Heat losses from a building are reduced by using insulating materials such as expanded polystyrene. Thickness of insulation is inverse proportion to heat transfer. 

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Heat losses from a building are reduced by using insulating materials such as expanded polystyrene. Thickness of insulation is inverse proportion to heat transfer.

1. Составьте правильные утверждения в соответствии с содержанием текста.

The higher the ratio between surface area and volume, The lower the ratio between surface are and volume, The smaller the size of the building, The larger the size of the building, The thicker the insulation of a building, The more compact the shape of a building, The less compact the shape of a building the more quickly it gains or loses heat the more it retains heat the faster the rate of heat transfer the less it retains heat the more slowly it gains or loses heat the slower the rate of heat transfer




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Water and air pollution are the two main factors that destroy the environment in big cities. Paris has no industry, so the Seine is not polluted by industrial effluents but by sewer waters. However, this problem is being solved by building pollution control stations in a Paris suburb. The sewage is channeled into them and cleansed before it goes into the Seine. When visiting these installations, one can often see how pure water the processed water is – the engineers who work there drink it quite cheerfully.

Water is purified by mechanical and biological methods. The purified water is treated with chlorine and released into the rivers, whence it enters the water supply systems where it undergoes further and finer treatment.

Air is mainly polluted by heating systems and cars. When you look at a modern city from a hill top you get the impression of vapour (smog) lingering over the city especially when there are no winds which can air the city. However, when there is no wind they have smog. As regards heating, mazut and gas are used rather than coal for last years. The poisoned air is the most modern quarters of the city.

District heating is an effective method. Several heat-and-power plants generate steam, which is piped underground all round the city.

As for cars you know, of course, how heavy traffic is in big cities. The slower the traffic, the more exhaust fumes are. This problem will be solved in the near future.

The acuteness of the problem depends on how well the country is developed and on the number of the cars. Many of these problems are international in nature.


I. К каждой данной паре слов вспомните русское слово с тем же корнем, что и английское:

1.industry 2.channel 3.process 4.method 5.chlorine 6.modern промышленность пускать по каналу обрабатывать способ хлор современный 7.smog 8.effective 9.generate 10.international 11.nature густой туман с дымом и копотью эффективный производить международный характер

II. Вспомните значение следующих английских слов и подберите к ним эквиваленты из правого столбца

pollution control stations industrial effluents processed water treated with chlorine purified water water supply system undergo purification heating systems air the city modern requirements a heavily polluted area district heating heat and power plants exhaust fumes to pipe steam underground acuteness of a problem очень загрязненный район тепло и электростанции выхлопные газы подвергаться очистке современные требования очистительные сооружения централизованное теплоснабжение промышленные сточные воды острота проблемы обработанный хлором система водоснабжения проветривать воздух системы отопления обработанная вода подавать пар по подземным трубам очищенная вода

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When designing a small home that is to be air-conditioned, many factor

Must be considered to achieve economical installation and low operating costs.

A system controlling the temperature, humidity and filtering of the air is adequate for home conditioning.

Units with very accurate controls, as used in industrial or large commercial

Installations are not required for small residence.

A house to be efficiently and economically air-conditioned should be

Designed so that the heat gain is as low as possible. This is achieved by proper orientation, location of glass areas, insulation and ventilation of roof. Natural elements such as trees, planting and water areas should be utilized to provide shade and cooling.

For the sake of economy and efficiency in the small home the central core

plan is often advised. The central service core has the following advantages:

Economical structure. 2. Grouped plumbing. 3. Efficient ductwork. 4. Flexibility of plan around core to utilize orientation.

The air conditioning unit should be located in the center of the plan to

minimize ductwork and insulation. Oversize units are as inefficient as undersized conditioning units. The proper unit that will operate steadily, rather than in surges of cooling periods, will provide better results, because between surges humidity builds up and destroys the comfort balance. Ideal interior humidity is 50%.

The cost and availability of electricity and water should be obtained to estimate operating costs of equipment. If supply of water is limited or expensive, conditioning systems with water saving devices are necessary.

