Тема: «The Presentation of the Firm» 

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Тема: «The Presentation of the Firm»

(Презентация фирмы).

Цель: Познакомить студентов с алгоритмом презентации фирмы и анализом причин успеха фирмы.

Учебные задачи:

1 Создать условия для углубленного изучения вопросов экономики и предпринимательства, развития профессионально-коммуникативных умений и компетенций, необходимых для овладения учебно-профессиональным общением на английском языке в этой области знаний.

2 Создать условия для развития навыков самостоятельной поисковой работы с дополнительной литературой, ресурсами Интернета.

Развивающие задачи:

1 Создать условия для развития познавательной активности студентов.

2 Создать условия для развития умения синтезировать изучаемый материал.

3 Создать условия для проведения логического и творческого мышления в процессе создания проектов «Презентация фирмы».

4 Создать условия для развития умений и навыков использовании мультимедийных средств.

Воспитательные задачи:

1 Создать условия для воспитания самостоятельности.

2 Создать условия для воспитания профессионала.

Наглядные пособия:

1. Карточки с названием темы мероприятия.

2. Бейджи для представителей фирм и представителей научного общества студентов «Профи».

3. Бланки анкет «What is business Success for you?»

4. Бланки «Критерии оценки мультимедийной презентации».

Технические средства:

Диапроектор, ноутбук, музыкальное сопровождение.

Содержание мероприятия:

1 Оргмомент.

2 Открытие конкурса мультимедийной презентаций.

3 Самопредставление участников выставки.

4 Представление мультимедийных презентаций фирм.

(Анализ причин успеха фирмы).

1) Ресторан «Шоколад».

2) ВТК «Энерго».


4) «Сергей Слотин».

5 Оценивание презентаций представителями НИОС «Профи» и преподавателями.

6 Анкетирование, подведение итогов анкетирования.

7 Подведение итогов конкурса.


План рассмотрен на заседании

ПЦК иностранных языков

Протокол № _7_ от 11.03.2008 г.

Председатель ПЦК Кашина И.А.

Сценарий мероприятия

Good afternoon!

Let’s start our work!

We would like to present you the part of the work of the scientific society of students “Prof” of our college.

Today we shall discuss the results of its work: the Presentations of the Firm.

These presentations were made by the students of the scientific society of students “Prof”. Today we shall discuss the presentations of

  • restaurant “Chocolate”
  • VTK “Energo”
  • Sergey Slotin”

You will listen to the self presentations of the representatives of these firms and the analysis why these firms are successful to the opinions of the management of these companies. Of course you will look through the presentations of the firms and give them the points according to the criteria made by the authors of the world known program “Intel Teach to the Future”.

Let’s get down to our business. At first the representative of the restaurant “Chocolate” has the floor.


The representative of the restaurant “Chocolate”:

Good afternoon! Let me introduce myself. My name is Vakhrusheva Julia. I’m 27 years old. I’m from Moscow. In 2001 I graduated from the Kirov Timber Industry College. In 2004 I graduated from the Moscow Finance Academy. I’m in marketing. I work for the restaurant “Chocolate” as a Marketing Director. I’m in charge of public relations of our restaurant. Now I would like to present you our restaurant “Chocolate”.


(After the presentation of the restaurant “Chocolate” was looked through)


The teacher:

Would you tell us why do you think your restaurant is successful in business?


The representative of the restaurant “Chocolate”:

To our mind our restaurant is quite competitive with the other restaurants. The location of the restaurant “Chocolate” is convenient for the customers. Nearby there are many offices of the firms. So, their employees often come to us to have lunch or dinner.

And, of course, we are eager to improve our service. Our customers are fond of our comfortable conditions. Light popular music helps us to make the atmosphere of friendship and hospitality.


The teacher:

The second is the representative of the firm “VTK Energo”. It’s your turn.


The representative of the firm “VTK Energo ”:

How do you do! My name is Anastasiya Neustroyeva. I’m 25. 2003 I graduated from the Kirov Timber Industry College, 2007 I graduated from the Kirov State University. I work for the company VTK “Energo”. I’m the Deputy Marketing Director. We produce heating systems and thermal stations. I’m responsible for advertising of our products and services. Let’s get down to our presentation.


(After the presentation of the firm VTK “Energo” was looked through)


The teacher:

Could you tell us what are the reasons of your success?

