Образец проведения ролевой игры 

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Образец проведения ролевой игры


Тема: “Travelling and Transport” (4 класс)

Ролевая игра: “At a bus stop”.

Цель: развитие умений аудирования, диалогической речи, актуализация употребления фраз речевого этикета (начало, завершение беседы, приветствие) в зависимости от ситуации общения.

Речевой материал: диалог (на доске и в аудиозаписи).

Содержание диалога:

- Here’s a bus (stop).

- Which bus should we (take)?

- We can take bus number (5 or 7).

- Where must we (get off)?

- (At) the Town Centre. We should buy a bus pass for (you).


1. Teacher: Do you often go by bus in our town? – Now listen to the talk at a bus stop and try to guess if the people who are talking are strangers to each other or, probably, close friends or someone else? Is everything clear? – … So, are these boys strangers to each other? – Right you are. Let’s listen to the dialogue once again and fill in the missing words in each sentence. Look at the board, please, and read the dialogue to yourselves first. – Is anything unclear about it? – Do you understand what a bus pass is? (выяснение значения словосочетания на основе языковой догадки). Now be attentive, please, and try to catch the word missing in your sentence (предложения распределяются по рядам). – … Let’s check and you are welcome to help your classmates. Will you read the first sentence? – … Is everything correct? – Good.

2. Teacher: Let’s imagine that we are at a bus stop.

(задания для ролевой игры могут быть написаны на карточках или объяснены учителем устно:

1-й ряд: You are friends and you meet at bus stop. Prepare a small talk. Discuss anything you like.

2-й ряд: You are strangers. One of you is an English boy (girl) (ask about the bus going to Lenin Square). The other is a boy (girl) from Baranovichi (answer, explain).

3-й ряд: You are strangers. You both are English. Get acquainted. Start by talking about weather.)

When preparing you may use variety of phrases to begin and end the conversation, to greet each other. Choose the phrases according to the situation: formal or informal. – … Will you act your dialogue out? – … That’s fine.


Приложение 5

Образец моделирования реальных ситуаций межкультурного общения


Класс: 4

Раздаточный материал: карточка “Compliments” (см. Приложение 6).

Цель: ознакомление учащихся с фразами речевого этикета (комплименты), сравнение с аналогами в родной культуре, воспроизведение изучаемой модели речевого поведения.


Ход фрагмента урока:

1. Ознакомление учащихся с функцией фраз речевого этикета.

Teacher: … Is it a new dress, (Sveta)? It’s pretty and it suits you very much. – Oh, that’s a nice looking (pen). – What did I want to do saying “This dress is pretty” and “That’s a nice looking (pen)”? – … Right you are. I wanted to give you some compliments. What is a compliment? – … Let’s read the first sentence in this card and we’ll see if you were right, try to understand it. – Is the sentence clear to you? – … Good.

2. Сравнение фраз речевого этикета с аналогами в родной культуре.

Teacher: Now can you translate “to give a compliment”? – … That’s fine. Mind that in Russian we say “сделать комплимент”, but in English – “to give a compliment”. Is it clear? – … Now, read the paragraph below the phrase and find out what one says after receiving a compliment. – So, what do Americans and British say after receiving a compliment? – … Good. Do we say the same? – Do you often give compliments? – And what about receiving them? – Americans and British are fond of giving compliments, they think it’s a very polite way to begin any conversation. Do you agree?

3. Ознакомление учащихся с фразами речевого этикета и воспроизведение изучаемой модели поведения.

Teacher: Now find in the card what words are used for complimenting. – Will you enumerate them? – … Anything else? – … Fine. Look, Americans and British compliment different things: appearance, abilities, and so on. I want you to read the possible compliments given at the bottom of the card and find out what is complimented in each phrase. For example, the first sentence: “Your room is great”. Here someone’s thing is complimented. Is it clear? – Let’s do it one by one. Will you be the first? – … That’s great. Do you remember that a compliment is a good way to begin a conversation. Imagine that you have just come to school and you meet your classmate. Let’s each of you give a compliment to your partner. – … That’s OK. Is it pleasant to receive a compliment to your mind? – Then let us give more compliments to our close friends and relatives.


Приложение 6


Класс: 4

Complimenting = expression of admiration, approval, etc.

to give a compliment.

Americans and British often say “thank you” after receiving compliments and add a sentence or two which can lead to a conversation. Even when someone disagrees with a compliment, they will often say: ‘Thanks’ and add a sentence or two.

E.g. Guest: The cake is delicious.

Host: Thanks, but it didn’t turn out (получился) exactly right.


adjectives: nice, good, beautiful, pretty

Compliments and great

verbs: to like and love.


What Americans and British commonly compliment:

1. Physical appearance.

2. Personality.

3. Family member.

4. Abilities.

5. People’s things.

6. Meals, food.

Possible answers:

- Your (room) is/looks nice (great).

- Hey, that’s a nice-looking bike.

- That’s a nice piece of work.

- You have a very nice (sister).

- That’s a great (good) blouse (car, question).

- You did a beautiful job of explaining that….

- Gosh [ ], you have a beautiful living-room.

- I love/like your (blouse).

- You gave an excellent speech.

- You’re doing a great job.

- You look pretty today. (You look good.)

- I really like your hair that way.

- Are those new glasses? They are pretty.

- I really enjoyed your talk.

- Your (child’s) work is great. You should be proud of (her).

- What a beautiful car.

- You did an excellent job! I really appreciate it.

- I like your (composition) very much /34, с. 196-202/.

Приложение 7


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