Read the dialogue, convert direct speech in indirect, sum up its content, write down the annotation. 

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Read the dialogue, convert direct speech in indirect, sum up its content, write down the annotation.

Commercial Banks in Ukraine

Foreigner: As far as I know, Ukraine has a two-tier banking system.

Ukrainian: Yes, our banking system consists of the Central Bank of Ukraine (CBU) and commercial banks, which is typical of many countries in the market economy.

F.: How do your commercial banks operate? Is the regulatory control strong enough?

U.: Banking in Ukraine is regulated by the Law on Banks and Banking in Ukraine. As to the CBU, it is constantly strengthening its regulatory and supervisory role. For instance, now banks can start operating only after they get registered and obtain a license from the CBU.

F: Your banking legislation provides for the existence of banks and credit institutions. How do they differ? U: Our credit institutions are only allowed to perform cash settlement operations, collect money and documents, buy and sell foreign currency.

F.: How are your banks run?

U.: It depends on the organizational and legal form of the bank. Banks with the authorized capital made up of contributions, have the status of limited liability societies. The founders' contributions may be in the form of money, property and other tangible assets. A joint-stock bank forms its authorized fund by issuing shares.

The governing body in a bank is a meeting of the founders or shareholders. Between the meetings, this function is performed by the bank's council. They determine the bank's policy.

Day-to-day management is carried out by the board, which is an executive body. The board is headed by the President. The board members determine the bank's structure and functions of its departments.

F.: In the West, bankers' services cover an enormous range of activities today. What about your banks?

U.: In principle, we offer practically the same services. All operations can be divided into active and passive. Passive operations are bank's resources consisting of a bank's own and outside funds. I mean the authorized capital, the reserve and special funds as well as the retained profit.

F: But the bulk of a bank's resources are formed by outside resources, in other words, loans obtained by the bank and deposits.

U.: You are right. Speaking about active operations, I'd like to stress that they are placement operations aimed to get a profit and guarantee a bank's liquidity. They are cash, credit and investment operations.

F.: What operations prevail in the assets structure?

U.: Lending operations. Their share is the largest.

F.: Then the loan management departments must be most careful with applicants.

U.: They are. They study creditworthiness of applicants and their credit history most carefully before they give recommendations to lending operations departments.

F.: Banks sometimes follow a risky credit policy. Are your banks tempted by quick and easy profits?

U.: They are. Moreover, sometimes they infringe normative docu­ments of the Central Bank, particularly about the capital and reserve requirements. Some banks also infringe rules for accounting and reporting and requirements for reserves for possible losses.

F.: What is the position of the Central Bank in this critical situation?

U.: Banks are controlled regularly for capital adequacy, asset quality and liquidity, I mean cash and "near cash" investments.

F.: Refinancing is a tested technique to regulate bank's liquidity. Your Central Bank arranges refinancing, doesn't it?

U.: Yes, it does. Refinancing is done by granting lombard credits, through sale and repurchase agreements (REPOs), and by crediting correspondent accounts of banks acting as primary dealers in the GKO market.

F.: I see that your financial sector is really developing at a great pace.

Words you may need:

Credit institution кредитна організація

cash settlement operations розрахунково-касові операції

founder засновник

contribution внесок

tangible assets матеріальні активи

outside funds кошти, які залучаються

retained profit прибуток, який нерозподілений

placement operations розміщення засобів

primary dealer первинний дилер, дилер по урядовим облігаціям

applicant заявник

worthiness кредитоспроможність

credit history «кредитна історія», досьє позичальника

tempt спокушати

infringe нарушати (правила, закони)



Unit 12


taxation оподаткування

tax on income прибутковий податок

tax on wages податок на заробітну плату

tax on salary податок на заробітну плату службовців

tax on profit податок на прибуток

tax on dividends податок на дивіденди

tax on rent податок на рентну плату

tax on interest податок на відсотковий прибуток

direct taxes прямі податки

indirect taxes непрямий податок

to give effect здійснювати, виконувати

to levy обкладати податком

to impose обкладати податком

after – tax income прибуток після утримання податків

to complete a return заповнювати податкову декларацію

to submit представляти

return податкова декларація



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