VI. I’m glad that you understand it, friends. Now let’s see what is in store for us now. Our next block deals with a role play. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


VI. I’m glad that you understand it, friends. Now let’s see what is in store for us now. Our next block deals with a role play.

T-- Can a person be successful without his native country and its people? Definitely, he can’t.

We are Belarusians and take pride in it. Only if we seek for happiness and success for our motherland, we’re sure to achieve our goals. Our country badly needs successful young people like you.

Today you’ll be given a chance to prove your real skills of efficient entrepreneurs and to succeed in negotiations with your prospective foreign partners. Turn over the badges on my table and split into two groups according to the flag of the country you represent. Two badges are marked with the words: A MANAGER.

1) You, guys, run your own business in the sphere of design. You specialize in linen clothes for teenagers. You’d like to expand your business contacts, find a reliable investor and promote Belarusian fashion abroad.

2) And your group represents a world famous Fashion House located in Scotland. You’re ready to invest your money into some foreign company. But you’re to make sure they are creative, open to innovations and ready to pilot new projects.

T —…, you’re a manager. What will signify your success at the negotiations?

P —As a manager I’d say we are to make our partners interested in collaboration with our company, and, if possible, to get beneficial investments into our business.

T- -Mr. …, what is your idea of success at today’s meeting?

P —We seek for promising young stars in fashion, we’ll succeed if their company is really what we need and if they agree to be our partners.

T —OK, good luck, you have five minutes. Let’s see what you’ll finally arrive at.

P(group1) —Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our company.

S(group2) —Good afternoon, thank you for taking the time to meet with us today.

P —It’s our pleasure. How long have you been in Minsk? Hope you’re having a good time here.

S —We’ve been here for two weeks already. We’re excited about your wonderful city.

P —Thank you.

S —If you don’t mind, let’s get down to our business.

S —Last week we had a chance to attend the Belarusian Fashion Week Festival. It was definitely a great success!

S ---We highlighted your line of flax clothes for teenagers. It was incredible.

S —Yeah, brave colour combinations, a variety of modern styles, national traditions in a costume greatly impressed us. Would you like to consider the possibilities of establishing profitable relationships with our Fashion House?

P —What is the potential for our business relationship?

S ---We could become your investors, our financial support could help you expand your business, modernize your equipment, furthermore you could sell and expose your collections in the best fashion halls of Scotland.

P —It’s a tempting suggestion.

S — If you don’t mind we’d like to specify some information about your company.

P —You’re welcome.

S —Firstly, why’ve you chosen flax?

P -- Flax is the wealth of Belarus. The flax has been cultivated here for centuries, making it a symbol of Belarus.

P — This natural fabric is known for its comfort. It allows the body to breathe; moreover, linen has natural anti-bacterial properties.

P —In addition, linen is a very popular fabric that never goes out of style. With the proper care, it can be a timelessly stylish wardrobe staple.

S —Well, it’s quite convincing. We were informed about your turnover. There’s a run on your collections. What is the secret of your success?

P —Keeping in mind traditional Belarusian motives, we’re piloting the line of clothes with bold ideas following no limitations. Our clothes make your step light and swift, they add individuality and elegance to your image.

P --We help teenagers who wear the clothes we design express their personality, be active, on the top of life, I’d say.

P ---Not only does the idea of self-confidence attract our young people, I believe the values of our ancestors we promote through the traditions of Belarusian national costume help their self-realization as well.

S —How amazing! I’ve never heard about anything like that!

S —Now I understand why we found your clothes out of the ordinary. Do you have any new collections?

S —We’re preparing our new spring collection. Here are some of the new models from it.

S —How do you find them?

P —I definitely like it! It’s so innovative! I guess your idea of clothes will be close to our teenagers as well.

P —We really appreciate your approach of bringing up young people through clothes they like to wear.

P —Our fashion house is eager to collaborate with you.

S —We’re happy to become your partners.

P —We suggest meeting again in a week with all the necessary papers.

S ---And during this week we can discuss all the particular issues to get ready to sign them.

S — Many thanks for investing your time and giving us the opportunity to work with you.

P —Hope we’ll establish a strong and profitable business relationship. How about lunch?

T—Was it a success? Definitely! Congratulations!

