Problem of Tyumen state University graduates’ competitiveness on the global labour market 

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Problem of Tyumen state University graduates’ competitiveness on the global labour market

The Russian Federation is an important member of the international labor market. That is why the Russian system of education should meet the criteria of world labour demand. But our system of education and Western one are not similar, which leads to the difference in students’ knowledge and skills acquired. The article deals with the question if our students can be competitive on the global labor market.

To be able to answer this question I conducted a survey among 300 students from 6 countries: Russia, Argentina, France, Hungary, Italy, Belgium. Students had to prioritize skills and abilities relying on their expectations of requirements on the labour market. The results were compared with the research of National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).

In 2015 the NACE, non-profit group that links college career placement offices with employers, ran a survey from mid-August through early October in which it asked hiring managers what skills and abilities they plan to prioritize when they recruit from the class of 2015 at colleges and graduate schools. NACE collected respondents from just 260 employers. NACE gave each skill a rating on a 5-point scale, where 5 was extremely important, 4 was very important, 3 was somewhat important, etc. The results in order from the most important to the less important are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

The results of NACE’s research [1]


  Ability to work in a team structure
  Ability to make decisions and solve problems
  Ability to communicate verbally with people inside and outside an organization
  Ability to plan, organize and prioritize work
  Ability to obtain and process information
  Ability to analyze quantitative data
  Technical knowledge related to the job
  Proficiency with computer software programs
  Ability to create and/or edit written reports
  Ability to sell and influence others


Employers’ expectations can be based on the results of NACE research. But do students know what skills are they expected to have? Our questionnaire was made to compare 3 points: 1) employers’ point of view and Tyumen State University (TSU) students’ predictions of skills that are needed, 2) TSU students’ predictions of required skills and what TSU graduates learnt, 3) how students of foreign universities and colleges prioritize those hard and soft skills, where hard skills are specific, teachable abilities that can be defined and measured, whereas soft skills are character traits and interpersonal skills that characterize a person's relationships with other people.

The comparison of NACE’s results and the survey conducted among TSU students has shown that students mostly rely on technical knowledge that University is supposed to give. Though students quite clearly understand what they need to know and be able to do to be successful candidates. [Table 2]

Table 2

Results of the survey conducted among current TSU students

  Skills and abilities %
  Technical knowledge related to the job 67,4
  Making decisions and problem solving 64,6
  Communication skills  
  Obtaining and processing information  
  Planning and organizing work process 47,8
  Working in a team 42,4
  Proficiency with computer software programs  
  Analyzing quantitative data 32,6
  Ability to sell and influence others  
  Writing reports  


Table 3 contains ranked results of the survey among TSU graduates about what skills and abilities they got during studying in TSU. One of the most important differences is that hard skills prevail over soft skills. Among them is an “ability to make decisions and solve problems” that is marked as one of the most important skills.

Table 3

Skills that TSU develops

  Skills and abilities %
  Technical knowledge related to the job 47,9
  Working in a team 46,7
  Communication skills 42,4
  Analyzing quantitative data 40,2
  Obtaining and processing information  
  Making decisions and problem solving 30,4
  Planning and organizing work process 29,3
  Writing reports 21,7
  Proficiency with computer software programs 19,6
  Ability to sell and influence others 14,1


As we can see, less than a half of graduates (47,9%) are not even satisfied with technical knowledgethat University is supposed to give. At the moment, graduates blame TSU for poor knowledge. To prevent such problems, Universities have to teach not only some educational material but also how to study beyond the curriculum. Then graduates should be more responsible for their educational process.

In addition, the Russian system of education is more theoretical than practical. Students learn much more than they could ever use in practice [4]. That is why students expect their knowledge to be required on the labour market.

At the same time, students of western universities could be more demanded because the skills they developed mostly meet employers’ requirements. As students understand what they should be able to do so they manage their education and self-education in order to be competitive on the global labour market. [Table 4]

Table 4

Expectations of foreign universities students of labour market requirements

  Skills %
  Making decisions and problem-solving  
  Obtaining and processing information 81,3
  Communication skills 80,4
  Working in a team 78,1
  Planning and organizing work process 76,7
  Analyzing quantitative data  
  Technical knowledge related to the job 74,9
  Ability to sell and influence others 54,2
  Proficiency with computer software programs 53,4
  Writing reports  

Expectations of foreign universities students of labour market requirements

According to the results of comparison Russian universities’ curriculum is aimed at students’ acquiring technical knowledge rather than developing an ability to make decisions and solve problems, which is mostly required from graduates.

In conclusion, the problem of discrepancy may be overcome by integrating new educational methods into the existing system. Organizing special courses for developing professional competences, using different kinds of knowledge testing, applying case-study method in educational process can result in developing problem solving skills as most important for current graduates of Russia’s universities, thus increasing their competitiveness on the international labour market.



1. Forbes magazine [Web source]: URL: (reference date of 13.04.16)

2. Investopedia Online Dictionary [Web source]: URL: (reference date of 13.04.16)

3. Investopedia Online Dictionary [Web source]: URL: (reference date of 13.04.16)

4. Yusmanov I. Problems of the Russian system of education [Web source]: URL: (reference date of 13.04.16)


Filyushina Maria

Savina Kristina

Students of the TSU

Economic faculty

Group 36E142

N.N. Kazantseva

Senior lecturer

Tyumen State University


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