Look at the scheme and give the examples of enterprises in your town. Answer the questions. 

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Look at the scheme and give the examples of enterprises in your town. Answer the questions.

Socially-owned enterprise державне підприємство
State-owned enterprise державне підприємство
Unitary state and municipal enterprises державні та муніципальні унітарні підприємства
To run an enterprise керувати підприємством
To set up an enterprise організувати підприємство



1. What type of enterprise do you want to have?

2. Would you like to be a director of socially-owned enterprise? Why?

3. Is it difficult to run a large-scale enterprise?

4. What do you think, is it difficult to set up an enterprise? What is necessary for this process?


Grammar exercises

Form three degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs.

Low, high, great, fast, effective, efficient, attractive, good, bad, little, many, reliable, limited, soon, quickly, often, slowly, much, well, significant.

Use the words in the brackets in the required form and translate the sentences.

1. The Government economic policies are directed towards the achievement of (high) and stable levels of growth employment, enabling everyone to share in (high) living standards and (great) job opportunities.

2. Growth slowed during 1998, with a (slow) rise in domestic demand.

3. Recent decades have generally seen the (fast) growth in the services sector.

4. The level of productivity in the UK has been (low) than in many other industrialized countries.

5. Spending on leisure pursuits and tourism, health and financial service have all shown (significant) growth in recent years.


Form Participle I from the following verbs.


To go, to talk, to plan, to offer, to improve, to change, to starve.


Put the verbs in the Present Continuous and Past Indefinite where it is necessary.

1. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

2. I (to go) to be talking this morning about a new product which we (to plan) to launch in two month time.

3. It is called KOOL-OUT.

4. It is a lemon-flavoured drink.

5. As you remember we (to stop) producing lemonade two years ago.

6. Now we (to offer) a similar drink with an improved flavour, packaging and design.

7. In England an economist named Thomas R. Malthus saw that most of his countrymen (to starve).

8. Malthus felt conditions could only get worse, because population (to increase) geometrically, while food supplies (to increase) only slowly.

9. As the demand for fish goes up, the price goes up as well, because people (to will) to pay more.


a) Make 2nd, 6th, 7th, 8th sentences negative and interrogative.

Translate sentences with Participle I.

1. Adam Smith pictured farmers working long hours growing food to sell locally and to other countries.

2. He pictured business people working long hours to make shoes, tools.

3. Smith believed that people would work hard if they knew they could make a lot of money by doing so.

4. Knowing that their resources are limited, people make a decision how to allocate them in the best possible ways.




provision забезпечення

saver вкладник

turnover оборотність

borrower позичальник

to comprise включати, охоплювати, утримувати

estimate оцінка, кошторис

tax податок

forecasting прогнозування

intermediary посередник

economic entity економічний суб’єкт

unit of government державна організація

surplus надлишок

thrift institution ощадна установа

mutual fund взаємній фонд

financial flows фінансові потоки

encouragement підтримка, стимулювання, заохочення

implementation здійснення

adequate planning розумне планування


Find the nouns in the word list and put them in alphabetical order.

Work with the a list of new words as in the example(students have to name words by heart)

Student A: scarce

Student B: raw materials

Find antonyms to the following words.

Deficit, punishment, unreasonable, mistaken, absence, secondary, insignificant, finish, war, owner, convenient.


Find the verbs and put them in alphabetical order.


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