A Delicate Aspect of Success

T -Friends, I can’t but share with you one more problem that doesn’t let me have a minute’s peace.

-Gore Vidal said: ‘It’s not enough to succeed, others must fail.’

-The famous Russian poet Boris Pasternak was a laureate of the Noble Prize in literature. He thought it’s shameful to be on everybody’s lips!

- Albert Einstein in 1939 encouraged the US to start building an atomic bomb. Later, when he found out about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he changed his mind. ‘If I had known, I would have become a shoemaker,’ he admitted.

-What delicate aspect of success is hidden in these words?

P —I suppose it’s the problem of ethics. One shouldn’t be selfish, nobody will recognize the success achieved at the cost of people’s sufferings.

P -- It appears that success is relevant. If you’re too self-centered, you can go astray and confuse real success with a fake.

P —It proves again it’s better to work in a team.

P — It’s good to remember that success is a choice. And people should make it wisely.

P —Let us not forget that we should live on this planet according to the laws given by God, the laws of love, mercy and clear conscience.

T —Thanks a lot. Your words absolutely coincide with my opinion. I’m happy to be with such good people as you.

A Surprise

(A student carries out a box with medicine called Pro-Success and advertises it)

And now---SURPRISE! Look what I’ve got! You ask what it is? It’s a breakthrough in medicine! ‘PRO-SUCCESS’ will solve all our problems in the wink of an eye. Take one capsule in a lifetime and it will pull you to the top. Pro-success guarantees you effortless success in any field you like. Don’t miss your chance!

T --Do you think it’s worth trying? Let’s open the box. Do you see a capsule? Open it, please. It’s empty. There’s only one note in it. Help me to read it. FILL IT WITH YOUR OWN CONTENTS. So as you see success doesn’t come effortlessly. What we can do is to make up our own recipe of success. Each of you will write on a paper and add your ingredient of success and we’ll see what mixture we’ll finally get.

1. Let’s put here a stroke of luck.

2. We can’t do without self-confidence, I think.

3. Success comes to people who set high goals and are full of determination.

4. Mix it with strong health, enough exercise.

5. Support of friends and family.

6. We can’t miss it— hard work.

7. I add enthusiasm and creativity.

8. The knowledge of foreign languages is a must.

9. Money does matter.

10 The knowledge of oneself and talent help succeed.

11. Care about your country ’s needs.

12. A team of like-minded people makes the process easier.

T - And I’ll add mine if you don’t mind—it’s just love.

A Game “Hot Ballooning”

T- -So, finally we’ve got our own formula of success. No doubt, all the ingredients are valuable. But aren’t you curious to know which of the components is the most important?

A game will help us. It’s called Hot Ballooning.

These are cards with your ideas about success. After each round of discussion you’re supposed to get rid of the four components which you consider less important.

What are you going to get rid of? What is your decision? What is your final choice?

What is left? Absolutely agree with you, my friends. First and foremost we need…LOVE

T -- Let’s have a look at our pyramid of success. It helped us to work out our own formula of success. Let’s mark the idea we base it on. (A student writes: LOVE)

You know, the problem we’ve been discussing today is unique as it doesn’t have a complete solution. The more you discuss it, the more new ideas you get. Still each of you has made an attempt to find your own idea of success today. And it’s wonderful!

Paul -Let me say.Our discussion helped me understand that each of us is talented and stands good chances to be successful in life.

T— We’re so happy to hear that, Paul. It means we’ve been a success! Congratulations!!!


T --To crown it all up I’ve chosen the words of Norman Vincent Peale:

“Throw back your shoulders, let the heart sing, let the eyes flash, let the mind be lifted up, look upward and say to yourself… Nothing is impossible!”

Please keep them in your mind and let success attend you in all your kind undertakings!

And finally as a present for you and for all our guests meet an extremely successful person.

---Hi, everybody. Why am I an extremely successful person?

Are you a rich businessman?

--No, I’m not. My bag is full of something even more valuable.

Are you a magician?

--Actually I’m not but who knows…

---I see you give up. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m an extremely successful person as

I’m… (puts on accessories)… a clown.

I’m a success when you laugh. I smooth people’s troubles away and make them happier!



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