Answer the following questions basing your answers on the text 

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Answer the following questions basing your answers on the text


1 When was the OSU founded?

2 How many faculties are at the University?

3 What are they?

4 What are the departments?

5 When do students take their tests and exams?

6 Whom does the University recruit?

7 What does the University campus consist of?

8 What facilities does the University provide students with?

9 Has the University its own newspaper?



Listen to the dialogues and then read them

A. How are you getting on at the University?

B. I am doing well, thank you. And where do you study?

A. I study at the OSU.

B. What faculty are you in?

A. Economics and Finance. It seems very interesting to me.

B. Oh, yes it is.


A. What year are you in?

B. I am a fresher.

A. Do you study full time?

B. Yes, I do. And I carry out research too.

A. Do you really?


A. What's wrong? What are you so unhappy about?

B. I failed mathematics.

A. Oh, I expected that much. You work in fits and starts.

B. I'll have to recite the exam.


A. Hello, Nick, haven't seen you for ages! Have you passed all your exams?

B. Yes, I hope I'll receive monthly grants. What are your plans for the coming holiday?

A. No holiday for me. I'll start working on my thesis next week.

B. I wish you success.


Make up your own dialogues using the material of ex 1.12

Read the text and do the assignments that follow




Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest and most prestigious universities in Great Britain. They are often called collectively Oxbridge to denote an elite education. Only rich and aristocratic families can afford to send their sons and daughters to these universities.

The tutorial is the basic mode of instruction at Oxford and Cambridge.

The normal length of the degree course is three years, after which the students take Degree of Bachelor of Arts (B.A.). Some courses, such as languages or medicine, may be one or two years longer. The students may work for other degrees as well. The degrees are awarded at public degree ceremonies. Only Latin is spoken at these ceremonies. Another tradition is to wear full academic dress at examinations.

Oxford and Cambridge universities consists of a number of colleges. Each college is different, but in many ways they are alike. Each college has its name, its coat of arms. Each college is governed by a Master. The larger ones have more than 400 members, the smallest college has less than 30. Each college offers teaching in a wide range of subjects. Within the college there is a chapel, a dining hall, a library, rooms for undergraduates, fellows and the Master, and also classrooms and laboratories.




to call - называть;

to denote - обозначать;

to afford - позволять;

tutorial - консультации, практические занятия с наставником;

the Degree of Bachelor of Arts - степень бакалавра гуманитарных наук;

to award - награждать, вручать;

full academic dress - парадная форма одежды (мантия, парик);

coat of arms - герб;

undergraduate - студент университета;

fellow - младший научный работник колледжа или университета;

Master - мастер (титул главы некоторых колледжей в Оксфорде и Кембридже)


Retell the text in Russian

In which of the passages traditions are described?

Find answers to the following questions


1 Who studies at Oxford and Cambridge universities?

2 What is the basic mode of instruction there?

3 How long do students study to get the Degree of Bachelor of Arts?


Find English equivalents for the following Russian ones


- основной вид обучения;

- ученая степень, звание;

- самые старые и самые престижные университеты;

- колледж;

- широкий перечень предметов.


1.19 Prepare a short report on the topic "The University of my dream"



Do the following grammar exercises


Глагол to be


I am student. You are a student. He is a student.   I was a student. You were a student. He was a student.   I shall be a student. You will be a student. He will be a student. We are students. You are students. They are students.   We were students. You were students. They were students.   We shall be students. You will be students. They will be students.


Read the sentences. Change the Present Simple into the Past Simple


1 I am a first-year student.

2 My friend is a second year student.

3 The students are in the library.

4 We are full-time students.

5 My friend is a part-time student.

6 The group leader (староста) is in the Dean's office.

7 The methods of instructions are lectures, classes and seminars.

8 He is at the lecture on mathematics.

9 I am short of time.


Read the sentences. Give the negative and interrogative forms of these sentences


Образец 1:

They have classes every day.

Have they classes every day?

They have no (not any) classes every day.


Образец 2:

You'll have a test next week.

Will you have a test next week?

You will have no (not any) test next week.


