Text 2 emotional intelligence 

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Text 2 emotional intelligence

Activity 2. Find antonyms or synonyms in a dictionary:

1) harmful 2) intolerant 3) intrapersonal 4) unflexible 5) ineffective 6) dishonesty 7) uncooperative 8) levelheaded 9) to reach a decision; resolve

Activity 3. Definitions:

1) intrapersonal skills 2) e mpathy 3) s tress tolerance 4) assertiveness 5) self actualization 6) s elf esteem 7) resilience 8) gratify

Activity 4. Possible questions:

1) What do many businesses utilize to help their employees measure their emotional responses to various situations?

2) Whom do they help measure their emotional responses to various situations?

3) Who utilizes EQ tests to help their employees measure their emotional responses to various situations?

4) Whose emotional responses to various situations do the EQ tests help measure?

5) What kind of responses do they help their employees measure?

6) What for do they utilize EQ tests?

Activity 5. Translation:

1) Do you think that emotional intelligence is really important?

2) Which soft skills do you think are the most important ones?

3) Do you think that assertiveness is a positive human quality?

4) Which of the EQ components do you think you possess?

5) Do you think you have an impulse control?

6) How do you think one can raise one’s self-esteem?



Activity 2. 1) accept 2) give 3) sorting 4) incorporate 5) cause

Activity 3. Mark the odd word:

1) accept 2) propose 3) sorting 4) incorporate 5) cause

Activity 4. Insert “accomplish”, “achieve” or “attain”:

1) He's attained a high level of knowledge.

2) I've accomplished a lot of work today.

3) I was in the military and attained the rank of captain.

4) He achieved his objective.

5) His initiative achieved national recognition.

6) I accomplished a lot today.

7) It takes a lot of time to accomplish such a goal.

Activity 5. Make up sentences:

1) It is important for the team members to get on well with each other.

2) It is normal for the team to make little progress during this stage.

3) It is natural for the team members to focus on each other instead of achieving the goal.

4) It is normal for the team members to be outside their comfort zones at this stage.

5) It is important for the team members not to be afraid to offer ideas and suggestions.

6) It is natural for the team members to accept each other's strengths and weaknesses.

7) It is important for the team members to accomplish their goals.

Activity 6. Paraphrase using the modal verbs should, have to, ought to, may:

1) The team members have to get on well with each other.

2) The team may make little progress during this stage.

3) The team members ought to focus on achieving the goal, not on each other.

4) The team members may be outside their comfort zones at this stage.

5) The team members should not be afraid to offer ideas and suggestions.

6) The team members have to accept each other's strengths and weaknesses.

7) The team members ought to accomplish their goals.

Activity 7: 1) C 2) B 3) A 4) D


Activity 8. Which team building stage do the following statements characterize?

1) F 2) N 3) S 4) N 5) F 6) P 7) F 8) S 9) P 10) N 11) S 12) S 13) P

Activity 10: a) storming b) performing c) forming d) norming


TV QUIZ 1c 2b 3a 4b 5d 6b 7b 8b 9c 10a 11c 12b 13c 14c 15a 16b 17b 18c 19d 20b


Activity 2: 1) B 2) G 3) C 4) E 5) F 6) A 7) D 8) H

Activity 3. Crossword:

Across: 2) recall 4) consistent 7) alternate 8) symbiosis 9) renowned Down: 1) perceptible 3) interleave 5) sworn 6) retrieve 7) awesome

Activity 4. Insert prepositions:

1) learn through book 2) strategies for learning 3) it turns out that 4) an expert on sth 5) to leak out 6) to learn in blocks 7) in its turn 8) in some respects

Activity 5. Make up sentences using the construction “ the more…the more ”:

1) The longer you wait, the more you will have forgotten.

2) The more you work, the more you learn.

3) The more you learn, the more awesome you can become.

4) The more difficult and involved the retrieval, the more beneficial it is.

5) The more you have to work to pull it from your mind, the more you will reinforce your learning.

6) The more you forget, the better you will learn upon recall.

7) The more you recall, the better you learn.

Activity 6. 1) F 2) NG 3) T 4) T 5) F 6) F 7) T 8) T 9) NG 10) T


Activities 2 - 3. 1) E 2) H 3) B 4) A 5) J 6) C 7) G 8) D 9) F 10) I

Activity 4. Tell the difference:

1) forever – for some time; 2) unpunished – lightly punished; 3) aware – hard working; 4) illegal – legal; 5) sth to discuss – sth to be acted upon.

Activity 5. Choose the correct verb form (if-clauses, un/real condition):

1) If everybody just knew the importance of knowledge in their lives, people wouldn't cheat either in universities or in schools.

2) If you have not learnt much in the university because you are a cheater, how will you perform well on your job?

3) If you cheat, you use knowledge that is not yours.

4) If you are caught cheating you will fail your exam.

5) If students didn’t get away with cheating they would hardly do it.

6) If teachers didn’t let cheaters off easy students would cheat less.

7) If you are successful the first time, the most probable thing is that you will repeat the act.

8) If you cheat, you will face serious consequences in the future.

Activity 6. 1) RC 2) RC 3) OC 4) OC 5) UC 6) OC 7) OC 8) UC

Activity 9. 1) C 2) A 3) B,C 4) B 5) A,C 6) A,C 7) A 8) B 9) A,B 10) A

Activity 12 (2).Watch the video and say what says about:

1) 30%; 64%

2) attending lectures doing HW studying revising taking a shortcut (cheating)

3) it’s unfair, morally unhealthy – your will cheat everywhere, low qualification, college reputation, image of the country

4) they turn a blind eye on cheaters



Activity 2. Fill in the table with appropriate derivatives:


Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
repetition repeat repeated repeatedly
circle circuit circularity circulation circle circulate circular circulatory ----
acquisition acquire acquired ---
preference prefer preferable preferably
spontaneity --- spontaneous spontaneously
requirement require required ---

Activity 4. 1) while 2) because 3) since 4) in addition to 5) whereas


Activity 5. Choose the correct connective:

1) I arrived late this morning otherwise I would have talked to him.

2) Peter has gone to America. I don't know if he will come today or not.

3) You can take my book provided you bring it back tomorrow.

4) You must remind him of it, otherwise he may forget.

5) Solange is very had-working whereas her brother is very lazy.

6) He was punished because he failed his exam.

7) I will never forgive him unless he apologizes.



TV QUIZ: 1a 2b 3a 4c 5c 6c 7a 8b 9b 10a 11b 12d 13d 14a 15b 16d 17c 18b 19a 20c


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