Методические указания к использованию словарей 

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Методические указания к использованию словарей

в процессе самостоятельной работы

Существующие словари делятся на две группы: энциклопедические и лингвистические. Энциклопедические словари описывают и объясняют явления, предметы, события. Лингвистические словари дают характеристику слова как единицы языка. Это могут быть одноязычные словари (толковые, этимологические, орфографические, иностранных слов, синонимов, неологизмов, и др.) и двуязычные словари.

Двуязычные словари, в отличие от толковых, одноязычных словарей, содержащих объяснение значений каждого слова, дают перевод слов на другой язык. Наиболее часто вам придется пользоваться словарями, содержащими общеупотребительную лексику и ее перевод. При работе над текстами по специальности вам могут потребоваться словари специальных терминов по менеджменту, экономике и им подобные.

Мы не рекомендуем пользоваться небольшими англо-русскими и русско-английскими словарями, где слово содержит лишь одно или два соответствия в другом языке, и нет примеров его употребления. Они плохие помощники при переводе.

Наиболее известный и популярный англо-русский словарь, составленный В.К. Мюллером, содержит 70 000 слов и выражений. Словарная статья в этом словаре состоит из следующих частей:

1) заголовочное (стержневое) слово;

2) фонетическая транскрипция слова;

3) грамматическая помета (указание, какой частью речи является слово);

4) функционально-стилистическая или экспрессивная помета;

5) перевод слова;

6) свободные словосочетания, в которых реализуются различные значения слова;

7) фразеологические единицы, относящиеся к этому слову.


Омонимы (разные по значению слова, имеющие одинаковое звучание) обозначены в словаре Мюллера римскими цифрами, отдельные значения – арабскими. Оттенки значений отделены точкой с запятой, русские синонимы (равнозначные слова) – запятой. Выбор русского соответствия английскому слову зависит от контекста.

Прежде чем найти перевод лексической единицы в словаре, определите, какой частью речи является незнакомое слово. Найдите в словаре страницу с нужной словарной статьей и грамматической пометой (n – существительное, adv – наречие, attr – прилагательное, cj – союз, int – междометие, num – числительное, v – глагол, pron – местоимение, p.p. – причастие прошедшего времени). Полный список помет–сокращений вы найдете в начале словаря. Затем, исходя из контекста, выберите из имеющихся соответствий нужное слово или словосочетание. Например, в предложениях: A yard is less than a meter. The timber factory had two big yards. Tom is going to yard the cattle tonight. «Yard» переводится разными словами в зависимости от того, о чем идет речь: Ярд меньше метра. Эта деревообрабатывающая фабрика имела два лесных склада. Том собирается загнать скот на двор.

yard I n 1) ярд (= 3 футам, или 914,4 мм); 2) мор. рей.

yard II 1. n 1) двор; 2) лесной склад 3) ж.-д. парк; сортировочная станция; 4) загон; 5) (the Y.) = Scotland Yard

2. v загонять (скотину на двор)


Чтобы быстро найти нужное слово в словаре, разделите словарь на четыре части, слова, начинающиеся с a, b, c, d находятся в первой части; слова на e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l – во второй четверти; в третьей части – слова на m, n, j, p, q, r; и в последней части – слова, начинающиеся с t, u, v, w, x, y, z. Открывайте словарь сразу в нужной части.

Обращайте внимание на пометы, стоящие в словаре после английских слов, например, «книжн.», «поэт.», «разг.». Они указывают на принадлежность данного слова к тому или иному стилю. Пометы могут указывать на происхождение или область употребления слова: «амер.», «спорт», «арх.» (архитектура). Подобные пометы, особенно относящиеся к специальному значению многозначных слов, помогают найти правильное значение слова в контексте. Например, четыре значения слова story являются общими для Англии и Америки, но пятое – газетный материал – существует только в американском английском и имеет помету «амер.».