1 The students had 3 lectures yesterday.

2 Our University has a part-time department.

3 We shall have an exam next month.

4 They will have a meeting tomorrow.

5 Students have monthly grants.

Use the appropriate verb forms in the following sentences


I (to study) at the Orenburg State University. The University (to have) 22 faculties. Now the University campus (to consist of) several buildings. The overall number of students (to be) about 30,000. The University (to train) specialists in many specialities. During the academic year students (to attend) lectures and seminars. Students (to take) exams at the end of each term. Most of the students (to pass) their exams successfully, but some of them (to fail) in this or that subject. I (to live) at a hostel. My friend (to rent) a room. We (to receive) monthly grants. We (to carry out) research work.


Answer the following questions


Образец 1:

Are you a student?

Yes, I am a student.


Образец 2:

Do you miss lectures?

No. I don't. I don't miss lectures.


1 Was the Orenburg State University founded in 1996?

2 Does the University campus consist of a number of buildings?

3 Are there 15 faculties at the University?

4 Does the University offer a 5-year course of study?

5 Are all the laboratories well equipped?

6 Have you good gymhalls and sport grounds?

7 Do all your friends receive monthly grants?

8 Is the academic year divided into 3 terms?

9 Do all the students pass their exams?



Orenburg State University (Intermediate)

Meeting OSU

2.1.1 Pre-text exercises Practice the reading of the following words and try to guess their meaning

atmosphere career center club conference diploma decent institute lecture menu mission professor program region seminar speciality stadium status student talent test academic autonomous humanitarian professional technical Give the translation of the following nouns formed from the verbs

to accommodate (представлять жилье, помещение) - accommodation

to achieve (достигать, добиваться) - achievement

to add (прибавлять, присоединять) - addition

to aware (знать, сознавать) - awareness

to build (строить, сооружать) - building

to contribute (делать вклад; содействовать) - contribution

to create (строить; создавать) - creation

to develop (развивать) - development

to examine (исследовать; проверять, экзаменовать) - examination

to educate (воспитывать, давать образование) - education

to exhibit (выставлять, показывать) - exhibition

to found (основывать, создавать, учреждать) - foundation

to graduate (окончить учебное заведение) - graduation

to instruct (учить, обучать) - instruction

to perform (исполнять, выполнять) -performance

to recreate (отдыхать, развлекаться) – recreation

to teach (учить, обучать) - teacher Read the following words and word combinations and

try to remember them

to be based - основываться, быть основанным

to be founded - основываться, быть основанным, создаваться

to be known - быть известным

to be named- быть названным

to be re-named - переименоваться

to be under construction - находиться в процессе строительства.

to attend- посещать

to attend classes - посещать занятия

to attend lectures- посещать лекции

to attend seminars- посещать семинары

to offer - предлагать

to provide - снабжать, обеспечивать

provision- снабжение, обеспечение

to reflect - отражать, изображать

to study - заниматься, учиться; изучать

to train - воспитывать, учить

activity- деятельность, мероприятие, активность

political activity - политическая активность

social activity - культурно-просветительное мероприятие

research activity - научная деятельность

accommodation- помещение, жилье

admission - принятие

applicant - кандидат, абитуриент

campus - кампус, территория университета

career - карьера

canteen - столовая

cafeteria - кафетерий

course - курс

course of instruction - курс обучения

credit - зачет

to get credit - получить зачет

curriculum (pl. curricula) - курс обучения, учебный план

department - факультет

full-time/daytime department - дневной факультет

part-time/evening department - вечерний факультет

correspondence/extra-mural department - заочный факультет

education- образование

educational- образовательный

educational services- образовательные услуги

higher educational establishment - высшее учебное заведение

examination- экзамен

to take an exam - сдавать экзамен

to pass an exam-сдать экзамен

to fail in a exam- провалить экзамен

competitive/entrance exam - вступительный экзамен

final exam- выпускной экзамен

facilities - возможности, условия

faculty-факультет; профессорско-преподавательский состав

flexible - свободный, гибкий

graduation - окончание учебного заведения

grant- стипендия

gymnasium (gymnasia)- спортивный зал

hostel/dormitory -общежитие

high school - средняя школа

knowledge - знания

humanitarian knowledge ~~ гуманитарные знания

technical knowledge - технические знания

natural-science knowledge- естественно -научные знания

library – библиотека

research-исследование ; .

