Употребление модальных глаголов. Эквиваленты модальных глаголов 

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Употребление модальных глаголов. Эквиваленты модальных глаголов

Упражнение 1.

Вставьте в пропущенные места can или (be) able to. Используйте can, если возможно; в противном случае - (be) able to.

1. George has travelled a lot. He can speak four languages.

2. I haven’t been able to sleep very well recently.

3. Sandra _____________ drive but she hasn’t got a car.

4. I can’t understand Martin. I’ve never _________ understand him.

5. I used to ___________ stand on my head but I can’t do it now.

6. I can’t see you on Friday but I ______________ meet you on Saturday morning.

7. Ask Catherine about your problem. She might _______________ help you.



Упражнение 2.

Вставьте в пропущенные местаcould, couldn’t илиwas/were able to.

1. My grandfather was a very clever man. He could speak five languages.

2. I looked everywhere for the book but I couldn’t find it.

3. They didn’t want to come with us at first but we were able to persuade them.

4. Laura had hurt her leg and __________________ walk very well.

5. Sue wasn’t at home when I phoned but I _____________ contact her at her office.

6. Ilooked very carefully and I _________________ see a figure in the distance.

7. I wanted to buy some tomatoes. The first shop I went to didn’t have any but I ____________ get some in the next shop.

8. My grandmother loved music. She ______________ play the piano very well.

9. A girl fell into the river but fortunately we ____________ rescue her.

I had forgotten to bring my camera so I ____________ take any photographs.


Упражнение 3.

Прочитайте ситуации и используйте слова в скобках, чтобы составить предложения сmust have и can’t.

1. The phone rang but I didn’t hear it. (I / asleep) I must have been asleep.

2. Jane walked past me without speaking. (she / see / me) She can’t have seen me.

3. The jacket you bought is very good quality, (it / very expensive) ___________________________.

4. I haven’t seen the people next door for ages, (they / go away) ___________________________.

5. I can’t find my umbrella. (I / leave / it in the restaurant last night) ___________________________.

6. Don passed the exam without studying for it. (the exam / very difficult) ___________________________.

7. She knew everything about our plans, (she / listen / to our conversation) ___________________________.

8. Fiona did the opposite of what I asked her to do. (she / understand / what I said) ___________________________.

9. When I woke up this morning, the light was on. (I / forget / to turn it off) ___________________________.

10. The lights were red but the car didn’t stop, (the driver / see / the red light) ___________________________.

I was woken up in the middle of the night by the noise next door, (the neighbours / have / a party) ___________________________.


Упражнение 4.


Напишите предложения другим способом, используяmay или might.
1. Perhaps Margaret is in her office. She might be in her office.

2. Perhaps Margaret is busy. _______________________.

3. Perhaps she is working. _______________________.

4. Perhaps she wants to be alone. _______________________.

5. Perhaps she was ill yesterday. _______________________.

6. Perhaps she went home early. _______________________.

7. Perhaps she had to go home early. _______________________.

8. Perhaps she was working yesterday. _______________________.

В предложениях 9-11 используйтеmay not илиmight not.

9. Perhaps she doesn't want to see me. _______________________.

10. Perhaps she isn't working today. _______________________.

11. Perhaps she wasn't feeling well yesterday. _______________________.



Упражнение 5.

Прочтите ситуации и составьте предложения из слов в скобках.Используйтеmay или might.

1. I can’t find George anywhere. I wonder where he is.
a) (he / go / shopping) He may have gone shopping.
b) (he / play / tennis) He might be playing tennis.

2. I’m looking for Helen. Do you know where she is?
a) (she / watch / TV / in her room) _______________________.

b) (she / go / out) _______________________.

3. I can’t find my umbrella. Have you seen it?
a) (it / be / in the car) _______________________.

b) (you / leave / in the restaurant last night) _______________________.

4. Why didn’t Tom answer the doorbell? I’m sure he was in the house at the time.
a) (he / be / in the bath) _______________________.

b) (he / not / hear / the bell) _______________________.



Упражнение 6.

Завершите ситуации, используяmight not илиcouldn’t.

1. A: Do you think she saw you?

B: No, she was too far away. She couldn’t have seen me.