При пользовании англо-русским словарем вы можете столкнуться с тем, что ни одно из приведенных в словаре соответствий не подходит. В таком случае вы можете взять за основу одно из приведенных в словаре значений и вывести, отталкиваясь от него, искомое значение слова в данном контексте; или сопоставив все приводимые значения, вывести общее, более широкое значение и исходя из него, дать правильный перевод слова.





1. Выполните письменно упражнения 2, 3, 4, 7, 9 [Трампинская О.В., Акоева Н. А., Шкулина И. Г. Практический курс английской грамматики.Хабаровск, 2004]


2. Прочтите и переведите письменно текст, выпишите транскрипцию и перевод слов, значение которых вы не знаете.



I come from a large family. This is my family: my mother, my father, my brother, and I.

My mother is a housewife and she has a lot of work to do about the house. She is really very busy every day.

My father is an engineer. He works at a large factory. He is fond of his work because it is very interesting.

My brother is a student. He is twenty-two. He is not married. He is working very hard as he dreams of being a doctor after graduating the University. He is going to get a well-paid job. His hobby is reading detective stories. He also loves jogging and the English language.

Now, a few words about myself. I am a first year student at the University. I am twenty. I am working hard because the correspondence program offers lots of hours for self education. Every day I like to watch programs on TV, such as EuvroNews in English, read newspapers. I have a few pen friends in New York and Los Angelos.

We keep pets at home. They are a dog, Bush, and a cat, Betty. We all take care of our pets and like to watch them. Our pets are very funny and we love them all.



3. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим предложениям:

1. Моя семья большая.

2. Моя мама домохозяйка.

3. Он очень любит свою работу потому, что она интересная.

4. Мой брат студент.

5. Он очень старательный, т.к. его мечта стать врачом после окончания университета.

6. Его хобби – чтение детективов.

7. А сейчас хочу рассказать немного о себе.

8. Я студентка первого курса.

9. У нас есть домашние животные.

10. Мы заботимся о своих животных и любим наблюдать за ними.


4. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What family do you come from?

2. What is your mother?

3. Is your mother busy?

4. What is your father?

5. Where does he work?

6. Is his job interesting?

7. Have you got any sisters or brothers?

8. How old is your sister (brother)?

9. What is she (he)?

10. Have you got a niece or a nephew?

11. What do you do?

12. Why do you work hard?

13. What is your hobby?

14. Have you any pet at home?

15. Are you married?


5. Расскажите о своих родственниках, используя лексику в таблице.


Member of a family Age Hobby Profession
Mum   Languages Pupil
Dad   Literature Teacher
Granny   Gardening Dentist
My elder sister   Traveling Secretary
My elder brother   Car-driving Worker
My niece   Cooking Housewife
My cousin   Leaning Salesgirl


6. Подберите к словам из левой колонки соответствующие им дефиниции.

1. Family 2. Mother 3. Father 4. Relative 5. Genealogy 6. Daughter 7. Brother 8. Family tree 10. Twins   a. study of family generations b. male child of the same parents c. member of a family d. two children born at the same time of the same mother who look very similar e. diagram showing the development of a family over a long period of time f. female parent g. female child of a parents h. group of people who are closely related: mother, father and their children i. male parent



7. Подберите к словам из левой колонки соответствующие им дефиниции.

1. marriage 2. wedding 3. adoption 4. divorce 5. spouse 6. widow(er) 7. husband 8. wife 9. bachelor 10. spinster а. husband or wife b. unmarried woman, usually, middle-aged c. man who is married to a certain woman d. married ceremony e. woman to whom a man is married f. legal separation of husband and wife leaving each free to remarry g. an unmarried man h. state of being legally joined as husband and wife i. woman whose husband has died, man whose wife has died j. legal taking of an orphan-child as your own



8. Будьте готовы рассказать о себе и о своей семье.


9. Прочитайте один из текстов, выпишите транскрипцию и перевод незнакомых слов.



А. My future profession

My plans are to become a manager. No organization can exist without management. Its goal is to organize effective work and achieve good results. Management uses human and material resources. The job of a manager is first to determine what is to be done and how this should be done. His goal is to insure the success of the company.