The representative of the firm VTK “Energo ”:

You know, there are some reasons of the success of our firm. First, we use new technologies by producing of heating systems and thermal stations. And we have our own developments in this field. Second, we have high qualified specialists who are in charge of assembly works of our products and their warranty and after-warranty service. That makes our costumers be sure with our products.


The teacher:

And now it’s the turn of the representative of the company “SMU KGMI”. Please!


The representative of the company “SMU KGMI”:

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

I’m Zorin Sergey. I’m 27 years old. I’m from Kirov. In 2001 I graduated from the Kirov Timber Industry College. And 2004 I graduated from the Vyatka State University. I’m the Deputy Technical Director. And now I work for SMU KGMI.

I’m responsible for the development of houses, the organization of construction, and I help to supervise over the workers.

Our firm has prepared the presentation. I’d like you to look it through.


(After the presentation of the firm SMU KGMI was looked through)


The teacher:

Why do you think is your company successful?


The representative of the company “SMU KGMI”:

We believe our firm has success in business. First of all, we have a reliable team. Every member of the team can work under pressure. Everybody is professional and hardworking.

Then now we can watch building boom in our country everywhere. Many building organizations depend on suppliers and we are independent from them because we produce the main building materials. This makes our houses and constructions cheaper and it let us to have more and more customers. If you want to build your own house or flat come to us!


The teacher:

At last the representative of the firm “Sergey Slotin” takes the floor.


The representative of the company “Sergey Slotin”:

How do you do! Let me introduce you myself. My name is Ekaterina. My surname is Alalykina. I am 26 years old. I am from Kirov. In 2002 I graduated from the Kirov Timber Industry College and in 2005 I graduated from St.Petersburg University.

I am in management. I work for “Sergey Slotin” as a Sales Manager. I am in charge of sales in our region. I am interested in Economic and English. It helps me to improve my personal positions in my company.

Now look through our presentation.


(After the presentation of “Sergey Slotin” was looked through)


I must say that we are successful in business because we work with the world-known organizations. Our suppliers are “Adamas”, “Ringo”, “Topaz” and many others. Their products are competitive, well-sold, modern and popular with the customers.

We are glad to see you in our stores, our sales consultants would help you to choose what you need.

Thank you for your attention!


The teacher:

Thank you for the work to the representatives of the firms. And now we are going on our work. All students are divided into the groups. The students of every group have the criteria to give the points for the presentations. The example of these criteria you can see on the screen in front of you and on the desks. One table is for one presentation. The name of the company is written down above the table with these criteria. We ask you to work in a group for 5-7 minutes and to give the points for every presentation.


(Music is playing)

Let’s collect the pieces of paper and make summation of the points for each presentation. Some students will do it.


Meantime we shall clear up our opinions to the theme “Success in Business”.

Every person understands the word “success” in his own way. And what does “success in business” mean for you? Write down the number of the suitable answer to this question on the small pieces of paper you have on the desks in front of you. Here are the possible answers to this question:

Success in Business is…

1) when you popular with your customers;

2) when your products cost a lot;

3) when a lot of money earned;

4) when you win all the competitions among other companies specializing in the same area;

5) when you reach all your goals;

6) when your company is constantly expanding.


And now we ask every present person to choose the suitable answer to her or his opinion and to write the number of the chosen answer on a small piece of paper. Such pieces are on the desks.


(Music is playing)


Let’s collect these small pieces of paper and count the number of voices given to every answer. Some students will do it. Last year we asked some managers the same question. Here are the results:

39% managers think success is when you win all the competitions;

23% managers believe success is when you reach all your goals;

15% managers suppose success is when you are popular with your customers;

15% managers are sure that success is when a lot of money earned;

8% managers insist that success is when your company is constantly expanding;

Nobody thinks that success is when your products cost a lot.


Let’s listen to the results of today.


The student tells the results


The teacher:

Now one of the students tells us whose presentation is the best.


The student:

The presentation of the restaurant “Chocolate” has got points.

The presentation of “VTK Energo” has got points.

The presentation of “Sergey Slotin” has got points.

The presentation of “SMU KGMI” has got points.

So, the first place is given to the presentation of “Sergey Slotin”.

The second place is given to the presentation of “VTK Energo”.

The third place has the presentation of “SMU KGMI”.



The teacher:

Thanks to the representatives of the firms, thanks to the students who helped to organize our competition, thanks to our guests, thanks to everybody! Our work is over.










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