Prepare the retelling of the text. 

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Prepare the retelling of the text.

Some useful phrases:

The text is devoted to…

deals with…

The author emphasizes…


It`s known that…

First of all I`d like to say…

It should be mentioned that…

In conclusion…



8. Comment on the statements:

1. "Modern administrative system is a system of offices rather than officers".

2. "Public administrators are the translators and tailors of government".


9. Speak on the following problems:

1. Personal preferment and objective norms in a public administrative system.

2. Public administration as policy making.




Tenses Active Voice Passive Voice
Simple Tenses V0, Vs, V2(ed), Shall, will +V0 Be + V3
Continuous tenses Be + Ving Be being + V3
Perfect Tenses Have + V3 Have been + V3

Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. The company ___ (employs/ is employed) 75 people.

2. Shares ___ (own/are owned) by people providing the capital.

3. Who usually ___ (is chaired/chairs) the company meetings?

4. The Maple Shipping Co. ___ (is run/runs) by Mr. John Roberts.

5. The meetings ___ (are chaired/chair) by the Chief Executive Officer.


Translate the sentences into English, using Passive Voice.

1. Лекции этого знаменитого профессора всегда слушают с большим вниманием.

2. В прошлом году его послали в Кембридж.

3. Летом Марию отвезут на дачу.

4. В музее нам показали много прекрасных картин.

5. Мою идею не поняли.

6. Её часто посылают в командировку.

7. Этот перевод будет закончен через несколько дней.



It does not matter how slowly you go

so long as you do not stop”



1. Who do you manage and how?

2. Who manages you and why?



1. Read and learn the following new words:

· management - менеджмент

· team - коллектив, команда, группа

· position - должность (позиция)

· planning - планирование

· staffing - подбор и расстановка кадров

· supervision - инструктирование, надзор и контроль

· objective - задача

· goal - цель

· course of action - курс действий

· human resources - человеческие ресурсы

· personal expectation - самооценка с точки зрения перспектив

· restrain - ограничение

· to be in charge (of) - нести ответственность

· to evaluate - оценивать

· to attain - достигать

· to allocate - выделять, распределять (ресурсы)

· to guide - наставлять, ориентировать

· to revise - пересматривать с целью улучшить

· managerial - управленческий

· regardless of - несмотря на


Read the text and translate it into Russia.


There is a statement: "Management is getting work done through people." Most of achievements in any society take place because groups of people get involved in joint effort. Almost everyone is, was, or someday will be a manager, i.e. the person who coordinates human, information, physical, and financial resources of an organization. In order to perform their functions adequately, managers need interpersonal, organizational, and technical skills.

Management is a team of managers who are in charge of the organization at different levels. Regardless of the specific job, most managers perform five basic functions:

• Planning

• Organizing

• Staffing

• Directing

• Controlling.

Planning involves determining overall company objectives and deciding how these goals can best be achieved. Managers consider alternative plans before choosing a specific course of action at all managerial levels. Planning is listed the first management function because the others depend on it. However, even as managers move on to perform other functions, planning continues as goals and alternatives are further evaluated and revised.

Organizing, the second management function, is putting the plan into action. Organizing involves allocating resources, especially human resources, so that the objectives can be attained; creating new positions and determining responsibilities. Staffing, i.e. choosing the right person for the right job, is also, a part of the organizing function.

Fourth is the day-to-day direction and supervision of employees. In directing, managers guide, teach, and motivate people so that they reach their potential abilities, and at the same time achieve the company goals set in the planning stage.

At last managets controll and evaluate how well overall company__

objectives are being met. If there are any problems and objectives are not being met, changes need to be made in the company's organizational, or managerial, structure. In making changes, managers might have to go back and replan, reorganize, and redirect. Effective managers achieve the goals of the company through a successful combination of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling.

Personal business management is a one-semester course for the high school students. Its purpose is to provide students with a variety of tools necessary to meet future needs — making career decisions, managing money, providing economic security, managing credit, and keeping up to date with technology. It is useful for all the students for better understanding and adaptating to the financial world they will enter. A student examines his or her societal and personal expectations, needs and wants, controls and restraints both for the present and future. The emphasis is made on decision-making skills, planning and analysis. The informed person is better able to draw maximum benefit and is well-adjusted to the social, economic, and technological changes.

3. Match the words on the left with the correct synonyms on the right.

1. managerial a) general

2. strategy b) responsibility

3. be in charge of c) achieve

4. duty d) stage

5. attain e) set up

6. establish f) be responsible for

7. phase g) course of action

8. overall h) organizational

4. Match the words from the text with their definitions.

1. motivate a) secretary who provides special help to

a manager or director

2. direction b) to set aside or distribute for a specific


3. move on c) to continue to the next phase

4. allocate d) to direct the behavior of employees toward

company goals

5. position e) instruction and supervision of some course

of action

6. objective f) a choise or option

7. alternative g) a statement derived from an organization`s


8. personal assistant h) a job within a company or organization


5. Translate the following sentences:

1. Руководители ежедневно следят за работой подчиненных, учат и мотивируют их работать лучше.

2. Каждый из нас когда-либо выполнял, выполняет или будет выполнять функции руководителя.

3. Есть мнение, что менеджмент – это искусство выполнять работу силами разных людей.

4. Менеджер должен уметь работать с людьми.

5. Руководство составляет коллектив руководителей.

6. Подбор и расстановку людей можно рассматривать как часть организационной функции.

7. Основные функции любого руководителя- это планирование, организация работы, подбор и расстановка человеческих ресурсов и контроль за выполнением работы.


Check up your memory.

1. What is management?

2. What are managerial goals/tasks?

3. Why is planning the first managerial function?

4. What kind of skills must a manager have?

5. Is it necessary to introduce this subject in Russia?


Prepare the retelling of the text.



Roles: a manager, an employee.

A manager of a sales department instructs a new employee in serving customers. The employee promises to do his/her best.




Модальные глаголы выражают не действие, а отношение говорящего к действию или состоянию, выраженному инфинитивом.

1. Can (могу, умею) – could (past) обозначает физическую возможность или умение выполнить действие.

E.g. He can speak English. -Он умеет говорить на Английском языке.

2. May (можно, возможно) – might (past) выражает разрешение, позволение совершить какое-нибудь действие.

E.g. You may take my book. Вы можете взять мою книгу.

3. Must (должен) – выражает долженствование.

E.g. I must do it now. – Я должен сделать это сейчас.


Модальные глаголы имеют следующие особенности:

· Не имеют формы инфинитива;

· Не имеют окончания «s» в 3-м лице ед.ч. в Present Simple;

· Инфинитив после них употребляется без частицы «to»;

· Вопросительную и отрицательную форму образуют без вспомогательного глаголов.



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