to сапу out research - проводить исследование

schedule - расписание



field of science - отрасль науки

score- счет, количество баллов

speciality - специальность

specialist - специалист

stadium - стадион

staff- штат служащих

support - поддержка

supportive - поддерживающий, помогающий

swimming pool - бассейн

teaching blocks -учебные корпуса

term/semester - семестр

university - университет

academic year - учебный год

free of charge - бесплатный

Dean –декан

Head of department-заведующий кафедрой

Provost - проректор


President - президент

Senior lecturer – доцент Find the equivalents

1 full-time department 2 competitive exam 3 study 4 train 5 reflect 6 senior lecturer 7 course of instruction   1 applicant 2 speciality 3 Provost 4 staff 5 accommodation 6 credit 7 schedule   1 admission 2 hostel 3 activity 4 supportive 5 score 6 curriculum 7 provision 1 учиться 2 отражать 3 доцент 4 курс обучения 5 дневное обучение 6 обучать 7 вступительный экзамен.   1 штат сотрудников 2 помещение, жилье 3 зачет 4 специальность 5 расписание 6 абитуриент 7 проректор   1 помогающий 2 учебный план 3 обеспечение 4 общежитие 5 колличество баллов 6 деятельность 7 прием (в учебное заведение) Read the synonyms


1 to call 2 to train 3 to be founded 4 to be known 5 to reflect 6 to support 7 scientist 1 to be famous 2 to show 3 scholar 4 to name 5 to be created 6 to teach 7 to encourage Read the definitions and try to guess words


1 the grounds and buildings of a university or college;

2 a branch of study and its administration at a university;

3 a period of some weeks, during which instruction is given in a college or

4 opportunities, the equipment or the resources for doing something;

5 the staff of a university or college;

6 a person who is trained in a particular branch of a profession;

7 an educational institution for instruction, examination of students in many
branches of learning,... often including colleges;

8 a person's advancement through life, especially in a profession;

9 a serious of lectures, classes, etc., in a particular subject;

10 a university academic of the highest rank. Read the following sentences and choose the right word

1 Admission to the Orenburg State University is based upon high school performance and (competitive, final) test scores.

2 All the applicants (take, pass) examinations in summer.

3 If students pass exams well, they get monthly (degree, grant).

4 Two-term (study, academic) year is adopted at the Orenburg State University.

5 Students must (attend, go) lectures on different subjects.

6 Many students live in the (hotel, hostel).

7 All the students may (carry out, graduate) research.

8 The OSU offers a wide range of educational (establishments, services) through its faculties, institutions and colleges.

9 The University (library, gymnasium) houses more than 600,000 books and other items, including political and government documents.

10 The University is accessible to a wide section of population,
(receiving, providing) flexible learning opportunities. Fill the blanks with appropriate words

1. I am a student of the... University. 2. Our university... in 1971. 3. It is one of the... higher educational establishments in our region. 4. The university... consists of teaching blocks, hostels, a stadium, a students’ center, a canteen. 5. About 37,000... study in the...,...,... departments. 6. The university... students in 82.... 7. During the... students... lectures and classes. They take their... at the end of each... 8. Students take part in...,...,... activities. Make up sentences. Translate them from English into Russian

1 The university offers facilities... 2 Meals, snacks and drinks are available... 3 The Students’ Centre 'Russia' is... 4 The library stock covers... 5 PC are used …   1 … a large venue suited to wide range of dance, music and theatre events 2... all academic and professional subjects. 3... for on-line database searching, accessing CD-ROMs and INTERNET. 4 … for recreation and leisure. 5 … from snack cafes and a canteen.  


2.1.2 Read the text


Initially our University majored in various fields of engineering. When it was founded in 1955, the University was an evening department of the Kuibyshev Polytechnic Institute. In 1971 it became an autonomous institute named as the Orenburg Polytechnic Institute. Changes in the institute went hand in hand with changes in the country. There was a growing need for many new specialities which had not been previously taught neither at the institute nor elsewhere in the region, for instance, law, management, marketing, design, etc. In October 1994 the Institute was renamed into the Orenburg State Technical University. In January 1996 the University got the status of the Orenburg State University. This name change reflects the changing mission of the University: to be a center in the provision of humanitarian, technical and natural-science knowledge, to develop teaching and research, to support its students, to contribute to the well being of our town and region.


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