There are five functions of management: planning, organizing, controlling, staffing and directing. So every manager plans, organizes the people, finances, materials and chooses the methods. He also organizes human resources not only for the present but also for the future work. He directs, giving the tasks to the right people and giving authority to some of them. He coordinates the work and controls it. His job is also to evaluate the work formally and informally, stimulating the employees. He is also responsible for the budget.

A manager is the leader of his people, he motivates and communicates. He develops people, developing himself. He needs development as a person and as an administrator.



Psychology is a very important subject for us because we chose Social work as our major. After our graduation we are going to be social workers. Social work is a comparatively young profession in our country. But, it strengthens its position in the society as we study foreign experience, conduct research and join together our efforts to promote the profession.

Social work as practical activity is directed to the support, personality development and reabilitation of a man. Social workers help all types of people at every stage of life. Social workers make an invaluable contribution to their communities and the nation.

A social worker should be honest, active, communicative, ready to help people. Communication is one of the main instruments of professional activity of a social worker.

C. How to Be Happy

I am going to be a pscychologist and my dream is to help people. I would like to tell you some words about things that make you happy.

Whatever makes you happy – as long as it doesn’t hurt you or hurt someone else – do it.

Schedule pleasant activity into your life as you schedule unpleasant things. Some people think that happiness just happens, and, yes, to a degree that’s true. But happiness has a better chance of happening in situations you generally find enjoyable. Experienced positive focusers can find happiness in a garbage pile, but even experienced positive focusers find it easier to find happiness at a museum (or reading a good book, or watching a good TV program, or at the beach or…).

Make a list of the things you enjoy doing. Do these things often. actively pursuing happiness may be the same as actively pursuing health.


10. Составьте письменно шесть вопросов к прочитанному тексту.


11. Прочитайте и переведите текст устно, составьте словарь незнакомых слов:


The Beatles

Liverpool is the hometown of the Beatles. They were all born in Liverpool. The citizens of Liverpool are proud of their famous countrymen.

The Beatles Story Museum was founded by Ringo Starr in April 1984 in Liverpool. In the museum halls, you can see The Beatle’s films, books and magazines about these world-known singers. You can also buy different souvenirs, stamps, plates and cups with The Beatles’ portraits, or records and cassettes with their songs.You can listen to their songs here as well.

John Lennon, the organizer and the leader of the ensemble, was born on the 9th of October 1940 in Liverpool. John’s father, Alfred worked as a waiter on ships. John’s mother’s name was Julia; she was kind and cheerfull. John lived with his mother only for 18 months. His father was thought to have died at sea, so Julia re-married. This is why John was brought up by his aunt Mary, Julia’s elder sister. She was kind and clever, but very strict. She loved little John very much. Her greatest wish was to give John education. He enjoyed painting, reading but the teachers didn’t like him because John wouldn’t follow the strict rules. His mother bought a guitar for her son and John spent a lot of hours playing different melodies.

One day he had the idea to organize a band. The group was formed and began playing at home and school parties, birthday parties and street holidays. John became acquainted with Paul McCartney at one of the holidays in 1956. John Lennon once said that the story of the Beatles had begun on that day when he had met Paul McCartney.

James Paul McCartney was born on June 18, 1942. His mother Mary was a nurse in one of the hospitals. She was a very reserved, patient, diplomatic woman. His father James McCartney was 9 years older than his mother. He was an employer. Paul had a younger brother Michel. They were good friends. People called them twins.

At school Paul found out that he was left handed. The McCartneys loved music. His father often played the piano at home. Paul was 13 years old when his mother died. The boy and his father felt a terrible loss. Paul asked his father to buy him a guitar. He had to rearrange the strings on his guitar because he played with his left hand. He was fond of rock’n’roll and Elvis Presley. Later Paul McCartney joined Lennon’s group. The two began to compose songs together and it was those songs that drew the people’s attention to them. Their first professional concerts were in Hamburg, Germany. They found a manager Brian Epstein, who gave them a new clean image. He tried to get them a record company deal, but no one would take them on at first. Finally, a small company released “Love me do”.

