How do you find these ideas? Use the table to make your own sentences and express your opinion. 

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How do you find these ideas? Use the table to make your own sentences and express your opinion.

EXAMPLE: In my opinion, the idea of performing operations in this way is quite new.


the idea compiling new important

the method programmes simple

the way exploring space is specific

the purpose calculating the seems very obvious

the necessity of dimensions appeared quite modern

the importance supervising sounds rather necessary

the technique robots proved strange



using robots

gathering data


10. a) Say if it is impossible (hard, difficult, easy, etc.) to do these things.

EXAMPLE: to carry out underwater welding / to use robots

It is hardly possible to carry out underwater welding without using robots.

to calculate at high speed / to apply a computer

to make further experiments / to estimate the results obtained

to control this robot / to reprogramme

to make the robot move / to use actuators

to make exact measurements / to use a laser

to apply new technologies in industry / to test them first

b) Name 5 actions we cannot live without.

Insert prepositions (at, of, without, instead of) if necessary.

1. People get tired... doing the same work for a long time.

2. Science is worth... developing.

3. Intelligent machines are clever... performing various tasks.

4. What is the use... creating playing robots?

5. You had better check the calculations... doing another test.

6. Quick processing of information is impossible... applying


7. They suggest... using another actuator.

Correct mistakes in the following sentences.

1. I know everything of their researched artificial intelligence.

2. Scientists invented a new way investigating space.

3. The engineers object-carrying out the experiment.

4. He will be quite capable to do all the calculations by himself.

5. The idea of use robots for performing difficult tasks is extremely old.

6. Do you mind of my testing the new robot?

7. Without analyse evidence you will result in making mistakes.


Translate the sentences into English using your active vocabulary.

1. Чи варто купувати це устаткування? - Так, безумовно. Я та ж наполягаю на його покупці.

2. Робот - це пристрій, здатний виконувати дії самостійно.

3. Якщо вас цікавить виконання підрахунків, вам краще використовувати персональний комп'ютер.

4. При аналізі даних дослідники отримали цікаві результати.

5. Складання програми - завдання досить складне.

6. Даний метод вирішення цієї проблеми є найкращим.

7. Це відкриття привело до здобуття дуже важливих даних.

You already know quite a lot about robots. Discuss the following

Questions with your friend.

1. What is a robot?

2. What does the word 'robot' mean?

3. When did first robots appear?

4. What are the most common applications of robots today?

Read the text attentively to find something new about robots.

Robots in Perspective

If you think robots belong to space movies, think again. Right now, all over the world, robots are on the move. Putting chocolates into boxes, walking into live volcanoes, driving trains in Paris and defusing bombs in Northern Ireland are their common tasks. Today's robots are doing more and more things humans can't do or don't want to do.

The idea of creating an intelligent

machine is very old. Homer described gold

girls, mechanical helpers built by

Hephaistos, the Greek god of smiths. In

1495, Leonardo da Vinci designed

a mechanical man. But only the invention

of transistors and integrated circuits in the

1950s and 1960s made real robots possible.

Compact, reliable electronics and computers

added brains to already existing machines. In 1959, researchers

demonstrated the possibility of robotic manufacturing ashtrays.

The Czech word 'robota', meaning hard work, was first used by

the writer Karel Chapek in the story where robots are invented to

help people by performing simple tasks, but being used to fight wars,

they turn on their human masters and take over the world.

There's no precise definition of a robot. It is normally defined as a programmable machine imitating an intelligent creature. Getting information from its surroundings and doing something physical (moving or manipulating objects) qualify a machine as a robot.

Name a boring or dangerous job. Somewhere, a robot is probably doing it. Robots are ideal for doing jobs that require repetitive, precise and fast movements. Robots are good at doing the same thing without asking for a safe working environment, salary, breaks, food and sleep, without getting bored or tired, without making mistakes. Factories are so highly automated that most human workers carry out only supervising and maintaining the robots.

People keep finding new uses for robots - making and packing drugs and foods, soldering tiny wires to semiconductor chips, inserting integrated circuits onto printed circuit boards used in electronics, working in radioactive "hot zones", exploring space.

All work and no play make anyone dull - even a robot. Soccer-playing robots gather each year at RoboCup, an international event collecting over 100 teams from 35 countries. Robotic players use radio signals to coordinate their actions with their teammates. Teams are placed in divisions based on size, ranging from the size of a pizza box. By 2050, the organizers of RoboCup count on developing a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots that can beat the human world champion team in soccer.


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