Ex. 9. Give the English equivalents from the text to the following phrases. 

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Ex. 9. Give the English equivalents from the text to the following phrases.


быть тесно связанным ___________________________________________

ключевой фактор _______________________________________________

снижать потребность ____________________________________________

прошлый опыт _________________________________________________

инструмент для решения проблемы ________________________________

различаться по типу и цене _______________________________________

конструировать _________________________________________________

за последние годы _______________________________________________

ошибочно пред(полагать) _________________________________________

узнавать с удивлением ___________________________________________

вершина айсберга ________________________________________________

с одной стороны / с другой стороны ________________________________

перевозки, сообщение ____________________________________________

проводить исследование рынка ____________________________________

Ex. 10. Match the words with their definitions.


_____ marketing _____ needs _____ wants _____ standard of living   _____ market research   _____ promotion     _____ consumer   _____ traffic   a) action to help the sales of a product or service b) the actual user of a product or service c) goods or services essential for living d) human needs that are shaped by culture and individual personality. e) examining products and markets so that the right product reaches the right market f) the study of influences upon customer and consumer behaviour and the analysis of market characteristics and trends g) the business of commercial transportation by land, sea, or air. h) a level of subsistence or material welfare of a community, class, or person


Ex. 11. Group the following words into eight synonymous groups.


basic luck shelter desire purchaser producer wish figure product roof home maker commodities progress consumer success fundamental longing personality goods individuality customer main manufacturer  



Ex. 12. Replace the words in italics by synonyms from Ex. 11.

1. A human need occurs when a person feels physiologically deprived of basic necessities like

food, clothing, and shelter.

2. A want is afelt need that is shaped by a person’s knowledge, culture and personality.

3. If you feel hungry, you have developed a basic need and desire to eat something.

4. These manufactures forget that a physical product is only a tool to solve a consumer problem.

5. A customer with the same need may want different tools to satisfy this need.

6. Marketing is a key factor in business success.

7. Marketing includes all the business activities connected with the movement of goods and

services from producers to consumers.


Ex. 13. Fill in the gaps with the suitable prepositions.


1. It is impossible to speak ________ marketing ___________ understanding what “needs and

wants” mean.

2. Marketing includes all the business activities connected ______ the movement ____ goods

and services ________ producers ______ consumers.

3. All of them are designed ________ making holes but they differ ____ style and price.


4. Marketing is the means _____ which a standard _____ living is developed and delivered

______ people.

5. Marketing is closely related _____ economics, the social science which deals ______ the

production, distribution and consumption ______ useful goods and services.

6. Many people mistakenly think ______ marketing only ______selling and promotion.



Ex. 14. Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right.


1. to deal with 2. to make 3. to satisfy 4. to look for 5. to reduce 6. To develop 7. to confuse 8. to solve 9. to organize 10. to carry out a. an object b. the production, distribution c. a company d. a sale e. market research f. customer needs g. wants and needs h. the need i. a basic need j. a customer problem




Ex. 15. Match the two halves of the sentences.


1. Marketing is a key factor a) connected with the movement of goods and services from producers to consumers.
2. A want is a felt need that is shaped b) without understanding what “needs and wants” mean.
3. Marketing includes all the business activities c) may want different tools to satisfy this need.  
4. Underlying all marketing strategy is d) in business success.  
5. The manufactures forget that a physical product is e) the marketing concept.
6. It is impossible to speak about marketing f) by a person’s knowledge, culture and personality.
7. In recent years marketing has become g) only a tool to solve a consumer problem.  
8. A customer with the same need   f) is only the tip of the marketing iceberg.
9. No wonder many students are surprised to learn that selling i) a driving force in most companies.


Ex. 16. Put questions to the words or phrases in italics.


1. Marketing is closely related to economics.

2. A human need occurs when a person feels physiologically deprived of basic necessities.

3. A want is a felt need that is shaped by a person’s knowledge, culture and personality. (2)

4. We must find out what the customer wants.

5. All drill bits are designed for making holes but they differ in style and price. (2)

6. Many sellers confuse wants and needs.

7. Marketing is made up of such activities as transporting, storing and selling goods.

8. When a need is not satisfied, a person will do one of two things – look for an object that will

satisfy it or try to reduce the need.