George Harrison was born on February 12, 1943, in a big and friendly family. There were four children in the family, of which George was the youngest. He was a very obedient child. He helped old people and took care of animals. He was a very good student at school. George taught himself to play the guitar with a book. He couldn’t play well at first, and his fingers got bloody. With the help of his mother he was able to learn to play the guitar. One day he met Paul McCartney, he became the leading guitarist of the group.

Ringo Starr was born on July 7, 1940. He was very sociable. He joined the group in summer 1962. Thus the group was formed. The Beatles changed pop music for ever. There are many people in Russia who are fans of this group.

Note: * На занятии при проверке этого задания можно пользоваться составленным вами словарем.



Примерные вопросы по зачетным темам

About Yourself

1. Were you born in Khabarovsk?

2. What school did you finish and when?

3. Do you live with your parents or rent a room?

4. Did you have good grades at school?

5. Did you leave school last year?

6. Was it difficult to enter the University?

7. How many entrance exams did you take?

8. What is your major?

9. Are you a correspondence student?

10. What was your favorite subject at school?

11. Is English difficult for you?

12. When did you decide to become a student of this university?

13. Do you have a close friend? What does your friend do?

14. What is your hobby?

15. Are you a sociable person?

16. You are a communicative type, aren’t you?

17. Why did you choose this profession?

18. What is your favorite place in Khabarovsk?

19. Where do you like to walk?

About Your Family

1. Is your family large?

2. Do you have brothers or sisters?

3. Do you have any relatives in Khabarovsk?

4. What are your parents? Are they teachers?

5. Are you married? Are you going to get married soon?

6. Is your family friendly?

7. What family traditions do you have?



Контрольная работа № 1 предусматривает усвоение следующих разделов: имя существительное и его категории, словообразование, имя прилагательное и его категории, местоимение (личные, притяжательные указательные, возвратно-усилительные), глаголы to be и to have, времена группы Indefinite.

Задание 1.

Образуйте форму множественного числа от следующих существительных. Переведите их на русский язык.

Образец выполнения: a countryстрана, countriesстраны; a continentконтинент, continentsконтиненты.


A century, a society, an organism, a system, a woman, a problem, a way, a science, a factory, a man, a wolf, an ocean, a boy, a sandwich, a dress.


Задание 2.

Перепишите и переведите на русский язык словосочетания с существительными в притяжательном падеже или с предлогом «of».

Образец выполнения: my father's carмашина моего отца;

participants of the conferenceучастники конференции.


(А) 1. My friend's dog (В) 1. The world's cities

2. My sisters' room 2. Lake Baikal's unusually clear water

3. His uncle's children 3. The country's most prestigious universities

4. This teacher's table 4. The city's life

5. That old lady's cats

6. Her brother's wife

(C) 1. The United States of America

2. Groups of people

3. Some aspects of the problem

4. In the Far East of Russia

5. The fauna of the Khabarovsk Territory


Задание 3.

Перепишите следующие существительные, подчеркните в них суффиксы и префиксы, переведите на русский язык.

Образец выполнения: constitutionконституция; inflationинфляция.


Relation, environment, transformation, tourism, a teacher, a hunter, calculation, development, a musician, a chemist, freedom, purity, fitness, measure, gymnastics, a government, self-regulation, an undergraduate, subtropics, subdivision, an ex-minister.


Задание 4.

Перепишите предложения, вставьте артикли там, где они необходимы. Переведите на русский язык.


1.... Los Angeles in... USA and... Osaka in... Japan are the air pollution champions among industrial cities.

2.... Amur is one of the longest rivers of... world.

3.... Blue whale can weigh over 125 tons.

4.... Whales are now in great danger.

5. Blue whales spend about eight months in... Antarctic waters.


Задание 5.