1. consider 2. achieve 3. humidity 4. require 5. provide 6. advise 7. ductwork 8. flexibility 9. steadily 10. surge 11. build up 12. destroy 13. equipment 14. availability 15. obtain 16. estimate 17. expensive 18. necessary 1. учитывать 2. достигать, получать 3. влажность 4. требовать 5. обеспечивать 6. советовать 7. трубопровод 8. гибкость 9. постоянно 10. подъем, рост 11. создавать постепенно 12. разрушать 13. оборудование 14. наличие 15. получать 16. оценивать 17. дорогой 18. необходимый



I. К каждой данной паре слов вспомните русское слово с тем же корнем, что и английское:

1. economical 2. control 3. filter 4. adequate 5. accurate 6. commercial 7. residence 8. efficiently 9. efficiency 10. efficient экономичный контролировать фильтровать, процеживать соответствующий требованиям точный заводской жилье, дом рационально эффективность рациональный 11. design 12. orientation 13. natural 14. utilization 15. structure 16. minimize 17. conditioning 18. limit проектировать размещение, установка естественный использование сооружение, конструкция уменьшать кондиционирование ограничивать

II. Подберите соответствующий перевод из правого столбца к данным английским словам.

1. to be air conditioned увеличение тепла
2. economical installation точная регулировка
3. home conditioning Площадь застекления
4. accurate control водоизмерительные счетчики
5. commercial installation Текущие (эксплутационные) расходы
6. small residence Время охлаждения
7. heat gain проект с установкой оборудования в центре
8. glass area устройство меньше заданного размера
9. natural elements устройство кондиционирования воздуха
10. central core plan Проветривать
11. air conditioning unit Естественные (природные) элементы
12. oversize unit Уровень комфорта
13. undersize unit домашнее кондиционирование
14. cooling period небольшой жилой дом
15. comfort balance устройство больше заданного размера
16. operating costs 17. water saving device заводская установка экономичная установка

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Centralized water supply dates back to 2500 BC. Ancient Egypt had complex engineering structures for the purpose. Yet to this day the percentage of the population enjoying centralized water supply on the African continent and in Asia, too, is very low.

In our country, at the time of the Revolution of 1917, only one third of the towns had running water laid on, and, then, as a rule, only in the central part of the town. In the pre-war period of industrial development running water reached millions of flats all over the country. Water supply of the systems are practically all in the western and central parts of European Russia, were destroyed during the war and had to be built anew.

Fresh water shortage was first mentioned soon after the end of the Second World War. The first to feel the stint was Europe. The problem came to many as a complete surprise, something in the nature of an unexpected “catastrophe”. This catastrophe, however, should have been foreseen, for it follows logically from the development of human life on our planet and of Man’s industrial activity.

In the absence of centralized water supply, a man can do with about 25 litres of water a day for his various personal needs. But in the modern city water consumption per person is much higher. An average of 300 to 500 litres of water is spent daily on household and sanitary needs per one inhabitant of a modern city. You can see this vastly exceeds the necessary minimum of 25 litres. Why the discrepancy (difference)? Not because people leave their taps open. Because water is so abundant nobody thinks twice about taking a shower, or a bath, using the washing machine, washing the car, etc. The volume of water consumption is indicative not only of the efficiency of the water supply but also of the population’s living standards.

One need in water is growing. Simultaneously, the globe’s population is growing. In the past century the consumption of water by the world’s largest cities, such as Paris, London, Berlin and Moscow, has grown 80 to 100 times. During the famous heat wave of 1972 Moscow “drank” almost 5,000,000 cubic metres of water a day. This staggering figure seems to confirm the immediacy of the water dearth problem. In actual fact, however, the problem consists not so much in where to get pure water but in how to deliver it to where people need it.

1. date back 2. enjoy 3. low 4. lay on 5. pre-war 6. shortage 7. stint 8. complete 9. unexpected 10. foresee 11. follow 12. human 13. absence 14. various 15. consume (consumption) 16. average 17. spend 18. household 19. inhabitant 20. exceed 21. tap 22. abundant 23. be indicative 24. grow 25. globe 26. stagger 27. immediacy 28. deliver Относится зд. иметь низкий прокладывать довоенный нехватка, недостаток ограничение, предел; ограничивать полный неожиданный предвидеть следовать человеческий отсутствие различный потреблять (потребление) средний тратить семья житель превышать кран имеющийся в изобилии указывать, показывать расти, увеличиваться земной шар поражать, потрясать безотлагательность, неотложность доставлять


I. К каждой данной паре слов вспомните русское слово с тем же корнем, что и английское:


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