2. A: I wonder why she didn’t say hello. Perhaps she didn’t see me.
B: That’s possible. She might not have seen you.

3. A: I wonder why Ann didn’t come to the party. Perhaps she wasn’t invited,
В: Yes, it’s possible. She _______________________.

4. A: Tom loves parties. I’m sure he would have come to the party if he’d been invited.
B: I agree. He _______________________.

5. A: I wonder how the fire started. Do you think it was an accident?
B: No, the police say it _______________________.

6. A: How did the fire start? I suppose it was an accident.
B: Well, the police aren't sure. They say it ______________________.



Упражнение 7.

Вставьте в пропущенные местаmust или have to (в нужной форме).Иногда возможно использовать оба, а иногда толькоhave to.

1 It’s later than I thought. I must или have to go now.

2 Jack left before the end of the meeting. He had to go home early.

3 In Britain many children _____________ wear uniform when they go to school.

4 When you come to London again, you ____________ come and see us.

5 Last night Don became ill suddenly. We _____________ call a doctor.

6 You really __________ work harder if you want to pass the examination.

7 I’m afraid I can’t come tomorrow. I ______________ work late.

8 I’m sorry I couldn’t come yesterday. I ______________ work late.

9 Paul doesn’t like his new job. Sometimes he _______________ work at weekends.

10 Caroline may _____________ go away next week.

11 We couldn’t repair the car ourselves. We _____________ take it to a garage.

12 Julia wears glasses. She _____________ wear glasses since she was very young.



Упражнение 8.

Завершите предложения, используяdon't / doesn't / didn't have to + один из следующих глаголов: do, got up, go, go, pay, shave, wait, work

1 I’m not working tomorrow, so I don’t have to get up early.

2 The car park is free – you _________________ to park your car there.

3 I went to the bank this morning. There was no queue, so I ____________________.

4 Sally is extremely rich. She _______________________.

5 We’ve got plenty of time. We ________________________ yet.

6 Jack has got a beard, so he ________________________.

7 I’m not particularly busy. I've got a few things to do but I ___________________ them now.

8 A man was slightly injured in the accident but he _________________ hospital.



Упражнение 9.

Вставьте в пропущенные места mustn’t или don’t/doesn’t have to.

1 I don’t want anyone to know. You mustn’t tell anyone.

2 He doesn’t have to wear a suit to work but he usually does.

3 I can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I ____________ go to work.

4 Whatever you do, you _______________ touch that switch. It’s very dangerous.

5 There’s a lift in the building, so we ___________ climb the stairs.

6 You ________________ forget what I told you. It’s very important.

7 Sue __________________ get up early. She gets up early because she wants to.

8 Don’t make so much noise. We ____________ wake the baby.

9 I _____________ eat too much. I’m supposed to be on a diet.

10You ______________ be a good player to enjoy a game of tennis.


Упражнение 10.

Прочтите ситуации и составьте предложения сneedn’t have.

1. George went out. He took an umbrella because he thought it was going to rain. But it didn’t
rain. He needn’t have taken an umbrella.

2. Ann bought some eggs when she went shopping. When she got home, she found that she
already had plenty of eggs. She _______________________________________.

3. A friend got angry with you and shouted at you. You think this was unnecessary. Later you
say to him/her: You _______________________________________.

4. Brian had no money, so he sold his car. A few days later he won some money in a lottery.
He _______________________________________.

5. When we went on holiday, we took the camera with us but we didn’t use it in the end. _______________________________________.

6. I thought I was going to miss my train so I rushed to the station. But the train was late and in the end I had to wait 20 minutes. _______________________________________.



Урок 21.

Глаголы shall (should), will (would) как модальные. Выражение долженствования при помощи сочетания модальных глаголов с инфинитивом.


1. Для каждой ситуации напишите предложения с should или shouldn’t + одно из следующих:

go away for a few days; go to bed so late; look for another job;

put some pictures on the walls; take a photograph; use her car so much

1 (Liz needs a change.) She should go away for a few days.

2 (My salary is very low.) You ___________________________.

3 (Jack always has difficulty getting up.) He ___________________________.

4 (What a beautiful view!) You ___________________________.

5 (Sue drives everywhere. She never walks.) She ___________________________.

6 (Bill’s room isn’t very interesting.) ___________________________.

