From Declaration to implementation: an organised follow-up structure and process. 

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From Declaration to implementation: an organised follow-up structure and process.

The 29 signatory countries committed to attain the Declaration's objectives will pursue the ways of intergovernmental cooperation, in collaboration with higher education institutions and associations. Ministers have agreed to meet again in Prague in May 2001, together with representatives from European higher education institutions and associations, in order to assess progress achieved and to agree on new steps to be taken.They have also established a specific follow-up structure with a mandate to prepare the Prague Conference and to facilitate and coordinate the action needed to advance the goals of the Bologna Declaration.

The follow-up structure is based on:

a ″consultative group" consisting of representatives of all signatory countries;a smaller "follow-up group" comprising the countries successively holding the EU Presidency in the 2 years from Bologna to Prague (Finland, Portugal, France, Sweden), the Czech Republic, the European Commission, CRE and the Confederation; in addition, since new political decisions may need to be taken in the process towards Prague, the follow-up to the Bologna Declaration will be on the agenda of meetings of EU education ministers. Follow-up work is in progress at the European, national and institutional level.

The Declaration states that the process of establishing a European space for higher education requires constant support, supervision and adaptation to continuously changing needs.

A series of surveys and studies are in progress at the initiative of the group of national contact persons of the signatory countries, the EU Presidency, the European Commission and higher education associations and networks. They deal with transnational education, accreditation, credit systems, quality assurance, etc., and serve as preparatory steps for the next stages in the process.

Signatory countries are considering or planning legislative reforms and /or governmental action in relevant areas of their higher education systems; convergent reformshave already been introduced or are in progress in several European countries. They signal a move towards shorter studies, 2-tier degree structures, credit systems, external evaluation, more autonomy coupled with more accountability. Another trend is towards the blurring of boundaries between the different constituent sub-sectors of higher education. Individual universities as well as higher education consortia, networks and associations are studying and discussing the implications of the Bologna process in their particular country, subject area, or type of institution.




adj. = adjective – имя прилагательное/ прикметник

adv. = adverb – наречие/ прислівник

pl. = plural – множественное число/ множина

pp. = past participle – причастие прошедшего времени/ дієприкметник

n. = noun – имя существительное/ іменник

v. = verb – глагол/ дієслово


attain (v) достигать, добиваться доходити, добиватися
assurance (n) заверение засвідчення
appeal (n) привлекательность, призыв привабливість, заклик
acquire (v) приобретать придбати
advance (v) выдвигать висувати
accountability (n) отчетность звітність
binding (adj) обязывающий забов'язуючий
blurring (adj) стирающий границы той, що стирає кордони
convergent (adj) сходящийся в одной точке той, що сходиться в одній точці
commitment (n) обязательство забов′язання
challenge (n) вызов виклик
compatible (adj) совместимый сумісний
cohesive (adj) цельный єдиний
coherent (adj) связный зв′язний
commit (v) выделять виділяти
couple (v) связывать зв'язувати
constituent (n) компонент компонент
disseminate (v) распространять розповсюджувати
dimension (n) аспект, измерение аспект, вимір
enhance (v) увеличивать збільшувати
elimination (n) ликвидация ліквідація
explicitly (adv) явно явно, очевидно
ensure (v) обеспечивать забезпечувати
facilitate (v) способствовать сприяти
genuinely (adv) искренне відверто
impose (v) налагать накладати
issue (n) суть, вопрос суть, проблема
implicitly (adv) безоговорочно пезперечно
mainstream (adj) господствующий пануючий
mandate (n) полномочие повноваження
obstacle (n) препятствие перешкода
pledge (n) обязательство забов'язання
pursue (v) преследовать, осуществлять переслідувати, здійснювати
readable (adj) разборчивый розбірливий, читкій
resolute (adj) твердо твердо
signatory (adj) подписавшая сторона підписуючи сторона
set out (v) излагать викладать
trainee (n) ученик учень
uniformisation (n) однородность однорідніс

2 Reading

2.1 Scanning. Look through the text and define whether your hypothesis is right. Compare the information from the text with your notes (1.1).


2.2 Skimming. Find in the text the answers to the questions you failed to respond before reading. Add the missing answers to the table (1.3).


2.3 Grammar. State the sense relations between words of the marked sentences by using the proposed algorithm in the Tips.



2.4 Lexis

2.4.1 Tick in the list (1.4) the words and expressions you realized after reading the text without dictionary. Write down their translation in the table and calculate the percentage of your ability to guess the meaning of the words from the context.

2.4.2 Find in the dictionary the words you could not translate. Write down their translation in the table (1.4) and calculate the percentage of new words you should learn.

2.5 Abstracting. Write an abstract using the algorithm proposed in the Tips.













Translate the abstract of the text in italics and write it down in the notes.


3 Summarizing


Review the text according to the proposed scheme and algorithm proposed in Tips







Main issues…………………………………………………...........................................................











Theoretical significance:………………………………………………………………………..…



Practical significance:………………………………………………………………………..……



3.2.1Resume the text in a few sentences


3.2.2 List the information you learnt in the table 1.2 Define the degree of self-descriptiveness.








4 Self-evaluation


4.1Complete the table


# Task Step Complexity VL (velocity) time in minutes EX (exhaustibility) number of tasks AC (accuracy) score Notes
Planned Used Planned Fulfilled Maximum Received
VL max VL i EX max EX i AC max AC i
  1.1   ***              
  1.2 ***              
  1.3 **              
  1.4 *              
  2.1 ***              
  2.2 **              
  2.3   **              
  2.4.1   ***              
  2.4.2 *              
  2.5   *              
  2.6   ***              
  3.1 *****              
  3.2.1 ****              
  3.2.2 ***              


4.2Indicate the results of calculation: VL ____; EX____; AC ____; PSE _____.


4.3Underline your grade: Grade A=120-160; Grade В=80-119; Grade С=40-79; Grade D=0-39.

Participation in academic discussion: “The Bologna declaration” (part 2)

1 Introduction

1.1. Read the text title and hypothesize what the text is about. Write down your hypothesis.


1.2 What do you know concerning this issue? List your ideas in the table left column “I know”.

I know that… I have learnt that…

1.3 Do you know answers to these questions? Write down your short answers in the space given after each question.

  What does the Bologna Declaration acknowledge, recognise and stress?
  What does the higher education community need to be able to tell Ministers in a convincing way?
  What do Confederation of EU Rectors′ Conferences and the Association of European Universities (CRE) plan to organise?
  How widely is a Europe of Knowledge recognised now?
  When and where was joint declaration of the European Ministers of Education convened?
  Which objectives can be considered of primary relevance in order to establish the European area of higher education system of higher education worldwide?
  When can those objectives be reached?


1.4 Circle in the list the words and expressions you know. Write down their translation in the table and calculate the percentage of your lexical competence.


  affirm     undertake  
  decade     pursue  
  adoption     promptly  
  readable     endeavour  
  relevant     convince  
  widespread     evolve  
  overcome     attain  
  assurance     curriculum  



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