Перепишите следующие прилагательные, подчеркните в них суффиксы, переведите на русский язык.

Образец выполнения: activeактивный.


Natural, possible, various, bluish, agricultural, ecological, dangerous, atomic, domestic, Russian, poisonous, noisy, harmful, luxuriant, different, attractive, reckless, toxic, valuable, beautiful, decisive, remarkable.


Задание 6.

Перепишите следующие предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на степени сравнения прилагательных. Подчеркните прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степенях.

Образец выполнения:

The blue whale is the world's largest animal. – Голубой кит – самое крупное животное в мире.


1. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.

2. We can help you solve this problem in the best possible way.

3. Many young Americans believe that having a degree will help them obtain a higher salary on their first job.

4. One of his most famous works is "Water Music".

5. How you decorate the walls of your room may make the room seem wider or narrower.


Задание 7.

Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите на русский язык. Подчеркните местоимения, определите их разряд.

Образец выполнения:

You can translate this text by yourself.

Вы можете перевести этот текст сами. You – личное; this –указательное; yourself – возвратное.


1. Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are.

2. Her books are famous for their humor.

3. It is hard to predict all consequences of the changes that are taking place mm about the Amur.

4. Don't spit into the well, you may want to drink out of it.

5. This great musician and composer was born in Germany.

6. Here you can see a lizard warming itself in the sun in the Pacific Ocean.

7. Shakespeare died in 1616. His memorial in Westminster Abbey was егесted in 1740.


Задание 8.

Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык? обращая внимание на временную форму и способы перевода глаголов «to be» и «to have». Подчеркните эти глаголы.

Образец выполнения:

All cats are grey in the dark. – В темноте все кошки серые.


1. I am never late.

2. If you know so much you will be old too soon. (A proverb)

3. Charlotte, Emily and Anne Bronte were the daughters of a poor Irish Clergyman.

4. The names of some American states are of Indian origin.

6. Is this college a public institution or a private one? If it is private, is it a religious school?

7. Let's have a rest!

8. We had two English lessons last week.


Задание 9.

Перепишите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод глагола-сказуемого, выраженного временем Indefinite, и подчеркните его.

Образец выполнения:

The appetite comes with eating. – Аппетит приходит во время еды.


1. Time will show.

2. Charlotte Bronte wrote her masterpiece "Jane Eyre" in 1847.

3. The United States does not have a national (federal) school system.

4. In 1853 New Caledonia became a colony of the French Empire.

5. If you run after two hares, you will kill neither.


Задание 10.

Прочтите и переведите текст. Ответьте на вопросы к нему.



Mum and I came to London from the Philippines when I was ten. I loved my life and friends in London. The only thing I didn't like was our flat - it was noisy, and it had only one room. When I was 13, Mum decided to move to the north of England. My friends had a goodbye party for me. It was lovely but I cried because I was worried about starting again in a new school. I've still got the pencil case they gave me as a leaving present*.

When we arrived at our new house in the country, I couldn't believe how much space there was. I've got my own bedroom and I've painted it blue - my favourite colour. School was difficult at first because some girls treated me badly. I couldn't understand why, and I felt sad and lonely. But I've made some good friends now and I just don't talk to others.

I like this part of the country now. I love the peaceful, wide open spaces and beautiful countryside. I sometimes miss London, but then I talk to Mum and she helps me see things aren't so bad. My advice to anyone who has to leave their friends** is not to worry too much. You might even start liking your new home. I did.

Note: *a leaving present – прощальный подарок; **who has to leave their friends – кому приходится расставаться с друзьями.


Ответьте на вопросы

1. How old was the girl when she came to London?

2. Where did she come from?

3. Did Maria like to go to school in London?

4. Where did Maria and her mother move to?

5. Why was school difficult at first?

6. What is her advice to anyone who has to leave their friends?




1. Прочитайте, найдите в словаре транскрипцию и русский эквивалент слов, значение которых вы не знаете. Устно переведите текст.



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