2. Прочтите ситуации и напишите предложения с I think / I don't think...should....

1 Peter and Judy are planning to get married. You think it’s a bad idea.
(get married) I don’t think they should get married.

2 You don’t like smoking, especially in restaurants.
(be banned) I think ___________________________.

3 I have a very bad cold but I plan to go out this evening. You don’t think this is a good idea.
You say to me: (go out) ___________________________.

4 You are fed up with the government. You think they have made too many mistakes.
(resign) ___________________________.


3. Вставьте в пропущенные места should (have) + глагол в скобках.

1 Margaret should pass the exam. She’s been studying very hard. (pass)

2 You missed a great party last night. You should have come. (come)

3 We don’t see you enough. You _______________ and see us more often. (come)

4 I’m in a difficult position. What do you think I _______________? (do)

5 I’m sorry that I didn't take your advice. I ___________________ what you said. (do)

6 I’m playing tennis with Jill tomorrow. She ___________________ - she’s much better than me. (win)

7 We lost the match but we ____________________. We were the better team. (win)

8 “Is John here yet?” “Not yet, but he ___________________ here soon.” (be)

9 I posted the letter three days ago, so it ___________________ by now. (arrive)

4. Переведите предложения на английский, обращая внимание на употребление модальных глаголов. (Иногда возможны больше одного варианта перевода).

1. Моя сестра умеет играть на скрипке.

2. Можно мне взять твою тетрадь?

3. Они не смогли купить билеты на поезд.

4. Ты сможешь прийти к нам?

5. Вы не должны выносить книги из библиотеки.(must)

6. Ты, должно быть, замёрз. Одень куртку.(must)

7. Уже поздно. Я должен идти домой.(have)

8. Ей не следовало брать ребёнка в ресторан. (should)

9. Вам стоит достать эту книгу.

10. Ты заешь, что делать. Тебе не нужен мой совет.



Урок 22.

Неличные формы глагола (НФГ). Причастие I (Participle I). Роль Participle I в предложении. Participle I в роли определения

Упражнение 1. Образуйте Participle I из следующих глаголов

To lead, to have, to laugh, to sit, to smile, to ride, to smell, to type, to delete, to escape, to rise, to distort, to check, to plan, to stress, to call, to mill, to love, to beat.



Упражнение 2. Переведите предложения, уделяя особое внимание причастию I в роли определения. Где возможно, дайте два варианта перевода: причастием и придаточным определительным предложе­нием.

Образец: Everybody taking part in the discussion agreed with the proposition – Все, принимавшие участие в обсуждении (кто принимал участие в обсуждении), согласились с этим предложе­нием.

1. Smiling girls are nice. 2. The girl smiling is my sister. 3. Who is the fat man sitting in the corner? 4. Most of the people singing were students. 5. This is an interesting idea. 6. All children wishing to compete may take part in the competition. 7. This is a new kind of self-winding watch. 8. We shall consider all the changes resulting from our actions. 9. The resulting effect was of no importance. 10. We shall refer to the articles dealing with the problem under consideration.



Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения, обращая особое внима­ние на причастие I в роли определения (можно два варианта).

1. Pride, the never-failing vice of fools (A. Pope). 2. Coming events cast their shadows before them. 3. What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies (Aristotle). 4. Another factor influencing the level of detail was the process requirements. 5. In this reaction we used common oxidizing and reducing agents. 6. I like the girl sitting on the right. 7. They published conflicting reports. 8. They did not consider factors not affect­ing the results. 9. We needed procedures not involving this compound. 10. You should control the following parameters. 11. The events following the war played an important role in the development of the firm.



Упражнение 4. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Мы рассмотрим несколько проблем, имеющих отно­шение (to deal with) к этому явлению. 2. Мы учли все определяющие (to determine) факторы. 3. Он упомянул один из факторов, определяющих скорость реакции. 4. Фильм, который последовал за лекцией (to follow), был неинтересный. 5. Последовавшие за конференцией собы­тия не имели особого значения. 6. Получившиеся (в ре­зультате этого) данные представляют некоторый интерес. 7. Данные, которые получаются в результате этих измене­ний, будут неправильными. 8. Мы рассмотрели факторы, приводящие к таким изменениям.



Урок 23.


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