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The principle of operation of the aircraft display system

The pilots are provided with controls, with which they select display range and mode (for example, map or compass rose) and enter data (such as selected heading).

Where inputs by the pilot are used by other equipment, data buses broadcast the pilot's selections so that the pilot only needs to enter the selection once. For example, the pilot selects the desired level-off altitude on a control unit. The EFIS repeats this selected altitude on the PFD and by comparing it with the actual altitude (from the air data computer) generates an altitude error display. This same altitude selection is used by the automatic flight control system to level off, and by the altitude alerting system to provide appropriate warnings.

The EFIS visual display is produced by the symbol generator. This receives data inputs from the pilot, signals from sensors, and EFIS format selections made by the pilot. The symbol generator can go by other names, such as display processing computer, display electronics unit, etc.

The symbol generator does more than generate symbols. It has (at the least) monitoring facilities, a graphics generator and a display driver. Inputs from sensors and controls arrive via data buses, and are checked for validity. The required computations are performed, and the graphics generator and display driver produce the inputs to the display units.

Like personal computers, flight instrument systems need power-on-self-test facilities and continuous self-monitoring. Flight instrument systems, however, need additional monitoring capabilities:

Input validation — verify that each sensor is providing valid data

Data comparison — cross check inputs from duplicated sensors

Display monitoring — detect failures within the instrument system

Traditional (electromechanical) displays were equipped with synchro mechanisms which would transmit, to an instrument comparator, the pitch, roll and heading that were actually being shown on the Captain's and First Officer's instruments. The comparator warned of excessive differences between the Captain and First Officer displays. Even a fault as far downstream as a jam in, say, the roll mechanism of an ADI would trigger a comparator warning.

The instrument comparator thus provided both comparator monitoring and display monitoring.

An EFIS display allows no easy re-transmission of what is shown on the display. What is required is a new approach to display monitoring that provides safety equivalent to that of the traditional system. One solution is to keep the display unit as simple as possible, so that it is unable to introduce errors. The display unit either works or does not work. A failure is always obvious, never insidious. Now the monitoring function can be shifted upstream to the output of the symbol generator.

In this technique, each symbol generator contains two display monitoring channels. One channel, the internal, samples the output from its own symbol generator to the display unit and computes, for example, what roll attitude should produce that indication. This computed roll attitude is then compared with the roll attitude input to the symbol generator from the INS or AHRS. Any difference has probably been introduced by faulty processing, and triggers a warning on the relevant display.

The external monitoring channel carries out the same check on the symbol generator on the other side of the flight deck: the Captain's symbol generator checks the First Officer's, the First Officer's checks the Captain's. Whichever symbol generator detects a fault, puts up a warning on its own display.

The external monitoring channel also checks sensor inputs (to the symbol generator) for reasonableness. A spurious input, such as a radio height greater than the radio altimeter's maximum, results in a warning.


I. Знайдіть інформацію та дайте розгорнуту відповідь на питання: в чому полягає принцип дії системи індикації літака?

II. Знайдіть англійські еквіваленти до настуаних слів:

1. Висотомір

2. Авіагоризонт

3. покажчик швидкості

4. магнітний компас

5. індикатор шляхового кута

6. вертикальний індикатор швидкості

7. індикатор курс відхилення

8. радіо магнітний покажчик

9. Трасування

10. Вимірювання

11. Підніматися

12. Просування

13. повернення.


Практичне заняття 10

Лексичні одиниці:

Collision - зіткнення

avoidance - ухилення

ground-based equipment - наземне обладнання

threat - загроза

imminent - неминучий

to reduce - зменшити

to define - визначати

separation - розділення

assurance - впевненість

annex - додаток

to prevent - запобігати-

implementation - реалізація

transponder - ретранслятор

abilitiy - здатність

to detect - виявити

attempt - спроба

deficiency - дефіцит

augmentation - збільшення

saturation - насиченість

density - щільність

submission - подання

request - запит



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