I give him a message?

- No, thank you. I’ll phone him then again. Goodbye.



1. – a 6. - a

2. – c 7. - b

3. – c 8. - c

4. – c 9. - a

5. – c 10. – a


1 – b 2 - e 3 - d 4 - h 5 - c 6 - f 7 - a 8 - g


1. Nick wanted to know if the teacher would return their exercise-books that day.

2. The woman said that her nephew was a very capable young man. She added that he had just graduated from college, but he was already a very skilful specialist.

3. Mike offered an apology Kate that he had forgotten to bring her dictionary.

4. Lena asked Jane to come to her house the next day.

5. Aunt asked Helen whether she would play the piano that day.




1. breaking 2. having been 3. having been awarded 4. meeting 5. being asked 6. cleaning 7. saying 8. having forgotten 9. telling 10. dancing 11. examining 12. being examined 13. having not written 14. looking, marking 15. taking 16. being looked, being marked



1. Forgive my talking up so much of your time.

2. I appreciate your encouraging him when he failed in his experiment.

3. Do you know the reason for his feeling disappointed?

4. Only the other day they had been talking about something happening.

5. He wishes he’d never told you the truth but it’s no use his denying it.

6. Of course, I should insist on your accepting the proper professional fee.

7. Jane was feeling rather unwell, and was not really looking forward to our visiting her.

8. My father thinks I am not capable of earning my own living.

9. He warned us that there was no point in our arriving half an hour earlier.

10. They were talking about her giving up the job and going to live in the country.


1. currency

2. bank

3. account

4. check

5. money

6. cash

7. pay

8. interest





1. – b 2. - b 3. - c 4. - b 5. - a 6. - c 7. - b 8. - a 9. - a 10. - c 11. - b 12. - b 13. - a 14. - b 15. - a



1. If you read this paragraph, you will see what I mean

2. If you drive down this street, you’ll see the shop to your left.

3. If you listen to him carefully, you’ll understand the rule.

4. If you follow the instructions, you’ll make it.

5. If you buy the food, we’ll pack the suitcases.

6. If you give me your pen, I’ll write it down for you.

7. If you go to the doctor, he’ll help you.

8. If you take a taxi, we won’t be late.

9. If you come to our place on Sunday, we’ll show you our garden.

10. If you get lost, ask somebody for directions.

11. If Jane phones me, ask her to leave a message.

12. If you don’t know some words, look them in the dictionary.

13. If he catches a cold, let me know.

14. If the take-away restaurants are open, go and get something for supper.

15. If Mary is at home, invite her to our party.

16. If you see Phil today, ask him to call me tomorrow.

17. If your mother is angry with you, apologize to her.



1. Агабекян И.П. Деловой английский. – Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2004.

2.Буданов С.І., Борисова А.О. Ділова англійська мова. – Харків, 2005.

3.Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка. – М.: «Логос», 2005.

4.Володина С.Л., Волокитина Г.А. и др. Деловой английский (интенсивный курс). – Свердловск: Внештогиздат, 1998.

5.Донченко Е.Н., Снеговая О.А. Английский язык для студентов нетехнических вузов. – Ростов-на- Дону, «Феникс», 2005.

6.Маслыко Е.А. Настольная книга преподавателя английского языка.- Минск, ВШ, 2003.

7.Шевелева С.А., Скворцова М.В. Деловая переписка на английском языке. – М., 2000.

8.Alexander L.A. Essay and Letter Writing. – Longman. 1999.

9.Ashby A. A Handbook of Commercial Correspondence. – OUP.

10.King F.W., Ann Gree D. English Business Letters. – М.: ВШ, 1994.

11.Lookianova N.A. The Businessman’s Companion. English for Business. – М.: ГИС, 2000.




Артьоменко О.І., каф. “Іноземні мови”, 1 семестр, для напрямку підготовки: 6.030402 “Правознавство”


1. Оберіть вірний варіант

He is…

d) Ukraine

e) Ukrainian

f) The Ukrainian

Оберіть вірний варіант

… is a long river.

a) The Volga

b) Volga

c) A Volga

Оберіть вірний варіант

She lives in…

a) The New York

b) New York

c) A New York

13. Оберіть вірний варіант

Nearly … passed.

a) an hour

b) a hour

c) hour

Оберіть вірний варіант

What time is it?- It’s two…

a) hours

b) hour

c) o’clock


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