Ex. 17. Multiple choice. In each of the following, select the word or phrase that best

Completes the statement or answers the question.


1. Who do we rely on to satisfy our most basic needs?

a) we can rely on ourselves

b) there is nobody in the world to rely on

c) we rely on those who make particular goods and services.


2. What is the most common way we obtain goods and services?

a) we ask somebody to produce them for us free.

b) we buy them from others.

c) we try to manufacture them


3. Stall holders is

a) the oldest form of market

b) the most modern form of market

c) the most convenient form of market.


4. Many market transactions are conducted

a) through stall holders

b) by mail or telephone

c) by Internet

d) all of the above


5. Market prices play __________ in coping with the problem of scarcity.

a) no role

b) a minor role

c) a vital role


6. Marketing is closely related to

a) psychology

b) economics

c) sociology


7. A want is a felt need that is shaped by only a person’s

a) knowledge

b) culture

c) personality

d) all of the above


8. Selling is

a) one of several marketing functions

b) the most important marketing function

c) plays no role in marketing at all

9. Marketing concept is

a) “we must produce what we want”

b) “we must produce only what wealthy people want”

c) “we must produce what people want, not what we want to produce”


10. The marketing concept assumes

a) to put the producer first

b) to put the customer first

c) not to pay any attention to either of them





1. Compare the ancient and modern markets of goods. Have there been many changes?

2. “In a free competitive economy, the customer is king.” What does it mean?

3. “The producer, not the customer is king. After all, the producer is one who advertises.

Therefore, the producer is the one who creates wants and thereby influences what consumers

will purchase.” True or false? Explain.

4. Compare your need structure with your perception of each of your parent’s.



Text 3

Market segments


adults - взрослые

brand – марка, сорт

to appeal – нравиться, привлекать

common way – распространенный / обычный способ

gender – пол, род

for domestic use – для использования в домашних условиях

to take into account – принимать во внимание

to identify – определять, устанавливать

gap – ниша, брешь



market segmentation is when a market is broken down into sub-groups which share similar characteristics. For example, chocolates are eaten by young children, teenagers and adults of both sexes. Different brands of chocolates will appeal to these different groups of people. The marketing people divide the whole market into different groups and categories, these are called market segments.

Each segment is studied in great detail. There are various ways a market can be segmented. Some of the most common ways are as follows.

· By income group Income groups can be defined by grouping people's jobs according to how much they are paid. For example, if the product is aimed to appeal to people on very low incomes, its price has to be low or they will not be able to afford to buy it.

· By age The products bought by people in different age groups will not be the same. Young people buy different products to adults. The products bought for babies will vary from those bought by old people. Age grouping is a very common way to segment a market.

· By region In different regions of a country people might buy different products. For example, if there are dry and wet parts of the country then waterproof clothing would be sold in the rainy part of the country but not in the dry part. If the product is exported then it may need to be changed a little (for example, a different name or different packaging) in order to appeal to the tastes of people in other countries.

· By gender Some products are bought only by women or only by men. For example, a shaving razor would normally be bought by a man, whereas perfume would normally be bought by a woman. In some cases, products are bought by both sexes but the advertising is aimed at just males or females – car adverts are often used in this way.

· By use of the product For example, cars can be used by consumers for domestic use or for business use. The advertising media and promotions methods used will differ. Cars for business use may be advertised by sending brochures out to the businesses, whereas cars for domestic use may be advertised on television. These cars may be the same models, but they will be marketed in a different way.

· By lifestyle For example, a single person earning the same income as a married person with three children will spend that income differently, buying different products.

A marketing person would take all these factors into account when deciding which segments might buy new products or improved products. Therefore, once the segments have been identified, this will influence how they package and advertise the product. It will also affect the choice of shops they sell the products in, in order to get maximum sales and make maximum profits.

By finding out the different segments in a market, a business can sometimes identify a segment whose needs are not being met, i.e. there is a gap in the market. They can then produce a suitable product to meet these customer needs and again increase sales. They need to identify this gap before a competitor can find it.






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